I’m taking a few days off in search of mojo. By all means amuse yourselves in the comments, or poke through the reheated series for things you may have missed. And don’t touch the liquor cabinet. I’ve rigged it to blow.
I’m taking a few days off in search of mojo. By all means amuse yourselves in the comments, or poke through the reheated series for things you may have missed. And don’t touch the liquor cabinet. I’ve rigged it to blow.
More from Evergreen State College, where Professor Naima Lowe, an instructor of “video and performance art” who claims expertise in “emphatically poetic gestures,” demonstrates her gift for professional conduct:
YOU are the motherfuckers that we’re pushing against! You can’t see your way outta your own ass!
Context and background here and here.
Via Darleen.
Apparently, the situation at Evergreen has not improved.
Armed with baseball bats, students are channelling the radical ethos of Eighties pop combo Haysi Fantayzee.
Update 2:
And here’s a first-hand account of the Evergreen Gender Studies Massive in action:
Last Thursday, Nolan and his friends were accosted again by “the mob.” He was on his way to the bus to get dinner, and a group of about 20 people, one of them holding a bat, began following them. Many of the same characters from the first encounter were present at the second one. Nolan said it appeared like the group was waiting for him outside his dorm room, like they knew where he lived. “They were all a bunch of walking stereotypes,” he said. “It’s like Tumblr was attacking me.”
They’re all about the caring, you see.
Intrigue of the day. (h/t, Obo) // Interspecies smackdown. // Yes, but it all seems a bit unnecessary. // Domino physics. // Fly guy. // Infinite string quartet. Drag, drop and listen. // Dronestagram. // Among giants. // No Stick Shooter is a game. Things may get a little fraught. // A museum of vintage hi-fi. // If they learn to make fire, we’re totally screwed. // Assorted French textile samples, 1863. // At last, LED eyelashes for maximum fabulousness. // Meanwhile, in Japan. (h/t, Damian) // 5000-piece, 5000-colour jigsaw of note. // Passing Jupiter. // Just “a leg or two.” // Learning curve. (h/t, Old Holborn) // A 12-year-old ventriloquist. // Always respect the media. // And finally, exhaustingly, “When I’m relaxed and chillin’ I can go up to ten, twenty minutes without ticcing.”
It bears repeating: actual justice holds you responsible for the actions you take. “Social justice” holds you responsible for actions taken, without your knowledge or consent, by people you do not know and have never met. It’s guilt by association, and a perversion of true justice.
Sam Duncan, commenting here.
Further to this sorry episode, Seth Barron on the rise of the Mao-lings (and their enablers-turned-victims):
Videos from Evergreen State College show mobs of students —mostly but not only black— haranguing their professors and accusing them of racist abuse. The college president, George Bridges, is heckled, insulted, mocked, and ordered to stand with his arms firmly at his sides because his gestures are considered threatening to the students, who have invaded his office and refused to leave. Bridges complies meekly with all demands, including buying gumbo for his captors.
It’s tempting… to view the outrage at Evergreen (and Middlebury, and Berkeley, and Claremont McKenna, ad nauseam) as an American recurrence of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, when students were encouraged by the ruling class to torment any teachers suspected of reactionary deviance. But the modern college campus is staffed and led by progressives, who have created the conditions for, and invited, students’ PC tantrums. In Marx’s classic formulation, history is repeating itself, but as farce…
In the Evergreen videos, we see Bridges [an advocate of “critical race theory,”] struggling to be as passive and compliant as possible with the crowd of angry students occupying his office. When he is yelled at for saying “Please,” he apologises. When he admits to having a claustrophobia-induced panic attack, he is derided and told to “get to work” transcribing the mob’s demands. Bridges could have called the campus police at any time to end the illegal occupation of his office and his imprisonment, but he ordered them to stand down — presumably because, according to his own academic doctrine, police intervention is necessarily fascist and racist.
See also this display of prostration. Because the intimidation of staff and the screeching of racist epithets must be rewarded, at least in academia, as “exemplary leadership in enhancing race relations.”
Meanwhile, in the world of deep thoughts and scholarly devotion:
A new video has surfaced of students this past week at Evergreen State College yelling and ranting about everything from “racist white teachers” and “white-ass administrators” to “black power!” during a so-called “meeting” with President George Bridges and other college administrators. Apparently, the activists are not pleased that this recording made its way to the internet at large. One of the demands listed by Evergreen students… is that something be done to resolve the “theft” of the video: “We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”
Lifted from the comments because… well, just watch:
The video begins with [filmmaker, Ami] Horowitz interviewing a number of white people at a so-called “White Privilege Conference” in Kansas City, Missouri, and asking them if they believe that every white person is a beneficiary of “white privilege.” The white leftists say yes, with one lady saying that she feels “super guilty all the time.” In fact, a number of the white leftists Horowitz interviewed claimed that all whites in America are racist. Then Horowitz asked the same people if it was “wrong to judge people collectively.” They all answered yes, seemingly unaware of the obvious contradiction.
Mr Horowitz then visits a Harlem housing project to ask black residents their thoughts on the subject.
Via Jen.
I’m not entirely sure how one might go about interacting with someone – say, a police officer, a supposed authority figure – whose identity is apparently so unstable that on any given day they could turn up for work, or to court, as a man or a woman, complete with different names. At some point, “diversity” becomes a Two Ronnies comedy sketch.
Via I Sneeze In Threes.
“As a queer artist I seek to create a temporal historical rupture,” says Texas-based performance artist Sarah Hill, while describing her – sorry, their – 2014 opus They Wonder. “During the performance,” we’re told, “I repeatedly spin around and around in circles.” The reason being that, as an artist and worker of profundity, Ms Hill is “interested in the continuous action of spinning and getting no-where, falling down and getting back up.”
Inevitably, Ms Hill tells us that she – sorry, they – disdains “the pressures of commodification,” and rejects “the populist template of art as a form of leisure or entertainment.” Yes, I know, a fearless and terribly radical decision, the effects of which may become apparent in the following video, recorded at the Waterloo Centre for the Arts, Iowa.
See, now you realise you were all starved of art and its enrichments. And indeed still are.
Glenn Reynolds on when crime doesn’t count:
Black Lives Matter might more accurately be named White Killers Matter, because it only seems to care about black lives that are ended by white people. And that, of course, is because Black Lives Matter isn’t about justice, but about racial agitation.
Heather Mac Donald on the conceits and inversions of modern academia:
If ever there were a narrative worthy of being subjected to “stubborn scepticism,” in [Yale president, Peter] Salovey’s words, the claim [by Salovey] that Yale was the home of “hatred and discrimination” is it… Yale has been obsessed with what the academy calls “diversity,” trying to admit and hire as many “underrepresented minorities” as it possibly can without totally eviscerating academic standards. There has never been a more tolerant social environment in human history than Yale (and every other American college) — at least if you don’t challenge the reigning political orthodoxies.
And utterly unrelated to anything above:
Harvard senior submits rap album as thesis, gets an A.
It would appear that Harvard’s English department is now intersecting with the even loftier department of hip-hop racial caricatures. The thrillingly original opus in question – which can be savoured here – is “a dark and moody take on what it means to be black in America… tackling topics ranging from police violence to slavery.” But of course.
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
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