A Big, Hairy Princess
As a measure of where we are, culturally – and of the levels of pretending currently expected – this rather captures something:
How terribly modern. How fashionably unhinged.
Moments later, the two girls returned, hurriedly, explaining in whispered tones that, “There was a man in the shower with us.” Ms Tyrrell promptly told the girls to get changed in a toilet stall, where privacy of a sort might be maintained.
Tyrrell says the man, who was muscular and had a hairy chest and back, was wearing what appeared to be a pink child-like bikini, which was adorned with princess tiaras, sparkles, and frills.
Naturally enough,
Unhappy about the front desk’s dismissal of her concerns, Ms Tyrrell contacted the pool’s management via email, resulting in some unexpected confusion:
Presumably, on grounds that no-one, but no-one, could possibly object to a big, hairy, very male pervert lurking in a changing room intended for women and girls. So, obviously, it must be something else. Some kind of fashion issue.
Ms Dobler was keen to remind Ms Tyrrell and other unnerved ladies that the pool does provide the option of “single stall washrooms or changerooms for patrons… [who] want to maintain more privacy.” In other words, women and girls who would rather not shower in front of big, hairy perverts can always retreat and surrender territory to the aforementioned big, hairy perverts.
Women and girls, you see, being a lower priority.
It’s the progressive pecking order.
Know your place, ladies.
At which point, Ms Tyrrell, now somewhat incredulous, replied with a not unreasonable question:
This, however, prompted a more chiding response from the pool’s management, with Ms Dobler boasting, “We are proud to have a Diversity in Changerooms Policy in our centres,” and adding that patrons are welcome to use showers and changing facilities “where they feel most safe.” The ironies of this statement apparently passing undetected.
“Everyone’s gender identity and expressions are valid,” Ms Dobler insisted. “Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued.”
Readers will note that the word everyone is rather heavy with connotations and does not seem to include women and girls who aren’t overly keen on the intimate proximity of big, creepy men. Even if those big, creepy men are wearing sparkly bikinis intended for children.
If the above should be insufficiently surreal, do read the rest over at Reduxx.
Update, via the comments:
Aitch notes Ms Dobler’s gratuitous pronouns and quips,
The ostentatious declaration of pronouns does, I think, communicate more than is perhaps realised. Sort of, I will happily pretend not to see the most glaring realities and obvious contradictions, and therefore cannot be relied upon.
Something along those lines.
Or simply, will lie.
Regarding the seeming obliviousness, the glib piety, of those inviting men into women-only spaces – and the kinds of men to whom such opportunities might appeal – Dicentra adds,
Which brought to mind this recent illustration of the same phenomenon, in which obtuseness blurs into practised dishonesty:
And so we get the pinhead dance. According to which, cross-dressing men have every right to enter women’s changing rooms, and women who object can… er, choose not to use them. Or choose to flee, provided they do it politely. So as not to cause offence.
We must, it seems, be sensitive. Albeit unilaterally.
Again, the progressive pecking order. Adherence to which entails pretending one doesn’t know any number of rather obvious things.
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FANTASY FOR THOSE IN DENIAL: Why Modern Fantasy is all about denying the reality of evil by turning terrifying monsters into chai tea swilling Portland hipsters.
And: Where Did “Orcs As Klingons” Come From?
Some immigrants hate dogs. Therefore, it’s racist for Brits to have dogs.
When we deport all the invaders, can we deport all the British “progressives” too?
TBH, chai tea swilling Portland hipsters are pretty terrifying.
Somewhat off-topic, the shopkeepers knew you.
The trees have a better haircut than David.
To no one’s surprise, noted meathead fails to connect the dots.
And Nancy Mace was the first woman to graduate from The Citadel, a formerly males-only academy.
The irony is not lost on me. I was opposed both to women in The Citadel and female reporters in mens’ locker rooms, but did they listen to me? No, they did not. And here we are.
Milton Friedman, the original prophet of the DOGE (Dept of Government Efficiency.)
I suspect that’s the case. Some of it is pure narcissism — if it doesn’t hurt me, I don’t give a rip — and some is sadism: they enjoy the thought of women being tormented in their spaces. Maybe they’re thinking about applying some lippy and trying it themselves.
I’m very clear on this point, that it’s women whose protectiveness for the poor tender-hearted women with icky male bodies is driving a lot of this. However, when you argue with a woman about this (who does use ladies’ rooms) and men (who do not), there’s a slightly different dynamic.
I imagine a situation where I wake up one morning and I have a fully male body but my same mind. I am certain that I would NOT drag that male carcass into women’s spaces, nor would I adorn it with women’s accoutrements to disguise its sex and try to pass. I wouldn’t enjoy going into the men’s room, but that’s what I would do, as necessary. My female brain would be at odds with the space but my body wouldn’t be.
If we’re going to create all-gender loos, they should be the MEN’S: transmen like Buck Angel go there, transwomen go there, and men go there. The women get their own space.
That was so long ago that I had to google it to be reminded of the exact year. Lord, I was little more than a kid at the time.
In recollection it seems that essentially all my student friends were in favor of both those things, although I know that cannot have been the case, given some cases of rather mocking graffiti. The girls were all we are powerful sisters fighting the cruel patriarchy and the boys were all we male feminists support you against the chauvinists. They despised and demonized all dissent, which suggests that those who dissented mostly remained quiet. It’s petty and cruel, but I hope some of those campus bien pensants have now had scary encounters with trans pervs–and sadistically vicious “urban youth”.
Counter-suggestion: Separate single-sex loos for sane men and sane women. And an all-gender loo for all the lunatics.
The same must apply to advocates of open borders, prison abolition, etc.
Seriously…Under BJ, your not exactly but kinda last Conservative PM…WTSF?
Along similar lines, from Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene:
Tren de Aragua can’t be deported because Maduro won’t accept Venezuelan deportees.
They haven’t got the right to infest our prisons. Off to Bouvet Island with them. Plenty of fresh water, lots of birds nest there, and there’s abundant krill in the ocean.
I dare Norway to object.
As the saying goes, it’s not hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy. Mace’s position is consistent: “I, as a woman, get to have whatever I want.” Schrodinger’s Feminist again.
Women have lost the position at the top of the woke totem pole to Muslims and now mentally ill men and they’re unhappy about it. But make no mistake, they’re all pretty sure straight white men are still at the bottom.
About that new Jaguar ad:
Even Ms Zegler’s apology videos have a chafing quality.
The amount of narcissism oozing out of those few seconds could choke a horse. I doubt she’s a joy to work with, and I suspect her talents don’t compensate for the trouble.
Nobody will line up to see her again, because she won’t be in anything.
Heh. Even the head movements were aggravating. Which is quite a thing, really.
Previously in the make-believe land of Ms Zegler and her peers.
Worth repeating. The ad is staggeringly bad. It’s generically vacuous. A lifeless thing. It’s like an AI parody, but without the possibility of some accidental amusement.
[ Post updated. ]
See, this place is terribly interactive.
It’s got a strong late-60s aesthetic, which, that’s fine, but that makes it retro, not outré.
In other news, there’s a truly psychopathic act committed by a woman, and yet some still blame her husband, reasoning that if she’s crazy, then he drove her to it.
It’s the jarring, bewilderingly perverse disconnect with the actual market for the product or service. A phenomenon we’ve seen before, as for instance here.
And all in the name of wokeness. It’s unhinging.
On behalf of the United States of America, I would like to apologize to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Canada, you dodged this one.
Then put them in 8x8x8 prison cells. And brick up the doors after they’re in.
Quit throwing your garbage into our dimension.
I’m certain of it. As has been observed endless times, success in Hollywood is largely a matter of luck because there are far more talented actors, even highly talented actors, than there are opportunities. Thus, there is no need to cater to the “whims” of anyone with less than Bogart/Bacall level talent and fame.
Then put them in 8x8x8 prison cells. And brick up the doors after they’re in.
Locked in remotely piloted ships, if the Venezuelan armed forces manage to sink them en route to a Venezuelan port or beach, oh well.
Quit throwing your garbage into our dimension.
At least I apologized, and it is not like you haven’t thrown some of your wretched refuse our way (cough)John Oliver(cough).
I’m sorry, you’re breaking up. Must be solar flares.
[ Rustles crisp packet, makes sound of static. ]
Meanwhile, on Bluesky.
The censored post, since you ask, hailed Rachel Levine as Man of the Year.
Only 4-1/2 years in prison. With his record, it should have been death.
Meanwhile in the Democratic People’s Republic of Seattle:
Of course she does.
OK, now I am conflicted whether on behalf of the United States of America, I should apologize to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or whether Jaguar Land Rover or Tata Motors should apologize for hiring this mastermind to begin with.
The problem isn’t the meme.
[ Schedules tomorrow’s Ephemera. ]
She’s an actress. Lying is what she does for a living. Why these people are given any credibility I don’t understand. Why no one mentions this obvious fact in regards to these people is another mystery.
A gentleman has a suggestion for Jaguar.
There’s nothing that says we can’t just . . . you know . . . drop them off in the vicinity. Landings & takeoffs are such a nuisance and there’s no reason to use more fuel than necessary.
Should have avoided comparing herself to the Niké of Samothrace – she suffers greatly in the juxtaposition.
I’m no car expert but back in the 70’s/80’s when I paid attention to such things, Jaguar had a reputation for expensive yet crap cars. I had a friend who had one about 10 years ago and the story she told me about some window closing issue made me wonder why they continue to exist. There are so many much more reliable luxury cars out there. This ad only reinforces my biased perception that they are all about image.
When my girls were young I had to stop for them in a not so nice part of town at a burger place for one to use the restroom. The ladies was out of order. I asked a 30 something black man who was about to use it if it was ok if she went in alone. He said of course and waited outside.
These things take deliberate forgetting of reality to get to where we are.
It yeeted itself.
Yet they keep doing so.
So much for learning from experience.
[ Finishes bacon and brie toastie, brushes crumbs from shirt. ]