Friday Ephemera
I’m sensing a theme. || Today’s word is entrepreneur. || God’s power detected. || Party scenes. || “What happens if you put your head in a particle accelerator?” || For hiding stains. || “The Indiana Bell Telephone Company headquarters was moved 15 inches an hour, all while 600 employees still worked inside.” || Marketing of note. (h/t, Julia) || In crime news. || Tense negotiation. || Now, now, we mustn’t judge. || Today’s other word is literally. She’s an educator, you know. || Beast identified. (h/t, Damian) || And yet you want one. || Alien On Stage. || Just like normal people. || Eruption, from above. || There’s a time and a place for everything. (h/t, Darleen) || And finally, in feminist news, shots fired.
Happy Easter!🐇
Returning briefly to the oppressive Band Aid issue one significant problem would be that many folx who consider themselves black would find that using “sensitively coloured” sticking plasters leaves them looking like geometric dalmatians.
Happy Easter one and.
Here’s a dastardly crime for your consideration.
Based on pure Science !™

Goat with rubber tires, $21.50, electric stirrups, $1.50 extra.
Now we know where David got his robe and crown, and the various bits of machinery and devices around here came from.
Daniel Ream: in the previous post’s comment thread you described Asimov as “one of the SF pedos”. Do you have anything to back that up? [citation needed]
we noticed that most of the cases involved utter idiot criminals
Those are the type that keep the criminal calendar so packed. In processing police reports any particularly new variation of spectacular idiocy was noted and passed around.
In processing police reports any particularly new variation of spectacular idiocy was noted and passed around.
Bond Court idiots are a recurring theme on the CWB blog’s Twitter feed: criminals who in spite of their lawyers’ instructions blurt out self-incriminating things. Sometimes very funny.
But of course stupidity should not be grounds for leniency in sentencing.
Goat with rubber tires, $21.50, electric stirrups, $1.50 extra.
[ psychological trauma triggered ]
Good news from Chicago: Mugger shoots himself while trying to rob man waiting for CTA subway train.
Asimov as “one of the SF pedos”
While I don’t know anything about that (I didn’t make the original charge), Asimov did have a reputation for making crude remarks, jokes, and otherwise offensive behavior to young women.
His son was busted possessing child p0rn back in the ’90s (source: LA Times article).
[Isaac] Asimov did have a reputation for making crude remarks, jokes, and otherwise offensive behavior to young women.
Yes. Uninvited fondling, even walking up to a woman and attempting to stick his tongue down her throat. I suspect he got away with it more than Harlan Ellison did (who as far as I know only made remarks, did not grab and fondle) because he was in other ways less obnoxious than Harlan.
I did see a news item about his son back then–probably in an industry magazine.
I am not attempting to defend Isaac Asimov here, so much as trying to make sure about the facts.
Re various above, in olden days when IQ testing was merely whined about as somehow invidious, and not actually forbidden as structural racism, a frequent focus in corrections and sociology was the IQ testing of prison inmates. Over years of testing the results seemed clear enough. Given the passage of time I do not recall exact figures, but if memory serves, by far the majority of any prison population was categorized in the language of the discipline as “dull-normal” and below. Typically such inmates were chronic recidivists, had at best significant difficulty contemplating consequences, and lived pretty much in the moment. That staple, beloved of Hollywood, the brilliant intellectual criminal mind, might have existed as a fraction of 1 percent of the total inmate population, but was the extremest of outliers thereamong. I suspect we are not permitted to make such observations today, so this is historical reference only.
criminals who in spite of their lawyers’ instructions blurt out self-incriminating things.
Yep, there are criminals who drop their ID at the scene, or, if high pass out in the place they’ve broken into, or make admissions even after Mirandized … but this is still one of my all time favorites.
had at best significant difficulty contemplating consequences, and lived pretty much in the moment
Yeah…this “in the moment” thing. I’ve heard it’s considered by many life coach types as a better way to live. So I’ve been told. Goes against pretty much everything I was taught as a child and especially young adult. Odd, that.
…there are criminals who drop their ID at the scene…
This happened at one of my uncle’s commercial properties. Unfortunately (Youngstown area) law enforcement were unable to motivate themselves into doing anything about it.
Yep, there are criminals who…make admissions even after Mirandized
For instance:
Today’s bond court highlight —
Judge: Sir, you are charged with aggravated robbery…
Defendant: Yeah, I do that, so what?
Judge + Public Defender: Sir! Sir! Sir!
Judge: We’re gonna do you a favor and press this ‘mute’ button.
(end quote)
I confess my preference there would be to not press any ‘mute’ buttons, but to instead say ‘Case closed. Guilty. 15 years. No parole.’
I suspect we are not permitted to make such observations today
You are correct, as this would be racist. Pardon me, raacist.
A favorite:
Man stole tow truck, then called 911 to complain because victim pulled a gun on him
Give him 10 years for grand theft auto, plus 10 years for stupidity. Plus this just for fun.
Not a bit surprised. I always thought that bloody pendulum of his was iffy.
“Yep, there are criminals who drop their ID at the scene,”
When I was a young welp, I covered the police beat for a newspaper while the regular was in the hospital. I got to witness a bank robbery investigation in which the cops were chuckling over the threatening note the robber used.
I guess the bank didn’t provide any blanks slips that day, because he used his own. With his name and address printed on the reverse.
had at best significant difficulty contemplating consequences, and lived pretty much in the moment
I occasionally see news stories about people who commit murder and are stunned to find themselves charged with murder.
I always thought that bloody pendulum of his was iffy.
That had me confused for longer than I would like to admit.
I guess the bank didn’t provide any blanks slips that day, because he used his own
Not as obvious in its idiocy, but this was near where I grew up:
Noteworthy details:
1) It was still quite fucking cold out at that time of year.
2) IIRC dipshit started out wearing nothing heavier than a t-shirt.
3) Dipshit at some point during his flight decided to try crossing at least one of the many brooks/creeks/rivers that zig-zag that part of NJ. Hence the loss of shirt and shoes.
4) From the time of the robbery to his eventual capture the next morning, dipshit made it about an hour, hour-and-half’s walk down the highway (near the Red Mill Inn).
That had me confused for longer than I would like to admit.
Are we getting old, and thus slower on the uptake? 🙁
Not as obvious in its idiocy, but this was near where I grew up
I can imagine the arresting officers telling the perp “Congratulations, you’re going someplace nice and warm for a very long time. Doesn’t that make you happy?”
Are we getting old, and thus slower on the uptake? 🙁
I learned about the pendulum guy when my father took me to the planetarium as a lad where they had a large such pendulum there. I had no idea about the idiot philosopher until I developed an interest in philosophy in my 30’s. But for quite some time I assumed it was the same guy because I didn’t get the time frame difference plus Newton had some whacky thoughts on non-physics stuff as well. That plus what few modern philosophers I know are nut jobs to be ignored. I think it was on this very blog abiut a half dozen years ago or so where i thought…wait a minute…Imagine my relief. I still don’t get why anyone pays him any mind. Much like that Zizak idiot.
I still don’t get why anyone pays him any mind.
Call me cynical, but: (1) Because there is no status in academia for holding opinions that have been around a long time. You only get attention and grants and accolades for being ‘creative’. (2) Leftists have taken over academia and support anything that undermines our civilization while penalizing anything that defends our civilization.
And speaking of (2), there are editors in publishing houses who reject books specifically because the authors are too conservative, while accepting mediocre books because the authors are leftists.
Another happy outcome: Extinction Rebellion protester falls, suffers broken pelvis:
The protester was climbing the Chase Bank building, intent on vandalizing it with painted slogans, when he fell 30 feet to the sidewalk:
“Now, Kevin Clarke, 32, is screaming for pain meds and handcuffed to his hospital bed in Bellevue, his pelvis shattered from the caught-on-video, 30-foot plunge, sister Nicole Clarke said by phone from Los Angeles…Video from the scene shows another protester defacing the building with spray paint during Clarke’s doomed climb. Streams of black paint flowed out of the fallen climber’s backpack as he lay in agony on the sidewalk, the video shows.”
Someone here the other day was recalling Al Capp — what came to mind for me was, I think, one of his appearances on Carson, when someone mentioned the then-widely-adored “Easy Rider”, and Capp leaned back and allowed as how at least it had had a happy ending.
Not as obvious in its idiocy – noteworthy details
It appears from the newspaper report that the firefight outside the bank was only between the FBI agents.
the suspects captured Thursday had two assault rifles and a handgun with them but did not fire when Bush and the other agents confronted them outside the PNC Bank branch.
The shooting began when FBI agents confronted three men. Agent Barry Lee Bush, 52, was killed in the gunfire. A preliminary investigation indicated that Bush was killed when a fellow agent’s weapon accidentally discharged, the FBI said.
Yeah, it wasn’t law enforcement’s finest moment either.
…when someone mentioned the then-widely-adored “Easy Rider”, and [Al] Capp leaned back and allowed as how at least it had had a happy ending.
I never saw the movie–never wanted to–but knowing all that I know today about hippies and the left I can laugh.
It appears from the newspaper report that the firefight outside the bank was only between the FBI agents.
Yes, I have read of other gunfights in which one law officer accidentally shoots another. I have no doubt the bank robbers fire their weapons too, but there you have it: the importance of training, training, training.
More fun in Chicago
Man charged with driving stolen car appeared on Zoom court hearing from inside another stolen car
Y’know, we could try locking up these vermin, but that would be raacist.
Heh. Got what they deserved: Two Italians who tried to fake their own kidnapping for a share of the ransom were sold to real jihadists in Syria
Speaking of crime and punishment, it looks like the two teen girls who hijacked the car and killed the driver in DC may get their well deserved slap on the wrist. “The two teenage girls are charged with multiple offenses, including felony murder, carjacking, and armed robbery.” Fortunately no Islamophobia was involved.
Harsh, but fair, and no would doubt this sort of draconian punishment will help deter similar criminal activity
the two teen girls who hijacked the car and killed the driver in DC may get their well deserved slap on the wrist
This reminds us that criminals are more likely to be shot dead when citizens are armed–and dead criminals do not get probation.
Cops were searching for the deranged patron.
Cops were searching for the deranged patron.
She was disrespected!
She was disrespected!
Not surprising given it is the same as the wypipo hating on Asians.
Another tolerant and civilized black man tweets his wisdom: Gotta stop letting gooks in Miami:
“Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback @Carlton_Lowkey tweeted then deleted this yesterday.
Here is an archive:“
By the way, Carlton Lowkey’s chosen Twitter handle is C-Murda, which is very similar to C-Murder, the name of a gangster rapper. No further comment necessary.
Pst – Mr. Ngo with the same saved for posterity, or until he gets ganked.
Farnsworth: Yes, that’s the link that I gave. Smart of Andy Ngo to save a screenshot of the tweet.
He also managed to save a few screenshots of the Facebook page belonging to the Nation of Islam terrorist who was shot in DC before Facebook took it down.
Springtime for Hitler in Chinese.
Springtime for Hitler in Chinese.
And so many Democrats will sing along. Probably will become mandatory at Apple headquarters.