Gambling den of note. || From 1978, a brief guide to stuffed chine. || Cross-section of something familiar. || Not finding it didn’t matter. || Meanwhile, in Wales. || Leaf sheep, also glows. || Now that the clock is ticking, name the countries of the world. || Humans next to enormous things, a thread. || Careful now. || Wooing tip. || Yam fondling. || Joe has had a face transplant. || The thrill of patent leather. || An elevated pig. || Pole dancing. || Perhaps he identified as a slow-moving truck. || “Be real,” much hooting. || A lowering of the scrotum. || A tool for every job. || She’s got a big one. || Suboptimal location. || Burdensome behaviour seen from afar. (h/t, pst314) || Don’t send gifts. || A footwear choice was made. || And finally, because you demanded it, AI does breakdancing.

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