Reheated (91)
As it’s a bank holiday here, complete with sunshine and tweeting birds, some items from the archives:
You Will Not Notice Certain Things.
The vindictive pretending of Canadian high-school teachers.
But it does, I think, offer a glimpse into the strange, unhappy world of woke psychology.
Journalists invoke the “post-traumatic distress” of being disagreed with.
Even being referred to by the public as woke is presented as a basis for weeping, a form of psychological torture. Indeed, almost any kind of demurral is framed as an attempt to “silence” the journalists’ self-declared heroism, to deny them their cosmic destiny. And hence, it seems, the imperative to shut down reader-comment sections on national newspaper websites, on grounds that readers are no longer content to confine their feedback to the polite correction of typos.
However, the more plausible explanations for why journalists may not be held in the highest possible regard remain oddly untouched. Even when Hill Times columnist and “anti-racism expert” Erica Ifill boasts that she doesn’t bother to interview white men. And the implications of a room full of statusful media professionals being fixated with the supposed pathologies of “whiteness,” and being pretentious and neurotic, and mentally uniform, and both distant from and disdainful of the concerns of the public that they claim to serve, are, needless to say, not vigorously explored.
Looting, mayhem, and media mendacity.
Those actually doing the thieving offered more revealing explanations. As one pair of female looters put it while drinking stolen wine: “Chucking bottles, breaking into stuff, it was madness… good though. Good fun. Free alcohol.” Obligingly, with prompting, the duo added a political dimension, of a sort: “It’s the government’s fault. I dunno… the Conservatives… yeah, whatever, whoever it is. We’re showing the police we can do what we want.”
An “activist/scholar” opines. Cue convolutions and woo.
Our educator’s goal, we learn, is to “develop equitable and compassionate frameworks, models, and processes for the purpose of catalysing whole planet interdependence and flourishing.” And hence, obviously, the demonisation of white people.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Sharp-eyed readers will note that the Amazon US button has disappeared from the sidebar. This is because Amazon US is changing the terms of its affiliate programme and will now only be supporting blogs with a dedicated Amazon store front to promote specific Amazon products. As I don’t have strong views on which kind of kettle or washing machine you should buy, that rules out this place.
Purchases made recently should still feed into your host’s tip jar. However, from next week onwards, readers in the US who wish to support this glorious establishment are directed towards the PayPal, Ko-Fi, and SubscribeStar buttons.
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Guiding us towards a fluffier, more fragrant tomorrow.
“Somatic, embodied training… wisdom traditions… quantum field theory”
Snake oil, in other words.
As I said in the original thread, it must be strange to inhabit an environment in which your peers, all supposed intellectuals, won’t call you out on even the most eye-widening horseshit.
Lest the favour be returned, presumably.
They always look like hostage videos.
In a sense, I suppose they are.
Are those things related somehow?
Not usually. It’s the U.K., after all.
Also from the original thread, this, by David Gillies:
Not entirely unfair, I think.
Guiding us towards a fluffier, more fragrant tomorrow.
People really need to learn how to position lights and cameras.
Being an intellectual, she didn’t know.
[ Refills bird bath, feeds squirrels. ]
[ Waits for birds to land, adoringly, on outstretched arms. ]
Is that professor’s “positionality” anything like Wessonality?
They’re “eliminating racism” by… <drumroll> being racist. Are they really stupid or just evil?
Both is always an option. As noted in the original thread,
To assume that these are Well-Meaning People who simply made a bewildering mistake, and then kept on making it, zealously, despite the obnoxious implications, and who then rushed to punish anyone who politely demurred… is, it seems to me, a bit of a stretch.
[ Post updated with Amazon US news, copied below. ]
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Every culture ever in history that was successful tried to expand and take land from less successful neighbors. Empires waxed and waned across the landscape. No border stayed the same for long. Black West Africans (think Nigeria) expanded in the last few hundred years into South Africa. In the Americas, indian kingdoms in Central and South America fought each other constantly but none had an inherent advantage. When there was a big advantage, there could be a huge empire, such as the Mongol empire (tech of stirrups, recurved bow for shooting from horseback, great organization).
What happened in the 1600s was that Europeans began to have an order-of-magnitude advantage in conflicts. Their culture was more organized, more educated, and had superior technology (not just guns but maps and banks and books). So whites conquered the entire world. That is the way it all worked back then. If we now want to eschew conflict, great, but I for one fail to feel guilty about the past, having had nothing to do with it personally. It is what it is.
This woke stuff is a made-up religion with no coherence, no grace, no ecstacy, no beauty, no inspiration. It turns envy into a god and makes innocent people feel guilty. It is original sin without forgiveness but at the same time an excuse for magic brown people to do anything without consequence. It punishes heresy. It says that anyone successful must be exploiting someone. It is the opposite of a religion..
That seems . . . unlikely.
Being an intellectual does seem to involve rather a lot of basic ignorance.
Indeed. Though Dr Storberg-Walker is, albeit unwittingly, showing us which states of contrivance and exquisite pretension are probably best avoided.
A religion designed by intellectuals.
Sharp-eyed readers will note that the Amazon US button has disappeared from the sidebar.
Well, fork. That was a convenient way for me to support this blog on the occasions I needed something online. Stupid Amazon.
It’s an irritation. But the affiliate programme is one of those curious hangovers from a time before Amazon became OMNICORP.
[ Adds fairy lights to tip jar. ]
To paraphrase a comment about China: Don’t trust amazon, amazon asshole.
A while back I was testing out Google adwords to sell some software. I got a notice that I was banned but could not find out why. Google also asshole.
Well this is awkward as the underwear I ordered last time arrived and despite packaging indicating otherwise (I now have to check for these things) did not have a fly, so I will be returning it. Not sure what that means to the blog’s…uh…bottom line but, well…that’s Western civilization in the 21st century for you.
[ Sound of ladies fainting. ]
OTOH, you could set up the “Thompson, Blog Store” selling made-on-the-fly T-shirts with a Guild Of Evil logo, “Thomson, Blog, Home of the Happy Henchlesbians”, “Thompson, Blog – Friends of the Peak District”, “AL-U-MIN-UM”, or whatever.
Coasters, tea cozies (whatever the hell they are), mugs, the sky is the limit, your fortune will be made.
The hottest thing in phone filters! Get yours today!
Think hipster beanies for tea pots.
Think hipster beanies for tea pots.
OK, but why? Decoration? Affirming the kettle’s identity?
Meanwhile, not to speculate wildly, but this may have been DEI engineering.
A well-made cozy isn’t just a pretty bit of showing off one’s knitting/crocheting/sewing skills, it helps insulate the teapot.
/old lady information
Be sure to ask when you run across antimacassars. 😉
Hey buddy, can you leave them alone, can we not?
Be sure to ask when you run across antimacassars.
I know what they are as my grandmother had them, though my brother kept saying antimascara which also makes sense when we found out just what in the hell macassar was and some relatives being fond of some sort of oleaginous hair goo the kids today would call “product”, I believe/
The point of having a kettle not on a heating device of some sort, or having poured X cups of tea, why it would not be returned to one rather than just left sitting out such that it needs a jacket.
I suspect it might have to do with some savage ritual left over from the days of Stonehenge or peat rationing.
This is leading to a rant about Big Peat isn’t it?
T-shirts with a Guild Of Evil logo
I would have to purchase said t-shirt, and I don’t even know what the logo is.
Many years back when I first discovered this blog on Typepad, I remember the “Blow Harder” knob in the upper corner. A year or so later, I wanted to find the blog again, but couldn’t remember the name, just the selector knob. You can imagine the Google results for “blow + harder + knob + blog” were not enlightening in the way I needed. I think adding something about performance art and remembering the name David actually did get me where I wanted to be, whereupon I wisely bookmarked for future (and SFW) reference.
Because the tea is drunk in a room other than the kitchen?
A logo which can be sewn inside hats, such as THRUSH agents used in The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
I think because back in the day, the actual water heating was done in a metal container on the stove, or hob/ fireplace, and the tea was measured separately into a china teapot. The heated water was then poured into the china pot, and that pot and teacups/saucers were then served (on a tray if guests were involved and you were sufficiently posh). Since there was already some heat loss in the transfer to the china pot, and no heat source afterwards, the “cozy” just acts as a level of insulation to the china teapot while there is tea in it. If you’re entertaining guests, I guess the teapot might sit out for a bit as they chatted and sipped.
Then barbarians invented tea bags, electric kettles, and microwaves, plus people entertained less, and the whole teapot/teacup & saucer/tea cozy culture sort of died off with the people who were part of it.
That’s my hypothesis, anyways, probably influenced by reading way too many turn of the century/early 20th century English stories and novels.
I was taught to minimize that heat loss by pre-heating the teapot with the hottest possible water from the tap.
I’m all for rough treatment of home invaders, but this might be going too far.
Reminded me of this:
Can’t say my opinion has changed to any great degree.
They say Karma’s a bitch but I hear she’s a TERF.
I fell into a sinkhole on Twitter / X this morning.
The details are not important, and I alone am to blame for not paying due care, and then getting sucked in further.
But suffice it to say that it has not been either a pleasant nor an edifying experience in the manner of the proverbial porker (“Never wrestle with a pig because you’ll both get dirty and the pig likes it“).
Buy my reason for bringing this up here is that it was the first time since around 2014 or so that I have been engaged directly by “Well-Meaning People”.
And I can report that, close up, they are just as obnoxious, dishonest, and morally bankrupt as they were back then – maybe even more so.
Especially noticeable is the apparent Damascene conversion so many of them seem to have had in becoming committed defenders to British democracy following the local elections this week.
No longer, apparently, is British democracy a broken system subverted by the BBC, the Daily Mail, and financial interests, as I’ve been assured for the last decade, but instead the true voice of the people.
The sight of so many of them transforming themselves overnight is actually quite disturbing (in precisely the kind of Orwellian mode of Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia mixed with Invasion of the Bodysnatchers).
While there is nothing wrong with changing one’s views over time, there is something fundamentally untrustworthy about anyone who can make such a total overnight change, yet act as if there has been no such transformation, and who looks at you as if you are peculiar for suggesting they had ever held any other views than those they do now.
[ Shudders involuntarily ]
Whisky. A large one.
Actually, better leave the bottle – I’m going to need it.
I think I made one on a lark years ago; I’ll see if I can dig it up.
Doing away with even the expectation of consistency, reciprocation and so forth must be quite liberating, rhetorically. Or unhinging. One or the other.
[ Rummages in lost property box, slides chipped and sticky butter dish to Nikw211. ]
I had a lot of time on my hands…
Man tries to shoot pastor during sermon. And dead body was found in his home.
Drugs or mental illness? Or both? This sort of thing hardly ever happened when I was young.
So much crazy.