Scenes from Guild of Evil headquarters, moments ago:
“Hello, I’m Simon and I’m canvassing for the Labour Party…”
[ Muffled laughter. ]
“Er, no thanks.”
Also, open thread.
Scenes from Guild of Evil headquarters, moments ago:
“Hello, I’m Simon and I’m canvassing for the Labour Party…”
[ Muffled laughter. ]
“Er, no thanks.”
Also, open thread.
Hardcore rave banana. || Baby cannon. || Good doggo. || Feet detected. || Underwhelming loaf. || Today’s word is rethink. || Slow-motion ocean. (h/t, Things) || Unfortunate phrasing. || “Its smell is compared to that of a dog, with the texture of breadcrumbs and the appearance of ping pong balls.” || Parental discipline of note. || Pamela didn’t realise what would subsequently happen to her curtains. || Context is for weaklings. || Car mine of note. (h/t, Dr Westerhaus) || Cooking with wool. || There’s a lot of it about. || The evolution of the scrollbar, a visual guide. || The statistical value of a dog’s life. || At last, a baby head Theremin. || Seedlings and chess. || And finally, festively, you want one and you know it.
I think it’s time we elevated the tone with some coverage of the arts. Beginning with the colossal creative talents of Ms Sandrine Schaefer, whose collected Goose Studies are presented below. The opening extract, a site-specific installation, was performed in New York in October. The organisers of the event, titled Performance Is Alive, tell us that in order to avoid being “vapid,” they curate only “the best projects based on the merits of the work.” They are, we learn, presenting “art that’s critical and progressive and transgressive.”
For those prone to erotic inflammation, a word of caution. The following video does contain traces of obligatory boobage.
Yes, a chance to throw together your own pile of links and oddities in the comments. I’ll set the ball rolling with the power of gift bags; a girl who’s got volume; cows and VR, together at last; and a great question of our time: Snake and Tetris – can you play them simultaneously?
Oh, and a perfect illustration of how to be cool about it.
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