Further to this, touched on in the comments,

Here’s Helen Joyce on transgender overreach, exploited politeness, and belated pushback:

The fact is, I have said everything as kindly and nicely as I can, and I still get told not to say it.

There is no way that you can say to a man who identifies as a woman, insists he is a woman, that, fine, he can do what he likes, but he can’t actually come into women-only spaces – and that you reserve the right to say that the reason is because he’s a man – that doesn’t offend him…

What has happened is that a lot of women have seen their willingness to be polite absolutely taken advantage of… What it’s come down to is that people who don’t identify as their sex have taken other people’s politeness as license to override other people’s desires, needs, rights, and boundaries…

It reminds me of a sign, when I was a child, that shopkeepers used to have behind the till, that said, “Do not ask for credit because a refusal often offends.” Don’t ask to come in, don’t ask me to call you a woman, if by that you mean that you’re entitled to come into women’s spaces, or to count as one. And then I won’t have to refuse, and you won’t have to complain.

Full interview below:


An earlier, longer interview with Ms Joyce has been mentioned previously and can be found here.

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