Coping Well, I See
I bring scenes of composure, grace, and emotional maturity:
This is what terminal and peak TDS looks like:
Liberals are the most vile, hateful, insufferable and toxic species on earth.
— Liberacrat™️ (@Liberacrat) March 4, 2025
And who here hasn’t spent their evenings crafting voodoo effigies of people with whom they disagree politically?
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
TDS is real.
She made it specially. With her radical crafting skills.
And again, who here hasn’t spent their evenings crafting voodoo effigies of people with whom they disagree politically?
I think I see the problem.
Is she using “other ways of knowing”?
Previously and very much related:
Apparently, the progressive mind is a terribly fragile thing and easily broken. Clearly, these people should be put in charge.
Further examples are, of course, available.
Who among us has not hand-crafted a voodoo of someone we hate but have never met and spent time stabbing it madly?
Oh, my, that is a lot of hands…
Regarding that related link, I’m wondering if the person who has just had her neck tattooed just needs a good dose of iodine. It looks like she has a slightly enlarged thyroid – maybe the beginnings of a goitre. Thyroid issues can be a huge problem if untreated. Maybe her mental state would improve and she’d be better able to live a happy, productive life and leave the self harm behind.
I love when we get bickering links.
Will this be in the merch shop?
Immortalised at last.
Was rather hoping for a statue or a vast marble library of my collected thoughts.
But hey, a peanut butter chocolate chunk will do.
A thing which neo-pagans assure me never happens. Even in voodoo, they say.
OT but worth reading:
(Thanks to @dicentra for finding this.)
It’s less & less interesting to see those wedded to the notion of their rationality & exceptional intellection wallow in the basest superstition.
I bring scenes of composure, grace, and emotional maturity:
For a moment there I thought you were were going to show the left side of the speech last night.
You have to admire the dedication to the bit, though I suspect the end result is enhanced by filters.
Did I see her color the inside of her nostrils with black pencil?
Yes. Yes, I did.
From pst314’s last:
I usually don’t have the energy to actively hate people as a group or individually, but in the case of our vaunted elite, I find I can muster it.
I just listened to this interview of VDH, and man, what a treasure he is. In this video he clearly elucidates the corruption and ineptitude and outright crimes of the elites and how people were sick of it, so they sent in Trump. His cogent enumeration of the sicknesses in the system makes me angry at everyone who can’t see how bad the elites have become, and how essential it is that someone like Trump go in and slice it all to shreds.
I remember that during the W. Bush years these people called themselves the Reality-based Community.
Make this make sense.
On X I often craft what I think is a pithy, thoughtful response, and I get a couple dozen likes, which is fine.
But this gets 300+.
Seriously, people?
Heh. Still catching up on that. As one commenter punned, the party that doesn’t stand for anything. Beyond expressing their disdain for half the country.
[ Quietly likes Dicentra’s reply. ]
Fidei defensor.
The obvious truth is applauded due to the inability of so many to state it.
I think it was the previous thread where there was some discussion about the sheriff in Florida who is tough on violent criminals. I believe that was in reference to Polk county sheriff Grady Judd, seen here in a video that just popped up on my FB feed. And that was from 2015 or so. He’s been sheriff of Polk county for 20 years now. God bless him.
No new dog pic but here’s a picture of a bird that treed a squirrel…or something.
The dems were awful at Trump’s speech last night. Holding up signs. Not even clapping that a terrorist was caught or anything. Al Green being disruptive just so he could get thrown out…nuts. They would be happy with mob rule.
When they went for solar and wind and killing light bulbs, people resentfully went along, because “the planet” amirite? But when they doubled down on men in women’s sports and locker rooms and actively flying illegals in by the millions…that was just too much for normies. Trump has backed them into a corner with their own policies–making them affirm that yes, they are protecting murderers from deportation, yes they want men in women’s locker rooms, yes yes yes to every crazy thing. I haven’t heard the 4 dimensional chess analogy lately, but it does apply to what Trump is doing.
Specifically, this.
pst314: ‘One of the first things that stood out to me is that there’s a racialized caste system here [ New York City ]that everyone takes for granted….’
Coming soon to the UK!
Dicentra: ‘Seriously, people?’
Daffodils DO rock, and how lovely to see something on Twitter than doesn’t make you want to claw your own eyes out…
“Protein of a meal, calories of a snack.”
Words to be engraved on your tombstone.
I was hoping for something profound, intriguing, emotionally resonant…
“Insightful commentary that sticks to the roof of your brain.”
I’ll let myself out now.
An Illinois state representative wants to make it legal for people “appearing” to have a mental health episode to attack cops.
Note the aposematic hair of an AWFUL co-sponsor.
Garbage takes:
Part I;
Part II.
More aposematism.
Just sayin’. And amazingly, it ain’t Muldoon’s doing.
Just sayin’. And, amazingly, it ain’t Muldoon’s doing.
I told you these problems would go away if you wore a cotton blogging thong instead of velour.
What up-buggered link? [ Points at innocent face. ]
A slogan with innuendo appropriate to a gay cultural icon.
I’d heard about him, but never saw/heard him speak until now. Talk about monsters.
“Redditors are genuinely brain damaged”
Fact check: True.
Land acknowledgement.
Okay . . . the ‘no no square’ makes a bit more sense now.
Still batshøt crazy but batshøt crazy in context.
But will still not save you from being bitten by a møøse.
40 out of 50 for me.
That these f*****rs aren’t pushing a map like that of Russia, let alone that they are actively being occupied themselves by a culture of goat copulators, is quite the tell.
Something has been bugging me since the Benghazi debacle. It has intensified ever since this Ukraine/European/nato begging for our blood and treasure started getting amplified again…Granted I have no specific power in this but f*** those guys. My uncle along with thousands of US WWII servicemen are still buried in Tunisia. I am far more concerned and vested in getting those dead men home than in seeing one more f’n dime going to support anything going on in Europe. Billions and billions and actually trillions of dollars have been spent by the US government on defense of Europe over the last 80 years but bringing those men home is just a bridge too far or something.
Speaking of which, I understand ABtF is available free on Amazon now. Planning to rewatch it tonight. Kinda flummoxed on who to cheer for tho. Thinking maybe Operations Overlord and even Operation Torch were their own bridge too far. Maybe letting the real Nazis overrun Europe would have been preferable than to have so many Americans lose their lives defending people who would FAIL to teach their children and grandchildren an ounce of gratitude.
Trans activists want to get naked at a woman only event at a spa. When they found out about a different event for religious women at the spa the men demanded access to that too.
“End trans segregation!” say the protesters. Segregation sounds better every day.
Make-believe women with make-believe history. It’s the whole self-serving, utterly manufactured, historiography that convinces. The ‘uhs’ have it.
I think I found the original reddit thread on the MRIs.
It’s real and it’s spectacular!
Just me, or does that sound like Pelosi?
Bleh. 34.
But then, I’m not English.
Except by ancestry.
I clicked the link and up popped my Norton dialog box to say it protected me against something at that site.
Reddit is 45% loons, 45% villains, and 10% tradies/normals
Why, it’s almost as if the need for creepy intrusion and the insatiable complaining were comorbidities.
A hot take, a riposte:
A thread ensues.
In the ensuing thread, this chart, which may have been posted here before.
A direct correlation between the functionality of the country as a whole and the contributions their immigrants make to their adoptive country.
In 1996 I was in lower Manhattan, Battery Park. Along the sidewalks native African men sat alongside rows and rows of cheap plastic sunglasses that they’d laid out on sheets.
“They’ve gotta be kidding,” I thought. “They can’t make more than $10 a day doing that.”
But that’s exactly what they’d have done in the home country: buy a bunch of junk wholesale, then sell tiny amounts every day. Not get a job washing dishes, then work your way up to cook or waiter or manager. Not attempt to get an actual job that pays a steady wage instead of relying on fickle sales.
What a waste! If you’re going to come here, take advantage of the opportunities that you don’t have back home!
It does rather matter to whom you give your front door key. It’s a familiar pattern, the results of which can be seen daily. And yet, for the put-upon hosts even to ask the question “What’s in it for us?” is now considered scandalous, a pretext for gasping and finger-wagging.
And so the indigenous are expected to quietly endure the ongoing, quite rapid degradation of their home. Lest they be called mean.
[ Compiles tomorrow’s Ephemera, slurps coffee. ]