Dark Comedy
It’s impossible to envision a world without race for the Democratic Party. For such people, it’s impossible to envision a world that gets beyond race because their bread and butter, their bottom line, their raison d'être, and everything that they’re trying to do depends upon people being kept in these boxes.
Professor Glenn Loury.
Martin Durkin’s new documentary, The Great American Race Game.
Mr Durkin’s films, which I strongly recommend, have been mentioned before.
Also, open thread.
The general thrust of the film will not, I think, be surprising to regulars here, but many of the factual particulars and historical examples are still quite eye-widening. Well worth renting, or indeed buying.
It’s impossible to envision a world without race for the Democratic Party…because [it is] their bread and butter, their bottom line, their raison d’être…
Indeed. For those readers of this blog who live in the UK, consider the Congressional Black Caucus, which refuses to admit Congressmen who are not leftists and racial-grievance mongers. But do not put all the blame on the Congress critters: their constituents keep electing them and only people like them, which shows just how intellectually and morally degraded many black Americans are.
Dr Wilfred Reilly, interviewed in the film.
Another ridiculous thing: All the white liberals who insisted that the Minneapolis riots were a right-wing false flag operation. They knew they were lying. But I don’t know that Uncle Hugo’s science fiction bookstore was in a “traditional black and Asian business district”–that’s not what I remember from my last visit many years ago. In fact, it would be odd for an sf bookstore to be in a black business district because that would place it farther from the vast bulk of its customers.
Everything is racist: The Guardian educates us: ‘I was the only black kid in the pool’: why swimming is so white: ”
There were plenty of blacks at the public swimming pool that I tried visiting as a young child, although they were greatly outnumbered by the whites. (But I soon stopped going because of all the black criminals who would threaten and rob white kids. I suppose that was ‘a fear born of systemic inequalities’ in criminality between the white neighborhoods and the black neighborhood.)
“When you tell people that they have the right to live at the expense of other people through government welfare programmes, then you’re going to expect a change in their behaviour”
. But I don’t know that Uncle Hugo’s science fiction bookstore was in a “traditional black and Asian business district”-
Well, if memory serves, there’s an islamic center a block or two away…
Vietnamese-American gets in on the victim game:
“Dark Comedy” – sounds pretty racist…
Meanwhile, this individual thinks essays will be more important than SATs for college admission because “There is substantial evidence of the potential for class bias in the use of standardized tests to evaluate college applicants…”.
Given that we know, through the hard labor of sociologists and other experts, that standard English is racist, grading, racking, and stacking the essays to pick the best applicants should be high adventure.
Vietnamese-American gets in on the victim game:
a) “My parents named me Bich, so I became one.”
b) ORD to SGN, $497 one way, though she might want to have a chat with her parents about how swell it really is.
Yte guys named Dick were unavailable for comment.
Well, if memory serves, there’s an islamic center a block or two away…
You forced me to use Google Street View take a look: the neighborhood does look run down compared to when I visited. (Caveat: Google Street View does not show images more recent than May 2019. I wonder why. /cynicism)
“My parents named me Bich, so I became one.”
We are supposed to carefully forget that there are plenty of English names which sound comical or insulting in other languages.
In the mean time, please meet my good friend Snivelling Little Rat-Faced Git.
Yte guys named Dick were unavailable for comment.
Mandatory cultural reference: Biggus Dickus.
Vietnamese-American gets in on the victim game
In the article, she writes: “A name like Bich (pronounced “Bic”)”. Well, if it is pronounced ‘Bic’, why not spell it ‘Bic’? Vietnamese does not use English letters, so all names are transliterations.
Or you could just moan, at tedious length, about the nation which provided refuge to you and your family.
Well, if it is pronounced ‘Bic’, why not spell it ‘Bic’?
I don’t know, but two possible reasons seem likely:
(1) The system of transliteration was developed by the French, for whom such spellings did not pose such problems of pronunciation.
(2) The constellation of sounds in spoken Vietnamese are such that “c” is needed to represent another similar but distinct phoneme.
Well, if it is pronounced ‘Bic’, why not spell it ‘Bic’?
It is not as histrionic to whine about a pen-name…
Springtime for Hitler in Chinese.
(oops… I first posted this in the Friday thread, not realizing the party had moved here)
It is not as histrionic to whine about a pen-name…
Flic off, there…
Flic off, there…
What? Dorothy Parker never wrote sniveling screeds about her name while vacationing at Mont Blanc.
Lucky her surname wasn’t ho.
Lucky her surname wasn’t ho.
New student enrolling at my kids’ grade school (I was helping out in the office). Name: Phuc Vu. Staff gently suggested he go by his middle name Nguyen as his first.
There were plenty of blacks at the public swimming pool that I tried visiting as a young child, although they were greatly outnumbered by the whites. (But I soon stopped going because of all the black criminals who would threaten and rob white kids.
Throughout the south there were restrictions on black access to swimming pools and even beaches. Up until the late 60’s, possibly early 70’s, blacks were restricted to one of the more inaccessible beaches in Broward county such that many of the black kids I knew growing up did not know how to swim, even in high school. There was not one single even remotely good black swimmer when we would compete against the two predominantly black schools and you could pretty much know the competitive quality of a school’s team by the racial ratios. Even our worst swimmers, the freshmen who just joined our team and never competed before (and unless you’ve done at least 6 months of training, you have no idea what you are doing in the water) would beat their best swimmers. Boy scout jamboree events would often have some team effort requiring at least one kid to be ables to swim, often a kid from a “white” troop would need to volunteer to do that part of the effort for many black kid troops because not one black kid in that troop felt comfortable even in waste deep water. This was mid 70’s to early 80’s. The first Olympic quality competitive black swimmer I recall was Anthony Nesty who swam for University of Florida but was actually from and competed for Surinam. He also attended Jacksonville Bolles high school, which has been one of the most competitive, Olympic medalist producing high school swimming programs in the USA.
… not one black kid in that troop felt comfortable even in waste deep water…
Yes, who wouldn’t, but what about the part of the pool people weren’t pissing in ??
Here’s a pretty good article regarding the situation as it developed in Broward county in the post war period:
Yes, who wouldn’t, but what about the part of the pool people weren’t pissing in ??
Heh. Funny you should mention that. In the context of the Boy Scout thing, these situations would have been creeks and lakes and such, not formal swimming pools…but in another context…
So a few years ago I worked with a young millennial at “a major US defense company” whom I learned had been on the swimming team at U of Florida. Nice kid, smart, hard worker. UF has one of the better swimming programs in the US. Olympian and buddy of Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte swam there and this kid swam on the team with him during those years. I had just read an article where Lochte seemingly joked about peeing in the pool. I teased the kid that since Lochte was obviously the Olympian and thus the better swimmer, he had to swim through Lochte’s pee. The kid then tells me it was no joke as he swam through his own pee. I was somewhat shocked by this. In my day, you got out to pee. It sometimes was an excuse but for the most part you did it between sets and were expected to be back in the pool ready to go. As I recall, coach would hold up the workout and thus there was peer pressure to get your ass back in the pool so we could finish and go home. In the intervening 25-30 years apparently coaches stopped letting kids get out of the pool to pee.
Rented. Watching tonight.
What? Dorothy Parker never wrote sniveling screeds about her name while vacationing at Mont Blanc.
Cross, are we?
In other news, Althouse closed her posts to comments. I would add “giving me one less site to see,” but I do like seeing what’s in the media without having to visit their sites.
Besides, I had cut back visiting because the commenters weren’t that interesting. Unlike here.
Personal History: America ruined my name for me
Asian names are foreign names in America. And even when Asian immigrants adopt Euro/Christian names in a (praiseworthy) attempt to assimilate, they choose them from a 1940’s high school yearbook, spelling out yet again their cultural remoteness, and redoubling the resentment of their children growing up in America with names like Doris Poo and Phyllis Ho.
See also here, here, or here.
In other news, Althouse closed her posts to comments.
I can’t imagine this place without its commenters. It’s pretty much what a blog is, I think. Though if you’re being besieged with trolls and spammers, that can definitely make the behind-the-scenes clean-up aggravating and time-consuming. (You see, you joke about the zeal of the spam filter here – I joke about the zeal of the spam filter here – but it does keep out the spam. And trolls and assorted troublemakers have been mercifully rare.)
Cross, are we?
Me, no, but it seems Your Nibs is in high dudgeon.
It’s impossible to envision a world without race for the Democratic Party. For such people, it’s impossible to envision a world that gets beyond race because their bread and butter, their bottom line, their raison d’être, and everything that they’re trying to do depends upon people being kept in these boxes.
Professor Glenn Loury.
Prof. Loury is a nice, well-intention man, but he’s just wrong. It’s impossible to envision a world without race because race is real, important and influences our behaviors and preferences in numerous ways. Additionally, tribalism is a fundamental biological truth of human behavior. Egalitarian race denialism is a dead end because it is fighting against reality.
One of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen was the mob during the Minneapolis riots following the death of George Floyd. It must have been 75-80% white. A bunch of white thugs, frankly, burning down the city’s traditional black and Asian business district… while chanting “Black Lives Matter.” It was literally surreal.
Dr Wilfred Reilly, interviewed in the film.
A narrative put forth, as usual, to deny Black agency and responsibility. It wasn’t White people I saw rampaging through a Minneapolis Target, stealing everything in sight.
It’s impossible to envision a world without race for the Democratic Party.
Disagree. The Soviets lasted, what, 70 years and race was never in their top-3 propaganda items. The American Soviets can and have pivoted to whatever chokehold is needed to stay in power.
One of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen was the mob during the Minneapolis riots following the death of George Floyd. It must have been 75-80% white.
Seriously? Most ridiculous? Let me introduce you to the story of the defacing of the monument to Robert the Bruce. Died in 1329. Never set foot outside the British Isles, fought against England, had his heart cut out of his dead body the year after his death and was carried off to a battle against Moors in southern Spain. A battle that they lost. And thus, for this reason (apparently) his monument…in Scotland…was vandalized in the context of the BLM/George Floyd protests. And then the ***** people responsible for his memory and the monument semi-apologized for it. Not to mention all the other burning and looting across the globe that has gone on, and I suppose will soon resume, because a multiple-times convicted violent thug died of a drug overdose in Minnesota.
Again, I really have a hard time believing any of this is really happening. Though I doubt if this reality were some sort of Truman Show, no serious writer would find it remotely believable.
It’s impossible to envision a world without race because race is real
And that’s why the Democrat Party can’t exist without it. All other Marxist barriers like class, economics, family, education are not the fixed barriers leftists have tried to make them out to be. In the west, it’s possible for an individual to overcome all of these things and be “successful”. Differences within groups and between groups are more likely aligned with these factors than they are with race.
You can’t change your race. It’s mostly visible to the world. Its physical existence makes it easy to build myths and stereotypes around. So, Democrats pander and play to strong base instincts, like envy, jealousy, guilt, anger, and hatred.
Another entry into the Satire is Dead category.
Bearing in mind the high jinks at Evergreen College, monitored to good effect by our host, it is surprising that a name-change has yet to happen. Mind you that would be applying logic and anticipating consistency of approach – which are probably white supremacist behaviours.
Another entry into the Satire is Dead category.
Satire is dead, stupidity alive and well.
One of the things I have noticed is the the first choice lynch mobs is an ornamental shrub, or a tree with flexible branches the lowest of which tend to be around ground level.
not the fixed barriers leftists have tried to make them out to be
Yes. That’s the whole point of “cultural” Marxism. Economic class isn’t immutable in free market societies, so the Marxists have pivoted to class warfare based on immutable biological characteristics like race and sex.
It works because as Cloudbuster said, human beings are tribal and will self-segregate based on visible characteristics; those are the simplest signifiers of consanguinity.
One of the things I have noticed is the the first choice lynch mobs is an ornamental shrub
The fascists who say ni?
The fascists who say ni?
Forgot about them.
“You call this a lynching, ’tis but a scratch, I’ve had worse…”
Via Rod Dreher: A very cheesy Soviet adaptation of The Lord of the Rings.
It would make rather an appealing parlour game: think up an apparently unthreatening item that a college could use as a mascot, and explain why, looked at from the right angle, it’s actually an appalling racist object which will automatically trigger all
right-left-minded persons.I’ll start. A tortoiseshell kitten is triggering because cats were traditionally owned by white people who probably kept slaves.
there was pee(r) pressure
cats were traditionally owned by white people
Cats were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, who were black. Using a cat as your mascot is cultural appropriation.
I’ll start.
Among the musical genres, the blues are the most racist because they use instruments and the twelve tone scale structures developed by wypipo, and the call-and-response format especially racist because it is based on plantation work chants.
One of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen was the mob during the Minneapolis riots following the death of George Floyd. It must have been 75-80% white. A bunch of white thugs, frankly, burning down the city’s traditional black and Asian business district… while chanting “Black Lives Matter.” It was literally surreal.
This is conflating the daylight marches (some whites but probably not 75%+) with the rioting. If people see even one white guy breaking things with his group of black friends then it’s obviously a false flag because I don’t know that dude so he must be a bad actor. Racial solidarity is an amazing thing, to the point of mind-boggling idiocy when you see the hoops people will jump through to not hold their own people accountable.
would make rather an appealing parlour game: think up an apparently unthreatening item that a college could use as a mascot, and explain why, looked at from the right angle, it’s actually an appalling racist object which will automatically trigger all right-left-minded persons.
I’ll cheat and go the other way. Can someone explain to me, unless I missed it, why the Michigan State Spartans, arguably the Nazi’s (worse even) of Ancient Greece have flown under the radar in this Le Grande Estupido?
I guess I am going to have to whitesplain to my friends of color they are laying down on the job.
This is conflating the daylight marches (some whites but probably not 75%+) with the rioting.
If you were at Lake and Hiawatha at the time, you’d have noticed that the people burning down the police station were predominantly white Antifans living out their Les Mis fantasies. Across the street, the people clearing out the Target were predominantly blacks from the neighborhood who were taking advantage of the distraction provided by the burning police station.
It’s a bit of a symbiotic relationship.
I’ll cheat and go the other way. Can someone explain to me, unless I missed it, why the Michigan State Spartans,
I can beat that .. San Diego State University Aztecs.
Oh, there WAS controversy over the mascot and “identity”, but not on the basis of the culture being one of the most bloody, oppressive and murderous civilizations to have ever existed.
You just can’t make this crap up.
Real or satire, your guess is as good as mine:
What’s the article about? My straight boyfriend gave me a queer pandemic haircut
Read the rest, if you dare: it’s spectacularly awful and full of buzzwords that really mean nothing put together.
The Russian Lord of the Rings is reminiscent of something from the wonderful MST3K such as, say, Jack Frost:-
it’s spectacularly awful and full of buzzwords that really mean nothing put together.
It’s all performance art.
Makes me actually wonder if the “queer community” would actually exist but for the internet.
But I don’t know that Uncle Hugo’s science fiction bookstore was in a “traditional black and Asian business district”
Uncle Hugo’s was at 29th and Chicago. George Floyd died at 38th and Chicago. I lived for three years at 40th and Chicago. I was born in the hospital at 27th and Chicago, but I don’t remember much from that time.
When I lived there in the late 90s, my laundromat and liquor store were at Lake (30th Street) and Chicago. It was a very diverse neighborhood in those days. Chi-Lake Liquors was happy to sell me a nice Cabernet if I was cooking a fancy dinner, but they also did a brisk business selling malt liquor to the local panhandlers 40 ounces at a time.
At any rate, it should come as little surprise that a guy making a living by selling second-hand science fiction books would choose a location with somewhat depressed property values and rents. But I’d hardly call Chi-Lake a “traditionally black and Asian business district.” It’s a marginal, transitional neighborhood that bounces between different flavors of entrepreneurs and immigrants with each passing decade.
In recent years, it’s experienced a bit of an uptick with the redevelopment of the old Sears building into the Midtown Global Market, which is where ethnic cooks and crafters sell overpriced food and products to hipsters. If the city were ever able to sort itself out, they could have a nice little neighborhood there. Too bad there’s no political power to be had by helping neighbors get along with one another…
Spartans, arguably the Nazi’s […] of Ancient Greece
The Spartans get a bad rap because the Enlightenment historians thought democracy was the Coolest Thing Ever, and since the Athenians were all about the participatory democracy and the Spartans still had hereditary kings, therefore in the Peloponnesian War the Athenians must have been the Good Guys and the Spartans must have been the Bad Guys. It’s a ridiculously simplistic view of both societies. The Spartan government was actually closer to most modern forms of representative democracy than the Athenians’ was.
I can beat that .. San Diego State University Aztecs.
Yeah, I call foul on that. Aztecs were not whitey-white-white people so they OF COURSE DO NOT COUNT IN THE EVIL, EVIL, NAZI SOCIETY RANKINGS. Seriously. You should understand these things by now.
Sorry. Ace has been down all day and I don’t know what to get pissed off about today. I mean, I know I could man-up and find some such thing myself but that would likely be even more dangerous. My dog needs me. And my mortgage company. Though the dog has been a little standoff-ish lately.
OK…let me try this then…We’ve been left without lifelines or anchors or chances to see how we might feel and change by interacting with each other—instead, we sit in our mostly not-at-all-private spaces doomscrolling on our phones.
Again, I know I’ve said this over and over but would someone please b****slap these worthless f***s to stop this “we” shit? YOU. YOU are the psychobabble f*** up. Well, psychobabble in that regard anyway.
Apropos of nothing, does anyone know when this Darren Chauvin jury is supposed to return a verdict? I’ve got a car I need to sell and I’m thinking if instead I park it overnight in juuuuust the right location…
The Spartans get a bad rap because the Enlightenment historians. Yeah. Except the Helot thing. And the tossing unfit babies into chasms. And the training. And the sneaking around just to sleep with your own wife. And not feeding the young boys so that they would learn to steal. Of course the food sucked anyway so….
Not that they weren’t good for a party or two.
Read the rest, if you dare…
I guess you can only do that with narcissistic public displays.
Speaking of which, this will bring much needed healing for these troubled times.
Yeah. Except the Helot thing. And the tossing unfit babies into chasms. And the training. And the sneaking around just to sleep with your own wife. And not feeding the young boys so that they would learn to steal.
Always take the word of an Athenian general writing about his mortal enemies after getting his ass kicked by them. And ignore all that Athenian imperialism, conquest, razing of rebellious colonies, and pederasty. It’s all hyperbole.
Always take the word of an Athenian general writing about his mortal enemies after getting his ass kicked by them. And ignore all that Athenian imperialism, conquest, razing of rebellious colonies, and pederasty. It’s all hyperbole.
Nah. I heard it from Walter Cronkite. It was on an episode of And You Were There. I think. Or maybe it was Donald Kagan at Yale many, many years ago. I forget, really. But I defer to you. Because the Athenian general thing. Occam’s Razor and all that. Or perhaps what I heard about Occam was wrong?
Seriously…Somebody get Ace’s blog f’n fixed.
Teacher subbing at a high school where I worked had the last name Kok. He wisely insisted everyone call him ‘Mr. K.’
And of course there is always Mister Fokker.
Or maybe it was Donald Kagan at Yale many, many years ago
Kagan is probably the world’s foremost scholar on what Thucydides wrote, yes.
Keep at it. You’ll figure it out.
“A narrative put forth, as usual, to deny Black agency and responsibility. It wasn’t White people I saw rampaging through a Minneapolis Target, stealing everything in sight.”
The blacks down there are poor. Very poor. They saw a broken-open store and they did what was expected. But the store was broken open by the white Antifa asshats.
I visited some friends in the Floyd Zone last week. Had to talk my way through the self-appointed White masked hoodied guardians. Ended up with my black friends coming out of their house, and their black nieghbors coming out of their houses, to all yell obscene imprecations at the Antifa jerks, all revolving around “get out of here and leave us alone, you cannibals!” Even the blacks down there hate them now. They used to have jobs, and gardens, and a life. Now, not so much.
Daniel, Thucidydes is far from our only source on Spartan culture and society. Herodotus, Xenophon, and Plutarch (IIRC), among others, wrote of them. These writers all had their own biases, of course, but they were not at all universally anti-Spartan. Xenophon was was an associate of a Spartan king, for instance.
Even then, Thucidydes’ bias was not so pro-Athenian as you suggest, given how Athens treated him (indeed, I’ve much more often seen him accused of pro-Spartan bias).
“We will “effectively embrace and teach positive elements of what is known about the Aztec Empire and its people.”
Making the trains run on time? Fighting overpopulation? What?
Let’s face it: the Aztecs were genocidal Stone Age Nazis, nothing more. They fell not because the 300 Conquistadores defeated them, but because all of the surrounding tribes had had quite enough of the Aztecs’ depredations, and rallied around the Conquistadores.
Cats were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, who were black.
No, they most certainly were not, as a trip to the Valley of the Kings will establish. The tombs contain frescoes of Egyptians in war chariots riding down Nubians (black Africans). The contrast between the two is stark. I have seen them, and frankly, was surprised by this.
Name changing upon immigration to the US was not restricted to Asians or to POC.
My friend’s last name was Domashinovinski. When her great grandfather, arriving from Russia, passed through Ellis Island around 1900, the immigration officer wrote Domash on the forms, and that became the family name.
The blacks down there are poor. Very poor. They saw a broken-open store and they did what was expected.
Expected … by whom? By liberals? Leftists? You? What stores did they loot? Bookstores? Or would liquor stores be a better bet?
But the store was broken open by the white Antifa asshats.
It’s easy to believe that Minneapolis, like Portland, is heavily infested by feral leftists. So I hope we can all agree that those feral leftists should experience the full weight of the law.
I have seen them, and frankly, was surprised by this.
I saw this as a young child around 1965, possibly in one of those Time-Life books on history. Take this as an argument for copious illustrations of many topics.
The blacks down there are poor. Very poor. They saw a broken-open store and they did what was expected. But the store was broken open by the white Antifa asshats.
Go on, keep infantilizing blacks and denying them agency. “It was those bad Whites fault that we burned and looted!” That never gets old.
I have seen them, and frankly, was surprised by this.
I do believe you may have misses the implied “/s”.
Meanwhile, and generally related, an update on the car hijacking murder possible plea bargain because asking the US media to report on this is too much to ask.
Almost the same as being sent to the gulag, that will be a deterrent.
Cats were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, who were black.
No, you misunderstand. The cats were black. I read it in a magazine.
Real or satire…
Makes me actually wonder if the “queer community” would actually exist but for the internet.
Well, here’s your answer:
How Do I Define My Gender if No One Is Watching Me?
No, they most certainly were not, as a trip to the Valley of the Kings will establish.
Not necessarily, though; that may just have been an artistic/propagandistic convention. There is a midrash (rabbinical exposition) that has Abraham pointing out to Sarah the contrast between her looks and those of the “ugly, black” Egyptians, so at the very least that would make their color some shades darker than that of your typical (olive-skinned) Middle-Easterner. For that matter, the Table of Nations (Genesis 10) has Mitzraim (Egypt) and Cush (Sudan/Ethiopia) as “brothers,” presumably indicating some racial similarity.
“Let me introduce you to the story of the defacing of the monument to Robert the Bruce.”
To be fair, I remain to be convinced that this wasn’t a 4-chan-esque trolling exercise.
“A name like Bich (pronounced ‘Bic’)”
It’s not hard to imagine a German with similar* problems. But he wouldn’t find it as easy to garner prestigious sympathy.**
“Name changing upon immigration to the US was not restricted to Asians or to POC.”
It doesn’t even have to be at the point of landing. I always think of the Brazilian racing driver Helio de Castro Neves, who, sick of people in the US calling him “Castro” or “Neves”, changed his surname to “Castroneves” in 2000. His compatriot Ayrton Senna da Silva took the other option, and simply resigned himself to being “Senna”.
Language is emergent behaviour. You can’t force it to your will, because that means forcing everyone else to do things your way. Sometimes you have to bend or you’ll break.
*Yes, I know the Germanic “ch” isn’t identical to “ck”. But it’s close enough for most Anglophones.
**Band name.
This happened Saturday morning a little more than 3 miles from my home.
“Nice” neighborhoods are no protection as California’s Left refuses to do anything about “transients” (aka homeless) and other criminals and this obviously psychotic perp was caught-and-released only a few days prior for taking a skateboard to beat on a woman.
Disagree. Please enumerate their top 3 propaganda items for our review.
The most likely explanation is that the elite were lighter skinned than the peasants, an arrangement that can be found in some countries to this day.
Good God, I do believe that’s rather well documented.
Prior to the industrial revolution, the worthless scuts that did the hard work to provide things most people wanted worked in the fields. If you worked in the fields, you get a tan; any human will become darker when exposed to excessive sunlight.
(When I was a CTLT cadet in Fort Hood many years ago, one of the lieutenants in my company was African-American. When I mentioned that I thought he couldn’t get a tan, he showed me that my head was up my fourth point of contact by rolling up his sleeve and showing me the difference. As a side-effect, he also showed me what his fraternity did to pledges; from his description, that entailed using a red-hot piece of metal to sear a heart into his arm. The scar that I saw matched what he said.)
During the industrial revolution, most of the worthless scuts that did the hard work were in factories. Those worthless scuts would not get a tan, since they worked within a building during daylight hours.
After COVID19, I have no idea what the elite would think differentiates themselves from the worthless scuts that provide value.
For those out there who think only the US has politicians who are not exactly the sharpest knives in the marquee, an MP is stunned by history.
Garbage Human is on the case with his reply “Now show London”.
Go on, keep infantilizing blacks and denying them agency.
In fairness to Bobby, he’s hardly the first or only person infantilizing the black community in Minneapolis. We’re talking about several generations who’ve grown up attending Mpls Public Schools and getting their daily bread from the friendly bureaucrats in the Hennepin County government building. Good role models, solid education, and encouragement to succeed? Pretty thin on the ground, I’m afraid.
Yes, of course everybody has agency and should be held responsible for their actions. But when you set up an incentive structure that punishes responsible behavior, you can’t really express surprise when lawlessness and irresponsibility flourish.
Thanks, Ray. That does make sense, although still, after all, lots of Semites and other Middle-Eastern people were peasants too. So it still may be that the Egyptian range of skin tones was a couple shades darker than that of the Semites.
an MP is stunned by history.

Claudia Webbe, MP, Labour Party.
Garbage Human posted a photo of her. Note Castro and Lenin behind her. (I tried to find the source of the photo but was unsuccessful.)
Nice friends she has on the wall there, but we wouldn’t expect consistency…
“Nice” neighborhoods are no protection as California’s Left refuses to do anything about “transients” (aka homeless) and other criminals and this obviously psychotic perp was caught-and-released only a few days prior for taking a skateboard to beat on a woman.
“Transients,” “homeless” = “mentally ill and/or drug-addled vagrants.”
And we are inundated with them in coastal California. Our sleepy burg has recently had several brutal murders perpetrated by them, in one of which two vagrants broke into a tony condominium overlooking a lagoon and stabbed the female occupant 147 times. They probably got a stern warning for that.
Meanwhile, the idiots that run California are doing everything in their power to attract more vagrants (free food, free healthcare, free accommodation, no legal consequences, etc.) and yet liberals here marvel that the number of vagrants keeps increasing.
Imagine. Somehow, for those sleeping rough, California is a more desirable locale than Fargo, North Dakota. Which probably also lacks any government-provided incentives for them.
Somehow, for those sleeping rough, California is a more desirable locale than Fargo, North Dakota. Which probably also lacks any government-provided incentives for them.
Well that, definitely, and also the fact that sleeping rough in Fargo North Dakota is also likely to result in vagrants becoming snow-covered meatsicles – at least for 85% of the year. Although the summer weeks probably aren’t much more hospitable.
Well that, definitely, and also the fact that sleeping rough in Fargo North Dakota is also likely to result in vagrants becoming snow-covered meatsicles – at least for 85% of the year.
Yes, of course. That’s why I chose Fargo.
Let’s see Fargo, or San Diego? Must think, must think …