All These Things Thou Shalt Not Judge
At Adelphi University, a curious inclusion:
A private university in New York told students, faculty, and staff to not discriminate against someone based on a history of sexual offences. A poster at the university, obtained by The College Fix, has a list of categories and a statement that “I will not discriminate.” The poster has the university’s name on it. People should “not discriminate” against someone based on sex, race, disability, or religion, according to the poster, nor someone’s “sexual offender status.”
Presumably, students and staff should not regard someone’s status as a registered sex offender as having any conceivable utility or relevance and should never allow this knowledge to influence any decisions they might make about anything.
An adjacent poster denounces “dating violence,” “lack of consent” and “incapacitated sexual contact.”
Also, open thread.
Talk about mixed messages.
The poster actually denounces “incapactitated” sexual contact, which somehow sounds more promising.
Talk about mixed messages.
Its inclusion does raise… questions.
Its inclusion does raise… questions.
I see what you did there.
Its inclusion does raise… questions.
One of the reasons for the Left’s “Be Nice To Criminals” stance, beyond its desire to tear apart society, is that so many leftists are criminals.
Talk about mixed messages.
You don’t even have to go to the other poster, right above the “sexual offender status” they have “stalking victim status”, and above that, “status as a victim of relationship violence” both of the latter being frequently the result of the former.
I see they are also down with “citizenship” and “immigration status”, which seems a tad redundant (“Adelphi, Where Excellence Is Just Another Word”).
I wonder if the students gather outside making those asinine heart signs with their hands and holding banners that say “Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Welcome Here”.
Also, open thread.
Related to mixed messages, the memes, sometimes they write themselves.
One of the regulars here speaks ill of the calendar at the link:
Landlord, Darleen’s money’s no good tonight. On me.
Imagining the meeting where they agreed the wording.
Bob: “Oh, and … sexual offender status”.
Room goes quiet. Everyone stares at Bob.
Dave, quietly: “Great idea”.
Everyone stares at Dave
It might be more like:
Imagining the meeting where they agreed the wording.
Jane (in a gruff voice): “Oh, and … sexual offender status”.
Room goes quiet. Everyone stares at Jane.
It’s as if someone wrote a manual for destroying wisdom and people keep adopting it as policy…chapter by chapter.
Also Heh.
It will no longer be possible? Someone never learned the difference between “Can I go to the bathroom” and “May I go to the bathroom”. Maybe Canadian teachers are just too “nice” to point such things out.
Regarding “citizenship” and “immigration status”, these are two very different things.
A person may be a foreign national, for example, but may also be a legal resident alien or an illegal alien. And you can bet the school doesn’t want us to object to illegal immigration.
From my Inbox this morning:
…these are two very different things.
They could have just said “immigration status” as everyone not in that category is a citizen.
It’s as if someone wrote a manual for destroying wisdom and people keep adopting it as policy…
On that note, JP offers us a lesson on how to think like a leftist.
Is it a student or a faculty member they’re protecting?
“It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada.”*
* without an exemption granted by the appropriate authority. Please write your request for an exemption on the back of a $100 CDN note and place it in an unmarked, unaddressed envelope in the nearest Post Canada Poste box.
It’s like a Mondrian painting, only more shit:
“It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada.”
How ’bout stealing them?
“It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada.”
The Canuckleheads sure turned into Canuckleunderheads in record time under Twinkle Toes Trudeau, didn’t they.
Just imagine a hand-sewn Gucci loafer smashing a human face, forever…
“Just imagine a hand-sewn Gucci loafer”
Can I get that with a “pride” strap?
Heh … Also Heh.
Another Heh.
One of the regulars here speaks ill of the calendar at the link
How quickly we forget the Christian bakeries of the world, and the lawsuits against the Catholic church filed days after “sexual orientation” was added to the protected grounds legislation. How quickly we forget zomblog. How quickly we forget that it was like this long before the sexual dysmorphics were declared the new pets of the Bezmenovites.
With all respect to our gracious host, there were never any “nice, boring middle-class and professional gays who just wanted to be treated as individuals”. Every single push for gay civil rights has been followed immediately by lawfare using the new laws to crush anyone who dissents from the new orthodoxy.
I’ll see if I can find the link, but during the Prop 8 debates in California one of the gay activists was caught on tape at a meeting outright admitting that nobody in the community cared about getting married, the activism was purely about creating a legal hammer that could be wielded against the church.
How quickly we forget zomblog.
I miss Zombie. Hasn’t posted in 2 years.
Sexual offender status: I suppose you must go on a date with them if asked. Celebrate their uniqueness. Honor them. Like a high school girl being forced to share a bed with a trans on a school field trip. You will submit.
Of course, to be fair, the sexual offender crime include public urination when drunk or a 16 yr old with a 15 yr old girlfriend, so not all sexual offenders are actual criminals. But most are.
How it is done.
How quickly we forget zomblog
What happened to Zombie? I assumed he or she had just run out of steam. Which is a shame.
What happened to Zombie? I assumed he or she had just run out of steam. Which is a shame.
That’s what I assumed too. She was great. But fortunately she has not taken down her blog: All her posts are still there.
Police blogger Inspector Gadget, however, recently deleted his Twitter account. I started reading him and PC David Copperfield back in the early 2000’s. Very informative.
I assumed he or she had just run out of steam
Outrage blogging is unhealthy over the long term. It starts out as a necessary pressure release valve, and eventually becomes a negative feedback loop.
I like to think zombie eventually moved out of San Francisco to a nice quiet midwestern town full of like-minded adults.
the sexual offender crime include public urination when drunk or a 16 yr old with a 15 yr old girlfriend
That’s the thin edge of the wedge.
Chicken-and-egg debate gets surprising new makeover.
People should “not discriminate” against someone based on sex, race, disability, or religion, according to the poster, nor someone’s “sexual offender status.”
Trump should book it as a speaking venue.
For the “lulz”.
Completely unrelated to anything herein so far, but congrats to the Queen on her 70th year in the saddle. Suck it up Victoria.
However, some day unless her successor changes his name to Eadwig II, isn’t going to cost a mint to replace all the mail boxes, uniform dodads, and wherever or on whatever the EIIR cypher appears? I get that they all come up with their own cyphers, but is there any reason Eadwig II couldn’t just say it is close enough to his that because times are tough all over, close enough for government work?
Outrage blogging is unhealthy over the long term.
Documenting the unwell can take a toll. Though I tended to think of Zombie as a kind of anthropologist with a camera, wandering through various gatherings of the foolish and demented. From Occupy’s biohazard encampments to San Francisco’s militant, rather needy exhibitionists.
Deep Thinker says that the very concept of truth is “deeply transphobic“.
Documenting the unwell can take a toll.
I hope my occasional silly/funny comments help; it’s part of why I post them. Should I do more or fewer?
What’s the point of the Scarlet S if you don’t want it to come with consequences?
Though I tended to think of Zombie as a kind of anthropologist with a camera
It is hard to “inflate” the value of Zombie’s work, but that sort of reporting may not be “up your alley“. 😉
The above links are very NSFW.
For a safely photo-free overview, use this link.
You assume, of course, that her successor won’t want to revert to the Tudor Crown on his cypher.
Speaking of Zombie and San Francisco…
No police uniforms allowed at pride parade.
I’m not sure how buck naked meets a “dress code”, bu it is San Francisco, after all.
The above links are very NSFW.
From Zombie’s 2015 San Francisco piece:
In recent years, we seem to have lost, to a significant extent, the willingness to see the obvious, or at least to speak it. For instance, that if you feel a compulsion to involve small children in your tiresome sexual psychodramas, then there’s something seriously fucking wrong with you.
Pardon my French.
a dangerous lunatic in need of psychiatric help or involuntary commitment to a jail or mental hospital
Betcha that applies to a double-digit percentage of the San Francisco population.
In recent years, we seem to have lost, to a significant extent, the willingness to see the obvious, or at least to speak it.
One of the reasons I have lost contact with so many liberals is precisely this persistent denial of reality.
that the very concept of truth is “deeply transphobic”.
Well that’s quite obviously bullshit.
Seriously people, I waited a half-dozen comments. I know that was easy but please try and think of my OCD, m’k?
if you feel a compulsion to involve small children in your tiresome sexual psychodramas, then there’s something seriously fucking wrong with you.
Pardon my French.
No offense but speaking of losing the ability to see the obvious, we’re at the point now where doctors are chemically destroying the sexual development, and even cutting out the sex organs of children. Doctors. Educated people. With skills. Well, “educated”. There is something seriously fucking wrong with our society in general. Though when you consider that these people are now parents, grandparents even…well…Katie bar the door.
Looking back now on the Castro protests, we see that they overplayed their hand and the city banned nudity.
The Woke and Left want to make it a crime to wink at a girl on campus or tell a dirty joke, but not a crime to have naked marches and protests. Got it. Totally consistent and logical.
Back when I was just a kid in school, someone wrote a book about the Great Cultural Revolution titled China: Roots of Madness. Will some future historian of recycle that title when analyzing the disintegration of American society?
In recent years, we seem to have lost, to a significant extent, the willingness to see the obvious, or at least to speak it.
It seems to flow from the acceptance of everyone is a victim. Too many people are too willing to excuse bad behaviour. They are quite prepared to contort themselves into all sorts of illogical, immoral tolerance based on perceived inequities or made-up, imagined victim profiles. Sadly it doesn’t just happen for the boldly obvious examples documented here. Any neighbourhood bulletin board or facebook group is ready to turn the mundane into a twisted tit-for-tat battle for righteousness.
Any neighbourhood bulletin board or facebook group is ready to turn the mundane into a twisted tit-for-tat battle for righteousness.
Social media in a nutshell.
I have questions.
we’re at the point now where doctors are chemically destroying the sexual development, and even cutting out the sex organs of children. Doctors. Educated people. With skills.
How quickly we forget the FGM/circumcision debate.
Any neighbourhood bulletin board or facebook group is ready to turn the mundane into a twisted tit-for-tat battle for righteousness.
Woke virtue signaling online is high school mean girls social competition among women.
Amber Heard is unhappy. This woman at the Guardian may soon be unhappy too.
Woke virtue signaling online is high school mean girls social competition among women.
I sometimes wonder how large a fraction of female interactions fall into the High School Mean Girls category.
New York has very restrictive gun control laws, and yet this psycho murderer with a history of stalking, threats, and violence–even gun violence–was allowed to keep his collection of guns. He should have been charged with felony assault, given a restraining order, and required to surrender all firearms. Why didn’t that happen? In New York, the home of the Smartest People in America?
Once again, everybody: Do liberal DA’s and officials want vicious criminals to commit more crimes?
How quickly we forget the FGM/circumcision debate.
Ah, I remember vividly everything that happened at the outbreak of the Foreskin Wars. I had just received a job offer working in the circumsion ward–40 skins a week and a chance to get ahead.
[ ba dum tss ]
I’m here all week. Don’t forget to tip your server.
David, may I borrow the hamster urine spray bottle?
circumsion ward
Oy vey, I’m such a mohel, I circumcised the word circumcision.
Just don’t circumcise the skipper.
How quickly we forget the FGM/circumcision debate.
Well as I recall there was significant opposition to FGM back then and it wasn’t endorsed by any serious people…so called. The medical establishment opposed it. Biological reproduction is not significantly impaired. It is still, to my knowledge anyway, not acceptable outside of those specific religious/ethnic groups.
Circumcision is a whole other thing open to discussion but it certainly has not been proven to do reproductive damage to the child nor eliminate pleasure from sex. Putting aside malpractice, etc.
I had just received a job offer working in the circumsion ward–40 skins a week and a chance to get ahead.
Yadda-yadda-yadda, but if you rub it, it turns into a briefcase.
Sorry, the ocd again.
Circumcision is a whole other thing open to discussion
Oh, of course it is. Of course it is.
The point is that doctors – educated people, with skills even – were and are still cutting out the sex organs of children and have been for a long time.
DR, it’s because of crap like this that you don’t get invited to the…never mind…
Circumcision is a whole other thing open to discussion but it certainly has not been proven to do reproductive damage to the child nor eliminate pleasure from sex.
Alas, this reasoning is flawed. Prepucectomy isn’t a “whole other thing” merely because it’s not as bad as the worst forms of FGM. It’s still genital mutilation; it’s done to the genitals, and it would be mutilation if done to any other normal, healthy, functional human body part.
As a rule, the acceptance of the validity of routine and ritual male prepucectomy necessarily requires the false proposition that the infant male prepuce is somehow –
[jazz hands] – magically, just like people changing their gender! –
exempt from the presumptive standard of retention applied to the rest of the human body by default.
The awkward and discomforting – dare I suggest cognitively dissonant? – parallels to be drawn between the subjects of the recent Matt Walsh filmclips and the contortions of circumcision apologists promise much amusement of exactly the stripe for which I habituate this venue.
Alas, this reasoning is flawed. Prepucectomy isn’t a “whole other thing” merely because it’s not as bad as the worst forms of FGM. It’s still genital mutilation; it’s done to the genitals, and it would be mutilation if done to any other normal, healthy, functional human body part.
As a rule, the acceptance of the validity of routine and ritual male prepucectomy necessarily requires the false proposition that the infant male prepuce is somehow –
[jazz hands] – magically, just like people changing their gender! –
exempt from the presumptive standard of retention applied to the rest of the human body by default.
FFFS, there you have it. This. It’s not just a leftist phenomenon (or perhaps it is?), the willful and intentional obtuseness of people trying to appear smart. Smaaaart. It’s different, very different, for the clear reasons I previously stated. Not saying it should not be considered/re-examined, but clearly, to anyone with common sense, male circumcision is SIGNIFICANTLY different from FGM and the chemical interference and ever removal of children’s genitals. This right here, this idiotic obfuscation, is a big part of the problem.
Tangential to the discussion above: coworkers used to refer to a certain northern B.C. town as “Foreskin John”, which for the benefit of our drill crew I rendered into French as “St-Jean-de-Prepuce”.
It’s funnier if you’ve had a Jesuit education.
coworkers used to refer to a certain northern B.C. town as “Foreskin John”
