Trying It On
And in ladies’ changing room news:
Trying it on is indeed a phrase that comes to mind.
At which point, readers may note how Mr Firico’s professed “non-binary” status doesn’t mean that he’d be content in the men’s changing rooms, as an option, with either being fine, and instead grants, in his mind, an entitlement to violate store policy and the boundaries of women. He’s “not a man,” you see – and by the same logic, if that’s the word, not a woman either – but apparently, that women’s space is his kingdom now. And ladies who’d rather not get undressed near some random male interloper – whether that man is mentally ill or an opportunist pervert – are expected to shut up and comply. Because his identity, or feigned identity, trumps theirs.
It’s all terribly convenient.
Despite his incongruity, Mr Firico doesn’t appear at all curious as to the preferences of any female customers on whom he might be imposing, and his view of the store’s female staff is perhaps best judged by his willingness to ignore their objections while barging into a space not intended for men:
Views as to which party should feel ashamed may, I suspect, differ. And note that any female customers who might feel uncomfortable or degraded by sharing an intimate space with a bearded bedlamite are, again, expected to keep quiet and defer. In this new, inclusive world, there is, it seems, a pecking order.
Despite a subsequent apology by the store’s manager, we’re told that the experience of not getting his own way immediately and entirely without objection was “embarrassing” for Mr Firico, especially as a sales assistant “rolled her eyes.” Readers are invited to say whether hearing of such unspeakable trauma will deprive them of any sleep.
Mr Firico, complete with stunning gown, can be seen here. The clasping of the hands is a lovely touch.
Via ripx4nutmeg.
Using the men’s changing rooms would have presumably harshed Mr Firico’s buzz, and denied him the opportunity to create a fuss, and to needlessly embarrass shop assistants, and to subsequently appear in the local newspaper as a supposed victim of cruel injustice.
And once a precedent has been set, publicly, complete with an apology for any momentary hesitation, it’s hard to see how the store, or any branch of the same store, will be able to refuse the next opportunist.
Correct. Mind you store changing rooms usually have doors on their cubicles which makes them more suitable for old-fashioned autogynephiles as opposed to those who prefer ladies gyms, schools and sports facilities to flash the old wangdoodle.
However the search for ever greater thrills cannot be assuaged which is why I fear euphemistically self-described MAP’s will be girding (or should I say baring) their loins in the very near future.
Well, I suppose the whole point – the objective – is the transgression, the violation of normal, quite sensible boundaries. And presumably there’s more excitement to be had, for a certain kind of man, in trying on a dress among women, where men aren’t supposed to be, and where someone may object or be scandalised.
Much like the militant nudists of San Francisco, who claim only to be interested in “civil rights,” but who invariably choose locations where others will be imposed on, including small children.
If you notice that video of the Armenians pushing back, it’s pretty much all men.
Your average brave, independent woman who dropkicks 20 men exists only in movies. In real life, most feminists work in a safe 9-5 air-conditioned office, usually paid by the government and doing work that is routine, low risk and involves no physical activity. While constantly bitching about men.
What you are seeing today, is the effect of a) women pretending they are the same as men and b) men being demonised instead of being encouraged to be protectors.
this tosser
He’s so not getting laid regularly. So not.
You just know most statements from him start with “Actually . . .”
Chinese antisubmarine warfare systems;
Same Spirit (as I believe young people say these days).
Very scary clown. They’re “training” us to “not see” obvious danger signals.
Oh no! Won’t somebody think of the poor Satanists?
I think this is a metaphor for something.
I suspect the US Navy active duty drag queen might yet have something to say about this.
So far all the US services (even the Space Force) are free of the rainbow barf as is even major league baseball where “Pride of the Yankees” used to have a very different meaning.
As far as the fabulous sailor goes, there was an old saying, “It’s Not Gay If It Is Underway”.
Speaking of the US Navy…Before this happened the idea that “this” could possibly ever happen wasn’t even an idea except possibly as a joke. Sure it was preceded by Bruce Jenner but he had decades of California brainwashing working on him.
If I live to be 1000 I will never understand how anyone can tolerate this sort of idiocy being done to children, let alone vote for the kind of bloody idiots who endorse it and fight for it. The stupidity is amazing. The gays who let these sick bastards jump on their bandwagon and join in the ‘pride’ thing have nothing to be proud of. The (im)plausible deniability the bloody rainbow thing gives these sick bastards needs to be loudly, and dare I say proudly, renounced.
I think this is a metaphor for something.
Kitty Genogeese?
If you don’t smell a rat, a huge MF’n rat like that, in this “change of heart” just a few days into Pride Month, you need your sniffer checked. Military is all about strategy. They’re not like some guy running a hot dog stand who puts his finger in the air and thinks..hmmm…maybe not this year. Of course conservatives…”conservatives” absolutely cannot resist the temptation to spike the football on their own 45 yard line. Do you know what they call people who spike the football on the 45 yard line? Losers. Looo-zers. Because they lose. It’s not bad luck.
Kitty Genovese
No, they’ve got it all wrong. The goose in the grass is in fact a hypnotist. She persuaded the other one to act like a chicken.
Military is all about strategy.
Well, all these companies, having read the room, decided to sit this one out also, so, Jomini, clue us in to what you think that strategy is particularly given that the rainbow barf just isn’t playing in Peoria, and having failed to make mission for recruiting across the board they are not going to make up the shortfall of door kickers, deck swabbers, and wing wipers from the Alphabet Mafia in Berkeley or Brooklyn.
‘Rum, sodomy, and the lash’ has more panache.
RAF recruitment strategy:-
If we can’t get enough women and BAME then we’re not taking anyone, certainly not those “useless white men”.
Your average brave, independent woman who dropkicks 20 men exists only in movies.
Well, duh. That’s why I used the plural “women”. Most women try to avoid going into public restrooms alone to begin with.
Because if there is one thing the LGBQT+ community suffers from, it’s visibility.
I’m fairly certain you meant “lack of visibility”, but I think it’s now clear that they are definitely suffering from too much visibility.
I will never understand how anyone can tolerate this sort of idiocy being done to children
Now do circumcision.
There is a conception on the Left that it is “not fair” for successful people to congregate in a suburb. They seem to think it is the place that has value. So in the US, Section 8 housing vouchers are used to allow poor blacks to live in nice places, as if that will solve their problems. But it is the people who make a suburb like mine valuable and the schools good. You cannot be financially successful unless you are law-abiding and do minimal drugs/alcohol. The slum lifestyle/mindset is incompatible with success.
with federal government pressure on suburban governments and groups to coerce them into accepting Section 8 people.
Now do circumcision.
You mean a procedure that leaves the child fully functional, as contrasted with transgender butchery, which does not?
I was circumcised, but I couldn’t bring myself to have the procedure performed on my son (who is now in his early thirties). The subject came up between me and the missus a couple of years ago – her verdict was that she preferred circumcised partners, rather than the intact versions. I didn’t ask her how she knew, or the depth of her research, but she did volunteer that it was “a ramrod versus a floppy balloon.” So maybe better than “functional?”
I’m tempted to ask how these target percentages relate to any actual expressed interest or aptitude – say, among school-leavers – or to any tactical utility, according to which an unusually high number of women and racial minorities would somehow confer a military advantage. Or are they, as seems to be the case, entirely arbitrary?
Marcus Dib, aka The Offensive Tranny, responds to some “non-binary” TikTok videos.
The target percentages are, as everyone knows (that being a large part of the point), completely arbitrary.
As a follow up, and I apologise for not finding the link to the story at this early hour, some genius decided that the flying helmets were too heavy for pretty little female heads. Accordingly a number were redesigned at frightening cost and will be kept in their unopened packaging until, in all probability, they are scrapped for parts.
Dib, a dysmorphic woman from Denmark, refers to herself as “not a real man but a biological woman living life as a man.” Her parsing of trans activism is often worth watching, and it serves as a reminder that not every sexually dysmorphic person is entirely unhinged. Dib is also willing to acknowledge the frequency with which the dysmorphic or “non-binary” mention childhood abuse, often childhood sexual abuse.
Marcus Dib is precisely the kind of spokesperson that the trans community should be looking for.
Also one of the more convincing transitions both in the generally overlooked categories of demeanour and mannerisms as well as physical appearance and speech. I wish her or him (because in this instance it really doesn’t matter to me which is used) well.
See also.
By the way, I posted the last paragraph of my comment, this one, below the article on the Personnel Today website:
It was held for moderation, then disappeared completely.
I think we’ll give that one a post of its own. Comments that-a-way.
Aaaand that’s as far as I got. If you think these leopards changed their spots overnight you indeed are our typical conservative…”conservative” loser. This thing doesn’t end until people are publicly outed and clearly humiliated Cultural-revolution style. And don’t wet your pants about “choose your enemies well, you will resemble them” commie-Gandhi BS. We didn’t choose this fight. People, lots of people in this and other woke regards need to be in prison. Of course such a thing is highly unlikely to happen. Mostly because conservatives…”conservatives” spike the football on the 45 yard line.
And you wanna fly my helicopters. The jump seat perhaps.
“You don’t get to pretend.” He shouted.
Why are so many of these, um, performances occuring in cars? Imagine them driving!
Uh, no, don’t. Sorry about that…
Or imagine them with power over others.
Trying out my new Gravitar image that I created just for Pride Month. Hope y’all like it.
My phone displays your gravatar as an unknown POC face, while my PC displays the “this is fine” meme. (But if I “right-click > open image in new tab” on my PC, I see the POC face.) Strange. Some sort of obscure caching issue, I suppose.
Pay no attention to this oddity, David. Just continue to seek out oddities on the internet.
For Pride Month I will be celebrating Pride. Charlie Pride.
You mean a procedure that leaves the child fully functional, as contrasted with transgender butchery, which does not?
I don’t know, man, defending labiectomies and clitoridectomies seems like a weird flex but okay.
Humanitarian objections to female genital mutilation can now be undermined simply by saying “She identifies as Muslim”.