Friday Ephemera (687)
Yes, but on the upside, it could’ve been vomit. || Careful now. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || On elephants. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || An archive of LEGO instruction booklets. (h/t, Things) || This guy here: “But I do love all people.” || Oh dear, how embarrassing. || Good to know, I guess. || He does this better than you do. || Best write it down because it will be on the test. || Bouncing booty. || Erotic scenes. || The thrill of Titter magazine, October 1945. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || “Is it as common an experience to feel like you have water on your wings?” || His name is Catherine. || Kissy face. || It’s a head–scratcher, a mystery to us all. || Hazards of the highway. || The Mechanical Monsters, 1941. || Makeover. || PIN of note. || The progressive retail experience, parts 483, 484, and 485. || Somewhat related. || And finally, though not for the squeamish, and NSFW, the thrill of phalloplasty.
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Well, Eva was a hit, why not Imelda?
That the smugly ignorant have likely never heard the word ‘venereal’ might factor into it also.
Dog and bigger dog.
More opportunities for “woke” outrage: ‘Venereal’ derives from ‘Venus’.
Radical feminists can object to associating a goddess with a disease.
Radical gay activists can object to any allusion to women.
Other “woke” activists can object to associating any single sex with disease.
And so on.
Gene Wilder, a true gentleman
Well, Eva was a hit, why not Imelda?
True, though Peron was a bit more well regarded, at least by her own countrymen and didn’t have to flee the country. OTOH, we could resurrect Rogers and Hammerstein and do a series – “Eva!” (the other one), or “Romanian Holiday” about Ceaușescu , the possibilities are nigh endless..
How about “Winnie – Mother of the Nation” as there are clearly no depths we are unwilling to plunge.
The Stompie Song should be an audience favourite.
Don’t know that one.
She had to do it you understand. For the country.
I believe the current madness stems from the loss of a moral compass. A society needs a system to order it, that says X is good and Y is forbidden, that certain things have value or are sacred and others do not. That some actions are moral and some are evil. It does not matter if this order is arbitrary as long as it exists. The Left, in the name of “tolerance” has waged war on all that for 70 yrs. We can no longer say that having sex outside marriage or gay sex is wrong, that being a drunk is wrong, that one should go to church (because we don’t believe in church), or that it is good to be charitable. Any restrictions or standards at all are to be overthrown. The environmental movement has made nature a sacred object so we are going to sacrifice civilization so that nature will be happy and protected. The Left invokes oppression to destigmatize minority crime and lack of work ethic–almost made them another sacred object. The only thing moral most people can find is to rage against oppression, even if they have to rail against imaginary oppression. All this leads to completely unhinged ranting and behavior. It is drowning people grabbing anything to stay afloat.
Ah, thanks. I knew about the incident, just not the names of the victims.
Later, when South Africa has finished destroying its industry and infrastructure and the populace are starving, there will be a different sort of song being sung.
Who’s next?
Meanwhile in Wales…
No need to apologize–except for the small portions.
Late night TV advertisement in the year 2270.
Wow, and they say the younger generations aren’t clever and inventive – check this life hack this young mom just came up with so you don’t have to throw away uneaten food.
Next thing you know one of them will come up with a reusable container – probably call it Supperware or something.
Sentenced for creating “upskirt” videos: Big supporter of new gender identity law. Committee Secretary for Japan’s Communist Party Wataru Onishi.
Did his trial defense mention “from each according to her ability, to each according to his need”?
Will she be wearing a necklace?
Paganism 2.0
Been slacking off as of late.
Civilisational dementia.
I see what you did there.
An atypical life hack: She’s not nearly naked and wiggling her boobies.
Calls to mind a Harlan Ellison story title: “The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World’. With the added irony that Ellison professed to Care Deeply About Everyone but was impossible to get along with and could be violent.
DO NOT suggest that it’s the culture. Do not. Do not.
I expect some decadence with my civilisational decline.
“probably call it Supperware or something.”
Ah. From the Malumbo tribe?
“Will she be wearing a necklace?”
Firestone? Goodyear?
A strike of note.
pst314: “DO NOT suggest that it’s the culture. Do not. Do not.“
Jesus, it’s not often I’m rendered speechless these days, but…
*bangs head on desk*
Well, quite. And the resulting contradictions – and the determination to avoid acknowledging obvious variables – can offer no hope of a solution or any significant improvement. Instead, we get the habitual displacement of responsibility and lots of pretentious hand-wringing.
As I said in the linked thread,
And if members of a Designated Victim Group dare to suggest that actually they aren’t being oppressed, then Those Who Claim To Speak On Their Behalf can get remarkably peevish.
It reminded me of a report cited approvingly by Peter Matthews in the Guardian, on the supposed phenomenon of litter inequality and the need to “achieve fairer outcomes in street cleanliness,” and which avoided any acknowledgement whatsoever of behaviour, of how the litter actually gets there.
It’s quite the mental dance.
“It’s quite the mental dance. “
“You can dance if you want to…”
In this case, it’s Men Without Heads–or Souls.
check this life hack this young mom just came up
Let’s see, she might be, what, mid 20s? Mom would be about mid-50s & grandma pushing 80.
What the hell happened that a child born/raised during WWII would have never encountered leftovers OR passed that ‘life hack’ down to her kids and grandkids?
It may be a little thing, but it bugs me. Just like when I encounter people who can’t sew on a button or have no clue what “darning a sock” means.
Or Men Without Chests. More to the root of the problem.
What do they think Tupperware* is for?
*Other brands are available.
Form an orderly line.
“Portland has long boasted the title of America’s strippiest metropolitan area.”
Messrs. Lovejoy and Pettygrove would be proud, I’m sure.
(Wikipedia: “Each desired to name the area after his hometown. Pettygrove, from Portland, Maine, won the toss, and the town site became known as Portland, Oregon.” Close call. It might have been Groton, after Lovejoy’s birthplace in Massachusetts. Which I’m sure is a lovely spot, but I think they made the right choice there. Although with hindsight, perhaps not founding the place at all might have been for the best in the long run.)
When I hear about food banks and people not being able to afford to eat, I’ve often suspected that it has more to do with a lack of… organisational planning, let’s say… than of money. Filing this under E for “evidence”.
Dawn Butler MP earlier this month:
Meanwhile in Scotland:
Maybe “clown world” needs some kind of update.
Perhaps “Clown Empire”, “The New Clown Order” or “The Clown Regime”?
What are they?
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Thank you.
When I hear about food banks and people not being able to afford to eat, I’ve often suspected that it has more to do with a lack of… organisational planning, let’s say… than of money
Ditto “food deserts”. A little bit of planning and one can eat well and nutritiously, too, but basic food one has to actually cook – not nuke in the microwave or open a bag of chips – is just not sexy.
To the egress.
[ Fiddles with wpDiscuz settings. ]
The fish are biting.
Must you laugh quite so loudly, madam?
Form an orderly line.
Pillow? That would make a bean bag chair feel inadequate.
Guy sports.