Elsewhere (200)
Rachelle Peterson on the ugly racial dogma of Black Lives Matter:
A major claim shared by most of the participants at Black Lives Matter 101 is that the black “lived experience” is impenetrable to non-blacks. The “narrative” is closed off and inaccessible to any who has not lived it, which means, by definition, all “whites.” According to these pronouncements, [non-black people] are inadvertent racists if they attempt to affirm black culture because they will inevitably present it as one-dimensional. And they are racists pure and simple if they do not affirm black culture in exactly the ways the Black Lives Matter activists prescribe. It is racism either way, and racism all the way down. […]
The spokesmen at Black Lives Matter 101 gave voice to what would quickly be recognised in any other context as claims of racial exclusivity. They were not shy about this or worried that it would undermine their larger claims. But, in fact, this view does undermine their larger claims. Their eagerness to take racial categorizations as fundamental, unalterable, and essentially “true,” contradicts their sense that racism is unjust and wrong. Replacing one form of racism with another takes us no closer to a fair and just society… What is the use of protesting racism by affirming an intrinsic all-powerful racial identity?
And yes, there’s video of the gathering in question. Though to get through it, you may need a handy canister of nitrous oxide.
Heather Mac Donald on the Great Mao-ling Psychodrama:
My personal favourite in this tsunami of self-pity comes from Princeton’s put-upon minority students, who proclaimed that they were “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” a phrase first used by Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil rights activist who had picked cotton as a child on a Mississippi plantation and who was beaten for trying to vote. Can we have a reality check here? Every American college student today, no matter his race or gender, is among the most privileged individuals in human history. Millions of Chinese students are at this very moment studying their butts off in the hope of gaining access to the intellectual resources that American students take for granted. And being a Princeton or Yale student bears no resemblance – need I really say this? – to being a sharecropper in the Jim Crow South.
Meanwhile, at Dartmouth College, merely suggesting that the lives of police officers matter too can result in indignation, vandalism and organised efforts to intimidate. Note which party college administrators are frightened of upsetting and willing to indulge with double standards, and note the somewhat creepy tactics of those who feel entitled to dictate the range of opinions and facts that may be expressed. Apparently, remembering police officers killed in the line of duty is nothing more than “white supremacist bullshit” and an act of “violence.”
Feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
The spokesmen at Black Lives Matter 101 gave voice to what would quickly be recognised in any other context as claims of racial exclusivity. They were not shy about this
I’m confused. Are they *trying* to convince me that racial segregation is the way to go? ‘Cos that’s what I’m getting from them.
‘Cos that’s what I’m getting from them.
It is all a tad incoherent and faintly depressing. I made a valiant effort to watch the whole video but I started losing the will to live shortly after the claims that “black Twitter” was being “colonised” due to supportive tweets by white devils.
Conor, this is simply the wedge being used to break up social cohesion. Same as the LGBT. Demonstrations do not happen spontaneously.
Re: the Heather MacDonald piece. As we’ve said before, this happens when you allow people who shouldn’t be at University to attend one. Jonathan Haidt found a 1969 article which predicted all this.
I have been wondering why the uni administrations allow these useless faculties and the clowns they attract. It must be that they saw a gap in the market of people who wouldn’t/couldn’t do a real degree but wanted one. These poor people would be willing to pay tens-of-thousands a year, if only they could go to uni.
I think it is a bit immoral of the unis to do this, knowing these students will graduate with huge debts they probably won’t be able to pay off, with a degree that is worse than useless because not only did they not learn anything it also screams “don’t hire me!” The uni has the money at this point, and the clown has gone and is no longer their problem, so they win.
For some reason clowns-to-be never seem to see/hear the lamentation of the women who graduate and can’t get a job or pay their debt and think “maybe I’ll try STEM or nursing or teaching or anything with a hope of being useful.”
I think one way to attack this would be a law that somehow indexes the amount someone can borrow in a student loan to the expected earning power of graduates of the degree. Then people doing useful degrees (or law) can borrow enough to get through as they’ll probably pay it back, and xxx studies students can borrow 2c, so can’t go, and the faculty will collapse.
a law that somehow indexes the amount someone can borrow in a student loan to the expected earning power of graduates of the degree.
We have too many laws as it is. A better approach, IMO, would be to allow student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy. No Federal guarantee (not sure if that’s the same issue or just closely related) would also help. Let lenders decide for themselves, at their own risks, whether they’ll finance a student’s college career or not.
With no guarantee that the taxpayer will reimburse them for their poor investment choices, lenders would likely be far more circumspect regarding which applicants they chose to support.
A Black Lives Matter quote from the Peterson piece:
Posting Blue Lives Matter reproduces the idea that All lives matter, again intensifying the violence against people of color. Invalidating individual realities.
Left unexplained is how the word “all” precludes “individual realities,” inasmuch as individuals are contained within the “all.”
@David Taylor,
Of course the system is immoral, but that’s beside the point. The purpose is to foment grievance. How better to do that than to seduce young people into borrowing too much money to buy something of no utility, thereby creating a person who’s likely to be a ward of the state and easily led by anyone willing to stoke the fires of their ostensible “oppression.”
Jonathan Haidt found a 1969 article which predicted all this.
Absolutely. The quoted passage says it all. But the likely consequences of grossly lowering standards for certain racial groups – which are now all too apparent – should have been pretty obvious at the time to anyone paying attention.
If a university is so determined to have more students with brown skin that it admits students with significantly lower SAT scores than is usually acceptable, and significantly lower IQs, by around one standard deviation or 15 IQ points, sometimes more, then problems will inevitably arise. As Heather Mac Donald pointed out, the supposed beneficiaries of “affirmative action” tend not to be unrecognised geniuses from poor backgrounds, but mediocre students from fairly middle-class backgrounds, and a common result of throwing mediocre students into a situation for which they’re neither prepared nor suited is failure, frustration, dropping out, crippling debt, and ultimately resentment.
As noted here recently, it’s hard to avoid the suspicion that the left’s cultivation of identitarian tribalism, its vast and growing “diversity” bureaucracy, is actually intended to perpetuate and exacerbate racial disaffection, and with it an exploitable sense of grievance, thereby justifying even more spending, more coercion, and the employment of more hustlers, ideologues and mediocrities just like themselves.
I’ve quoted this by John Ellis before, but it bears repetition:
It’s the Long March in action. And it’s despicable.
Amazing foresight by Judge Fleming. What an extraordinary document.
I tried sitting through the video. I pathetically gave up around the time of being told how wonderful Linda Sarsour is. I beg to differ on that.
“And it’s despicable.” Yes. It is.
@R Sherman, but why would sensible uni administrations want to foster grievance? I don’t mean the people in the faculty, I mean the dean of the uni or whatever.
@jabrwok, I didn’t know the state was a loan guarantor… your idea is better.
Yes. It is.
By extending a 15+ IQ point admissions cheat to certain groups based purely on their pigmentation, the system all but ensures that other, more capable students will get an unflattering impression of the supposed beneficiaries, who will tend to be at the bottom of every class. And who then either drop out or change majors to less demanding subjects – often Angry Studies – and who may still find themselves struggling, frustrated and resentful. It’s like expecting ‘C’ stream high school students to cope with ‘A’ stream work and then acting mystified when the inevitable happens. Except that in a university situation the alienation and humiliation are compounded by massive debt.
It’s not just stupid, it’s cruel.
They’re up against enormous competition for the title, but the higher education system is the most corrupt institution in contemporary life.
@jabrwok, I didn’t know the state was a loan guarantor… your idea is better.
That’s my understanding. A quick Google search indicates that the Federally guaranteed student loans were ended in 2010 for new loans, though apparently the Dept. of Ed. still offers direct loans, which presumably places the burdens of default on the taxpayers.
I may have to research this aspect of the issue in more depth.
Personally, I’d prefer that the government get out of the education business altogether. Alas, while I have both a pen and a phone, I have no sycophantic press nor a spineless Congress to allow me to dictate Federal policy, so my prescriptions are unlikely to be enacted:-(.
“It’s not just stupid, it’s cruel.”
Well, yes.
Having been someone who, when I arrived in secondary school, was streamed for Maths(I was in the lowest division), it would have been impossible for me to cope if I’d been put into a higher division for some reason other than merit. My best friend was, entirely mistakenly, put into the same division as me, and then went on to be so obviously much more able that the school realized they had made a clerical error and very swiftly put her into the top division. Where she flourished at the right level.
It was just common sense.
Anything else would have been pointless. And no one would have been helped to learn.
“By extending a 15+ IQ point admissions cheat to certain groups based purely on their pigmentation”
Let me ask a contentious question: If reputable sources such as Charles Murray’s “The Bell Curve” highlight that there is a demonstrable differential in IQ between racial groups, then the only way these groups can be equal is to take IQ discrimination e.g. by exam out of the equation.
At this point, does education have any role? By pursuing an equality agenda (and explicitly an equality of outcome) how are we not setting up blacks in general to fail? If so what is the alternative?
As a side note – I like to draw the metaphor as follows: My mate is charming and good looking, I am awkward and ugly. From an equality standpoint, do I get some of his pussy? Who’s is going to force the girls in question?
But universities have operated in this don’t-give-a-damn-about-the-student mode for decades. I would say about 1/4 of the professors I had in college had little to zero interest in teaching. Some would relish their role in weed-out courses and such. Some where damn near sadistic. And as a student, thus a customer, you are paying for this. Unless you have some taxpayer subsidizing your loans, of course. I am in no way saying that education must be soft. People are there to learn and the degree they earn should reflect a strict standard, hopefully rather rigid over time. But the purpose of an educational institution is to educate, not play goalie to keep competition down in an attempt to protect certain professions. One way to spot a con is when the “sales” man tries to intimidate the customer.
Again, not opposed to tough standards. In Navy Seal school, when they say “look to your left, right, front, and back. At the end of this course none of those people will be here”, that is different. The Seals still do have a vested interest in producing as much product as they can, even those that don’t make it are improved. Universities, not so much. Especially when you consider how many weak candidates they let in in the first place.
Never mind minorities, ‘educating’ vast numbers of young people beyond their level of intelligence by admitting them to often worthless university courses will lead to them having unrealistic expectations and becoming resentful.
The attempts by leftist academics to excuse the shortcomings of many affirmative action students can be quite bizarre.
As when Riyad A Shahjahan, supposedly an expert in “social justice theory” and “pedagogies of dissent,” claimed that we must “disrupt Eurocentric notions of time” and challenge “colonial binaries such as superior/inferior.” Apparently, this “disruption” of scheduling and abandonment of grading must be done to spare the feelings of students who struggle to complete course work on time and to an acceptable standard. We must, he says, “dislodge higher education from neoliberal personhood” and liberate ourselves from “the temporal colonisation of our bodies.” Because expectations of punctuality and attentiveness in class are terribly oppressive and unfair.
I swear to God I’m not making this up.
This is called “circling the drain”. I have never lived in a country that actually failed, but I have a feeling I will get to experience it first hand during my lifetime. Oh joy. I guess I could move to Venezuela to hurry the process along, but it’s coming to Canada; a bright shining road paved with intentions, and we are almost there.
“It’s only May, but I think I’ve found the euphemism of the year: According to Team Obama, criminals should now be declared “justice-involved individuals.””
Black Lives Matter is starting to look a lot like Stormfront.
@David Taylor
In order to create another reliably left-wing constituency is the reason. Add in the bushels of cash paid as Dangerous by private donors to subsidize the grievance studies industry and ever-increasing tuition financed by student loans to the aggrieved and the motive becomes clear.
Black Lives Matter is starting to look a lot like Stormfront.
But according to Dartmouth’s vice provost for student affairs, we’re supposed to regard this kind of behaviour as “a wonderful, beautiful thing.”
Didn’t you get the memo?
Jonathan Haidt found a 1969 article which predicted all this.
The letter from Judge Fleming in response to the imposition of a 10% quota of black students to Yale’s Law school is remarkable, so thanks for the link, Jonathan.
But there’s one small point I’d like to add that wasn’t mentioned in Haidt’s piece and it concerns this line here:
To achieve this goal, Yale had just admitted 43 black students, only five of whom had qualified under their normal standards.
Where does this leave the five out of those 43 that had actually achieved the desirable standard?
Just do what I do: laugh and say “Oh, now y’alls is just trippin’.” in a heavy black accent.
Works every time. They have no response programmed.
Where does this leave the five out of those 43 that had actually achieved the desirable standard?
Feeling cheated?
to replace one form of racism with another takes us no closer to a fair and just society…
A FAIR AND JUST SOCIETY means that the ruling class has successfully subjugated it’s citizenry and can claim anything they want.
I will take radical segregation anytime at all. That has served us well for thousands of years. It is how we got bordered countries in the first place.
Face it … people don’t like people who are very different from them. LIKES ATTRACT, It’s human nature. Stop fighting it.
it’s coming to Canada; a bright shining road paved with intentions, and we are almost there.
I’m fairly certain we’re going to see Cormac McCarthy’s The Road levels of societal collapse in my lifetime, and I’m not a young man any more.
I’m fairly certain we’re going to see Cormac McCarthy’s The Road levels of societal collapse in my lifetime,
[ Peers out of open window at tweeting birds, bouncy squirrels and sunny Spring afternoon. Remains, defiantly, in a good mood. ]
Where does this leave the five out of those 43 that had actually achieved the desirable standard?

Like this…
re @ Robert of Ottawa:
You are right. Demonstrations aren’t spontaneous, because demonstrations are always by the people already with power or supported/facilitated by people already in power.
The other day someone, following recent EUSSR’s police assaults on “right-wing” demonstrations against the muslimvasion, was bold enough to ask when was the last time we used water cannon on a muslim demonstration? We can only conclude then that “right-wing” means the government did not approve but happily approves of our newly-inserted friends demonstrating against the west.
If this was fiction, it would be laughable. Instead reality isn’t anything to laugh about it would appear.
Where does this leave the five out of those 43 that had actually achieved the desirable standard?
Easy. Their success will always be tainted; wherever they go, whatever they apply to, will always be the question if they really were successful on their own.
If they are successful, and they not only succeed but then publicly urge others to the principles of hard study, responsibility and perseverance in face of adversity while eschewing race-based quotas for just the reasons as outline, they will be denounced as Uncle Toms, inauthentic, race-traitors and, of course, too stupid to have really made it on their own.
see: Clarence Thomas
Meanwhile, behold the glories of a socialist utopia!
Links & Snippets, eh ?
Trees are racist.
A blast from the past: Federal court rules that failure to castrate inmate is “cruel and unusual” punishment.
Meanwhile, behold the glories of a socialist utopia!
Also behold more glories of a socialist utopia !
Meanwhile, behold the glories of a socialist utopia!
But the Guardian said Venezuela was going to do just fine.
But the Guardian said Venezuela was going to do just fine.
I remember in the 80s they told us ad nauseam that Cuba had the bestest eye surgeons that ever there were, thanks to the wonders of socialism.
Now I’m grumpy and middle-aged, there’s just a little sceptical part of me that wonders if that was entirely true. But they wouldn’t lie, would they?
Mickey Fearn. . .claimed that black people don’t visit national parks because they associate them with slaves being lynched by their masters.
The Civil War and slavery ended in 1865. The first national park (Yellowstone in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho) was established in 1872. The first four National Battlefields (all commemorating Union victories during the Civil War) were established in 1890. The first National Monument (Devils Tower, Wyoming) was established in 1906. The National Park service was established in 1916.
But of course, we shouldn’t let actual, you know, facts get in the way of imaginary grievances.
Aside: If anybody’s got a right to be pissed about national parks, it’s the Plains Indians. Devils Tower is sacred to most of the Plains tribes, but it doesn’t keep them from showing up there for ceremonial purposes, hordes of “Wais’chu” visitors notwithstanding.
I have come to an understanding regarding Preference For Black People. There should be a recognition to not provide any Athletics Scholerships to Young Black People who have scientifically/medically confirmed to have Extra Quadraceps.
Naturally this is particularly important in Track & Field Events; Football; Soccer; Baseball; Hockey; Swimming; Tennis; and probably several Atheletic Activities I have not mentioned.
I do not know if the Extra Quadracep situation will provide an advantage to Black People in Activities such as Archery; Polo; Sking-Down Hill-maybe?
However; Slalom-both Snow & Water; SnowBoarding; Sailing; Mountain Climbing; may already exclude Black People, because many have an extra Quadracep muscle. I rarely see participation of Black People in these Outdoor Activities.
Apparently Golf is ignoring the probable advantage of Black People over Caucasian People (both Light Skin Colour & Several different Shades of Brown-including Very). Presumablythe Quadracep advantage is also ignored as well as Oriental and North American & Australian early Immigrants to their respective Continents.
Basketball; must be a Special Situation. Possibly the Extra Qudracep is not prevalent in Black People, who through coercion in procreation during the 17th-18th and 19th centuries in North America are over-represented in this Athletic Activity because of Height advantage.
I do not spend much viewing time of Billiards/Chess/Checkers/Card Games/Tiddly-Winks–et al and therefore will hold back any comments regarding whether Black People have a definite advantage regarding these activities.
Regarding “Blue Lives Matter” I wholly support any Black People who may or may not have the advantage of an Extra Quadrecep Muscle in the performance of their Brave Service to the Social Contract.
What I do not support are any People or Organizations who use any Characteristic which may be perceived and/or understood to be different than the People who share the same Social Contract.
Why aren’t universities seen as simple commodity (in this case, service) providers. You pay for a course, you take it. You are only credited for the course if you pass it. Anyone who wants to take a course may do so. No admission test needed. I don’t take a test to buy a pair of pants, do I? Why should I require credentials if I buy an academic course.
As far as student loans, why do we have them? Why aren’t usual loans sufficient?
David, you should write a book. You’ve been at this for so long now, that your posts pretty much give you an outline. One chapter on cultural, one on education, one on politics, and so on. You can publish first drafts of a chapter here on your blog and get great feedback. I bet you’d make ore money than you get now with the pay pal button.
And just think of all the fun you’ll have on the book tour — students shouting at you, protesters outside the door, flyers calling you a … (deep breath) … cis-gendered, transphobic, mysoginist, ablest pig. And so on.
“Black Lives Matter is starting to look a lot like Stormfront.”
A significant fraction of black Americans have degenerated to the same level as the Nazis who operated death camps. These black people would enthusiastically do the same here in America. Yes, they really are that evil.
“As we’ve said before, this happens when you allow people who shouldn’t be at University to attend one.”
More than that: These people believe that it is a racial injustice for a white victim of even the most extreme black violence to shoot and kill their attacker. Such people not only do not belong at university, they do not belong anywhere.
Video games are probably not the largest area of interest around here. However, it’s becoming (yet) another area that PC warriors and SJWs as well as parasitic artists are taking over. There’s a picture of an article by a woman named Patricia Hernandez that I think’s a fake because I can’t find the original, however, just look at some of the stuff she does actually write.
The part that really freaks me out is the last bit.
“I can’t help but ask myself, then. Who really won that match? Me, who completed the objectives successfully? Or them, who, despite as hard as I tried, made me complicit in the rape culture that has taken so much away from me?”
Holy shit. They were probably just kids playing a game. They didn’t make her advance the cause of rape, they were having fun shooting pretend guns! It worries me that one can so easily ascribe vile attributes to people they don’t know and who’re just playing a game. She actually hates them, it’s weird.
…however, just look at some of the stuff she does actually write.
Regarding the whole thing she wrote, (cough)bullcrap(cough). Never happened.
The ghosts of Jim Crow smile from beyond the grave…
Allan, yeah they are trying to make inroads into shaming gamers into submission but we are a hardy lot used to a lifetime of being ostracized by people for no particularly good reason. Really pissing off the SJWs.
they are trying to make inroads into shaming gamers into submission..
Well, they’ll never shame *gamers* themselves – the game=players don’t give a fuck what the SJWs think, and never will. They are really trying to shame the game developers into kowtowing to them – the problem, though, is that the developers are in a commercial space. The games the SJWs would like to see developed will sell (at a rough guess) twelve copies. The result is that the developers who kowtow will go broke – and they all know that.
“Well, they’ll never shame *gamers* themselves – the game=players don’t give a fuck what the SJWs think, and never will. They are really trying to shame the game developers into kowtowing to them – the problem, though, is that the developers are in a commercial space. The games the SJWs would like to see developed will sell (at a rough guess) twelve copies. The result is that the developers who kowtow will go broke – and they all know that.”
I’m worried it doesn’t quite work this way. The majority of the large gaming websites have a strong SJW bent.I think it’s already putting pressure on developers to bend and make concessions in games that have a strong base. Does this mean that I have to stop buying good games to show developers I’m not interested in SJW bullshit?
“From an equality standpoint, do I get some of his pussy?”
Are you equally “wealthy”?
David, you should write a book… I bet you’d make more money
I think you wildly overestimate the level of income such books typically generate. They often function as a loss-making promotional tool for a wider media career, if you want to be a pundit, a personality. Which sounds revolting.
And just think of all the fun you’ll have on the book tour — students shouting at you, protesters outside the door,
You’re really not selling the idea.
You’ve been at this for so long now,
That I can’t argue with. Nine years and counting.
Heather Mac Donald on transgenderism, elite piety, and the contortions of modern feminism:
Coherence is presumably a patriarchal construct.
David, you should write a book… I bet you’d make more money
I think you wildly overestimate the level of income such books typically generate.
The real money is in films.
I dare you. No, double dare you, to make it into a film.
Or, “Social justice,” level 3.
re Social justice, level 3,
I’m usually not the one to notice, but shouldn’t that read “Who was eaten by whom“?
I’m usually not the one to notice, but shouldn’t that read “Who was eaten by whom”?
Well spotted. How anyone capable of such a grammatical infelicity has the nerve to criticise a bit of didactic anthropophagy is beyond me.
Well spotted. How anyone capable of such a grammatical infelicity has the nerve to criticise a bit of didactic anthropophagy is beyond me.
Thread winner. Take a couple of “attaboys” out of petty cash.
Or, “Social justice,” level 3.
Do students even learn about Maoism now? Or do they just pick it up naturally?
didactic anthropophagy
Now there’s a phrase I didn’t see coming.
“what happened during the Cultural Revolution”
I am not sure which horrifies me more: That I know people who applauded and applaud the Cultural Revolution, and that I know people who, while not themselves cheering it, nonetheless are not shocked and disgusted at those who do.
Do students even learn about Maoism now? Or do they just pick it up naturally?

I still have no idea whether the student pictured below has any awareness of the event to which she refers.
Either way, it’s hardly encouraging.
Given that Bernie Sanders seems to be advocating for both a “Cultural Revolution” and a “Great Leap Forward,” I think it’s time to heed Kurt Schlichter’s advice: Buy more ammo.
Yet another Hate Crime that wasn’t. No charges to be brought against the false accuser.
“I still have no idea whether the student pictured below has any awareness of the event to which she refers.”
The ones I knew in the 70’s and 80’s and 90’s knew very well what Mao did, and approved.
They are now teaching our children.
Nah. Just look at that vacant expression. Dat is one ignorant, spoiled child.
Oh look, and she is surrounded by others.
The “aren’t I cute and smiley and advocating nice fluffy things because I’m on the side of the angels and all kind-hearted, right-thinking folk” smile to camera is also a giveaway that she knows FUCK ALL.
And… breathe.
Now there’s a phrase I didn’t see coming.
One of the reasons I like this joint.
By extending a 15+ IQ point admissions cheat to certain groups based purely on their pigmentation, the system all but ensures that other, more capable students will get an unflattering impression of the supposed beneficiaries, who will tend to be at the bottom of every class.
When I taught Spanish at an Ivy in the 1990s, the black students that I had were either at the tip-top of the class or the very bottom.
The ones at the bottom had urban accents; the ones at the top did not. So yeah, the other students could tell who got there on merit and who got a boost up.
In one of my all-white classes (10-15 class sizes), the kids once voiced resentment at the all-black dormitories and all the self-segregation. Not because it “wasn’t fair” but because they didn’t understand why the black kids had to be socially stand-offish and isolated so that the white kids couldn’t get to know them.
Thereby making it easier to call them “racists” for not having non-white friends, I guess. If the black kids actually did mix with the white kids at the dorm-room level, racial harmony might actually break out.
And they can’t have THAT.
“Today our freedom of speech was violated by our fellow students while the administration stood idly by. We spent three weeks getting our poster remembering fallen men and women of law enforcement approved through the proper administrative channels. Almost as soon as it was posted in the Collis Center for Student Involvement, it was torn down and replaced with Black Lives Matter posters. Parkhurst was unwilling to remove the posters as it was afraid of taking a political stance. There is, however, nothing political about standing up for freedom of speech, our First Amendment right.”
There WERE black lives among the police lives being remembered.
BLM WOULD eat their own children.
When the wrong kind of black person speaks on campus.
“Science Mike” is now blocking like crazy.
“Science Mike” is now blocking like crazy.
Heh. Identity politics stupefies so quickly.
“Science Mike” is now blocking like crazy.
Tom Owolade is given the perfect response to Mike.
Tom Owolade is given the perfect response to Mike.
Heh. Absolutely. You have to wonder how these people miss the obvious implication of their own statements – i.e., that the way to respect someone is to treat them as emotionally unstable, mentally incompetent and generally inferior. Based on their melanin levels.
Based on their melanin levels.
Perhaps we could just form two new species, Homo pigmentus, and Homo pallidus, the whole sapiens ship is down by the bow and sinking fast.
“Science Mike” seems to think that brown people, all of them, are a special needs minority, and that those special needs include perpetual deference for fear they might explode or burst into tears.
“You have to wonder how these people miss the obvious implication of their own statements”
Especially ironic coming from a person who calls himself “Science Mike”.
When the wrong kind of black person speaks on campus.
Heaven forbid, a black person–conceived via a rape, but whose mother chose to allow him to exist–merely recites certain uncomfortable truths, i.e. that Planned Parenthood was founded by a white woman for the express purpose of diminishing/eliminating social “undesireables,” a category that included virtually all American blacks, and that a disproportionate number of PP “clinics” find themselves in or near poor black neighborhoods.
In short, Mr. Bomberger is living proof that the Left’s sacrament of abortion is a lie and that the young Mao-lings have been duped. No wonder the only response they can come up with is an endless series of curse words. The alternative is too traumatic for them to consider.
BLM = Alinsky meets racial vitimhood culture. It will die out like the panthers and other militant/criminal cults before it.
Somewhat related. If it smells like a cult, maybe it is.
Presented for your consideration…the person venerated on today’s Google doodle/wtf it’s called, one Yuri Kochiyama. From Wikipedia:
WTF is with these Google people? I thought one of the Google guys was born under communism?
“But they wouldn’t lie, would they?” Trevor
I was just coming to comment on the Google doodle, but thankfully WTP beat me to it.
I guess being a leftist activist is inherently noble and praiseworhty, regardless of support for mass murderer. Thanks, Google.
Yes, FP…what surprised me most about that was there it was right out there in front of God and everybody and I only ran across it when I went to the Google page to search at 10:30 this morning. Heard nothing about it, saw nothing on blogs, no outrage, nothing. This person was an open admirer of some of the greatest murderers and oppressors of the 20th century and she is praised for her work for as a “human rights advocate”. And to this point I see nothing in the MSM about this. Just now searching the most outrageous thing I find is outrage about the very outrage I see very little of. The first hit I see addressing anything controversial:
Of course, being a good Asian American. Because internment camp, of course. Where’s the outrage about the internment camp that is Cuba, the internment camp that is North Korea, the internment camp under Pol Pot, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.? It’s like living in the Twilight Zone.
Social justice, level 3
WTF is with these Google people?
I wonder, did they Google-doodle the 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution? Judging by past behavior, I could imagine them doing that. I don’t use Google anymore, so I wouldn’t know.
Especially ironic coming from a person who calls himself “Science Mike”.
Most scientists specialise, so are “chemists” or “agronomists” or whatever. Just as policemen call themselves “police” and don’t lump themselves in with other law enforcement agents. I did a science degree, and for a while even had the word “scientist” in my job title, but I don’t think I ever described myself as “a scientist”. It would imply knowing rather more than I do.
Using the word “science” used like that is a red flag. It is virtue signalling that you are clever and wise and on the side of the angels. In the same way as “sceptic” when not prefaced by what you are sceptic about (and indeed I see that Science Mike does in fact describe himself as “skeptical”. Why not just call himself “Wise and Thoughtful Mike” and be done with it?
Why not just call himself “Wise and Thoughtful Mike” and be done with it?
Too many words, and equally inaccurate.
As mentioned above, the SJWs are not having much impact on gamers themselves, but more on game creators.
What I think is worse is they are making inroads into the general software development community. Coraline Ada Ehmke – http://where.coraline.codes/ is making a career of convincing community projects and companies they need her help to become more inclusive.
>I still have no idea whether the student pictured below has any awareness of the event to which she refers. < pol pot might have had the right idea about what to do to the "intelligentsia" /sarc off
Ntokozo Qwabe … has boasted on his Facebook page about reducing a white waitress to tears.
I’ll let the charmer tell the story himself.
LOL wow unable to stop smiling because something so black, wonderful & LIT just happened! And of course, the catalyst was a radical non-binary trans black activist – Wandile Dlamini – from the Rhodes Must Fall movement. Because trans activists have BEEN the ultimate blessers of this decolonial struggle!
To cut the long story short, we are out at Obz Cafe with the said activist, and the time for the bill comes. Our waitress is a white woman. I ask the said activist what the going rate for tips/gratuity is in these shores. They look at me very reluctantly and they say ‘give me the slip, I’ll sort that out’. I give them the slip.
They take a pen & slip in a note where the gratuity/tip amount is supposed to be entered. The note reads in bold: “WE WILL GIVE TIP WHEN YOU RETURN THE LAND”. The waitress comes to us with a card machine for the bill to be sorted out. She sees the note & starts shaking. She leaves us & bursts into typical white tears (like why are you crying when all we’ve done is make a kind request? lol!). Anyways, so this white woman goes to her colleagues who are furious. She exits to cry at the back & a white male colleague of hers reluctantly comes out to address us & to annoy us more with his own white tears telling us that he finds our act “racist”.
We then start breaking it down for this white man & ask him why they are catching feelings when we haven’t even started (like the part where we take up arms hasn’t even come & yall are already out here drowning us in your white tears? Really white people? Wow.). We start drawing him to the political nature of the act & why we couldn’t be bothered that they decided to catch feelings from the note. We tell him it’s great that business as usual has stopped & the pressing issue of land is now on the agenda in that space – seeing the cowntry was celebrating ‘Freedom Day’ yesterday. We then chase him back to do his job. And continue with our conversation before exiting the café.
Or the telegraph or Mail
The spokesmen at Black Lives Matter 101 gave voice to what would quickly be recognised in any other context as claims of racial exclusivity. They were not shy about this or worried that it would undermine their larger claims.
At the risk of this not being posted, here goes:
I have had it up to HERE with all this obsolete farm equipment.
I have had it up to HERE with all this obsolete farm equipment.
No problem, here y’are.
And I should be able to fix that cascading italic and bold that you triggered . . .
Meh. Or not.
Paging David, paging David . . . .
Ran across this. Rather old but found it amusing in a “try to lead a horse to water and count the excuses why he can’t drink” kind of way.