More from Evergreen State College, where Professor Naima Lowe, an instructor of “video and performance art” who claims expertise in “emphatically poetic gestures,” demonstrates her gift for professional conduct

YOU are the motherfuckers that we’re pushing against! You can’t see your way outta your own ass!

Context and background here and here.

Via Darleen.


Apparently, the situation at Evergreen has not improved. 

Armed with baseball bats, students are channelling the radical ethos of Eighties pop combo Haysi Fantayzee

Update 2:

And here’s a first-hand account of the Evergreen Gender Studies Massive in action

Last Thursday, Nolan and his friends were accosted again by “the mob.” He was on his way to the bus to get dinner, and a group of about 20 people, one of them holding a bat, began following them. Many of the same characters from the first encounter were present at the second one. Nolan said it appeared like the group was waiting for him outside his dorm room, like they knew where he lived. “They were all a bunch of walking stereotypes,” he said. “It’s like Tumblr was attacking me.”

They’re all about the caring, you see.

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