Catching Their Good Side
Speaking of spite as progressive pseudo-piety:
“We are so mentally unstable, and so nakedly vindictive, that if you even own a car of which we suddenly disapprove, we will violate your property and make you feel unsafe.”
Odd message to send, really.
For people who imagine themselves the good guys in their own mental drama.
Lifted from the comments, which you’re reading, of course.
Consider this an open thread.
When you’re scratching swastikas on a Jewish guy’s car you’re probably not the good guy you think you are.
Well, quite. Yet apparently it needs saying.
And setting aside for a moment the weird random malice, there’s the more mundane oversight. A Tesla has eight external cameras which record any untoward activity while alerting the owner. The odds of being identified, in high definition, and consequently prosecuted, are fairly high.
Yet the people doing the keying and daubing tell us, quite often, that they’re the smart ones. Our moral and intellectual betters.
Liberal Activists are Always Thinking.
Destroying as many Teslas as possible is certain to ameliorate rumored climate change about as much as it does the rumored End of Democracy. Fortunately for the richest man in the world, it also creates a ready market for replacement vehicles.
In other, related news, I recently discovered that on English country roads the Tesla’s computer may display a scuttling pheasant as a small dog.
The car knows there’s something there, and where it is, and roughly what size it is, and that it’s probably an animal. It’s just not entirely sure what species it is.
Which I find rather charming.
[ Opens notebook. Writes ‘Tesla owner or friend of Tesla owner’. ]
[ Generates air of mystery, exotic intrigue. ]
David Thompson: International Man of Mystery
Something like that.
It’s not as if we’re reading the articles.
OK, I’ll send myself for re-grooving.
Are these same people disappointed that the astronauts made it home, too?
Likely, yes. Tech man bad.
I was recently talking with someone who was struggling with the very concept of any Democrats having bad motives, or being awful people. Say, the kind of people who might prevent an attempt to save stranded astronauts because a successful rescue might reflect favourably on associates of their political opponents.
That’s re-groovying.
well these are the guys who hurl accusations of N**ism at a government whose President has a Jewish son in law and VP has a brown skinned Indian wife.
More than the lack of “goodness”, I think lack of critical thinking and self introspection is the main issue here.
Lack of critical thinking and introspection are certainly significant issues, but I’m not convinced that they are the main issues. What persuades me of this is decades of personal experience in which liberals demonstrated not just indifference to the oppression of those they disagreed with but actual approval and even applause.
“The man saw the Cybertruck, got out of his Subaru & then drew the swastika.”
So he’s a lesbian?
If you poke through the links and subsequent comments, Subarus do crop up more than chance alone would seem to allow.
What, if anything, this may mean, I leave to others.
Taking a break from the rampant aggravated dickweedery, BoB, Dunkirk, Italy, France, shot down four times, escaped from the real Nazis, hoist a Jameson for the last of the few.
Another one. He f*cked around and found out.
A man bun. Imagine my surprise.
It’d not just the conceit that vandalising some random person’s car is a thing one should do as a good person, as an act of righteousness. Bewildering as that is. It’s the idea of doing that to a make of car that’s famed for its ability to record anything that approaches.
It suggests a level of emotional dysregulation, of total impulse control failure, that’s quite hard to relate to.
I mean, I routinely see things that I find politically disagreeable, but this has yet to impel me to start keying strangers’ cars, or spitting at their children, or pissing on their curtains.
That would be… weird.
Demographic studies of Subaru owners: lesbians, lefties, urban outdoors types, etc.