There’s Something To Be Said For Inhibition
I miss the concept of shame. As social correctives go, it was underrated.
Apparently, we’ve arrived at a stage of civilisation in which chunky middle-aged men dress as women and then deliberately piss themselves in public, on camera, as an erotic high, before sharing the recording on social media and awaiting likes. Which is to say, affirmation.
See also, via Stephanie, this. And somewhat related, this item here.
Lifted from the comments, which you’re reading of course. Also, open thread.
So how can we shame you today?
Speaking of shamelessness.
They’re not going to shame themselves, you know.
50% of the mothers of children with Gender Identity Disorder have borderline personality disorder.
Neighbourly scenes.
Are today’s words ‘off’ and ‘meds’?
The sorts of people who go to Pride festivals.
Without seeing the preceding events, it’s hard to say much. Though my immediate impression was that the demeanour of the husband/boyfriend suggested a certain weariness. As if he’d been in similar situations before.
One of the big problems is homeless crazies. At one time there was housing for the drunks, druggies and crazies. Some in mental institutions–dumped on street. But importantly, in US big cities there were Single Room Occupancy (SRO) buildings. SROs had single rooms with no bathroom or kitchen–shared bathroom down the hall. So, very cheap. A drunk with a social security check could afford it, get their mail, keep their stuff, and have a safe place to sleep. But social pressure was to get rid of them because….wait for it…they were full of drunks and hookers. As if the building was the cause of the low-lifes. So over the past 30 yrs they are all gone and the drunks are on the street. Any attempt to build such a thing now encounters zoning that requires that every unit be middle class (min sq ft, AC, kitchen, bath) but somehow cheap. They replaced the low-income housing in Chicago like Cabrini-Green with very nice apartments where regular renters are mixed with low income using vouchers. Sort of works but boy are the costs to the public high. I know because my daughter lived in one for several years.
Or because he’s been told by experts in these matters, psychologists , church pastors, classes he paid good money for in college, even by much of the culture/movies/tv shows/books, that these sort of events are his fault. Somehow. After all, he’s white, he’s male, he’s (apparently) heterosexual. He would not be in such a situation were it not for choices that he has made, right? I doubt she’s heard much more than a suggestion that maybe she has slightly, ever so slightly overreacted just a teensy bit once or twice…though she was obviously in the right all those times. Maybe she has. Maybe.
Off and meds:
It is possible that the guy filming has indeed done creepy and disturbing things. However, her actions strike me as reflecting a female feeling of impunity–that she can walk up and smack a stranger/neighbor simply because she has a “feeling” and is female.
The sorts of people who go to Pride festivals.
I’ll see your “pride” festival, and raise you a “it’s never the ones you want to see naked” “pride” party – speaking of shameless.
Bro you just attached a ton of weird baggage to people playing in a fountain. Weird baggage. Weird. See, you’re the weirdo, understand?
Added: Though technically, they’re not naked and it’s been legal to go topless in NYC for several decades. Why the objections now? Isn’t this what we expected to happen?
speaking of shameless.
Prosthetic breast alert. Dude half out of the frame on the left-hand side.
Experienced deja vu watching the video. Realized its similarity to the hippo video in emphemera.
Prosthetic breast alert.
Why do they always go full Chesty Morgan?
Real women blessed/cursed with gigantomastia will opt for breast reduction surgery if they can afford it.
New York City “pride” parade: “We’re coming for your children”.
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: “We’re coming for your children”.
Same gay songwriters in 2016: molesting young boys in Afghanistan is beautiful.
Meanwhile, a thunderstorm is passing by and I have 90 pounds of Weimaraner cowering behind the bar in the TV room, while the other Weim could not give a rat’s ass about the noise.
Fourth of July is gonna be fun . . .
Speaking of prosthetics . . .
“Why do they always go full Chesty Morgan”.
Same reason as why those crazy women who willingly allow their lower limbs to be sliced down to the bone like an Iberico ham always (allegedly) opt for at least the “standard” 7 inch if not the 9 inch non-functional meat-tube complete with nifty left-bollock located auto-inflate mechanism.
Speaking of prosthetics.
The young man played that like an absolute boss.
An unwitting admission of what leftists think about black people:
Also says killer should not be jailed, per the wishes of the victim.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
–Pride activists
…the “standard” 7 inch if not the 9 inch non-functional meat-tube…
OTOH, join in with the sing along. (language outside the UK)
Man turned himself into a freak, then complains about shortage of freak doctors.
Though technically, they’re not naked…
Too bad, otherwise they could get their moles checked.
All I can say is, that once Pride (The first of the seven deadly sins) month is over, I can’t wait for Gluttony, Lust, and Sloth months.
There are times when German pacifism seems ill-advised.
I can’t wait for Gluttony, Lust, and Sloth months.
Judging by many of the individuals who have been featured here, I think they are running concurrently with “pride”.
…non-functional meat-tube complete with nifty left-bollock located auto-inflate mechanism.
Speaking of which, this clot featured yesterday claiming a doctor thought his Potemkinpenis was the genuine article seems to be having a bit more trouble with his “ween”, but no ragerts about the whole mess.
All I can say is, that once Pride (The first of the seven deadly sins) month is over, I can’t wait for Gluttony, Lust, and Sloth months.
And French.
Certainly pride, lust, wrath, and envy. Maybe the other three, too.
Hmm… I was on the borderline of commenting on this but thought otherwise…but…wth… I have remote inlaws-ish (gay) friends who are spending about seven weeks in Europe. We have been following their adventures through England, Ireland, Normandy (a visit to to Omaha Beach that was photographically impressive), and now Paris. They attended the (a ?) Pride Parade in Paris and I considered commenting to the effect that we (or more specifically my wife, I haven’t looked at the specific post myself) did not see the sort of outrageous BS that we see in such parades over here. Not that that video is as terribly outrageous but it is bloody idiotic.
Heterosexuality with extra steps, Part 706.
Nope. Not clicking.
So… when does lust month kick in anyway?
So… when does lust month kick in anyway?
As I said, consecutive sentences, meanwhile, if this doesn’t say “pride”, nothing does.
He didn’t buy the frock.
Caution, graphic.
We’ve been here before, of course.
He doesn’t appear all that proud about the ankle tag hidden under his white sock. I wonder why he has to wear one of those?
Or, “Screw all those other victims and all those future victims. My pretensions come first. Everything must be about my neurotic vanities.”
And so, the ersatz piety is actually an act of utter selfishness, a kind of self-admiration.
The contortions performed by such people have entertained us many times:
For instance.
As if the kinds of creatures that indulge in repeated muggings and violent robberies, and home invasions, and casual murder, and gleefully stomping on some random person’s head, for shits and giggles, were in any way redeemable. As if their continued existence would be likely to result in some kind of flourishing – rather than, say, more of the same. As if the wellbeing of such vermin should be of any concern to the rest of us.
It does seem a little morally contrived, a tad perverse.
It’s worth taking a moment to imagine some progressives-only community that functioned according to its inhabitants’ professed values regarding crime and punishment. And in which the response to the behaviour mentioned above is to sympathise with the perpetrator and to chat about our feelings. And to then imagine how long its inhabitants would survive the inevitable targeting by burglars, muggers, and assorted sociopaths.
And that’s the irony. The ostentatious posturing is only viable in a society in which others disagree and take views that are disdained as unfashionable, and who wish to see such predators punished and locked up in a dungeon.
While these “progressive thinkers” strongly oppose punishment of muggers and killers, they do advocate punishment of those who disagree with them.
Not your grandfather’s Manhattan Project…
Essential, how we got from 1945 to today without “pride” in your face is a mystery.
Yes, we have seen those “skills” and “diplomacy” of late.
Abstract ideas. Right.
First sentence was the only thing they got right, but RTWT, if you can stomach whiny diatribes.
Regarding the above, pretty much the entire saga can be found here.
It’s almost as if these people are setting out to confirm everything that was ever said about gays being dangers to whatever society they reside in.
It’s almost as if these people are setting out to confirm everything that was ever said…
…specific skills to offer that are valuable in a policy and diplomacy context…
If only Khrushchev had these skills instead of just banging a shoe on a desk.
David: “The ostentatious posturing is only viable in a society in which others disagree and take views that are disdained as unfashionable, and who wish to see such predators punished and locked up in a dungeon. “
Churchill/Orwell/Kipling mashup: “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
The deep thoughts of Zoe Williams came to mind:
A similar dynamic.
Oh for a British Ron deSantis who could have bussed a few hundred refugee children (quite big ones actually) to Glastonbury. Hell, we could have bought them all £340 admission tickets and still saved money.
I am currently at work and looking at this page during my lunch break on an office computer.
Wisely, therefore, I am holding off clicking on a good half or more of the links posted here so far since I either suspect, or have been warned, that they contain NSFW content.
Ironic, of course, because for the most part the links are to public displays of exhibitionism that are not only widely supported by large sections of the media, but supported by government both locally and nationally, loudly endorsed by the White House, and have children in attendance.
Yeah, I get that a lot.
Definitely feigned. This cannot be said too often.
I apologize for my repeated failures to include NSFW warnings.
When I was still working that was a concern for me, too. But over the last 5 years the character of my former workplace has changed and the opinions and observations themselves which are expressed on this blog would now earn my downchecks in my HR file.
Private worlds are by definition beyond the reach of public scrutiny.
Without trying to get too 1984 about it all, it is hardly an accident that there is an almost perfect overlap between those who seem to incessantly broadcast their own mental health drama on various social media channels on the one hand, and those who publicise this season’s gender identity collection on the other.
Everything has to be on the surface, visible, in full view of everyone.
How any of this endless parade of popinjays and, let’s be frank here, fucking morons, can claim to have read Foucault and not grasp the fact that they have willingly, even gleefully, surrendered themselves to a cell in the Panopticon is absolutely preposterous.
In their endless public commentaries on whatever fleeting inner mental state they happen to be experiencing that moment, they are obediently prostrating themselves before authoritarian power, relinquishing any vestige of private consciousness into the hands of one petty institutional functionary or another.
Worse, their loudest complaints are often that there are too few such bureaucrats for their needs.
And these fucking morons sincerely believe they are in the avant garde of a revolutionary movement?
Such people should experience to logical consequences of their ideas. Good and hard.
NYC is a so close to being utopia it is only a matter of bureaucrats fixing the last few big things.
They see themselves as members of the future apparat, and thus jailers not jailees.
Perhaps they forget that higher level apparatchiks will be supervising them. Or perhaps that is a price they are willing to pay in order to be part of a sadistic machine.
And yet the level of imperviousness, of bare-faced contrivance, is quite extraordinary. Again, see Ms Spargo-Ryan, mentioned here, who simply refused to engage with criticism, or to allow it among her Twitter followers, and was instead much more interested in being seen to hold high-status opinions, however logically and morally absurd those opinions happened to be.
And who was consequently applauded as “a beautiful person.”
…endless parade of popinjays…
Rozzers vs. insufferable popinjays, “What do you mean by the road?”
Dude. Why would you feel uncomfortable about clicking on such links? Do you think that there is something “wrong” about that kind of behavior? You sound very judgmental. Perhaps you should speak with your company’s DEI department about the sorts of training they might have available to help you with your bigotry. As for this “NSFW” label…seems rather patriarchal if you ask me.
The cost of tickets, tents and an F&B allowance would cost less per day than keeping them in hotels.
Lawyers is more the term. To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to though. This is the game. Breaking down words, questioning every little thing. What is the road? What is the moment? Etc. This game needs to be turned back on them. Yes, to do so would be silly but if we’re going to accept their absurd silliness in the context of being “reasonable”, turn about is always fair play. “Democratic right to protest” doesn’t even make sense. One can have a right to protest that is independent of democracy. It actually is independent of democracy. And make them quote what specifically gives them the right to be in the road blocking other people’s rights to go about their days. It’s absurd because we just accept their terms. Literally their ‘terms’.
This apparently widespread attitude always catches me by surprise. If you’re following, you’re not leading, and will soon be left behind by newer followers who are even more enthusiastic…
Class war.
@WTP is kinder than I. As soon as nimnuts claimed that he couldn’t detect the difference between the road and the sidewalk, I would call for him to taken into protective custody (for his own good, of course) and strongly suggest that he needed a either a government handler and/or a guide animal to prevent him from inadvertently wandering into traffic.
I eagerly await @WTP’s analysis of the failure modes of such an approach. (They do exist and are probably legion.)
This. Not safe for work, but safe for the 10 o’clock news, White House appearances, and kids. Somehow I expect heterosexual porn behavior is still considered off limits to kids, but if you can “queer” it or trans it, it’s magically safe now.
I’m lucky in that when I browse this site on work breaks, most of the links above have a “18+” warning and require the viewer to log in to Twitter to see them (which I can’t do because I don’t have one). I don’t know if that is my browser setting, the work IT setting, or what, but it has saved my bacon many times when I’ve clicked a link that didn’t have a NSFW tag.
He didn’t buy the frock.
Thank goodness I buy online or sew my own. The decades of elegant department store shopping are gone for good.
A key problem is that their motives are evil, not noble: The pathology that drives them is fueled by envy and resentment and a lust for illegitimate wealth and status and power. This warps all their thinking and prioritizes their twisted goals over all other things. If they were good people with noble motives they would see the problems and reconsider. But they aren’t so they don’t. They really are like the man who, maddened by jealousy, murders his ex-girlfriend and her new fiance even though he knows that he is likely to go to prison or the gas chamber.
Not long before the George Floyd riots, I browsed a clothing store in a mall near my old home, a visit that I cut short when I discovered that somebody had deliberated vomited on some of the clothing. This used to be a nice mall, but has been overrun by “youths”. Now I confine my shopping to locations farther from the culturally enriched areas.
Protests: since these protesters can not get a parade permit and 100,000 to join them, and standing on the sidewalk to protest is ignored, they escalate to blocking the street, as if this will FORCE everyone to agree that ending fossil fuels or whatever is absolutely essential and urgent. It is tantrum tactics.
I am pretty certain that the administrators at my former employer would also support them, although they would also downcheck me for viewing them at work (at least in part because I would find them via David’s Deplorable Blog.)
They replaced the low-income housing in Chicago like Cabrini-Green with very nice apartments where regular renters are mixed with low income using vouchers.
Nit pick: Part of the problem with Cabrini-Green was that this high rise was within walking distance of the high-rent Gold Coast neighborhood, making crime a constant worry for those wealthy residents. I was warned, not long after moving to Chicago, that it might be prudent to avoid even driving by Cabrini-Green on my way to friends and business in the Gold Coast area.
There were such SRO’s on the periphery of Chicago’s Loop, back in the 80’s. (Remember Jake and Elwood in the SRO next to the El tracks?) I never noticed any trouble from the residents in all my years walking around the downtown–presumably because they knew the police would not tolerate any disorderly conduct. I don’t know if those SRO’s are still there today.
Not your grandfather’s Manhattan Project…
From the comments:
Word of the day: pronunciamento
[ Indignant spluttering. ]
But don’t we all proudly call ourselves Deplorables?
The toilets could do with a once-over.
[ Passes tiny sponge, nail file. ]
Indeed they do and indeed they are. Don’t mistake my analysis in any context for kindness. I would agree that such people should be dealt with rather harshly. Perhaps even more so than you suggest. But again, context. If we lived in a world where other, even slightly harsher approaches were even remotely likely we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. I believe I have expressed in the past here the opinion that using logic and reason and thus law…at least law as it was once imagined to be…to deal with such irrational BS is itself folly. A form of surrender to the idea that such BS is remotely reasonable. But seeing as conservatives…”conservatives” are so in love with losing, they simply must consider every remotely possible, and in this case impossible, reasoning first before even thinking about pressing their own positions.
The Radiant Being who offered that bit of delusional excrement is Jennifer Diane Reitz, a web comic artist and game designer and, wait for it, transsexual. Clearly “she” is several standard deviations below sanity.
Not your grandfather’s Manhattan Project…
If being straight with no psychological condition about rejecting one’s body describes 95+% the population, then YES YES YES it is “normal and natural” and why shouldn’t one assume that about a stranger until told/shown differently?
Dear “TQ+”, you all ARE a “deviation” from the norm. Get over it.
I’m going to be greedy and suggest another Word of the Day: ersatz
E.g: ersatz-woman; ersatz-man.
Much more accurate than the question begging “trans-“.
I agree with the above.
Do you have any suggestions to us (well, those who read this blog) upon how to move to a place where slightly harsher approaches are likely? Other than massive civil disobedience which I currently believe is the only way in the US.
No, I’m not a Fed but a Fed would say that. I was in the US Army from 1976 to 1992, so I have been a Fed.
It’s what I’ve said here time and time again. I definitely get the resistance. I’m a recovering introvert myself. I have been told that I must get some sort of satisfaction from argument, but it is actually quite the opposite. I may enjoy a truly intellectual…-ish…discussion about certain topics but discussing these sort of socio/political things made me…and somewhat still do…very, very uncomfortable. Mostly because the people who “knew” so much seemed so bloody confidently. I generally kept my mouth shut about them, at least kept the discussions limited to those people I could genuinely see were interested. But after the Berlin wall came down, when it became very, very clear how much bloody BS had been taught to me in school that I for the most part just accepted or had at least tolerated by trying to find middle ground on, I kinda regretted not speaking up. But hey, end of history (which itself I thought was BS but wth) and all that. Then 9/11 happened* and the internet made putting forward ideas and discussions with a much broader range of people than my immediate social group much easier and viable. I came to realize that a big, big part of most of the problem with conservatism was that conservatives, much so by their very nature, do not speak up. A good reason for this is that they put a premium, a value on being right by facts not so much by feelings. The problem is that the world always has and likely always will be driven far more by feelings. If more conservatives would just speak up** a little, it would not be so bloody hard and difficult for the rest to do so. Granted, you will get beat up a bit here and there. Nobody wins 100% of the time. I think of it in a WWI, trench warfare context. No one man went over-the-top and won such encounters single-handed. Well except maybe Sgt. York…ok, not even him…but still. We are not getting out of this mess until we turn the culture around and we cannot affect the culture without engaging it, confronting it.
*the ’96 Atlanta Olympics bombing was actually a bit of a precursor for me in this regard…whole other thing
**meaning outside safe spaces like this one and other conservative sites.
rereading…ok, so I went off on a tangent a bit and didn’t come back to the original specific question…but to the specific about harsher approaches, they can only be effectively taken once what I said above about culture kicks in. Doesn’t mean you don’t try. But one speak out thing in this “harshness” sense is…support corporal punishment for children. A simple spanking. Support just tge idea of such. I don’t know what conservative…”conservative” site I was on recently but when I suggested that Little Lord Fauntleroy…or was it Prince Louie?…was yet again making faces during his Grampy’s coronation I suggested that maybe a spanking, more at some point in the past but for the love of God at some point, should have been in order. Oooh, the crap I caught. But a few people did back me up with a few ‘likes’.
pst314: yes, SROs around the loop. Those are exactly the ones I was thinking of. All gone now. I remember the newspaper articles about how bad they were but ironically not near as bad as Cabrini-green.
Interesting. I don’t remember any newspaper articles about those SRO’s, only Cabrini-Green. And given that I never noticed anything worrying when walking past them, I wonder how bad they really could have been. Were the newspapers stirring up fear to drive readership? Or was I blind to what was happening?
Given that Prince Louis is five years of age he should simply have been left at home. Dragging children along to ceremonious events they aren’t an integral part of is certain to cause disruption.
This. For the most part. Though it is not beyond the pale to expect even a five year old to behave himself for a short family appearance of 20 minutes or so. Granted, I didn’t follow this, nor much of anything else about the royal family but as I understand it, this has been going on for quite some time. As it is an ongoing thing, most definitely as you say the child should be left with nanny or whatever. As I understand it, they can afford one.
Again, it’s not my specific concern as to how the little guy behaves, except maybe for his own benefit. And this is the real problem that gets lost in all the “OMGOMGOMG Why do you even caaaare Kaaaaren”. Setting reasonable expectations for children isn’t for our own immediate benefit. Not most importantly anyway. Children should be taught how to behave for their own benefit. If say, I am out to dinner and a child misbehaves significantly, if the parents show at least some concern and make some effort to respect the other diners, that really does not bother me. In that context, I must admit I do find the little buggers rather cute. Funny even. But I would never express that in the child’s presence and I find it disturbing when other diners pretend to not be disturbed and even give the child approving attention.
Again, not my monkey, not my circus. I certainly won’t be bowing and scraping to the child decades from now and God willing his siblings turn out normal, neither will even the subjects of that crown. I only bring this up in the meta context of how lax our expectations are. And that we need to express that having standards and expectations, even for children, does not make us Nazis for God’s sake.
Dear “TQ+”, you all ARE a “deviation” from the norm. Get over it.
What I think that person meant to write was “statistically twice as deviant as intelligent normal people”.
Calls to mind sophomoric jokes I heard in college about the meaning of one, two, and three standard deviations from the norm.
Murray Leinster did not write an sf novel titled The Ass Pirates of Ersatz.
I stand corrected.
I’m going to be greedy and suggest another Word of the Day: ersatz
The problem with ersatz, although “fake” is a synonym, it is generally taken to mean an inferior substitue. Whereas “inferior” is not in doubt, “substitute” – not with someone else’s.
Pseudo, Potemkin, fugazi, phoney, sham (sham-man has a nice ring to it), faux, fake, and the like all get to the point.
Mind you, ‘mock’ isn’t just a verb.
Robbie and Felix think sham-shelias being distressed in the loo is unfair.
Whereas “inferior” is not in doubt, “substitute” – not with someone else’s.
There are those, in the “community” who receive the “substitute” with gratitude, perhaps not knowing how it is inferior.
Mind you, ‘mock’ isn’t just a verb.
Mock chicken comes to mind which, in context, might make one throw up just a little.
…perhaps not knowing how it is inferior.
That, or in denial because of all the joy and euphoria.
Note, as always, the lack of concern for women’s distress and fears about safety.