Friday Ephemera
Three words: post-coital fondue. || Tongue action. || Twitter: The Movie. || He nipped outside for a smoke. || The thrill of carpet fitting. || Cyberpunk excitement. || How to empty one of these with optimal speed. || They have much to teach us. || A cosy murder mystery. || “The erotic mind-control community has a problem with racism.” || Brittany, 27, is not at all religious. || Booby drumroll. || There ain’t no cringe quite like woke theatre cringe. || Divergence. || “What does it matter?” || It’s amazing how quickly the day can turn to shit. || Apparently, he’s not broadcasting it. || Batman: The Silent Motion Picture. || Notice of note. || The thrill of anvils. || Millions of years of fun for the whole family. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || And finally, don’t pull that face – you’d watch and you know it.
And yes, should you wish to, you can follow me on Twitter.
There ain’t no cringe quite like woke theatre cringe.
The link is now private, and the video can no longer be viewed.
Tongue action
Practice, practice, practice
Booby drumroll
He seemed like he had a few too many drinks… Well, no sh#t Sherlock, too many to notice you’re a man.
The link is now private, and the video can no longer be viewed.
And Twitter: the movie now appears to have been pulled/made private. 🙁 What joys are we missing out on?
this 74% snob/yob delta is the biggest one I’m aware of. Is this kind of thing systematically tracked? I’d be curious if there’s anything higher
I saw Gadsby’s Nanette in its initial iteration, as a stage show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. Its success still puzzles me. I would go so far with the show’s fans in accepting that you don’t actually have to have jokes at a comedy festival show – the comedian, who puts out substantial outlays for their show (theatre rent, etc) can put on anything they damn well please. And an hour-long show consisting solely of ‘this guy walked into a bar’ jokes with an endless succession of set-up, punchline, set-up, punchline would be wearying and monotonous: successful shows usually have emotional depth.
So no, my criticism of the show does not lie in its relative lack of jokes or postmodernist ‘deconstruction’ of comedy (whatever). It’s more that, absent these jokes, what results is a rambling, aimless series of rants, occasionally becoming a comedy festival version of a Maoist struggle session, with Gadsby telling everyone in the audience off.
The show has huge fans; I know a few of them. I also know a few who share my views, and are puzzled by the success of the whole thing.
I’m not surprised at all to see the divergence here. When ‘Nanette’ first came out the world was in the throes of #MeTooism, and the comedy festival directors, eager to prove that they, too, were progressive, eagerly thrust festival awards into Gadsby’s hands. That eagerness, on the part of the critics, to show how open minded and progressive they are, continues to this day.
“… you’d watch and you know it.”
Oh, I so would!
In other news, I don’t believe this is quite what The Blessed Terry meant by “If you don’t turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else’s story.”
Morning, all.
The link is now private, and the video can no longer be viewed.
Link restored. I managed to find a copy that hasn’t been disappeared. Enjoy.
And Twitter: the movie now appears to have been pulled/made private 🙁 What joys are we missing out on?
I think it’s now age-restricted, possibly due to certain epithets, so you have to log into Twitter to view it. I’m not quite sure how to describe it. There’s some intersectional trans-furry umbrage, an angry person in a wheelchair, and a man in an elephant costume. Obviously.
I saw Gadsby’s Nanette in its initial iteration, as a stage show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. Its success still puzzles me.
I first saw Ms Gadsby in a bittersweet comedy-drama series called Please Like Me, in which she was a rather inert supporting character and not pivotal to whether the thing was entertaining or not. But her solo comedy performances, the ones I’ve seen, are almost entirely unfunny. I assume the audience is expected to applaud her political attitude, or her lesbianism or something, rather than, say, laugh at any actual jokes.
“The erotic mind-control community has a problem with racism.”
In competitive chess news.
In the glamorous world of OnlyFans.
And I’m just going to leave this here. And not make any comment about emerging patterns or anything.
Brittany, 27, is not at all religious.
“Sexual Assault Survivor”. Imagine my shock.
you’d watch and you know it
A cosy murder mystery
I feel there’s a genre emerging.
But her solo comedy performances, the ones I’ve seen, are almost entirely unfunny
It’s been a trope for as long as I can remember watching standup comedy that female comedians only do sex and relationship jokes, and generally not very good ones. Rita Rudner was only funny because she had that wide-eyed, deadpan delivery. Like a female Emo Phillips.
I feel there’s a genre emerging.
I’m still working on the script for Marple in Midwich.
I managed to find a copy that hasn’t been disappeared. Enjoy.
As our host would say, the word ‘enjoy’ is doing some heavy lifting there.
As our host would say, the word ‘enjoy’ is doing some heavy lifting there.
Heh. It’s quite a thing, though. That was the scene chosen by the producers and the theatre to promote the play – as something that would win over a wider audience and silence nay-sayers. A testament to the quality of the work on offer. Then, following, shall we say… quite a lot of mockery, it quickly disappeared from the theatre’s own Twitter account, and then from the theatre’s own YouTube channel. Apparently, some misjudgement had occurred.
Still, it’s faintly amusing to think back to when the project was first announced and those with reservations were told, quite emphatically, that they mustn’t prejudge the work, which would doubtless be breath-taking in its subtlety and creative heft.
you’d watch and you know it.
ALUCARD! That cunning bastard!
ALUCARD! That cunning bastard!
Only Van Helsing could penetrate the diabolical deception.
I believe that particular shot is from Dracula A.D. 1972.
Butt hurt at the lack of celebration.
“As a trans athlete, showing up and registering for these races is a hard thing to do, because there’s not usually space,” Calamia told the Sun-Times. “What makes it easier is when big organizations with a lot of power say, ‘We’re adding this category and we’re proud of it, and we’re doing what it takes to celebrate these runners who are now being invited to our event.”
“…‘We’re adding this category and we’re proud of it, and we’re doing what it takes to celebrate these runners who are now being invited to our event.”
I’m not entirely sure what exactly it is we’re supposed to be celebrating. Are we supposed to think of the runners as having some kind of… disability?
The sights of merry old London.
A little something inspirational:
what results is a rambling, aimless series of rants, occasionally becoming a comedy festival version of a Maoist struggle session, with Gadsby telling everyone in the audience off.
Somewhere on YouTube, there’s a video of Matt Walsh watching Ms Gadsby’s routine in the hope of being entertained. It results in quite a few blank stares and puzzled looks. After a while, Mr Walsh passes the time by highlighting where and how she fumbles her deliveries and generally wastes opportunities that could, in theory, have been mildly amusing. It’s not a thrilling watch and rather niche in its appeal, but it’s arguably more entertaining than Ms Gadsby’s actual routine.
Brittany, 27, is not at all religious
In those dozen things she lists about herself, includingProbably going to be the ‘bredwinner’, she fails to mention one single thing that she actually does. So…probably? At 27, no less.
(503 error?)
(503 error?)
Typepad’s been up and down like a tart’s knickers.
Probably going to be the bred(sic)winner
I’d say it’s a racing certainty.
Puzzled person has a hygiene question.
Somewhere on YouTube, there’s a video of Matt Walsh watching Ms Gadsby’s routine…
For your enjoyment, h8ers.
The sights of merry old London
I expected:
— ‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello, wot’s all this now!
— Blimey! I’m for it.
— Right you are, old son. I’m putting you in charge.
— [sighs] It’s a fair cop, gov.
. . . No?
I managed to find a copy that hasn’t been disappeared. Enjoy.
Now that one’s gone too. 🙁
Now that one’s gone too. 🙁
The loss to the culture, and to human flourishing, is hard to put into words.
“And finally, don’t pull that face – you’d watch and you know it.”
Not even much of a horror fan, but oh hell yes.
“What makes it easier is when big organizations with a lot of power say, ‘We’re adding this category and we’re proud of it”
Place your bets on the first struggling young racing driver to decide 150,000 Euroubles is worth pretending to be a girl for. (Still, it’s only electric cars, so nobody cares.)
No, no. You’re behind the times. I’ve seen The Sweeney. It’s more like…
— Oi! Wot’s all the aggro? Bargin’ in ‘ere an’…
— We’re the law, son, an’ you’re nicked.
— Watch it, Guv, ‘e’s got a shootah!
— Oh, bleedin’ nora…
It’s amazing how quickly the day can turn to shit.
Gave me angst to watch it twice but it sure seems to me they drag the poor man too far perpendicularly away from the tracks when dragging him in the direction the train was coming from would have been both much safer and less likely to do further damage to existing injuries. But hey, that’s just me. I obviously have not had formal training in these matters.
The thrill of carpet fitting and cyberpunk excitement seem to merge together into a theme. heh
There’s some intersectional trans-furry umbrage, an angry person in a wheelchair; and a man in an elephant costume. Obviously.
Now that one’s gone too. 🙁
Is this the video? The wheelchair person threw the first punch and thus deserved to get some return punches regardless of his “pressing charges” chant.
You ladies are so lucky.
Is this the video?
The thrill of carpet fitting and cyberpunk excitement seem to merge together into a theme.
I’m betting the carpet-fitter’s work will last longer and be much more reliable.
Is it ok for Mr Pressing Charges to call somebody a f*ggot? Are non-queer gays the new TERFs? Would he be allowed to call a black person a naughty word under similar circumstances?
Being old enough to remember caring about the new “Top 20” show every Sunday afternoon I suggest a similar weekly countdown of the current intersectional charts showing who or what is on the way up and who is in danger of dropping out of the top 10.
Heroic: traditionally, we had heroes who had done actual things like climb a mountain, fight a war, cross the Atlantic in a small plane, invent the telephone. Now all those things are either boring or support capitalism (or something) and the only thing heroic is to suffer oppression. Since the demand for oppression exceeds the supply, the “oppressed” must wail and gnash teeth over smaller and smaller and even imaginary things. And here we are: clown world.
“What makes it easier is when big organizations with a lot of power say … we’re doing what it takes to celebrate these runners who are now being invited to our event.”
We’re doing what it takes with all our corporate power. A grim, determined sort of celebration.
In the old days, corporate social engineering had to be disguised as spontaneous/democratic/grassroots, but these days there’s a glee in using corporate power to force these things down people’s throats.
It’s initially presented as a humanitarian gesture, common decency. No trouble at all for the Chicago Marathon to create another category on the computer and to rope off a restroom area for 70 runners out of 40000. Give these troubled people a day out.
Of course, this was always going to happen, Chicago Marathon organizers should know well enough that their good deed wouldn’t go unpunished, that their accommodation of marginal athletes wouldn’t immediately be spun as marginalization. Now that there are explicit non-binary accommodations, there’s evidence for the prosecution in how meager or far away they are.
Not clear how far the nonbinary runners will be allowed to go, but the script will be familiar – we’re being ghettoized, treated like second class citizens, you want us to be invisible, you want us to be seen and not heard. We may be less than 0.2% but that’s because you treat us so shabbily. We want prize money, equal prize money, media hype, equal media hype, spontaneous enthusiasm from the crowd, equal spontaneous enthusiasm from the crowd. And after all of that – we’re just runners, we just want equal respect as runners, why are you people so creepily obsessed about our sexual identity?
*sigh* A dozen comments about Mr Pressing Charges hopping along on his hands, and not one tweet showing the Black Knight from Holy Grail. These people have lost their culture.
A very long-winded way to say you don’t want any dates.
There’s some intersectional trans-furry umbrage…and a man in an elephant costume.
Trans must truly be magical if it can make an elephant furry.
The “dismounted” wheelchair trans (ironically the wheelchair transportation service in my area is called wheeltrans) reminded me of the Monty Python scene where the knight has all his extremities cut off but keeps coming back for more.
Nothing more frightening than a parapalegic slowly sliding after you while cursing you out. I may not sleep tonight.
What a Brit saw in 1954 Africa. Via this Twitter thread.
Breaking: Navy on high alert after Italy and Hawaii jointly declare war on Britain. “We vow vengeance.”
What a Brit saw in Africa.
That doesn’t exactly square with the plot or reviews of the soon to be Oscar-nominated film, The Woman King.
You ladies are so lucky.
This lady is lucky I don’t have a twitter account so I can’t log in to see whatever it was pretending to be today.
A very long-winded way to say you don’t want any dates.
wth is a Shein haul?
And why does the prospective date have to pay for her getting her toes done? And the Shein haul too, whatever that is – sounds like it might be some heavy duty face crap – so $200 bucks for primping when she’s a single mother of two? Good lord people don’t know how to budget. Or maybe I just don’t know how to “girl” properly. One benefit of being an old tomboy – all the money saved on all the spackle and paint and spray and nonsense. When I get gussied up, I do it myself. Yeah it’s not Instagram-worthy, but the last time I had makeup done at a fancy makeup store I walked out looking like Hillary Clinton. GAH!
wth is a Shein haul?
A load of cheap and often trashy looking clothes made in China.
That about sums it up.
And in the world of The Unspanked.
OK, we’ll try this again seeing as how the link to the company was disliked by the spam filter, and I don’t blame it…
wth is a Shein haul?
A load of cheap and often trashy clothes from China.
That about sums it up.
Oh spam filter, you capricious bitch.
Oh spam filter, you capricious bitch.
She’s a creature of unfathomable moods. And she hates JuliaM. Don’t ask me why.