An open thread, in which to share links and then bicker about them. I’ll start, via Obnoxio, with a Guardian headline circa 2025:
Related, Francesca is a journalist. If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series.
An open thread, in which to share links and then bicker about them. I’ll start, via Obnoxio, with a Guardian headline circa 2025:
Related, Francesca is a journalist. If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series.
Right, I’m off for a few days, a holiday of sorts. Chiefly, it’s to attend a niece’s wedding at a fancy country house in the middle of nowhere, but it’s also an opportunity to not think about whatever pretentious agonising is in fashion this week among our self-imagined betters. By all means use the comments to share links and bicker while I’m away. And for God’s sake, use coasters.
Oh, and while I remember, via Dicentra, this. And via Damian, this.
Like a link fest, only more so. Feel free to share items of possible interest in the comments and then bicker about them, as I believe is the custom. By the way, did you know that violence, when indulged in by leftists, isn’t actually violence, but merely “symbolic speech”?
If all else fails, the reheated series and greatest hits are there to be poked at.
Yes, huzzah, an open thread. Feel free to share links of possible interest and then bicker about them. I did briefly toy with the title Link Dump, but fest sounded so much jollier.
If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series and greatest hits.
And I can’t think when it’s hot. Hence, yay, open thread. Feel free to share links of possible interest and then bicker about them. I’m assuming, by the way, that we’ve all checked this week’s pyramid of white supremacy, as last week’s pyramid of white supremacy may by now be out of date and insufficiently woke. And that simply wouldn’t do.
If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series and greatest hits.
An open thread, that is – our second in 11 years. Feel free to share links of possible interest and then bicker about them.
Our first attempt, a moment of great daring and historic import, included testicle-based snacks, toilet paper shanks, the political flatulence of Patrick Stewart, and whether or not you should clean under the sofa.
If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series and greatest hits.
However, it occurs to me that in eleven years we’ve never had an open thread, in which, I’m told, readers share links of possible interest and then bicker about them. So let’s try one of those and see what happens.
If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series and greatest hits.
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