And he will “take note” of who does not obey:

Mr Landau, since you ask, is a “left wing, progressive Liberal organiser” – pronouns “he/him” – who spends a lot of his time being “exhausted and sad.” Oh, and he doesn’t like people who “suppress… dissenting voices.”

Mr Landau has not yet specified what he will do to those reluctant to march on demand. Something progressive, no doubt. Sadly, Mr Landau, our champion of radical dissent, is not permitting questions or replies from those insufficiently like-minded.

Via Mia Hughes.

Update, via the comments:

Rafi adds,

Compelled speech isn’t enough. Now it’s compelled marching.

Ah, but, you see, they’re “dissenting,” albeit in a very conformist way. And any failure to “dissent” – on demand, as instructed – will be punished. Compliance under duress being the way of the dissenter.

The rhetorical inversions may, I grant you, take some getting used to. But you will start celebrating now, comrade, spontaneously, and with great joy.

Lest your hesitation be noted.

Update 2:

Oh, and speaking of affirmation being demanded:

Behold our betters and their recreational malice.

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