Never My Fault
In case there was any doubt about the appeal of bedlamite feminism and the kinds of personalities who find it congenial:
I often joke with people that feminism has been like a born-again religion for me – that once I found it and let it into my life, my entire perspective shifted in such a way that suddenly, everything made sense – and that I feel compelled to spread that gospel. See, because when I first started discovering feminism, I realised how many of the bad things that have happened in my life, big and small, have been part of a larger social system. And coming to understand that it was never my fault or about me individually gave me space to start an immense healing process.
Yes, it’s Melissa Fabello, whose neurotic contortions have been noted here previously.
Apparently, “intersectional feminism” not only explains “what had gone wrong” in Ms Fabello’s life, all of it, but also “every awful thing in the world.”
Actually, her observation is quite profound. Contrast the Christian view of individual accountability, to wit “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Thus, is all agency removed; all responsibility abjured, in favor of blissful, remorseless Fate. I can see where those of weaker mind might be comforted by such a Faith.
And coming to understand that it was never my fault…
Can we call it a cult yet?
I’m not a born again Christian, but I’ve known a few. It seems to me they are the exact opposite of that. Instead of forsaking agency, they strive to lift themselves up, to be worthy.
In contrast with that self propelled cautionary tale, Ms. Fabello. She really has made herself a victim, en route to dragging everyone else down to her level.
(And is it beyond her ken to notice that she, and her fellow inmates are so confessionally angsty, in ways that men never are? Pro-tip: could be a data point against the notion that gender is a social construct.)
In my experience, the thing about ersatz religions is that they tend to have all of the vanities and temptations associated with actual religions but few, if any, of the virtues.
Feminism is my operating system.
So feminism is Windows Millenial edition – it didn’t work either.
It seems to me they are the exact opposite of that. Instead of forsaking agency, they strive to lift themselves up, to be worthy.
Precisely. Thus the word “contrast” at the beginning of my sentence. The contrast is “all have acted” i.e. “sinned” versus “all are victims” of something outside ourselves. While there will always be the vicissitudes of life–part and parcel of the human condition, or as we Christians call it, “original sin””–our calling is to rise above it, not merely complain about it or try to blame someone or something else in order to allow us to wallow in self-pity.
As I said, I can see where constant self-pity is seductive to some.
I realize my first comment was poorly constructed. I should have made it clear that Fabello was advocating a world view of no accountability, not Christians.
Mea Culpa.
Some related fuckwittery:
@sackcloth and ashes
“Can you believe,” Shriver asked at the beginning of her speech, “that these students were so sensitive about the wearing of sombreros?”
The audience, compliant, chuckled. I started looking forward to the point in the speech where she was to subvert the argument.
It never came.
The horror! The horror!
Never really thought anything about Lionel Shriver but I might give her a go now. Er, so to speak.
Reading that bit from Fabello reminded me immediately of Mein Kampf, where Adolf writes how he realized that the Jews were responsible from all the bad things in life.
“for”, not “from”. Stupid Kindle.
According to Ms Fabello, the transcendental power of intersectional feminism has enabled her to not only “love selfies,” which is apparently a matter of great import, but also to “understand that the ways in which cisgender men are socialised is [sic] inherently violent.” She’s also learned never to question claims of victimhood by members of Designated Victim Groups and instead to simply accept all such claims as unassailably true. Apparently, this is a wonderful development with no possible downsides. Feminism has even, she says, “regenerated every cell in my body so that I am a completely different person with it than I was without it.”
Feminism has even, she says, “regenerated every cell in my body so that I am a completely different person with it than I was without it.”
You scoff, you should see what it did for my dry, scaly, skin, plus it is a dessert topping and a floor wax !
Feminism is my operating system.
Unless it was coded by Ada Lovelace (first computer programmer, male or female), then no.
No, it isn’t.
“Feminism…has regenerated every cell in my body”
Feminist biology?
“Feminism is my operating system.”
Feminist software engineering?
Pst314: What? Apparently there’s feminist glaciology and physical chem, so why not SW engineering?
You aren’t one a them closed-minded folks, are you?
Feminism has even, she says, “regenerated every cell in my body so that I am a completely different person with it than I was without it.”
Actually, dearie, and as you even point out yerself, that’s called regeneration.
Every bad thing in the whole world eh.
Occams razor asks which is more likely. Reality so neatly conforms to leftist feminist culture and its neurosis? Or in all big and small things consciously and unconsciously they shoe horn every bit of information into their political agenda and enemies lists and discard all else?
Imagine the parties.
Also, according to Ms Fabello and her groupies, all online diet ads are offensive and should be reported as unacceptable. And if you disagree, you will be blocked. According to this, retweeted approvingly by Ms Fabello, it isn’t sexism when feminists do it. And describing a comment as “stupid” is “ableist language” and therefore needs a trigger warning.
It’s as if feminism were a patriarchal ploy to make women look ridiculous.
Can we call it a cult yet?
Well, it certainly attracts a high concentration of people whose grip on reality is somewhat intermittent. And the publication in question has a remarkable number of contributors who boast of having personality disorders, some of which involve habitual dishonesty and manipulation, and other quite serious mental health issues, as if their afflictions, or professed afflictions, made them interesting.
It’s worth bearing in mind that Everyday Feminism has a readership of supposedly educated women, and retweets of its idiocy are very often favourable. Judging by the number of shares alongside each article, there are thousands of young women who wish to learn about feminist clairvoyance and the healing power of sea shells, the importance of political hair, and how to make ordering takeaway as convoluted and neurotic as humanly possible. Readers who, it seems, agree that, “It’s not racism when people of colour are prejudiced against white people,” and that, “You can’t be sexist against men.”
And who ponder such deep questions as whether they’re being oppressed by the existence of bacon sandwiches.
Competence is sexist.
It is definately the patriarcy’s fault she can’t get a boyfriend.
Of course there is such a thing, Haven’t you heard?
(BTW, further proof, as if such a thing was needed, that feminism is where humor goes to die. )
It is definately the patriarcy’s fault she can’t get a boyfriend.
An important guide.
Ada Lovelace (first computer programmer, male or female)
No, that’s (yet another) exaggeration by feminists desperate for role models in STEM.
All of Lovelace’s algorithms can be found in earlier form in Babbage’s notes, and their correspondence makes it clear she did not grasp many of the fundamental principles of the difference engine. It’s extremely unlikely that she produced her published algorithms herself.
That’s not to say she wasn’t important to the history of computer science. Babbage was cantankerous, antisocial, and prone to unending tinkering rather than producing a finished device that could be demonstrated. What Lovelace did do was understand the implications and importance of the engine, and she transcribed his notes and algorithms in a form interesting to others. Without Lovelace, it’s highly unlikely anyone would remember the difference engine at all.
It’s true that there are very few female scientists in the historical record, but we’re not doing women any favours by inventing them.
“It’s as if feminism were a patriarchal ploy to make women look ridiculous.”
And, its working!
‘Regenerated every cell in my body’..
At last! The feminists clinch the 13th Doctor!
Imagine the parties.
I think one would have to have some sort of drinking game planned to survive such an evening. “Patriarchy” drink, “cis gender” drink, “triggering” double shot etc..
I remember way back about thirty years ago when my (Protestant) church sponsored and hosted a series of “classes” on depression, and it was so obvious from the get-go that it was just an exercise in justifying bad, selfish behavior, that I quickly decided – Not for me! The churches have been going down this evil path for decades, much to our society’s detriment.
And coming to understand that it was never my fault or about me individually gave me space to start an immense healing process.
Ah yes, like my former acquaintance: at 21 entered into an open relationship with two middle-aged men and an older woman, married the older of the men (he was 40+) in order to get a US passport, complained that he “didn’t respect the ground rules” while both parties shagged around as much as they could, and subjected her to two years of misery before she divorced him once her green card was secured. After a brief trip to a therapist who told her it was not her fault, she is now a paid-up feminist and asserts that the *only* thing wrong with her lifestyle back then, and the *only* thing that caused her the misery, was her ex-husband’s drinking and dishonesty. Apparently, none of her lifestyle choices contributed one jot to her unhappiness, and to suggest perhaps she might need to reflect on that is to say she “deserved it”. Oddly, she has been unable to form a normal relationship in the seven intervening years and the search goes on for the “right man” who will “accept me as I am”.
I’ve met a lot of 30+ women who are single, and I can probably sum up their predicament in one sentence: “Never admit being wrong”.
BTW, further proof, as if such a thing was needed, that feminism is where humor goes to die. )
it just goes on
I think one would have to have some sort of drinking game planned to survive such an evening. “Patriarchy” drink, “cis gender” drink, “triggering” double shot etc..
You’d be heading for casualty within an hour I reckon.
You’d be heading for casualty within an hour I reckon.
True! Best avoided altogether.
Jeff Guinn: re that github site for C+=, although their effort to create “feminist SW engineering” appears to be a real thing, there’s at least this:
Trigger Warning, this repository uses satire and sarcasm and other types of humor that could trigger Feminazis into rage fits. Maintainer of this repository was gone for a while due to being source code raped by feminists who lack a sense of humor. Which is ironic as this language was written for feminists by women. We are trying to help out women and feminists to have a programming language not controled by the capitalist patricarchy and men.
I can only nod in agreement.
OK, I read a bit more about C+=.
The only constants are the amount of privilege lobbyings are share()d with. These are all real values greater than 0, the only exception is the value of WHITE_HETEROSEXUAL_CISGENDER_MALE_PRIVILEGE which is set to infinity, and also the value of PATRIARCHY, which is set to sqrt(-1). The value of PATRIARCHY is non-deterministically i, -i, or something else depending on how it identifies itself.
I was going to hang my head in shame, but I think I will instead take refuge in the well-known proposition that reality is so weird that it is un-parody-able.
In fact, I’m STILL not sure whether or not they are serious. After all, there was once INTERCAL.
After all, there was once INTERCAL.
And there still is…
Fred, there is no way they are serious library brings in the functions pleaseWrite() and pleaseTellMe(). They both have a chance to return “no”, and if so all other calls to the same file are automatically passed over because as we all know, once a file says no to being written, you must always respect that.
There is to be no debugging. We need to do away with functional-centric, bugphobic attitudes in programming. You need to accept the program the way it is.