This Is My Shocked Face
Readers will, I think, recall Mr Sasha Yates, the cross-dressing high-school sports coach with an interest in teenage girls’ panties.
The chap so loudly championed by ladies of a progressive bent, despite numerous complaints regarding Mr Yates’ inappropriate behaviour.
Progressive ladies who denounced the “hate” and “transphobia” of those expressing concerns, while ensuring that Mr Yates retained his position, and his access to the girls’ changing rooms, where he paraded around in his own bra and panties, much to the girls’ discomfort, and while asking those teenage girls about their underwear and menstrual cycles.
Progressive ladies who merrily elevated themselves with the airing of modish views, their ostentatious displays of compassion and inclusivity, while in effect screwing over the schoolgirls being harassed by a cross-dressing creep.
Girls whose discomfort and polite complaints – their failure to be progressive – rendered them low-status. Beings of no consequence.
In case you’re unsure, Mr Yates is the strapping madam in the denim.
Well, readers, I have news.
Following the renewal of his employment contract, reported previously, Mr Yates has since resigned, citing “ongoing health reasons.” Which, as the ladies at Reduxx reveal, is something of a euphemism, another coy dishonesty:
I’ll spare you the more graphic details, but in one of the feats of erotica seemingly shared with the world, Mr Yates asks the question every parent hopes to hear from someone educating their children:
At risk of sounding stuffy and uptight, it occurs to me that if you’re employed as a sports coach at a school, despite perving on adolescent girls, and your home-made porno videos, in which you smoke meth, can easily be found by parents, and presumably by students, this is not an ideal situation.
And because, clearly, we need more irony, there’s this detail regarding the school district’s original investigation:
Wait for it.
You may now resume your humdrum, non-cross-dressing lives.
I had kinda the opposite problem. I’d get to talking to a girl, really hitting it off until we discovered that I was 2, 3, 5, 7 years younger. In college I used to hang out with a local band. Their lead guitarist now plays for a very well known country artist. My roommate was good friends with the lead singer. Anyway, one night they’re playing a bar on campus and after a few beers I ask this girl to dance. It turned out to be the lead singer’s mother. Still haven’t lived that one down. Good thing he liked me.
You mean as an author and commentator on scientific topics? (I don’t see anything in his biography of any time as a instructor at any educational institution.)
Any invitation to speak at an sf convention would qualify as “interaction with youth”.
Several decades ago there was a child porn scandal involving a 14 year old girl who looked older than 18 but lied about her age in order to do porn which she saw as her gateway into Hollywood.
Plenty of teens have very poor judgement, which is why we adults are expected to judge for them when necessary.
That’s part of civilization–the civilization that all too many “smart people” want to throw into the trash as being “obsolete”.
The sources I saw represented him as having gotten in trouble as a “tutor” to younger students while he was at King’s College. As well, he was reputed to have cut quite a swathe through the younger members of the British Interplanetary Society that he was active in from 1946 until he left for Sri Lanka in 1956.
Again, I don’t know these things. I’m reporting what I’ve read and was told from several independent sources; maybe there was a widespread conspiracy of people who hated space travel and satellites that wanted to destroy his reputation.
You really have to wonder about it, though… I mean, for all intents and purposes, he was a major player in the British astronomical community up until he left for Sri Lanka. Why the hell would someone drop all that, move to a third-world country with no astronomy to speak of, and then abandon the whole of his life’s work up to that moment?
Genius tends to be a little flaky, when it comes to it’s sexual mores. I think Heinlein put it to the effect that “…genius makes its own rules…” in that regard, and judging from some of the stuff in his later works…? Ya have to wonder. You really, really do… Especially when juxtaposed with Walter Breen and MZB.
Thanks for the details. Much appreciated.
Not to mention abandon his social connections.
But if the claims were false, he could have successfully fought them and sued his accusers into penury.
Hence the persistent tendency among intellectuals and artists to condone or at least excuse such behavior among their own. And when the people who produce the fiction and nonfiction tend to push such excuses, the populace will not hear much about counter-arguments. I’m not willing to grant such exceptions for “genius”.
Addendum: As best I recall what I witnessed decades ago, impulsivity and poor judgement in pursuing fun usually explained the bad conduct, but there were a few young girls who were clearly using sex to manipulate men and get stuff, be it status or gifts or entertainment out of the reach of kids.
Verified. Chapter 3. But it was only one tooth extraction plus lots of fillings. My excuse for mis-remembering this is that the tooth extraction was done by an incompetent butcher.