Don’t Forget The Gift Wrap
With the season of jollity and gift-giving bearing down upon us, like the crop duster in North By Northwest, patrons are reminded that any Amazon UK shopping done via this link, or for Amazon US via this link, or via the buttons in the sidebar, results in a small fee for your host at no extra cost to you. Feel free to shop excitedly and without restraint.
If the urge to give requires more direct expression, there are three buttons below the fold.
Also, open thread.
I know, you’re shocked.
According to Mr Carron J Phillips, the Deadspin writer mentioned above, the boy in the photograph, the one painted with the colours of his favourite team, has “found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.” “This is what happens,” he writes, “when you… stand against Critical Race Theory.”
Mr Phillips, by the way, is “concerned” by the sight of white people.
Every time.
Heather MacDonald on scintillating form:
*ahem* I managed to post a link without making too much of a mess. Can I do my lap of honour/victory dance in here, or should I take it outside?
Congratulations. Though the cheerleader outfit is perhaps a bit much.
Available from Amazon. You see, I clicked on this here link thing…
Some of the choice replies.
“Did you know Allah is beyond gender?” asks a deluded buffoon.
[D]eluded buffoon
That has to be a parody, right? Otherwise that’s just too stupid to process.
To be honest, I wish I was.
It is odd that the boy chose to paint his face black and red. The team’s colours are predominantly red and gold. Black is used to outline the “arrowhead” and the “KC” in the logo. White and Black do appear on the logo slick, but it would make more sense to paint your face red and gold or even red and white.
Despite a claim to the contrary there’s no evidence there is a mind to be blown.
Karen J Phillips, surely?
A pre-Christmas ping for you, barkeep.
Bless you, sir. May your children carry with them the hard-won knowledge that M&S Cheese Tasters are better than Waitrose Cheese Puffs. Not hugely so, but better nonetheless, at least as an MSG delivery system.
Nicely put.
Oh well, there wasn’t much I wanted to see in Éire anyway.
@aelfheld. The vision of the anointed is, after all, the vision of the oily.
Why is it that I see so many of these harpy, annoying, shrews from hell yet I never see anyone putting these ignoramuses in their place? Are there no men left in this world? I mean besides me. I’m getting mighty tired of being the only one who says anything.
Pinged. They said it’s “Giving Tuesday” here. Or something. Buy one of the henchlesbians something. The hunchbacked one winked at me the other day so…no not her. Meh, you’re just gonna do whatever anyway…
I know, you’re shocked.
We know what you white people are up to putting your children in facepaint, under such pretexts as “pageantry” and “eye catching graphic statements”. In every white heart there lurks the dream of marching their children around in Al Jolson impersonation squads, creating a menacing environment for 320lb/$320m defensive linemen.
Bless you, sir. After spending half an hour carefully wrapping presents for a birthday party, such that the parcels are glorious and immaculate, may you not have a belated and rather awful suspicion that you’ve forgotten to remove a price tag from one of the presents, now immaculately wrapped.
The young man at the center of the red face/blackface controversy is named Holden Armenta. His Dad is a member of the Chumash tribe, making young Holden also Native American.
I wonder if the family will hire Nick Sandmann’s lawyer.
Whatever happened to “Give Till It Hurts”?
Clearly the only solution is to force the diverse to donate.
In light of which, it’s worth noting that when readers challenged his claims and drew attention to the deceptive photograph, Mr Phillips continued his grown-man-meltdown by calling his readers “idiots,” and then blocking half the internet.
Character, you see.
I’m surprised to discover that by ethnicity Asians are the biggest wankers. Not what I was expecting!
Heh. Per previous Buc-ee’s discussion, here’s a small scale model to help find your way around. Kinda. Sorta.
Clearly the only solution is to force the diverse to donate.
“This really highlights the need to identify barriers to increase recruitment of these donors” – Perhaps rappers, basketball players, and other black role models could popularize the idea of sperm donation?
“so that we can support family-building for all populations,” – “populations”=”races”. It’s still ok for the moment for customers of these services to express a wish for same-race children.
“said Lauren Gibbs, MD, a resident in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta.” – this is a black college. She’s saying there’s a supply problem, but what’s the black representation on the demand side?
As in total lack of.
Well, I’ve yet to see Mr Phillips offer a retraction or an apology of any kind. Perhaps he was too busy calling people racist based on bugger all. Presumably, like so many of his peers, he’ll act as if nothing happened and then find some other target for his performative indignation.
Rinse and repeat.
One can hope.
“Mr Phillips, by the way, is “concerned” by the sight of white people.“
Well, to be welcoming and inclusive, perhaps his white colleagues should black up? That’d fix things, I’m sure.
Oh, our little Holden’s troubles are just beginning…
Seriously though, if you google his name, some Pop Warner or whatever highlight videos are out there for the kid. Looks like he plays safety.
Well, in his…defense…were he to apologize he would be admitting wrongdoing and thus speedup the process. These things must be done slowly, over long periods of time so as to generate as many billable hours for the lawyers.
This writer is a scumbag and I have zero sympathy for him but a functional society would require him to apologize, as you say, show some serious contrition, be soundly humiliated by everyone and preferably lose his job and that would be the end of it. But no, we cannot have that. There’s no money in it for the legal system.
Clear as a mud lake…
I’ll be busy for a couple of days, so no Ephemera tomorrow, I’m afraid.
What about bar snacks?
[ Brushes unidentifiable crumbs in aelfheld’s general direction. ]
There’s flavour in there somewhere.
I’ll be busy for a couple of days, so no Ephemera tomorrow,
blackface kid: even if the kid actually did blackface, it is unseemly to pick on a kid who cannot defend himself. Just like with Sandmann. As to getting offended by someone wearing a war bonnet….for a team with an indian mascot…that is just stupid.
The bigger problem is that the media has gotten used to using outrageous lies with no blowback. Calling teaparty or school parents or catholics “terrorists” and actual terrorists “freedom fighters”, calling a man a woman in official gov business. Ignoring the FBI plants in J6. Saying Trump is racist and will execute his opponents (just a few days ago on MSNBC IIRC).
At least Sandmann was a teenager. This kid is what? Nine years old?
I just checked this db “reporter”, this Pulitzer guy’s Twitter feed. It’s still there, no apologies. He even mocks what little criticism he had allowed himself to see. He’s put up about one or two dozen more tweets since then. I have seen none of the “establishment” types on the right say boo about this. It’s a culture war thing that is simply below them. Meanwhile there’s a completely fabricated freak out of advertisers pulling back from Twitter over a manufactured lie regarding Musk supposedly being an anti-semite. All the while the same people regarding or being mum about Hamas being “freedom fighters” and similar bullshit. Outrageous lies ain’t gonna blowback themselves, you know. Fortunately, Musk at least knows how to fight. And he pulls no punches attempting to be polite.
A footnote to the Deadspin / “blackface” story, mentioned upthread.
Projection of note.
Projection of note.
This reply in the same thread captures the zeitgeist.
I don’t see the reason for conservative glee in the fact that the kid turned out to be an Official Native American. It just seems to reinforce the principle that whites, including white children, are fair game for bullying. If that principle is conceded, then all the Deadspin guy has to do to come out well from this is to say that his anti-white instincts were correct all along and he’s a big enough man to be corrected on the point of fact that his target wasn’t white.
God forbid that “conservatives” stand up for some conservative principle or conservative statement of how the world works. By definition, most borrowing from foreign cultures will be superficial, irreverent and self-serving – whites borrowing from non-whites and vice versa – that’s a statement of how the world works that a conservative might live by. We feel sorry for what’s become of aboriginals and as a courtesy to them we think it’s fair not to dress up in their costumes, but we refuse to be guilt-tripped by representatives of third-party races, or to buy into a theme of eternal white bad intent – that’s a principle that a conservative might stand up for.
And God forbid that “principled” “conservatives” stand up for living breathing white people. What a relief for them that the kid is a minority, so they can go into full DR3 (Dems are the real racists) mode.
OK…so absent a Friday Ephemera I submit for your consideration this bath towel I…uh…focused on in my mother-in-laws bathroom many years ago. My friends didn’t see anything odd about it so…do any of you complete strangers notice anything?
I have questions – does anyone here have any suggestions?
Speaking of which – I assume you’ve all seen this?
It took me a while.
This mother-in-law. Didn’t go by Eva by any chance? Say, Brown? Eva Brown?
Heh. Imagine my surprise. Sitting there without my cellphone at the time, trying to focus on something else…
No. Heh…quite the opposite. Polish/Ukrainian. She and the wife liked to go bargain shopping at places like TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, etc. i used to tell them that those places are fine so long as you find the flaw. There’s always a flaw somewhere in those products. A slightly off pattern (we have bedding where the stripes on the fitted sheet go opposite from the cover sheet), a care tag on the sleeve of the shirt, maybe it’s just out of fashion but the product did not sell at Macy’s or Neiman-Marcus for some reason. Once you find the flaw you can decide if it matters to you before you buy.
It was a Ralph Lauren towel. Good quality. Given the shade of blue I wondered if it was done intentionally. In fact I highly suspect it was. R-L was under some sort of PC scrutiny back around that time (late 90’s?), but I forget what it was. Hopefully the specific designer was fired. I mean, when you have one job…
…do any of you complete strangers notice anything?
It was made by these guys?
No. It was made by these guys. Nice try tho.
It was made by these guys.
No, as Ralph Lauren is not exactly known for their extensive textile mills, it was sold by them having slapped their name on something made in India, Pakistan, or China.
The labyrinth pattern, around forever, results in what is called a meander swastika (or swastika meander depending on who you ask).
If it had a border of SS lightning bolts I could buy it being deliberate, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Good god man, you can be such a bore. Let’s get all hyper technical now…the pattern was chosen by people working for Ralph Lauren, presumably in NYC, or wherever. “Made” includes designed. It was likely “manufactured” elsewhere, though where that actually was is ??? If you can produce solid evidence to the contrary, about this specific towel, please present it. Otherwise bugger off. Bugger.
See also/somewhat similar…
If you can produce solid evidence…
..that it was a secret plot by Ralph Lauren’s buyers and intended to be anything other than a pattern they picked out, with similar designs easily found on all kinds of things, pony up.
A bore? On this site??
But how could I, I mean they, have passed the rigourous vetting procedures?
See also/somewhat similar…
See also the symbol is in the eye of the beholder.
[ Peers over spectacles, says nothing. ]
Seriously? You don’t know what Ralph Lauren does? Or at least did back in the 90’s? You think they scour the world for towels, laundry, whathaveyou made up entirely by other entities? Like how DeWalt and Ryobi keep their fingers on the pulse of what Vietnam and Indonesian manufacturers are pushing out so they can rebrand them here in the US?
Speaking of Germany . . .
(via Mark Steyn)
I see that the Chicago City Council is discovering that truly effective democratic decision-making is best done in secret. To better represent the public interest.
Not protocols which might accord more with the desires of the electorate, you understand. Protocols which better hide the council’s deliberations from their scrutiny.
Yep. Nothing gets in the way of keeping order like that pesky public accountability.
Hmm. “Rodriguez-Sanchez”
Rings a bell, that…
Ah yes. The Marching Morons. “Senator Hull-Mendoza (Synd., N. Cal.)”
There is a misunderstanding of what mental illness is. Yes, there are certain illnesses like schizophrenia or autism that are medical. Many many other deficits can arise that are purely social. For example, it can seem perfectly normal and proper to engage in blood feuds, or honor killings. Entire societies can be gripped by manias (the first named one being the tulip mania of the 1700s). Those engaged in pograms assure themselves that they are protecting their society and family. What is documented so well on this blog is an epidemic of classic neuroses, largely narcissism. The epidemic of looting and shoplifting is also a social phenomenon. One can be quiite able to pass a sanity test and be well accepted by peers and yet be very malfunctional and be making the world a much worse place.
True. But the more I see of this world, especially the last three or more years, the more I wonder if maybe the schizophrenics are onto something. I am starting to develop considerably sympathy for them.
You don’t know what Ralph Lauren does?
Indeed I know what Ralph Lauren does, though it is a little known fact that he was going to be one of The Pentaverate after Colonel Sanders died until the Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys and the Rothchilds found out that he was putting secret Nazi messages on his textiles that were designed by his Argentinian design team and made in the secret underground textile and paint factory and submarine base in Antarctica.
Never too late to get one of these, I understand the Northwest Tree Octopus is now an invasive species in the lower Appalachians.
Seriously dude. Get a life.
A rose by any other name would still get some twit in a lather.
The mad idea that diversity is a strength, rather than a weakness.
The mad idea that diversity is a strength, rather than a weakness.
Even God wielded diversity as a weapon as told in the Tower of Babel story.
I’m not entirely sure how we arrived at this ludicrous fiction that “diversity” is some unalloyed good, a thing to “celebrate.” On practically every measure, “diverse” communities have much lower levels of social trust, and much higher levels of friction, resentment, and alienation. And that’s before we get to the industry of race-grifting prattlers, for whom the words white and male are by default pejorative.
Seems more a cost than a benefit.
Though to say even that is, as illustrated in the second link, to risk being called names. To acknowledge that “diversity” is often and in many ways the very opposite of cultural and civilisational strength is, in the minds of some, an admission of racism or “white supremacy,” or some other bollocks. As if an ability to register the obvious must mean that you want to push the nearest random Pakistani off the cliffs of Dover.
But such are our twitchy, unhinging times.
The spirit of Muhammad Umar is alive and well in South Australia.
I have questions – does anyone here have any suggestions?
The reporting of the Grenfell Tower fire shone an indirect light on the facts that (1) if the victims were representative, something around only 10% of the residents housed at public expense in this building were white British, and (2) that in that building there were who knows how many unwholesome unhealthy exploitative arrangements where legal immigrants were renting spare rooms or couches to illegal immigrants. If the media tone wasn’t softpedaling and offhand, it made this out to be a problem with the racist British system. They seemed pretty confident that nobody important was going to say “we must be mad, literally mad”.
unwholesome unhealthy exploitative arrangements where legal immigrants were renting spare rooms or couches to illegal immigrants.
I think you’re being kind. I walked through houses* where the basement was sub-divided into 10 or 12 “living” spaces that were separated by shower curtains and big enough for a single mattress plus 3 ft around, two shared bathrooms with a shower and a toilet. This was in wealthy areas in 4,000 sq. ft. homes..
*This was the 80s and I was a real estate agent. I can only imagine what some places look like now.
Feel free to shop excitedly and without restraint.
Amazon button tickled, gifts on their way, one tick at least off list.
Is that a word?
I never know if “open thread” is the same as “share ye links and bicker.”
Oh, absolutely. Get on with it, madam.
[ Taps watch. ]
Babble, burble, banter, bicker, brouhaha, balderdash, ballyhoo. It’s only talk. Elephant talk, that is.
I felt an urge to give. *ping*
Bless you, sir. May a neighbour narrowly pre-empt your pre-snowfall gritting plans, thereby sparing you a chore, and resulting in the two of you standing several feet apart and holding rival grit buckets, as if about to begin some kind of gritting duel.
I suppose it’s something to twang.
I. Am. Trying. To. Eat. Breakfast. Thankyouverymuch.
There’s no need to thank me. All part of the service.
That’s why I stick to coffee. Less unpleasantness when the reaction sets in.
I’m more of a Thela Hun Ginjeet fan myself, but ET is definitely one of the best opening tracks on any album.
And now a brief word from this blog’s sponsor…
He-he. I wish I had your glamorous life.
P.S. *ping!*
Bless you, sir. May you come to know the merits of cold, leftover sausages.
Worst rave ever.
Worst rave ever.
Have some pity, it is rare to see a spontaneous epidemic of St. Vitus’ dance.
A situation had arisen.
Not unrelated, NYC subway scenes.
♪♫ All the kooks on the twitters say:
Way-o Way-o, Way-o Way-o
Walk like an Zionist…♪♫
Always read beyond the headline: