Not, In Fact, Done With It
A bold use of the word gaslighting.
The damsel in question, aka “Commie DickGurl.”
It does, I think, inadvertently get to the nub of things, a common source of friction in this particular kind of drama. Which is to say, who’s gaslighting whom?
Via Darleen.
“You’re crazy, bro”
Makes for one ugly looking woman.
It’s not gaslighting if they are crazy.
It’s always fast food restaurants, isn’t it? Have you noticed?
Never five-star restaurants or hotels….
If a man tells you he is Napoleon is the correct response to ask “When do we march on Moscow sire?” or say “You know you’re loony”?
Forget it, I know, I know. I’ll go saddle the horses.
It seems to me that if a 34-year-old man masquerades, unconvincingly, as a trampy young woman, and has meltdowns like a trampy young woman, and expects everyone around him to treat him as if he were a lady – all appearance and behaviour to the contrary – then some attempt at deception is already underway. And that’s before we get to the issue of who starts with the shrieked profanities and sexual epithets, and then gets theatrically indignant when the favour is repaid, albeit in small part, as if their own prior conduct had been utterly beyond reproach.
We live in South Park.
“This is discrimination and I’m fucking done with it…”
[turns around, returns to counter to look for some more]
There’s an awful lot one could say to such people. The kindest would probably be “Just grow up”.
…and from the second video: “I don’t have time for this!!!”
Erm. Yes you do. Clearly you do. Lots and lots of time.
Insisting ‘You must pretend what I pretend’ isn’t, I fear, the easiest sell, given the context. Indeed, the display of volatility, and all of the subsequent agitation, suggests that “Commie DickGurl” doesn’t quite believe it either.
And then there’s the added complication that the Popeyes employees have no way of knowing which of the various phenomena bundled under the category of ‘trans’ they’re actually faced with. It may be someone with gender dysphoria; it may be an autogynephilic man, an attention-seeking fetishist, as seen here, or some other opportunist bedlamite. And how one might respond, how indulgent one might be, could depend on which it is.
If a man tells you he is Napoleon is the correct response to ask “When do we march on Moscow sire?” or say “You know you’re loony”?
No response is correct unless it begins “Your Imperial Highness”.
Ah, the wonders of the intertubes, in which we all can share the adventures of captain nuthatch.
A mixed blessing, communication is.
then there’s the added complication that the Popeyes employees have no way of knowing which of the various phenomena bundled under the category of ‘trans’ they’re actually faced with.
You are attempting to use reason to manage the literally (ABLILML) unreasonable. Like one might use a monkey wrench to scrub a fish tank. Of course you know this. All of us, including the workers and other patrons at Popeyes know this. And yet we all pretend that this is in one way or another something that WE must deal with in a reasonable manner. Alinsky on steroids. In any truly rational society, this person would have long ago either been locked up in an institution or been given sufficient attitude adjustments that they could very well otherwise be living a normal and happy life. But either of those things would have been wrong, wrong, wrong to do. So here we are. And here we will remain until we start dealing with such people in a more…ahem…rational manner. Sigh…
…and has meltdowns like a trampy young woman…
Meltdowns, how dare you, sir ? It is obvious, as he clearly states, he was standing up for trans “rights”.
Years from now after the arc of history has been bent towards justice, the children of all genders will gather to hear the tales of the men who strode bravely to bring rights to the oppressed, Gandhi, MLK, CommieDickGurl.
“I don’t have time for this!!!”
Dude needs to chill.
Oh and by the way, Commie DickGurl does sex work. Should anyone be tempted.
Dude needs to chill.
Massive doses of Haldol?
Commie DickGurl does sex work.
So do I.
When She Who Must Be Obeyed is in the mood. Or something.
This phenomenon is self-correcting. Popeyes staff will eventually no longer tolerate this abuse, and quit. The restaurant will close since they cannot hire and keep staff. Commie DickGurl will no longer have a restaurant in which to play this game.
Didn’t The Opportunist Bedlamites used to open for Alice Cooper back in the 70s?
Folie à deux, it’s all the rage.
Folie à deux, it’s all the rage.
Somebody should write a book titled Intellectual Popular Delusions and the Madness of Universities.
Somebody should write a book titled Intellectual Popular Delusions and the Madness of Universities.
An extraordinary idea.
Not to rain on the tranny-hating parade, but give it a fucking rest already.
here we will remain until we start dealing with such people in a more…ahem…rational manner
And what manner would that be? Go on, spell it out explicitly. These threads always dance around things so.
Dude needs to chill.
BAHAHAHAHA! Oh! How droll! Sick burn! NEVER heard that one before! See, it’s funny because you called the person who ‘identifies’ as female a male thing! That’s so clever!
Disclaimer, I’m trans myself. Sorry, I mean “””””trans”””””. So go ahead and tell me more about how “such people” should be dealt with to save Western civilisation.
Then do the gays.
I’m trans myself.
I’m curious, what do you make of the exchange in the video?
At the risk of trying to clean a fish tank with a monkey wrench, please tell me what I said that, as a trans person, upset you so much? What makes you so sure that NONE of the Popeyes employees nor any of the patrons are trans themselves? Go on, spell it out explicitly.
Folie à deux, it’s all the rage.
Or in this case seul avec ma folie.
All the swearing – nothing the staff says matters, he/she wants to be offended. I go to Popeyes for delicious fried chicken and mashed potatoes with spicy gravy, not to have the staff justify my lifestyle choices. As if they even know who I am.
No, it’s because the individual doing a rather poor masquerade of a female is visually biologically male, given the effects of testosterone during growth years upon the bone structure. The vocal cords are a bit of a giveaway as well.
Most people don’t like to be forced to lie and the various pronouns that English uses are sex based. Now, lying is the lubricant of social interaction; that’s the one exception to the West Point Honor Code, as a matter of fact. If you are visiting someone’s home for dinner, say, and you are asked if you enjoyed the meal, then you aren’t forced to insult the people who invited you by telling the truth. Similarly, most people will play along with the charade by referring to someone presenting in the link as “Miss, Ms, Madame, Miss, she, and/or her”.
People also fuck up.
Disclaimer, I’m trans myself. Sorry, I mean “””””trans”””””. So go ahead and tell me more about how “such people” should be dealt with to save Western civilisation.
Then do the gays.
Bandit (interesting choice of nom-de-internet), I don’t give two thoughts about how you identify – sincerely or not – I care about how you behave in public.
In a liberty-based society, that means I owe you nothing more than civility in the public square. I don’t tell you how to identify and you don’t tell me what speech I must use. We either deal with each other on a voluntary as possible basis or one or the other of us walks away.
This trans-identified male is little different than any other individual who is getting their rocks off in being as obnoxiously toxic in public as possible and videoing it for the clicks. It is just a step above those young blacks who engage in the knockdown game on elderly Asians or BLM/Antifa cultists flipping the tables of people in restaurants.
And that’s not even getting into the “trans-activists” who are targeting minors (especially gay & lesbian) for conversion and going after women and girls who want to be left alone in their own activities.
NOT all trans-identified people are activists. Many are horrified what is being done “in their name.”
You want to be left alone to live your life? Then start acting like it. Otherwise, at some point, the people being assaulted will no longer feel any need to be civil in the face of such assaults.
Oh … btw it’s funny because you called the person who ‘identifies’ as female a male thing!
Let’s get this perfectly clear. Regardless of this male’s public identification, he is not, nor will ever be, female. That’s why the phrase “trans woman/man” exists. One’s social identity can be inline with biology or not, but it cannot change the biology.
The sexes are not fungible.
It will be interesting to see if you ever respond, or was this just a drive-by sneer?
Go on, spell it out explicitly.
Gay, straight or trans, a self-centered narcissist is a self-centered narcissist.
I don’t tell you how to identify and you don’t tell me what speech I must use.
Seems to be the most plausible, practical arrangement.
NOT all trans-identified people are activists. Many are horrified what is being done “in their name.”
That does bear repeating. I vaguely recall Diedre McCloskey saying something along those lines, and I’ve linked to several trans people, YouTubers, including Theryn Meyer, having perfectly civil discussions, on this and related matters, with Jordan Peterson.
My reaction: Nature can be so cruel.
So go ahead and tell me more about how “such people” should be dealt with
The same way as schizophrenics or anyone else with a major mental delusion.
If Bandit intends to post calming words on each and every site showing that particular video he/she is going to be a busy little person. So it might just have been a “one and done” visit here.
(Anyway Bluey and Bingo are waiting to hear their bedtime story).
On a more cheerful note: James Burke Drinking Supercut
Cheers, David!
James Burke wants to do another Connections series. (Via Old Holborn)
And“: “In a May 2020 interview, Burke said that he was writing a new Connections book, which would be the basis for a new television series titled Connections 21, slated to air in January 2022.”
So it might just have been a “one and done” visit here.
Almost certainly the case. Especially since it was not phrased in a way conveying any interest in actual debate. I was particularly amused by “These threads always dance around things so” since “dancing around rather than making a clear point” is not a characteristic of this blog. Oh well, no loss: Bandit 1 hardly ever comments here anyway, and I don’t recall any of those comments being memorably enlightening or entertaining.
James Burke wants to do another Connections series.
I re-watched some of them recently. The first series is by far the best. The quality dipped noticeably afterwards, becoming a little disjointed and at times glib.
Oh well, no loss: Bandit 1 hardly ever comments here anyway, and I don’t recall any of those comments being memorably enlightening or entertaining.
I used the search widget to find any comments by Bandit 1 and only this one and 2 others on a post in 2013 came up. The user name may be the same, but the posts sounded like they came from two different people. The 2013 comments were reasonable, and in the flavor and spirit of this joint, while today’s drive-by sounded like the crap you get on Twitter and other blogs and boards.
I have to say I appreciate the commenters here – aside from a few tedious persons who no longer post, even the more heated discussions still maintain some base level of civility and intelligence, and stick to the points being debated, more or less. This rickety barge really is an oasis compared to other places. I hope my use of the Amazon US button whilst ordering car parts helps to say danke, mein host. Tisn’t much, but I haven’t much.
I hope my use of the Amazon US button whilst ordering car parts helps to say danke, mein host.
It’s all good. And bless you. May your enemies know the stool-loosening horror of frequent Windows updates.
Right, time to expire. Columbo beckons.
As it were.
Manners maketh the Man, but not this ‘Lady’.
What goes around, comes around: if this fool wants to be respected, s/he should also be respectful and courteous to others. It wasn’t and thus is deserving of condemnation and ridicule for its bullying, discourteous behaviour typical of a tantrumming toddler. Ultimately the fool wants to be ‘special’ by being ‘different’ – “Look at me; I’m dressing up”, but I suggest it is far from emotionally secure and certain in it’s fashionable women’s garb and notional role as a woman, hence projects its own uncertainty, even self-hate and anger onto others who just happen to be in the line of fire.
Right, time to expire.
…like tears in the rain…did you mean retire, or do you you have your AED on standby ??
I’m only familiar with Connections and The Day the Universe Changed. Last watched both a long time ago such that I get them mixed up. Is his other stuff any good?
This video may beg the most appropriate use of the “Sir, this is a Wendys” meme ever.
I’m only familiar with Connections and The Day the Universe Changed. Last watched both a long time ago such that I get them mixed up. Is his other stuff any good?
Those two can be found on YouTube. So can Masters of Illusion, and also others I suspect.
Right, time to expire. Columbo beckons.
I never before pictured Columbo with black robe and scythe. The only homicide detective who speaks in ALL CAPS, BRIEF MORTAL?
So which seasons do you think well of, David? So many shows are good only for the first few.
My two cents on Bandit 1. There are those who may say that they find it passing strange for a trans person who, in offering his/her response to a considered, mainly polite conversation regarding the actions of a very rude and hysterical trans person chooses to do so in, er, well, a very rude and hysterical manner.
That’s what some people may say. Not me of course. Nosiree bub.
Besides, I still haven’t finished saddling the horses for His Excellency yet.
Most people don’t like to be forced to lie
That is, I think, the principal cause of friction in situations like the one above. And hence the irony of the term gaslighting.
So which seasons do you think well of, David?
Of Columbo? The early seasons are generally the best, I think. Also, the early Seventies aesthetic, the choices in shot and soundtrack, adds… a certain something.
This video may beg the most appropriate use of the “Sir, this is a Wendys” meme ever.
Well, as so often, we don’t see what, if anything, happened before the video starts, i.e., whether the word sir was used or not, and if used, done provocatively, or out of habit or reflex or whatever. (If a job entails saying the same thing repeatedly, reflexively, hundreds of times a day, errors will happen.) But either way, what happens afterwards doesn’t prompt any great gushing of sympathy.
It’s also interesting to note how the mental complications one would expect of a person being trans dovetail with, and are amplified by, the various inversions and practised neuroses of being woke. Such that we’re told that the “professional victimhood” of Popeyes employees who find themselves being harassed and screamed at is contemptible. And such that we’re told in a later video that the real problem, the ultimate cause of human sorrow, is “patriarchy,” “capitalism,” and the existence of “white wealthy cis het Christian conservative men.”
But “bigotry” is bad, m’kay?
I have a sneaking suspicion that “Bandit 1” is “CommieDickGurl”, eagerly sniffing around on the Web for mentions of the video and deriving much satisfaction from expressing righteous indignation toward anyone who dares criticize the aesthetic of its star.
Such that we’re told that the “professional victimhood” of Popeyes employees…
“Which is to say, who’s gaslighting whom?”
Meanwhile, there may be a place he can live in peace, in New Wakanda, a beautiful 200 acre place 10,000 feet high in the Colorado mountains for colonized people only that has been liberated apparently (checks notes) from the Utes.
in New Wakanda, a beautiful 200 acre place 10,000 feet high in the Colorado mountains for colonized people
As with previous projects of this kind, involving similar people, notably Occupy, I suppose we should await news of rampant sexual assault and the resurgence of diseases long forgotten.
Of Columbo? The early seasons are generally the best, I think.
Thanks, David. That seems to usually be the case with many TV shows–before they start to run out of ideas.
Also, the early Seventies aesthetic, the choices in shot and soundtrack, adds… a certain something.
A certain je ne sais quoi, except that Columbo would never say that with his carefully cultivated persona of dull-wittedness. 🙂
Speaking of 70’s shows, which other ones do you think well (or ill) of? Somebody recently mentioned Baretta, but I barely remember even the cockatoo.
That seems to usually be the case with many TV shows–before they start to run out of ideas.
Even an entertaining premise or conceit – say, a detective show in which the audience knows from the very start who did it, and why, and how – can quickly be exhausted. I’ve been re-watching season one of Columbo and it’s quite funny seeing the twists and plot devices that will be used again umpteen times in later seasons, almost to the point of parody.
[ Added: ]
A staple of the show is guessing at what point Columbo figures out who did it, and then watching his apparently bumbling harassment slowly pressure the murderer into incriminating themselves; but there are only so many scenarios to explore before repetition sets in. Still, it’s been fun seeing the guest stars of the day take a turn at villainy and comeuppance.
Speaking of 70’s shows, which other ones do you think well (or ill) of?
I’m drawing a blank at the moment. Will have to mull.
This video may beg the most appropriate use of the “Sir, this is a Wendys” meme ever.

Did you see that “This is library!” man was in the news?
I suppose we should await news of rampant sexual assault and the resurgence of diseases long forgotten.
Not in New Wakanda, a communist (their words) paradise with “No cops, no rent, no Coronavirus, and no white people” that you can support by buying there swag here.
But no Irish !
Anybody want to place bets on when we learn that it was all a scam to raise money on GoFundMe?
Not in New Wakanda, a communist (their words) paradise
The thing these self-flattering clowns never seem to grasp is that their supposedly radical projects tend to fail and descend into farce, not just because of any given circumstance or practicality, or impracticality, but because of the kinds of people they are. They take the failure with them, like destiny.
I suppose we should await news of rampant sexual assault and the resurgence of diseases long forgotten.
Without a supply of food from the outside, I do not see them lasting long enough even for that.
But no Irish !
Nor Ukrainians!
I guess they don’t want anyone giving away spoilers.
…descend into farce…
Nonsense, these people are totes serious, take it from their commander in chief.
Nonsense, these people are totes serious, take it from their commander in chief.
As you can imagine, I’m swollen with confidence. Even though it’s quite hard to build a utopia from a pile of obnoxious narcissists, many of whom will inevitably have the less endearing personality disorders.
… take it from their commander in chief.
One commenter stayed that these are not the juggalos he is used to.
This raises the question: Who would win in a fight, subnormal white kids riding the Faygo train to diabetes, or the flighty horde led by Twinkle Toes the Michael Jackson Joker impersonator?
Saves putting them in Golgafrincham Ark Ship B.
…descend into farce…
“Donner party of four, your table is waiting.”
Saves putting them in Golgafrincham Ark Ship B.
I’m thinking that a number of their offspring will be flying with the Evening Star Travel and Real Estate Corporation.
David’s mention of Occupy reminded me of Occupied
I recall seeing a few episodes and the premise is interesting. I’m guessing it devolved into something soap operatic at midpoint or near the end.
it’s quite hard to build a utopia from a pile of obnoxious narcissists
True. But you can have a damn good blowout on $64k harvested from morons.
Anybody want to place bets on when we learn that it was all a scam to raise money on GoFundMe?
You need to be more specific; this question applies to almost everything that happens in the US.
If it were alone with its madness this incident would never had happened.
Who would win in a fight…
Don’t know, but if is on Pay-per-view, it would be bigger than Clay vs. Liston.
which other ones do you think well (or ill) of?
The Rockford Files remains solid entertainment. The first couple of seasons of Magnum, P.I. make for light, frothy viewing.
Even an entertaining premise or conceit […] can quickly be exhausted
One benefit of the modern streaming media ecosystem is that a show can be exactly as long as it needs to be, although for popular service-exclusive shows I’m seeing a return to the “I couldn’t help it, they backed a dump truck of money up on to my lawn” problem.
I’m seeing a return to the “I couldn’t help it, they backed a dump truck of money up on to my lawn” problem.
I thought the first season of Westworld, the only one I watched, was strong, but apparently it went off the rails shortly thereafter.
As to the broader point, it seems to me there’s only so much storytelling lawn to mow, as it were. And especially with properties that have been around for decades, in some cases half a century or more, it’s getting hard to see what can be done with them that’s new but not awful. I.e., hasn’t been done for good reasons.
a communist (their words) paradise
…until the first snowfall.
Speaking of 70’s shows, which other ones do you think well (or ill) of? Somebody recently mentioned Baretta, but I barely remember even the cockatoo.
McCloud, Cannon, The Rockford Files, The Streets of San Francisco, Kolchak: The Night Stalker was fun for the one season it lasted, Barney Miller…
Still, it’s been fun seeing the guest stars of the day take a turn at villainy and comeuppance.
I started watching Murder, She Wrote for that very reason. It’s fun to play did they or didn’t they appear on Love Boat. The ultimate show for guest star appearances.
Anybody want to place bets on when we learn that it was all a scam to raise money on GoFundMe?
This. So I’m not the only one suspicious about this…but the whole bloddy thing looks questionable. Not sure the exact location but it being early May and, AIUI, “out west” they had plenty of snow this year. Or at least my buddy who lives in Dillon, CO was just three days ago skiing in Winter Park along with a few other locations leads me to believe. I don’t see any snow yet these people are supposedly at 10,000 feet wearing t-shirts and at best light hoodies? And they have laid claim to 200 acres that holds one lake and THREE rivers (gee, just like Pittsburgh)? 200 acres? That’s less than 1/3 square mile, unless the internet is lying to me. Well, can’t TOTALLY rule that out but I suspect it’s close enough. And it’s “rich soil”? I see nothing but rocks and sloping scrub land, which is likely the most truthful thing there. Yet I bet I could show this to pretty much anyone I know and they would take it at face value. Even the “smart” ones. Maybe even especially the “smart” ones. OK, maybe not my buddy in Colorado…though even that I’m not positive about.
I started watching Murder, She Wrote…
I quite like that you’re happy to share that information. You’re among friends here. We won’t judge.
Murder, She Wrote
It’s a gateway drug to The Golden Girls.
“No cops, no rent, no Coronavirus, and no white people”
And at 10,000ft, not a lot of oxygen
It’s a gateway drug to The Golden Girls.
It’s a gateway drug to The Golden Girls.
H8ters, gonna h8te, h8te, h8te
And they have laid claim to 200 acres that holds one lake and THREE rivers…

Also RICH soil, but bear in mind this lot are from the city, so I imagine they would be confused by an inch of dirt, a small seasonal pond and three creeks from snow melt.
And at 10,000ft, not a lot of oxygen
They claim they need the money to make “earth bag” houses which are just glorified sandbag bunkers. Having helped construct the latter, I have no doubt that the 14% O2 at 10,000 feet will make slinging sand bags all day super easy, barely an inconvenience, for this hardy pioneer stock.
“The Carol Burnett Show.” The “Went with the Wind” parody that made fun of Scarlett O’Hara making a dress from curtain fabric was one of the highlights.
Considering that they put on a musical variety show for about 33 weeks a year every week, was pretty amazing.
I recall enjoying Ironside.
Barney Miller
I’ve revisited that show recently — still makes me chuckle. The early seasons with Jack Soo are priceless.
which other ones do you think well (or ill) of?
I was addicted to all of those detective shows. Even Cannon, which always amused whenever William Conrad had to get in/out of his car and move somewhere in a hurry. But also, Mannix, Barnaby Jones, Rockford Files, Mission Impossible, Kojak, Hawaii 5-0,. I get Banacek and Kolchak mixed up…call me racist, I like it…and of course especially Charlie’s Angels. What was great about shows back then was how often movie stars would play guest roles. I distinctly remember one CA show where a scene switched from Dean Martin pitching woo to (my favorite) Kate Jackson, followed by a scene of Scatman Crothers walking his cat. I mean, how cool was that?
Oddly, while I greatly enjoyed Columbo, I didn’t see it very often. I believe it was not on every week but was swapped around with a Dennis Weaver show about some cowboy cop in NYC, which oddly I never got into. Especially given that we could well be related. And also probably opposite some other show that I could count on….Also, Hogan’s Heroes…and of course UFO…for other reasons.
Speaking of 70’s shows, which other ones do you think well (or ill) of?
I remember that I quite liked the first few series of Quincy, ME when I watched them as a teenager about 15 years ago. The later series, while still adequately watchable, became quite preachy and agenda-driven in tone and that put me off a bit. One episode involving a stolen gun was laughably unsubtle in its “guns are not just bad – some are inherently evil, mkay” message. That said, the last time I watched one was about 10 years ago. I haven’t seen it since, and it is possible that in the intervening years my tastes may have changed.
Anybody want to place bets on when we learn that it was all a scam to raise money on GoFundMe?
[raises hand]
It so resembles a more elaborate 4chan prank in its “proclamations” and the “fertile soil” at 10K feet scrub-brush I just want to fix a tub of popcorn and watch.
Otherwise, I’m thinking this is the farcical version: Jim Jones 2.0. Which will call for extra butter on the popcorn.
I also like how, fourteen years in, I still can’t predict the tangents and off-roading that a thread will involve.
I have no doubt that the 14% O2 at 10,000 feet will make slinging sand bags all day super easy, barely an inconvenience, for this hardy pioneer stock.

A job for the empathy-building corvees of the Reparations Corps.
As for the lame ones…heh…Love on a Rooftop, Brigette Loves Bernie, Supertrain, What’s Happenin’, except for the classic episode where Rerun bets on the Tampa Bay Bucs, Maude, B. J. and the Bear, Movin’ On. Let’s not forget When Things Were Rotten, which none of us 8th graders could understand why it got cancelled.
Even Cannon, which always amused whenever William Conrad had to get in/out of his car and move somewhere in a hurry.
Did you know that Conrad was the original Marshal Dillion on radio’s Gunsmoke? I got a chance to listen to most of the episodes while commuting to/from work. I found the TV version boooooring, but the radio program was gritty and adult and Dillion wasn’t some one-dimensional, white-hat hero at all. It was a great show and Conrad’s voice acting superb.
OT, but might be of interest/amusement to my fellow patrons of this fine establishment.
not the way she expected the interview to go
Azerbaijan is no prize, but that was a thing of joy to watch.
A job for the empathy-building corvees of the Reparations Corps.
That Reparations Corps website is a joke, right? It says if you’re white and “want to get the blood off your hands” just give them all your stuff.
I thought that Critical Race Theory and Anti-Racism taught that if you were born “white” there’s no way you will ever get the “blood off your hands”, no matter how much groveling, boot licking you do or reparations you pay.
And who decides what is “white”? If a person of pallor gets a deep tan, and many can, does that make them a Brown Body or are they still “white”? If someone who naturally has high levels of melanin in their epidermal cells but expresses WrongThink, does that make them “white”?
And last question, which brings this around to the original topic: there is an entire chromosome of genes level of difference between male and female, expressing in actual different internal organs, while the differences between races are mainly different levels of expression of the same genes on the same chromosomes. Yet we can have “trans-women are women!!!1” and “some men can have periods and babies” but no such thing as trans-black, trans-brown, or any such trans-ing of the races. If I can “become a man” just by saying so, why can’t I become black?
…the Reparations Corps.
Hot diggedy dog ! If I get a Secret New Wakanda Decoder Ring too, I’m on this like a duck on a June bug !
*(I thought that was the problem…)