Friday Ephemera (718)
Burly chap. || Rumble in the urban jungle. || “Somebody is probably in there.” (h/t, Tim) || Suboptimal scenario. || Galvanic baths. || A decolonising dance with bonus string. || Our betters ponder their ancestors. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || Not everyone felt affirmed. || Trout restocking. || He’s a teacher, you know. || It’s a look, I guess. || I laughed and I’m not sorry. || Hot pants interloper. || Perhaps he’d heard it was all the rage. || Parenting the progressive way. || Mugshots of paint huffers. || It’s an excerpt from a longer piece. || “Natalie Perry’s job is to teach med students to ‘do what’s right.'” (h/t, pst314) || Heh. || Something in the ceiling. || The sound of shedding. || Seeks attention, gets it, then complains about the attention in an attention-seeking way. || And finally, unforeseen circumstances.
Update, via the comments:
How to walk like a ladyperson. YouTube version here.
As sk60 added,
Should any readers be intrigued and wish to book a coaching day to develop those essential ladyperson skills – with shoes, shopping, and wigs – details can be found here. You can, for instance, master the Duchess Slant.
If inclined, you can follow me on X / Twitter.
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That was a bad time for him to drop his bee smoker.
“You know, you can’t even keep the streets safe at night. The Scottish government can’t build two bog standard ferries. This Parliament can’t build a single high speed line. So stay out of news. You’re just trouble. Don’t want any help. Just don’t want you to interfere.”
Lock him up! And his emotional support lizard too!
What are the motives behind BLM? Nothing good.
“California is literally a GTA server.”
Wait, that’s a novelty? Don’t all the states with remote areas do it?
No one will ever hurt him again. He’s made sure of it.
Australia, of course. Only in Australia.
“Suboptimal scenario.”
Nicholas Cage voice: “Not the bees!”
Morning, all.
She even provides refreshment and snacks.
Oh, and happy birthday to Stephanie. Everybody comment on how young she looks.
How to walk like a ladyperson.
YouTube version here.
Please tell me this is a piss-take…
It’s perhaps significant that it’s a little unclear. A sign of our glorious times.
Should any readers be intrigued and wish to book a coaching day to develop those essential ladyperson skills – with shoes, shopping, and wigs – details can be found here.
You can, for instance, master the Duchess Slant.
Hey, I’m just sayin’.
How to walk like a ladyperson?
As Hazel notes in another tweet, it’s customary for ladies to not have an obvious package.
In other news, I just watched this interview between Joshua Slocum and Benjamin Boyce.
Joshua has exceptional moral clarity on a variety of subjects because he used to be on the Left but about 8-9 years ago began to see the light. He’s also articulate and vulnerable and hella deep in his contemplations.
Highly recommended. All of it.
Yes, it does rather undo any illusions one might have had. From a distance. In fog.
Actually, obvious package would be a pretty good band name.
Just thought I’d get that one out of the way.
Not the boobs I was hoping for, tbh.
Faith in humanity (almost) restored.
You can’t parody these people. They’re already there.
Or hire him.
Will this be on the test?
Extra string in abundance.
Oh yes. And then some.
[ Fetches red pen, spirit level. ]
Antipodal advertisement of note. (Caution)
1) Note the guy can only cross his legs with great difficulty because of the difference in pelvic anatomy. I guess pelvic reconstruction is next on the list of “affirming” surgery, or stick to the Cambridge Cross.
2) Unless raised by hyenas, or recovering from a massive stroke, if you have to be taught how to be a woman, odds are you never will be.
You seem to know an awful lot about this. Just sayin’.
I, on the other hand, treasure my ignorance…which fails to explain why I am here.
They never are. 😐
[ Acts casual, says nothing. ]
The videos you (ahem) post are often learning, nay, enlightening, experiences, and I did do very well in gross anatomy.
This walking like a lady thing is all very well, but imagine having to take a treadmill with you whenever you go out.
(Preemptively sets fire to coat).
[ Waits for someone to say band name. ]
Somebody is probably in there.
That was beautiful.
Oh, there she is, birthday girl.
Tuck in.
It’s a look, I guess.
Hope he doesn’t need an emergency MRI.
Oh, and happy birthday to Stephanie. Everybody comment on how young she looks.
Ha! And thank you. Sixty-three today. And still no fucks to give.
Imagine the shrapnel!
[ Fetches stick, pushes cake closer to Stephanie. ]
Tuck in.
I’d hit that.
Affirming mascara moustache.
If she isn’t dead ringer for Clark Gable now, no one is. You can almost hear all the panties dropping.
Call the philosophy department.
No hormones required. Non-conformity achieved. No harm done. Completely reversible when the impulse fades. 5/5, would recommend.
Imagine if GIDS had been prescribing mascara for the last decade. There would be an entire cohort of healthy lesbians with advanced makeup skills out there. Something I think we would all have appreciated.
At first I thought it was a new one from Boston Dynamics.
[ Laughter, choking. ]
Another one of the Ivy Leagues Best And Brightest, “Non-binary” Division.
I paraphrase only slightly, but I am guessing they don’t teach logic at Columbia anymore, and why is he/she/they going to a school named after Columbus, one of the ring leaders in the pantheon of yte devils ?
Boston Dynamics, but somehow less feminine.
[ Post updated. ]
‘Interpretive dance’ always puts me in mind of this.
Necrosis does have a rather distinct, pungent, odour.