Scenes From Current Year
A possible series on a theme of belated pushback. I’ll set the ball rolling with this, lifted from the comments.
Fat Man With Far Side Glasses Takes Down Flag:
Queer, trans teacher with they/fae/she pronouns films himself removing the progress pride flag from his classroom following President Trump’s EO.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 3, 2025
When not mournfully taking down flags, the chap above, named Emerald, our shaper of young minds, imagines himself as Barbie, and likes to stipulate his fabulist pronouns, which are numerous, and which vary according to location, mood, and medication:
She/They to co-workers.
She/Her to strangers.
Whether children should feel safe when left in a subordinate position with a mentally unstable cross-dressing man whose forearms bear what appear to be self-harm cutting scars, I leave to the reader.
Emerald would have us believe,
Which raises the question of why flags affirming serious mental illness, compelled unrealism, and surgical mutilation were felt to be necessary props in a classroom where children learn English.
Or, as commenter EmC put it,
Kids having to pretend he’s a woman is indoctrination.
Yes, that.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
I meant, “Is the service here, by your gracious host, a thing of wonder?”
Also: Setting up a gigantic cage at a furry convention, with a flirtatious furry inside, and a sign announcing that furries will be humanely relocated away from urban areas.
And delight.
One of those mobile spay & neuter clinics might be just the thing.
You don’t get this level of pampering over at Worstall’s place.
Just sayin’.
Park it outside.
Today I learned that Lego bricks are oppressively heteronormative.
At London’s Science Museum. A sad illustration of why I stopped donating to such museums many years ago.
‘S why I don’t hang around there much.
Just look at Trump surrounded by Nazis in that photo!!!
Might it go as far as constructing an indefatigable android body for me?
When a brand manager saw “Cats” and said “Hold my Dew this’ll make a great Super Bowl ad!”
I’ve decided to put that project on hold, pending some, er, fine tuning.
[ Sounds of indefatigable android body crashing about in background, screams, sirens. ]
I’d forgotten about this.
You know the word! You know the word! I learned it while working in a national park.
Obviously they’ve never been in the plumbing department of Home Depot. Or any other hardware store.
Useless people are useless.
Criminal subculture: Out of the perhaps thousand people I know via neighbors, relatives, church, and work, not a single one has ever been arrested. And they are by no means all white. In Aurora CO as another example, the media tipped off the pending ICE action against the gangs so when ICE arrived the apts were empty. These people are not friends of civilization.
Horse flipping hair: do they do it because they know how great they look or just because the hair is in their eyes? Because horses do seem to have a sense of humor and style sometimes.
Horse flipping hair: do they do it because they know how great they look or just because the hair is in their eyes?
Fleas, flies, and ticks, same as people.
Hmmm…Define ‘arrested’…
Imagine this woman surviving for three hours on the Joe Rogan Experience.
At London’s Science Museum.
Jesus F Tapdancing Christ on toast points. Right, the first thing anyone should think of when they see a Spitfire is an obscure pilot who apparently got mentally fubared in a POW camp.
Douglas Bader, nah, Johnnie Johnson, nope, Paddy Finucane, nyet.
Violet syrup bottle – lesbians like violets. Well, I am sold, that is a gold plated argument.
Whoever is dreaming this sort of nonsense up needs to get a life beyond fretting over gonads 24/7.
And I thought that girl at the bar was being flirtatious. 😯
Still working on that French braid, I gather?
If I weren’t so busy re-enacting Carmen on our living room floor, I’d have some pithy comeback to that.
[ Grunting, wincing, flapping of arms. ]
These complainers should avoid electrical and electronics technologies.
This joke is as old as I am.
Male and female screws, history as it was, unfairness as it is, the mating game in humans, animals that are carnivores, the existence of evil, the lack of the universe giving a shit about you–you can rebel against these realities all you want, but that does not change them. It just makes you miserable.
The list of entities getting slush fund $ from USAID keeps growing: Politico, AP, NYT, BBC (??? why), special censorship entities, etc.
The madness is so pervasive it’s easy to lose one example in the maelstrom.
One of the top 5 pictures of 2024.
Behind the microphone or under the table?
Currently in a Facebook discussion with a former coworker regarding the drink bleach hoax. This was initiated by his apparent fear that Elon Musk is going to cut off his Social Security. Getting the laugh-emoji response to every solid fact that I presented to him. Huge percentage, if not a majority of people still believe this nonsense. They believe Trump is a rapist. They believe Elon is some unaccountable shadow figure who will raid the treasury.
These are serious people*, not nut cases. They believe that USAID is doing vital work. They will believe anything that they are told and since they rarely, if ever, encounter people willing to refute their delusions, they are quite comfortable in knowing for a fact that since everyone else they (think they) know believes similar, there is no reason for them to change their minds. If they did ever face reality, their entire worlds would crumble. We either accept these people screwing the rest of us over for the rest of our lives or we need to prepare ourselves for the greatest mental health meltdown in history. I fear that when faced with such a dilemma, most conservatives would prefer getting screwed. They have so far. There’s precedent.
*In a non-political sense
[ laughs in Canadian government controlling every media organization in the country ]
To be fair, most special purpose equipment tends to be a hangar queen. Without a baseline for what proportion of the equipment is typically offline for maintenance, the stat is just clickbait.
During the Moffat/Capaldi run, the Doctor and his companion arrive in… Elizabethan London? Some time around then, and the $CURRENT_DAY_COMPANION makes some noise to the effect that there are far fewer English, proportionately, than she thought there ought to be. The Doctor replied with something to the effect that London had always been diverse, and that someone had edited the histories for reasons.
Compare and contrast to the first Davies/Tennant run, a half decade or so earlier, when his $CURRENT_DAY_COMPANION was only a few generations out of Africa, where it was a regular plot beat that she was an oppressed minority when in historical England.
Well, yes. That battle was lost even long before they debanked truckers. Here they limit the debanking to political reasons. Which reminds me, we apparently are still awaiting Jamie Dimon’s response to Robbie Starbucks response to Jamie’s challenge regarding debanking at J.P. Morgan Case. BTW, how did we get to the point where the head of J.P. Morgan goes by ‘Jamie’? It definitely ties into the soft fascism thing tho.
Yes, that was bugging me as well. Though any number greater than ‘1’ for each type of equipment when going into what was acknowledged as a crisis season weeks before is highly suspect.
How about editing the staff of the BBC? Radically, even.
Speaking of the BBC, they seem to be upset they were cut off from Sam’s sugar teat, though I’m a bit confused how a “free press” [narrator: it isn’t really] is dependent on another country’s largess.
There’s more than one way to make a red pencil.
Fretting Over Gonads
Band name…
If we’re discussing the state ownership of media, this has just occurred in Ireland.
To be fair, they’re only publicly formalising, with some enhancement, a state which has been the status quo since Covid, possibly before but to a lesser degree. Given it’s the Irish government, they’ve failed again, as they so often do, by forgetting what everyone else already knew – with apologies to Humbert Wolfe the author of this piece for ‘adjusting’ his work.
You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God! the
Irish journalist.
But, seeing what
the wretch will do
unbribed, there’s
no occasion to.
This came to mind:
In short, the fantasy, the lie, must prevail. We must all learn to forget. And not notice the deception.
And I’m not at all sure how a retconned history in which, say, Anne Boleyn was black could be weighed as somehow “better” than the actual history, the actual things that happened.
When their definition of “better” includes “no white people”.