She’s Taken It Upon Herself
Not a lady, but a they-dy, obviously:
This is what happens when you hire woke. When they tell you who they are, believe them.
— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) September 5, 2023
As an employer, the person paying for this privilege, you’d never tire of that.
Previously and entirely unrelated:
Following which, I added:
Oh, and we mustn’t forget the male teacher who required three months of paid medical leave, supposedly due to emotional exhaustion and “severe burnout” on account of the small children in his class being reluctant to lie about the sex of the person teaching them. The honesty of small children – who used the words mister and he – had rendered him unfit for work.
And every employer would walk over hot coals for an employee who demands validation of his psychodrama from other people’s children. And who, when this bold stratagem fails, retires to his fainting couch for months on end.
Update, via the comments:
Behold, another model employee:
Male teacher who thinks he’s a woman says he had a conversation with a student about growing fake bre*sts and is upset that other students haven’t noticed his “additions” yet.
These are the people teaching your kids
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) October 8, 2024
Just so we’re clear. He’s a teacher who wants the children he teaches to notice – and comment on – his breasts. Or his approximation of breasts.
And surely that’s what every parent hopes for in a teacher.
Consider this an open thread.
Did she wear those earrings to the job interview?
I want to fire her and she doesn’t even work for me.
There’s a lot going on, visually, and I have to say, none of it screams hire me.
Heh. Were you not swayed by her plight, the terrible, crushing unfairness of it all?
“Attention, ladies! The building is on fire! You all need to leave now!”
So… That would make a “non-binary” person with a penis a… They-man?
They-dies and they-men… It’s all so absurd.
It’s like a checklist of warning signs. The unhappy choice of hairstyle, the facial piercings, the excess of seemingly random tattoos, the supposedly sassy drag-queen mannerisms, the default condescension…
But then, it always is.
Airport security and MRIs would be so exciting for her. And she may have other not visible piercings. Because that’s what you wanted to visualize.
Long time listener – 2nd time caller
In a related vein of ‘when they tell you who they are’…
I immersed myself in furry culture. You don’t understand them.
If, as claimed, furries are very often people who “don’t always like who they are,” and I see no reason to suppose otherwise, then I’m not entirely sure they’ve found a lasting solution. If a recurring problem is “a life where no-one understands me,” then pretending to be an anthropomorphic furry animal – say, a purple wolf – doesn’t strike me as an obvious way to address that, or to resolve it.
And I’m not sure how retreating behind a mask and playing dress-up, as some kind of fetishistic cartoon character, sits with the professed “values of being authentic.”
I mean, if people want to play dress-up, whether for sexual reasons or not, then don’t let me stop you. But the rationale is not entirely persuasive.
Do help yourself to bar snacks.
Some years ago, at a family party, many of the revellers were wearing fancy-dress costumes. I remember Beloved Sister-In-Law #1 made a pretty good undead she-ghoul, complete with berserk wig and face paint. The absurd outfits added to the fun. But if Beloved Sister-In-Law started wearing her undead she-ghoul outfit regularly, while sitting at home, or walking the dogs, or when meeting friends for a lunchtime coffee, this would, I think, raise eyebrows.
“Do help yourself to bar snacks.” You’ll be sorry!
Strongly agree.
And one of the things I noticed long ago about the science fiction fan community* was that the members tended to be misfits, eccentrics, oddballs–to use some old expressions from before the invention of “neurodivergent”. It’s pleasant to have a place where one feels comfortable, but an environment which accepts and even celebrates personality dysfunctions is not a place where the dysfunctional are likely to learn how to function better–more likely the reverse.** It’s unpleasant to encounter a twenty-something who lacks basic social skills, but it’s far more disturbing when the individual is fifty.
* Likewise the SCA, and presumably other fandoms I am forgetting about.
The science fiction professionals have endless horror stories about fan behavior, everything from cluelessness to pathological obsession and even malevolence.
** Although someone once said within my hearing, “Mensa is for people who are not yet emotionally mature enough for fandom”.
The furries I encountered did indeed come off as “neurodivergent”.
Their costumed behavior had a exaggerated, cartoonish flirtatiousness which seemed sexualized. And sexy anthropomorphic critter art is very common–but don’t forget that fandom is a tolerant and inclusive culture so you must not express unease much less distaste.
Clearly, David, you fail to be properly “inclusive”.
I’m caring as I type.
The “retreating behind a mask” is a key insight. As is “fetishistic”.
Is furry the new goth?
There is, I think, something of that about it. The ostentatious see-how-not-like-you-I-am quality. As one of the furries says in the article, “If what I’m doing isn’t making somebody uncomfortable, then what I’m doing isn’t making a difference.” Quite what kind of “difference” is being made by dressing up as a toy-like purple wolf – and consequently being thought a bit odd – escapes me.
And basing one’s supposed individuality – “being authentic” – on attempts to disconcert suggests someone trapped in, among other things, a lack of imagination.
I used to hear fans talk about “freaking the mundanes” as something both recreational and praiseworthy, rather than as a clue that perhaps the fans needed to engage in some self-examination.
Is furry the new goth?
As opposed to the old goth:
Speaking of useless employees, inflation is caused by climate change, climate hysteria fantasy aside, it is not as if the temperature in The Great White North being a degree or two warmer would be a bad thing.
Speaking of useless employees, what organization doesn’t need a Training Manager in the Office of Resilience.
“We can’t cut one thin dime from the Federal budget!™”
I am unpacking this as I get ready for work. She should already have been working and not talking. She should already have been doing her damned job, for which she is paid. She should need no reminder to work at all. The reminder to work is a concession to her weakness and inadequacy, and the fact that she doesn’t see that is the biggest problem here. And then when this very mild correction results in an excuse for her belligerence, at some point in the near future, she will find herself unemployed again. And blaming capitalism and transism.
And I would not want to bet against this specimen being the instigator of all those off-topic conversations that are getting in the way of business.
And what strapping titans they are.
Not even original to those fans. The drug-addicted depraved “artistes” of the late 19th century called it épater la bourgeoisie.
That triggered another semi-random association from long ago: In La Boheme, we are supposed to identify with and sympathize with the poor, suffering Bohemians. And yet from the very opening scene it is clear that their thinking and behavior is unconducive to escaping poverty.
Given that this Halloween-all-the-time thing is relevant…Perhaps someone else here remembers this. Back in the 80’s one of the more well known punk bands had a song mocking people for dressing up on Halloween, implying that they were hypocrites. Because of course, if they were honest, like the real punk rockers are honest, they would dress like freaks the other 364 days of the year. Don’t remember the song or the band but I remember thinking, boy I hope this idiotic idea doesn’t catch on.
Also, freaking the mundanes. Band name. Or album. Maybe both.
But now they can not like who they are IN A HOT AND UNCOMFORTABLE COSTUME.
A costume which I suppose is difficult to impossible to fully launder, resulting in a certain olfactory “ambiance” at furry events.
Psst! WWII surplus gas masks. Cheap!
[ Sound of bin liner rustling. ]
[ Slides bowl of chili-flavoured toenail clippings to Rafi. ]
They’re bigger than usual and thick-cut. But for the same price.
I was led to believe the bar snacks contained no toenail clippings!
From the same author,
I immersed myself in felony murderer culture. You don’t understand them.
(Okay, okay, that wasn’t the actual headline. But it could have been.)
[ Orders more toenail clippings. ]
Don’t be surprised by the . . . texture.
Note the term ex-wife.
Might make Justin’s blackface run.
Why does the phrase ‘useless eater’ keep popping up?
I’m going to form an Irish folk group made up of Marxist art students and call it, “Eh, Paddy, the Bourgeoisie!”
So . . . no one able to sing or play an instrument then.
Just leave your coat in the alleyway. I’ll fetch the lighter fluid.
Not only do I understand them, it is precisely because I understand them that I’m unwilling to play their dysgenic game.
“No. You are expelled from this university because the school sees no value in wasting our precious resources on you, given your dishonesty and lack of maturity. There are many other far more deserving students who are worth our investment because they will return value to the broader community once educated. You will not.”
Late to the party, but Patriarchy: my theory about the middle east is a combination of 2 things: 1) they were really big on slaves for a long time but only male slaves. To keep the slaves away from their wives, they kept women in doors and covered. It worked pretty well–very little african genes in the population. 2) at the same time, having multiple wives was accepted so a rich/powerful guy could take your wife. Again, hide her.
[ Wonders if it’s possible to eat six Cadbury’s Mega Buttons at the same time. ]
Turns out you can. With surprising ease.
Note the term ex-wife.
Does he also save all his snot? Is he a goblin? (Sir TP’s Snuff)
[ Wonders if it’s possible to eat seven Cadbury’s Mega Buttons at the same time. ]