Lifted from the comments – two items, not unrelated.

Our betters opine:

When specifically asked about [journalist, Andy] Ngo, who suffered a brain haemorrhage as a result of a violent attack while covering Antifa demonstrations in Portland, Ore. in June, [Professor Troy] Storfjell replied, “I don’t have a problem with it.”

You see, Mr Ngo is a “militant fascist,” a “Nazi.” If only in the minds of bedlamites who are employed to educate other people’s children.

Our betters at large. Or, Trick-or-Treat, the Antifa Way.

The second link, the video, does, I think, reveal the root motives of the personalities attracted to Antifa. Unless, of course, the obvious way to address an ostensibly political disagreement with someone is to find out where their parents live and then harass them at night in a fairly sinister manner, having already doxxed and threatened the person’s elderly mother. The point here being to intimidate Mr Ngo and his family, and to underline their vulnerability, specifically to violence. To make them feel unsafe in their own homes. There’s a spiteful ingenuity.

But hey, “social justice” is all about piety and compassion.

The basic message of the masked night-time visitors – a message illustrated vividly elsewhere – seems fairly straightforward. ‘You see who we are, and show others who we are, and so we will punish you.’

Needless to say, this also reveals who they are, but I suspect they just can’t help themselves.  

Update, via the comments:

As we’ve seen many times, Antifa gatherings seem to involve an extraordinary level of contrivance and projection. An inversion of reality. Which I suppose makes the participants rather brittle, psychologically. Anything that might undermine the pretence, the collective role-play – even quietly filming their behaviour, as Mr Ngo does – is a threat. And thus, in their minds, something to punish.

The contrivance and projection help explain the hair-trigger hostility. In that, if there’s a marked dissonance between your self-image and what you actually are – if, say, you imagine yourself as some righteous avenger, when in fact you’re just a narcissist with sociopathic tendencies – someone who gets off on wearing a mask and intimidating random strangers, even assaulting them – then you’re probably going to be a little touchy when your professed motives, and piety, are called into question. Or revealed on camera as grotesquely bogus.

In short, when you catch someone lying – especially about something that they loudly profess and on which they hang their identity – they’re unlikely to thank you for it. And the greater their contortion, the more hostile they’re likely to be.

And this isn’t some random, aberrant mindset. It’s actively encouraged.

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