It’s Not You, It’s Me
I’m taking a few days off in search of mojo. By all means amuse yourselves in the comments, or poke through the reheated series for things you may have missed. And don’t touch the liquor cabinet. I’ve rigged it to blow.
I’m taking a few days off in search of mojo. By all means amuse yourselves in the comments, or poke through the reheated series for things you may have missed. And don’t touch the liquor cabinet. I’ve rigged it to blow.
I’ve rigged it to blow.
It’d be a shame…
I’ve rigged it to blow.
Hmmm. Rigged it to blow whom?
It’s Not You, It’s Me
Is he seeing other commenters on a different blog?
Is he what? Well, I have seen him post comments elsewhere…
It’d be a shame…
It’s a class job.
Anyway, David, enjoy your break from the madness. We’ll try not to blow up the HTML in your absence…
Heh. Yeah, that.
Magic trick…
It’s Not You, It’s Me
Is he seeing other commenters on a different blog?
Well, he is a writer—I’m generally reminded of some comment about being a freelance writer and something of politics, but that’s a very general memory—and right now we’re less than a day away from a very interesting UK General Election . . . .
My read is that big money called, or at least a nice fat target is noted . . . .
You may not care about us, but Lena Dunham does.
Ht: Obo the Clown.
And don’t touch the liquor cabinet. I’ve rigged it to blow.

Thash wha’ you thig. Hic! Cheersh everybo’y!
He’s off to Evergreen College to pick up 10 years’ worth of new material.
Should you need to find your way around Rome, here is an excellent map.
First World problems of the SJW set.
You will be surprised to learn that the aggrieved authoress is a graduate of the Mizzou J-School, however, she then asked her tovariches what they though of this horrendous transgression, and got replies such as:
I am not sure what that means in English, but I hope she recovers from her trauma of leaning about normal cis-male behavior.
First World problems of the SJW set.
I think I shed 20 IQ points reading that article.
“Is he so un-evolved that he can’t resist the allure of a butt pic?”
Un-evolved? It took us millions of years of evolution to get to the point where we could develop the technology for staring at women’s bottoms without getting slapped. This is what we’ve been aiming at all that time. Didn’t she know?
“You may not care about us, but Lena Dunham does.”
Heh. “Temper fascism” by voting for the guy who’s best mates with the IRA and al-Muhajiroun.
“I think I shed 20 IQ points reading that article”
Prog Mission Accomplished!
Un-evolved? It took us millions of years of evolution . . .
Let’s not forget the tens of thousands of years in took for The Patriarchy to train women to take pictures of their bums and publish them gratis for our amusement. All completely voluntary.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go somewhere to twirl my moustache and laugh maniacally.
David, not to be pedantic, but one’s mojo, contrary to popular opinion, is an actual physical object, specifically a bag one caries and designed to bring luck, money, wimmen (or transwimmens, or gender of one’s choosing), and so on. For the ladies it is called a nation sack.
Rather than wasting time looking for rhetorical mojo, these guys will sell you a real one aimed at finding what you are missing, though if you read through you can easily make your own. Though they are based in California, having lived in Louisiana I can attest this is the straight scoop. Amazon will happily supply you with John the Conqueror root and other necessities if Tesco or other local shops don’t have them.
poke through the reheated series
Showed this one to my sister an hour ago…
She keeps asking me why these women are all mentalists.
Noted feminist youtuber Laci Green starts dating an Alt-Right
Shitlord™ in real life. Hilarity ensues.
(via Ian Miles Cheong
J. Peterson on fatherlessness.
This will surprise: something sensible from the New York Times:
…for all those thinking of voting for Corbyn tomorrow.
Maybe David’s busy making a new mojo? What’s the warranty on those things, anyway?
Mmmmmm? Diane Abbott has taken a few days off as well.
“Noted feminist youtuber Laci Green starts dating an Alt-Right Shitlord™ in real life. Hilarity ensues.”
The learning process in action there, right before your very eyes. I don’t think she’s stupid; give her ten years and she’ll be writing articles for PJM about her dumb youthful flirtations with Leftism.
Or she’ll be Caitlin Moran. But somehow I doubt it.
“What’s the warranty on those things, anyway?”
Dunno. I never had one.
What’s the warranty on those things, anyway?
Sorry, we are dealing with unseen forces, so no warranty either written, express, or implied, no refunds, no credit notes. Not responsible for apparitions, possession (demonic or benign), love mojos working on the wrong person, or having the root put on the owner.
Enjoy your time away, David, cuz there ain’t no rest for the triggered.
That’s some expensive mojo, especially with no warranty. Make your own.
Went to see Alien:Covenant yesterday. The first half was a little slow but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, though it was irritating to see that HR departments in the future were unable to pick anyone with intelligence, good judgment or indeed any discernible skills as members of a starship crew.
This too.
That’s some expensive mojo, especially with no warranty. Make your own.
Depends on who is making it, someone with the status of a Marie Laveau, and you are getting a bargain. Sure you can go cheap, and you can also take out your own appendix and save, but even if one is a surgeon, it is not really recommended.
Let’s celebrate diversity!!!

Jordan Peterson engages in illegal speech again.
“Last night, Britain was reeling from the news that a surfer had suffered the first ever shark attack in UK waters.”
oops… I see Connor already posted the Peterson link. (that’ll teach me about reading everything before typing)
“Last night, Britain was reeling from the news that a surfer had suffered the first ever shark attack in UK waters.”
Perhaps that is because people generally don’t report minor cuts and bruises, or didn’t realize that they had been bitten by a member of the, “…wide diversity of sharks with a number of coastal species such as smooth hound, tope and cat sharks often reported by beach goers and water users…”, which call British waters home. Let’s face it we’re generally not talking about clear Caribbean azure waters around the UK.
Stiff upper lip. 🙂
Mr Thomson, 30, said he would refuse to allow the incident to deter him from venturing into the sea in the future.
F@~& You I’m Millwall!
David is learning the words of The Internationale, no doubt, in the event of a Corbyn Ascendancy. And working on the length of his beard.
Antifa vs Andrew Bolt.
Antifa vs Andrew Bolt.
Bolta threw a glorious left hook. Down goes Glitterman!
Yes! I was going to post the same thing. Those brave lads.
Also, via Tim Blair:
Melbourne Antifa, a loose collection of left-wing activists united behind “anti-fascist action”, appeared to claim a role in the incident, posting on Facebook that “some of our family in solidarity were attacked by Andrew Bolt while they were protesting …”
The group argued Bolt should be imprisoned for his “violent, horrendous language”.
As our host has said, ‘because lying and resenting is what angels do.’
I also love that those two hooded losers got their ass handed to them by a baby boomer in a suit. I guess their maxi pads were chafing that day.
The most surreal thing was the Fat Cameraman guy (now identified as one Nathan Coote) hung around unmasked for at least 30 minutes, seemingly unaware that despite his absurd claim that he’s “not involved, is as involved as the hooded losers who attempted (pathetically) to assault Bolt.
From the comments at the DT:
Niiiice. =^D
As our host has said, ‘because lying and resenting is what angels do.’
It’s not really lying if you change the meanings of the words. Especially words like “lying”.