Just Like Us, You Say
Further to previous rumblings on the subject of crime, another small but noteworthy point:
Why, it’s almost as if antisocial tendencies were not neatly confined to only one form of expression.
This reply to the above is not, I think, entirely trivial:
Part of the reason that they were so desperate to cancel Live PD is that it showed 6 hours of this every weekend.
— someonesalt (@pervertputt) January 15, 2024
Indeed. As noted in one of our earlier discussions:
When finally apprehended, the thieves, themselves unharmed, were entirely unconcerned by the horror and destruction left in their wake, or the fact that it was all but miraculous that no-one had been killed. Instead, they were loudly indignant, as if they were the victims of the drama, heatedly objecting to the discomfort of handcuffs, and demanding to know why their phones had been confiscated. While, within earshot, injured children were being rushed to hospital.
Scenes like the above, of which there were many, may explain why progressives disliked the series, dismissing it as “copaganda.” I suspect the actual objection is not so much, as claimed, that the series portrayed the police in a sanitised or flattering light, as the officers were rarely the focus of the viewer’s attention.
The stars of each episode, if that’s the right word, were usually the lawbreakers. They, not the police, held the attention. They were generally the ones driving events, whether those events were alarming or farcical. And so, the series offered a glimpse into the mindset of the criminals – the recurring patterns of malevolence and selfishness – in their own words and by watching their own actions.
And obviously, we can’t have that. It makes pretentious sympathy much more difficult to muster.
Regarding those progressive assumptions and their routine departures from reality, I’d somehow forgotten about this chap:
I’d also forgotten about some of the professor’s peers and cheerleaders – among them, fellow educator Leigh Kimberg, who’s all about “compassion, healing, justice and equity,” and announcing her pronouns to random passers-by. She’s also somewhat miffed by expectations of rigour:
There’s more to be had via the links above, and in the subsequent threads.
Try not to steal anyone’s car while you’re reading.
Update, via the comments:
Regarding the conceit that habitual violent criminals are “just like everybody else,” Karl suggests,
Well, bafflingly lenient sentencing is hardly unheard of, and the irrecoverable pathology of persistent offenders can be difficult to grasp unless one has, regrettably, experienced it first-hand.
As noted here before, those who’ve witnessed or experienced serious, aggressive criminality may have been wrong-footed and inhibited by their own disbelief – their own struggle to process the alien behaviour that they’re seeing. Sociopathic activity and feral predation can – to the civilised – seem bewildering and surreal:
It’s also worth noting that the field of academic criminology, in which unrealism and excuses are pretty much the default, is notoriously left-tilted, here and overseas, with liberals and radical leftists outnumbering conservative colleagues by a ratio of around 30:1.
And it occurs to me that people in high-status professions, including legal professions, are more likely to have internalised high-status opinions, mouthed as a kind of social jewellery. And which, at the moment, include opinions such as these. According to which, the creatures treating us as mere prey – suckers from whom things can be taken – are the ones most deserving of our sympathy and indulgence.
Pretentious sympathy, of course. But still.
And so we have competitively activist legal professionals, such as Mr Clive Stafford Smith, mentioned here – a man who believes that the wellbeing of burglars is more important than the wellbeing of their numerous victims, especially if the burglar is a “young black person.” And who regards anger at being burgled and the subsequent sense of violation as plebeian and unsophisticated, while disdaining the victims’ expectations of justice as, and I quote, “idiotic attitudes.”
However, contra Mr Stafford Smith and his peers, the fact that I manage to walk down the street without sucker-punching random people for being the wrong race – or stealing a car and deliberately running down elderly cyclists, killing them, while laughing – is not down to my no longer living in a rough part of town.
To claim that the kinds of creatures who do these things repeatedly, often gleefully, are just like the rest of us – only more oppressed – is farcical and perverse. And a tad insulting.
This blog is kept afloat by use of the buttons below.
I can see what happened here.
Some race-grifting comedian heard the term “Black Lives Matter” and thinking it referred to the substance smeared across the road after a truck runs over a protester, decided to offer a course on it’s chemical analysis.
Given the amount of effort they put into excusing and protecting the savages who batter and burgle the word ‘secret’ seems out of place. ‘Maybe’ is likely ill-suited also.
Any course that counts towards an African American Studies major or minor will be bullshit
And there will be no knowledge gained during the course.
Final exams are for white people. Blacks are entitled to college degrees no matter how little intelligence and work ethic they have.
It’s amazing how many black Americans are attracted to this poisonous bullshit, and how many white liberals approve of it. If the course were Aryan Chemistry liberals would notice the problem.
Today I learned a new word.
Are they allowed to notice a certain commonality in cognomens?
Would that involve mostly working with Zyklon B?
Or “proof” that Jew cooties pollute Aryan genes.
Walgreens is closing pharmacies, chiefly in low-income “black and brown neighborhoods”. The reason given is “dynamics of the local market and changes in the buying habits of our patients and customers”, which is a euphemism for rampant theft and armed robbery.
Local politicians and activists are condemning this as racism, accusing Walgreens of “treating Black and brown customers as second-class citizens” and railing against “embedded economic inequality”.
How about the inequality of obedience to the law? It’s “interesting” how so many politicians and activists ignore the necessity of taking criminals off the streets.
Second-class citizens or first-class looters?
And where the dogshit goes in summer.
I sense another mapping app opportunity. San Francisco has something already but it follows excrement of the human kind.
sign up for Afrochemistry.
If they don’t cover throwing lightning, I’m not interested.
For those who missed the reference.
What should happen is every one of these incompetents gets dropped on a small North Atlantic island with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
What will happen is a lot of bureaucratic cover-up and some clown saying ‘mistakes were made.’
Not to blame the mother but…how does a mother go that long without some form of contact with her two year old child? Was there some sort of restraining order? Something else is obviously going on here but what? How is a mother kept away from her toddler for that long? What law were these people following, or supposed to be following?
From the picture of the father I think it a fair assumption this is one of those ‘families’ described by Theodore Dalrymple, characterised by a lack of any sense of responsibility or obligation or even the notion that such things exist.
You learn something every day, I always thought they just sheared sheep, but PETA has shown us the real way to get wool is by beating them to death.
Narcissists need attention.
the real way to get wool is by beating them to death.
Tbf, it’s how they take their flatmate’s clothes.
I recall seeing something recently to the effect that not shearing sheep was quite harmful, as the fleece gets too heavy for them, and also too hot; the combination in summer can be fatal. But what would I know (or even a sheep farmer), compared to a malignant narcissist living on a trust fund?
The ultimate authority on the shearing of sheep. Anything else might be sacrilegious.
IIRC, sheep were bred not to shed their coat – easier to trim it off the sheep than pick it off the underbrush.
Hmmm … sounds pretty groomer-ish to me, too.
Language lesson.
Is this true?
Hmmm … sounds pretty groomer-ish to me, too.
Okay, in Austin and Boulder, I get it, no, I expect it. But Akron and Oakland?
Someone needs to explain to these people that calling Akron the “Rubber Capital” has nothing to do with condoms. And Oakland, well Christ, it’s Oakland.
Because the tradwife did most household cooking, so obviously it wasn’t men’s work.
OTOH, it’s edible chemistry. There’s an episode of House where he experiments with cooking from a purely biochemical perspective, and he concocts masterpieces because he knows whether to add acid or alkaline, etc.
They’re iced buns, which you would know if you’d ever seen a series of Great British Bakeoff, because they’re Paul Hollywood’s favorites and he assigns them every time. They’re not exactly hot-dog buns–the dough is sweeter than that.
The most forgiving construal I can come up with is that they’re morally stupefied by endless deference and indulgence, and in-group uniformity, and are gripped by some kind of inchoate nihilism. Which is to say, that they have some, shall we say, personal issues to resolve.
For instance, this “scholar and activist” from Princeton University, who insists that the police must be “abolished,” and that “literally” nothing else remains to be said on the subject. No unconsidered variables. Because, one assumes, her mind is so vast that she’s had every last thought that could possibly be had:
Presumably, once the police have been “abolished,” as she desires, along with any expectation that thuggery and predation should have corrective consequences, and once every store in the area has been looted, denuded, and burned to the ground… well, everything will be fine.
Until the ferals roam into her neighbourhood, I mean. The neighbourhood in which professors at Princeton live.
OT, but I just want to say, I tried listening to Stephen King’s latest novel, Holly, on Spotify while doing some editing.
Horrible. Too much of his political biases injected with no relevance to the story and a plot line with such a predictable ending that I stopped listening, said “This is what will happen . . .” and then looked it up. Yup, I was right. Also, pathetic and desperate attempts at pop culture references, including one where a mother is telling a detective that her missing daughter was homecoming queen and the detective says at least she didn’t get pig’s blood dropped on her.
Speculation: She is from one of those “urban” neighborhoods infested with ferals.
The only thing worse than a dindu in the ‘hood is a dindu in the university.
There are only a handful of Stephen King novels worth reading. These include Christine, The Dead Zone and The Shining. I think the latest bearable one I read was “From a Buick 8” published in 2002, though it may have been written earlier.
Most of them are identikit coke-fuelled boilerplate churn, with obnoxious politics and trite characters. I mean, how many drunk, dead-beat dads do we need to revisit?
Not even his 1978 novel The Stand appealed to me. I got through it but never wanted to read another.
Anyone who managed to grit their way through “It” (widely admired by people who never finished it) will attest to it being a pile of stellar nonsense suggesting that King had begun cutting his cocaine with hallucinogens even by this early date.
Yesterday I brought you Afrochemistry, today I bring more Science!™.
From the US&A, for a mere $700,000 we learn girls can get pregnant if they don’t use birth control.
Quite the stunning revelation.
Meanwhile over in Davos, an indigenous way of knowings.
I’m not sure how spitting in people’s faces does that, I thought that sort of thing was reserved for the NYC subways.
OK I’m going to have to run that through my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring, stand by…
AFAB – “Assigned Female at Birth” – a woman then.
TRANS-IDENTIFIED – Mentally ill.
PEOPLE WHO HAVE PENISES – bit of a problem because it brings into question whether a tube of armpit flesh stitched onto the groin is considered by these wackjobs to be a “penis”. I’m going with no. So men then.
TO BE PREGNANT – were they already pregnant? Or do the illiterate fuckwits mean BECOME PREGNANT? I leave this as an exercise for the reader.
You’re welcome.
“Give us money”
Total money given:
Yeah. Yeah. I know.
I’m guessing our professor, the one who demands that we “abolish” law enforcement, doesn’t want us to believe that creatures like this exist. You know, the kind of creatures who try to rape a young woman at knifepoint, in the middle of the road, in broad daylight, in front of the police.
And who keep on trying to do so until the bullets stop them.
Yet his books are readily available in either of my local library systems in (supposedly) red-MAGA country yet nothing by Friedrich Hayek nor Frédéric Bastiat nor George Santayana available. Not just my local branch but the entire system.
I’m reminded of a comedian that I saw once back in the 80’s. Rather well known at the time but I forget his name. He was riffing on relationships where people break up then get back together…then break up again, rinse, repeat. He compared it to taking milk out of the fridge, tasting it, realizing it has gone bad, then placing it back in and thinking that maybe it will be good tomorrow.
No, I’ll bet that our professor knows perfectly well that such creatures exist–but also believes that they are entitled to run wild. Because “equity” ‘n sheet.
The people who get degrees in “African American Studies” are overwhelmingly people of low intelligence and/or low character. This applies ten-fold to those who take those degrees and get jobs in AA Studies and DEI.
I belatedly edited a typo-cum-brain-fart. The comment now reads,
Which seems more likely.
A case in point and a dead horse I expect to be beating until my dying days…smart people. Smaaaaart. I’m quite certain they have read a lot of books. Far, far more than the average mid-wit, so called. Far more than even I or many other successful people whom I have known in life. Yet those jeenyuses are hell bent to destroy western civilization. The civilization that they themselves live in and benefit from. Because smaaaart. Read books and shit.
More on that in tomorrow’s Ephemera.
When I found the item, your rumblings on the subject actually came to mind.
I keep telling people this place is, like, totally switched-on and interactive.
[ Clicks fingers, attempts to stand on skateboard. ]
Fuck me – it sure can take a lot of bullets. Justified too, since he was still attempting more love-stabs after the 13th shot.
I almost want to ask about the other dindus just hanging around the rapist while he gets shot to death. Were they helping? And if so whom? One seems oddly unperturbed at walking directly into the line of gunfire, which makes me suppose he’s also not right in the head.
Of course, the entire neighbourhood of morally upright citizens have expressed their unequivocal support for the police officer who shot the degenerate criminal scumbag mid-rape.
Just kidding!
Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret et mala perrumpet furtim fastidia victrix. — Horace
Their depth of knowledge isn’t the issue; it’s their will to power, their dark tetrad traits, and their desire to burn it all down and rule over the ashes.
The level of contempt the Davos crowd has for mankind is unprecedented.
At risk of pointing out the obvious, and indeed the routine, The Gathered And Indignant don’t seem overly interested in the young woman who was the actual victim of the drama, the one being horrifically assaulted in broad daylight, and pinned to the road surface with a knife held to her face.
And in the space where one might think other feelings might go – shame, perhaps, or the mortification at being related to a stabby-rapey monster – instead, we get the ritual of displaced responsibility and racial narcissism. Presumably, the relatives and assorted ‘activists’ would prefer a world in which men – specifically black men – can get all rapey-and-stabby with little risk of serious injury.
Well rapey-stabby-man was actively promoting gun-free rape zones.
Two things to consider. One, think of who has been running the public education system for decades. Two, literacy has been declining ever since television was introduced.
People know who King is because he’s advertised all over & his books have been turned into movies. Most people come out of high school (and, increasingly, college) not ever having heard of Hayek or Bastiat. They may have heard of Santayana only because of his quip about history. Public libraries don’t often have books the public hasn’t any interest in.
It would be invidious to note the discrepancy in melanin between the victim of the assault, the assailant, and the apparently unconcerned bystanders so I won’t.
“Even Homer nods.”
Case in point: Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom was so popular that Reader’s Digest published an abridged version in 1945.
At this point I assume that the relatives are just as rapey-and-stabby as the culprit, and deserve the same fate as that culprit.
In a wise society, it is the leftists who are driven out with a pitchfork.
Well, it’s easy to forget, or not want to see, how far down degeneracy can go. Or how prevalent and normalised it can be.
But that would be all of them. I highly doubt that most people use their public library. Even by the most sober of highly suspicious self-serving statistics that I could find indicate that maybe, maaaaybe 55% use them*. Based on the reactions of educated…heh, “educated” people whom I know, I would say the real number is closer to 30%. People, when you ask them, might say that they do. They might even have a library card. But if the professed number of “users” was really accurate, the libraries that I go to would be much busier. And there would be much more of a hue and cry when they cut back their hours, as the ones I use have since the scamdemic.
*And the crap I had to wade through to get that number. I found this “reasoning” profoundly stupid. Ironically?
Cooking female work: for most of history, women spent so many years pregnant, nursing, taking care of small children that they had to stay in or near the home (going out to the fields to plant rice for example or feed the chickens) so tending the fire and cooking was a natural task.
Men almost always are in charge of open flame BBQ grills. My chemist friend was a great cook because he could follow recipes exactly. There is nothing “female” per se about it, just history and convenienc.
Their depth of knowledge isn’t the issue…
You give them too much credit, I think. Seems to me more like a Greek chorus of The Current Things™.
And that’s a play for powerful people? Especially powerful people with a desire to rule over smart people while keeping other powerful people at bay? No, as tempting as it is to write much of this off to conscious evil like Klaus Schwab, etc. I submit that most of the other leadership at Davos, the builders, the Bill Gates’s etc. are just too bloody stupid, or more likely compromised. Being compromised is its own stupidity a couple of ways. Though of course there is the brainwashing that our society has fallen for. Mostly from…reading stupid books. And movies and TV shows but they are pretty much derived from…stupid books.
Heh. The old Mr. Rogers cope comes to mind. The only helper here was the cop and his 13 rounds of ammo. Good thing though. Good thing.
Iowahawk’s take…
Speaking of helpers, see the latest on Daniel Penny.
“I do see color, because I believe if you don’t see color you can’t see racism.”
–New Patriots Head Coach Jerod Mayo
I see racism in attempts to cover up the truth about crime. How’s that, Mayo?
Was she Jewish? Then never mind.
Or white. Or Asian. Or…
Come to think of it, there was a recent incident in which police shot a black girl as she attempted to stab another black girl. There were immediate outcries of “why they hafta shoot her?” from the usual sorts, even though the knife was only 2 feet from the victim when the stabber went down.
In space, no one can hear.
In space, no one can hear.
If not also a Person of Alphabet, must cancel immediately.
Our enemies are laughing.
With good reason.
Despite never watching a second of the actual show I feel like I must have because I’ve listened to a lot of Critical Drinker et. al. mocking it.
So I know, for example, that her superhero power is the ability to call on her Native American ancestors to possess members of her family and imbue them with superhuman strength. Somehow.
I also know that she is supposed to be a deadly assassin. But fails to kill a notable victim by shooting him in the head at point blank range. She misses his brain. Somehow. He turns up later with a bit of sticking plaster on his ear.
She’s also pretty pudgy for a superhero assassin, but I guess since the laws of physics don’t apply in her universe somehow, it’s really the least of her problems.
These things in themselves are stupid but whenI see stuff like this it is amplified by the realization of how many hands/minds the concept had to pass through. Making a movie, even with today’s greater efficiencies, requires a great number of people and a significant amount of money, time, effort. Yet none of the people involved, none of the people providing the money, the workers, the writers, the various actors of various magnitude overtly consider how bloody stupid it all is. Granted for some it’s just a paycheck but even that…If one is even at the lower levels of awareness, and these are people who managed to accumulate some degree of skill so they aren’t absolutely stupid, it has got to be soul-destroying to some degree. Hence the drug, alcohol, sex, etc. excesses.
That reminded me of this recent bizarre OT story:
at least she didn’t get pig’s blood dropped on her
That’s not a “pop culture reference”, it’s a reference to King’s own novel Carrie. King has long established that all of his contemporary novels take place in a shared universe and he does this in all of them.
Fuck me – it sure can take a lot of bullets
Most people’s exposure to gun combat is movies and TV, which elide over how long it actually takes to incapacitate or kill someone with a gunshot wound in the interests of saving screen time. Also, human shoulders are made of undifferentiated gelatin. There’s no important bones, nerves or blood vessels in there.
Short of hitting the heart or brain pan directly, you’re not going to take someone down with a 9mm pistol quickly. Adrenaline and/or drugs can keep a target on their feet more than long enough to kill you.
Public libraries don’t often have books the public hasn’t any interest in.
Public libraries don’t often have any books the librarians don’t want you reading. And public librarians are near universally hard-left Marxists.
She’s also pretty pudgy for a superhero assassin
Valiant Comics’ “Zephyr” is not a parody. Although it should be.
I recently saw the stage production of Hadestown, which was disappointing on many levels. The obvious attempt to make the show as woke as possible extended to casting a visibly overweight and unfit male dancer as part of the chorus, resulting in the unintentional comedy of four excellent dancers leaping and pirouetting, and then this clumsy oaf desperately galumphing along beside them trying to keep up.
Similarly bizarre.
Ardath was taken.
Library: in my lib they got 5 copies of Thomas Sowell’s new book Woke Fallacies but they are all checked out, so I have to wait. I am so proud
I don’t know why, I saw Zephyr, but I read heifer. I’m a bad boy.
To be straight (avoiding ‘fair’) I have noticed that recent conservative authors like Sowell, and even more populist types like a Limbaugh here and there, do have books that are available in the libraries. I suspect those would be harder to disappear and also give cover for accusations such as mine. But to my observation and especially experience in studying leftism up close in college and similar, this is itself by design. Limiting/dismissing/eliminating publications from the long ago past gives the impression that conservative economic and philosophical ideas are radical and thus unsound. It undercuts the very foundations of conservatism by obscuring its historical legitimacy. Thus no Burke, no Hobbes, etc. Some of whom aren’t even technically conservative. They were just guys writing stuff they believed, not just for the purpose of pushing a left/right agenda.
Also, if the argument is that libraries are only there to provide the books most people are interested in, why bother with much of anything older than the 20th century? I perhaps have been miseducated on what the purpose of them is. Or maybe the reverse.
“stage production of Hadestown, “
we are getting closer and closer to literal Harrison Bergeron (meant to be a warning not a user manual)–does it age me to mention I read it when it first came out? Was in an anthology IIRC
Which is why it is wise to keep putting bullets in the orc until it goes down and is clearly no longer a threat. None of that shoot-and-wait-to-see-the-effect stuff which can get you (or your loved ones) killed.
Is this true?
@pst314 – think hot cross buns, danishes, “sweet rolls” aka cinnamon buns, and kolaches with the fruit filling. All yeast dough buns/rolls, but the dough’s a bit sweeter than you find in dinner rolls or hot dog buns. I guess you could think of eclairs, too, which have similar shape, but I think that’s a different type of dough (pate choux?).
Yeah, it just looked an awful lot like a hot dog bun, and I wondered to what extent the Tweet was hoax or satire or distortion.
I miss the hot cross buns of my childhood–baked by a small neighborhood bakery with none of the dough conditioners and preservatives that are so common today. (My parents shunned Wonder Bread crap and only patronized small bakeries.) Or maybe it was just that a child’s taste buds are different.
Short of hitting the heart or brain pan directly, you’re not going to take someone down with a 9mm pistol quickly. Adrenaline and/or drugs can keep a target on their feet more than long enough to kill you.
More spiritual advice:
Mother had one of her recordings.
R.I.P. Peter Schickele, AKA P.D.Q. Bach.
18-time convicted felon gets probation–again.
Leftists cause more harm than criminals. They should be treated as the greater evil.
As I was saying….
See: Philippine/American war, Moro warriors and replacing US military .38 sidearms with .45’s.
From the replies:
Of course the retort to this is MF bloody obvious. Yet even those who disagree with him (I doubt they are conservative, no matter how they view themselves) is brainwashed weakness. I gave up looking for the bloody obvious response that the FIRST order of government, and thus government spending, is to maintain the peace. Funding for police and similarly law, justice, and incarceration comes FIRST. That is the minimum one should expect from government.
He had an odd but entertaining genius. Saw him in concert some years ago – as himself, not his famous alter ego.
How about removing every member of the Chicago Teachers’ Union from the public payroll. That should provide enough funding to house every felon in Illinois & still leave money in the bank.
See also: “Nobody needs magazines with more than 10 bullets.”
Listening to rap music can remind us.
Not quite as big as the California Zephyr.
What’s more, locking up criminals saves everyone money and lives: All the goods not stolen, all the money that doesn’t need to be spent on elaborate anti-theft systems, all the medical expenses to treat those injured or maimed by the criminals, all the lost productivity of the victims, and so on.
Well, some are just stupid. But many are filled with various evil doctrines:
For instance, much of the “educated” class believes that Western society is somehow inherently evil and must be “enriched” (or diluted and submerged) by an influx of tens of millions of noble savages from the Third World.