A Catchable Madness
Or, The Cronenberg Chronicles.
Below, Peter Boghossian and Mia Hughes, author of The WPATH Files, discuss the twisted history of transgender ideology. Topics touched on include the audacious propagation of pseudoscience; social contagion and the capture of institutions; experiments on children; and the psychology of doubling-down.
It’s two hours long and dense with detail, but much of that detail is likely to widen the eyes. It’s possibly worth noting, as Ms Hughes does around 01:16:00, that as the trans phenomenon has flourished – if that’s quite the right word – rates of anorexia and cutting have fallen, suggesting some correlation. Perhaps some shifting fashion, a swapping of self-harm signals. Given the subject matter and its realities, the squeamish may wish to proceed with caution.
A continuation of the discussion above – covering the abandonment of rigour and basic professionalism, surgical horrors, and the “insane experiment” of puberty suppression – can be found here.
Previously: The Bedlamite Contagion. From which, this:
Do note the self-satisfied smirk.
You see, it’s just an “adventure.” One in which the surgeons share, albeit, for them, temporarily. Not for a lifetime.
The surgeon referring to phalloplasty as an “adventure” – i.e., destroying the female genitals and attaching a grotesque, non-functional parody of penis – something like this or this – later admits that the procedure will “definitely” have permanent, ongoing complications, including incontinence and necrosis. That cadaverine stench.
It occurs to me that one of the reasons some people are reluctant to be realistic about the issue is that they might then have to consider the possibility that an entire, supposedly affirming industry – one worth close to a billion dollars a year and projected to reach five billion by the end of the decade – is exploiting mentally ill people, including children, and experimenting on them.
Those lovely surgical adventures.
This, then, is where we are. Doesn’t seem a good place to be, frankly.
Very much related:
Mia Hughes, here.
Peter Boghossian, in the discussion above, on doubling-down.
British understatement?
Or dark irony.
[ Tugs on pipe, makes pot of tea. ]
The uncompromising and rigorous exclusion of leftists is a virtue.
An earlier discussion.
Some of which, I should add, is necessarily graphic.
Predatory, malevolent motives. Monsters.
Related: Back in the 60’s and 70’s I ran across a few books on human sexuality which presented every variety of sexual behavior as normal and good and deserving of acceptance. The authors used various rhetorical tricks to present even the worst customs in a favorable light. I am certain that they were very carefully selective in what anthropological evidence they cited and the language they used to frame it.
Hell is hot.
I will have to bookmark this to listen to when I have time but even at the very beginning, Hughes makes a profound statement that they are not diagnosing themselves with gender dysphoria but adopting a transgender identity and from that comes gender dysphoria. I would extend that to say they’re adopting a queer identity that gives them a much larger variety in self-diagnoses. How often do we see TikToks from these people talking about how they’re “neurodivergent” and other buzz words that they’ve learned from like TikToks on the Internet?
Unfortunately, I think it goes further into the world of the “normies.” I hear young adults – and by that, I mean from 19 to 39 – say things like “I’m exhausted, I had to people today” and share memes that celebrate being an introvert or preferring the company of dogs to people. Look, i love my dog, too, but grow the fuck up – to reap the benefits of a society you have to be part of it and it is normal to deal with others and be challenged to assess your audience and communicate/interact appropriately.
It is, I think, worth sticking with. Though again, maybe not for the faint of heart.
Early on in the discussion, what’s striking is the audacity of WPATH’s deception, and their exploitation of niceness. I.e., the readiness to believe, and a reluctance to appear beastly or mean, which is to say noticing the obvious.
And the couching of their demands upon us as “just being nice”.
Not sure if this young scholar caught a disease or was born a psychopath.
I have heard that surgeons tend to a bit of sadism in their personalities. Maybe this one had more than should be tolerated.
The surgeon referring to phalloplasty as an “adventure”
Yeah, it is the ACs and the DCs.
If it requires a manual, there might be an issue. From a link to a link and culled from one of David’s favorite ephemera hunting swamps. Probably NSFW.
Not entirely unrelated.
I clicked and I am sorry.
Did you not feel an urge to wave a Pride flag?
Also not entirely unrelated, Deep Thoughts™; as the twig was bent, so grew the tree.
Tampons in a family bathroom are totes the same as tampons in a school boy’s bathroom. No cap, as the kids say.
She seems to imagine that what people are objecting to is a proximity to tampons. Which is almost funny, albeit unintentionally. Rather than a proximity to people who are so neurotic, so desperate to appear fashionable, and so willing to lie, that they will say and do the maddest of things, including the psychological abuse of other people’s children, while expecting you to participate.
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This. And yet I still prefer the company of dogs to people. Mostly because most people I know refuse to…grow the fuck up. Especially to demand that their children grow the fuck up. As hard as it is becoming for me to arrange get togethers with old friends when opportunities of location present themselves, I still stick my neck out and try to do so. Yet our latest attempt was thwarted at the last minute when friends had to cancel because they realized the time crunch of meeting for lunch would put too much stress on the timeframe needed to pick up their grandchildren from school. Then there’s the new tattoos. And these are conservative…conservative people. Rah-rah Trump and stuff.
I find that they are, generally, easier to understand.
Maybe some are in denial, but others, like Irish Dr. Gallagher, is likely a stone-cold sociopath. She removed the breasts from a young woman who had been turned down by other surgeons because she was too heavy, but Gallagher, undaunted, went ahead. When the wounds started opening up and becoming necrotic, the woman contacted her asking for help, and Gallagher blew her off. “I’m bleeding from this weird hole that’s opened up,” said the woman, and Gallagher joked that her wound was having its period.
She eventually went to the emergency room and had a yard or more of necrotic tissue removed. She could have died, and Gallagher couldn’t have cared less. (Gallagher already has one top-surgery fatality under her belt.)
That’s what gets me — how easy it was for them to set themselves up as a board of experts in the field when they were nothing of the sort. All they had to do was release their official-sounding Standards of Care, and everyone fell in line.
I don’t think that could have happened with a fake group of experts about the adrenal gland or podiatry. It’s only because the issue ties in to the rainbow alphabet — so the accusation of BIGGIT could scare off critics.
It’s high time we devalued “bigotry” as the worst thing ever, as the Scarlett Letter or the mark of Cain. It would be nice if “you lack rigor” landed harder, but alas, that’s not the world we live in.
Who wouldn’t? Dogs are nearly always happy and excited to do stuff, they love you unconditionally, they’re wired to please you, and they make few demands.
Loving dogs is as easy as falling off a log. Loving humanity opens you up to all kinds of trouble.
The level of studied detachment in describing what are – by all accounts Mengelian horrors – does not bode well for our civilization.
What we’re looking at here is not some cute diversion. This is utterly barbaric torture being inflicted on minors and/or the most vulnerable….and it’s being done by a small clique of the most powerful, most privileged members of our society (doctors and professors) who are ALSO the most grotesquely morally deformed among us.
As others have said, they’re just happy to be on the team.
Cats, however, remain a mystery to me.
[ Waits for dog pictures. ]
That’s just basic hygiene.
Mulching them is virtuous.
How many does Tim Walz go through?
Not sure if that’s a point in their favour or yours.
They’re agreeable aesthetically. I like the look of them. And the dumpy, short-legged variety are cartoonishly appealing. But I can’t read their minds, as it were. And they’re capable of seemingly random malice.
There’s a sense that, if it amused them, they might try to kill you in your sleep.
Also, allergies.
I am confident that this is because the left had already captured the relevant institutions.
And horses. No idea what the hell’s going on there. My niece, who used to ride horses as a girl, says they’re like big dogs, but I don’t see it. We sometimes drive past them in a field and they’re standing there, inert, totally motionless, just staring into space. These huge bloody beasts.
Maybe I have a blind spot with herd animals.
Like sheep. They’re incomprehensible too.
Warren Smith makes a heroic but doomed attempt to make sense of trans ideology, which apparently doesn’t exist, according to a proponent of said ideology.
Surgeons: have had several encounters with surgeons for my family recently. Some were too happy to operate and downplayed side effects. Some urged following all possible options before doing surgery. It is not always obvious what is the best course. These ghouls fall into the “cutting is always good” camp, obviously.
Puberty is always disturbing. Girls get periods, mood swings, cramps and boobs that attract perhaps unwanted attention. It is teen girls that are most influenced by social media to be trans. For boys, it is often the mother. Males don’t seem to develop a fetish about this until older. From my limited understanding.
Dogs and cats: it seems that there were several instances where we domesticated dogs from wolves nearly 15,000 yrs ago. Wolves are already group animals (not herd but small group) so they fit in. Cats started hanging around because our farming attracted mice. Genetically, we have had very little impact on cats compared to dogs. A recent study asserts that cats do understand our speech but don’t care. I do not know how you could tell.
Heh. There’s also the shame thing. I’d imagine we’ve all seen videos in which a dog is caught having chewed or wrecked something that they should have left alone and the owner says, “Who did this?” or “What have you done?” or whatever, and the dog looks sheepish and sad. Something like an approximation of conscience.
I’ve yet to see a cat give a damn about wrecked furniture or a smashed vase.
Did someone say dog pic?
And hey…because hay is for horses…my limited experience with horses, taking care of a couple over a few days, they’re very much like very big, yet very slooooow dogs. At least when they’re just hanging around. Their reactions to people are very similar. It’s just that it takes them a long time to get their half-ton asses moving.
It’s downright mystic, with some sort of implied “self” pre-existing one’s actual coming into being even as a zygote. I don’t want medicine or psychology to be based in mysticism. This is where the institutional capture comes in, and the professions actively work to entrench and magnify mental illness, rather than cure it.
Again: Being “born in the wrong body” is way more than just saying that one is unhappy with one’s body. Maybe I’d like my body stronger or more beautiful, but I’d never say that my body is the “wrong body”. There’s no “right body” floating in the Platonic ether that was mine but which I didn’t get through some sort of mistake.
Hey, my religion explicitly says that we existed as gendered individuals before becoming embodied, but we don’t imagine that we could get a “wrong” body. A difficult body, maybe. A deformed one, perhaps. (All for the purpose of wrassling with the difficulty and growing from it.)
But not one that is so out-of-phase from your prior self that you’d need to alter it to feel right. You accept the hand you’re dealt for this temporary phase, then you move on.
A frequent “explanation” is that the child has a female/feminine brain in his male body. I don’t even try to argue with these people anymore.
Well said, and I think you point to the issue: the radicals look for any small opening they can find, and stick in their crowbar. Whether it’s ideas about mind-body dichotomy, religious ideas of the soul, adolescent discomfort, or even mild autism—all can be purposed towards breaking open a young person’s psyche.
When you acknowledge, right out of the gate, that sex and gender are not the same thing, then you’ve already lost the argument. Sex is immutable and can’t be changed. Case closed. So put on your makeup and your dress and carry on flitting about. But you’re not female and you’re not a woman and you never will be.
Then again, the left accepts neither logic nor objectivity. And let’s be clear, trans ideology is leftist ideology.
[ Watches ‘guilty dog’ videos. ]
Way back in the 1960s, psychiatrists started trying to normalize schizophrenia. Thomas Szaz (IIRC) was a big proponent. For self-esteem? Big movement to give the mentally ill “rights” by letting them out of institutions–never mind if they could function on their own. Then the movement to normalize autism, as if it was just a personal style rather than debilitating. Normalize all the things.
A second part of the Mia Hughes / Peter Boghossian discussion can be found here.
Realising utopia through modern medicine. Some disassembly required.
David: Re dogs/cats/horses (have had a number of each over the years), my unscientific observations suggest first separate the groupings into carnivore/herbivore, and behaviors seem clearer since one set are predators and and the other set, well, aren’t. Horses eat low-food-value forage and therefore have to eat a lot over a day; they’re also designed to look out for predators (eyes on side of skull for more peripheral vision) and generate a lot of adrenaline to run speedily away from them. So they tend to be more nervous, but don’t have much of a killer instinct. More, OMGgetawaygetawaygogogo. They do want to please, but while they operate in groups they aren’t particularly cooperative by nature.
Dogs really seem to want to please their people and will adapt their own behaviors and activities endlessly to get approval. Their love is unconditional. Carnivores, of course, eat high-value proteins, and then sleep a lot while digesting it, the better to run down the next supper. Eyes are front-oriented for stereoscopic vision and prey tracking.. As pack animals in origin they are at ease with hierarchies and cooperation.. Cats OTOH will do OK in groups but are less oriented toward mutual benefit and don’t do hierarchies with enthusiasm. More of a you-are-not-the-boss-of-me-I-am-the-boss-of-me sort of ‘tude.
Of the three, a horse probably won’t eat you. Dogs and cats, however will (exigent circumstances), and the cat would do it guilt-free. If sternly interrogated, the dog would probably repent of the indiscretion and hope that suitable abasement will get him off the hook for it.