Attention, unwoke people. It’s time to be informed about “nounself pronouns and animal nounself pronouns.”
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Attention, unwoke people. It’s time to be informed about “nounself pronouns and animal nounself pronouns.”
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
MoZaic Care, a cosmetic surgery provider in San Francisco, California, offers a “nullification” procedure that “removes external genitalia while preserving a urethral opening and anal opening.” The same company offers a procedure called “phalgina,” or “penile preservation vaginoplasty,” which allows males who identify as transgender or non-binary to install a facsimile of a vagina while retaining the penis.
In the company literature, the words “gender affirming” are used. Seemingly without irony.
For those determined to behold the fruits of “nullification,” “phallus-preserving vaginoplasty,” “vagina-preserving phalloplasty” and other surgical adventures, photos can be found. However, needless to say, search at your peril.
And remember, dear readers, “Genital preferences are transphobic.”
Also, open thread.
There was an article… by Lauren Rowello – a they, she’s a pronoun pointer, “they/them” – and her article was saying, “Kink belongs at Pride, and I want my children to see it.” The whole thing is… talking about how, if children are exposed to kink, then it will show them that not everyone is into the same stuff, blah blah blah. We used to have a word for that. And that word used to be grooming.
Given recent posts – and lest we assume that all people with gender dysphoria are insufferably woke - this video by Sinead Watson may be of interest. It’s not the most jolly viewing, but it is frank and eloquent, and, I think, informative. Issues touched on include the practicalities of transitioning and de-transitioning; the eye-widening failures of supposed experts; social contagion; and attempts by activists and their cheerleaders to erase the customary boundaries of women and children, and those between childhood and the adult world. Regarding which, Laurie Penny gets a brief mention. The word arsehole is used.
A second, longer video, in which Ms Watson talks with Benjamin Boyce, can be found here.
Lifted from the comments. Which you’re reading, of course.
And over at the University of Alberta:
As an academic drag queen, Tommy is uniquely embodied in their scholarship and praxis of teaching and learning and has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications, including their forthcoming co-edited collection of essays on RuPaul’s Drag Race as it relates to teaching and learning.
Tommy, we’re told, has a “decolonial, anti-racist, and equity-driven intersectional vision,” which is just the ticket, apparently. For an Executive Director of a Centre for Teaching and Learning. At a university with serious budget problems and supposedly gripped by austerity. Our cross-dressing educator will nonetheless bring to bear “strategies and resources for positive engagement with gender pronouns,” while prompting the less enlightened to “reflect on whiteness, marginalisation, trauma, and continued struggle.” Against reality, one assumes.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Someone not quite making the case she thinks she’s making.
Open thread. Do chat among yourselves.
I’m not hungover. You’re hungover.
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