Minor malfunction detected. || An appetising dessert. || Just the usual family drama. || An alarming example of upside-down peas. (h/t, Damian) || How to sound like Erik Satie, or alternatively, like Bach. || The sounds of American doomsday cults. (h/t, Things) || It undulates. || Theodore Dalrymple on modern dishonesties. || The car of tomorrow. || Firecrackers of yore. (h/t, Coudal) || South African scenes. || Horse sense. (h/t, Darleen) || High anxiety. || I think something is rattling. || Attention, retailers: How to sell the Sony Betamax. || Stromboli goes boom. || There and back again. || God one, boat nil. (h/t, Rita) || Eleven elements. || And finally, via Elephants Gerald, a balance of terror.
Browsing Category
I think it may be time for an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
Oh, sorry. Forgot.
A discussion ensues.
You can tell from his outpourings:
As someone who writes about Trump and his subordinates every day, I need every reprieve I can find from the ongoing toxic demise of our country, including in my personal social media. But my decision today to unfriend this individual was no simple purge; I am significantly emotionally wounded.
It’s all terribly dramatic. Practically a miniature opera. You see, while browsing Facebook, Mr Ford saw a photo of an old high school friend celebrating the Fourth of July with her daughter and while wearing a Make America Great Again hat. The latter detail, the hat, being, for Mr Ford, “unacceptable,” a personal violation and source of deep trauma. Naturally, and not at all oddly, Zack decided to scold his old high school friend, as was his duty as a super-woke being:
I gave my friend an ultimatum.
Always a sound opening gambit.
I told her I wouldn’t unfriend her so long as she apologised for wearing the hat and promised me I wouldn’t have to see it in my feed again.
Terms of surrender. A bold choice.
When she claimed I was trying to police her beliefs, I corrected her, pointing out that my conditions only regarded the hat, not her position on any particular issue.
Ooh. Terms of surrender with bonus sophistry. That’s bound to go down well. Let’s see:
When asked to choose between a hat that embodies that evil and someone she’s known half her life,
Wait for it.
In the comments, Mr Muldoon steers us to this item of possible interest:
As the fat-positivity movement has gained momentum, so, too, have debates around how fat folks should lead healthy lives. [Sonalee] Rashatwar, though, considers how sizeism is affected by racism, misogyny, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism, and she counsels people against intentional weight loss.
Well, we mustn’t be practical. That wouldn’t be woke. And regaining viable proportions, such that one’s health is not at risk and one’s lifespan needlessly shortened, sounds way too much like work and responsibility. Instead, attention is displaced to a more theoretical, and conveniently improbable, project:
Rashatwar traces contemporary fatphobia to colonial brutality and how enslaved people were treated. Citing researcher-advocate Caleb Luna, Rashatwar said curing anti-fatness would mean dismantling society’s foundation: “I love to talk about undoing Western civilisation because it’s just so romantic to me.”
Hm. Lose weight, or topple Western civilisation? It’s the fat person’s eternal dilemma.
Ms Rashatwar is a “community organiser” and “Instagram therapist,” a self-styled healer and woman of insight, and is therefore not at all grandiose, self-excusing or pathologically unrealistic. And so, her therapeutic endeavours include posting “really, really political and radical content” about how terrible capitalism is, how terrible the police are, and how righteous it is to be obese and consequently to live with needless limitations and increasing discomfort.
Ms Rashatwar has chosen to blame her own health issues, including high blood pressure, on “weight stigma” and “white supremacy,” rather than on her size and prodigious eating habits. When not equating routine health advice with eugenics and “Nazi science,” Ms Rashatwar, a self-described “donut queen,” claims that “diet culture and fat phobia are forms of sexual violence.”
The being named Caleb Luna, mentioned above, has cropped up here before. Readers are welcome to ponder said being’s credibility as a “researcher-advocate,” an authority to cite.
Bad dog. (h/t, Holborn) || Inadvisable cat handling. || Scenes. || More scenes. (h/t, Damian) || Yet more scenes. (h/t, Holborn) || Restoration. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Style points. || Today’s word is gripping. || How to be glamorous. || London pad, only £9,950,000. || She seems nice. || Headline of note. || Somewhat related. || Gyro-X, the two-wheeled transport module you’ve always dreamed of. (h/t, DRB) || Deadheads. || Bra donations of note. || His is bigger than yours, and louder. || “Earth music for plants.” || The vampire of Cinkota. || Russian eruption. || Luftraum. || Skillz. || It’s what Sibelius would have wanted. || It’s not a Ferrari. || Friend. || And finally, that was closer than one might like.

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