Academia, That Temple Of The Mind
Further to this, Heather Mac Donald recounts her recent harassment by 300 or so student Mao-lings:
When speakers need police escort on and off college campuses, an alarm bell should be going off that something has gone seriously awry… I am reluctant to wield the epithet “fascist” as promiscuously as my declared opponents do. But it must be observed that if campus conservatives tried to use physical force to block Senator Elizabeth Warren, say, from giving a speech, the New York Times would likely put the obstruction on the front page and the phrase “fascist” would be flying around like a swarm of hornets, followed immediately by the epithet “misogynist.”
Indeed. But it seems highly unlikely that the mob of dogmatic morons – the ones banging on windows, blocking fire escapes and assaulting faculty – would wish their behaviour to be constrained by something as inconvenient as consistent and reciprocal principles. Despite the chanted professions of piety, what matters to the ‘protestors’, whose grasp of Ms Mac Donald’s written output is somewhat sketchy, is the thrill of harassing people, frustrating them, scaring them. And thereby, a sense of power.
Also this:
Of all the chants, “How do you spell racist?” “C-M-C,” was the most absurd. “Racist” Claremont McKenna College is so desperate for “diverse” students that it has historically admitted black and Hispanic students with an average 200-point lower SAT score than white and Asian students. Such racial preferences satisfy CMC’s desire for racial virtue but set the alleged beneficiaries up for academic struggles, if not failure.
As noted here. Such institutional privilege also provides an unending supply of academic inadequates who, feeling incongruous, direct their resentments into thuggish ‘activism’, which gratifies all manner of unbecoming impulses, and requires less intelligence.
and requires less intelligence.
That. 🙂
As we’ve seen, quite vividly, many times, the typical campus protestor isn’t gifted with the most nimble and nuanced of thinking. They tend to rely on the regurgitation of slogans, and begged questions, and hair-trigger accusations of racism, sexism, or whatever. That, and a willingness to exult in mob harassment. The qualifications for participation seem negligible, and suitably egalitarian. It certainly sounds easier than completing a degree in software development or chemical engineering.
These things are not, I think, unrelated.
the typical campus protestor isn’t gifted with the most nimble and nuanced of thinking.
-Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Thing.
He also has a barb there about people worshipping the unknown.
Can you recommend a place to start reading Chesterton?
It’s amusing that the Universities dash-for-customers-and diversity is a bit like an A-B testing version of mass immigration policies. Take an institution dedicated to enlightenment values, put people in charge of it who live by those very values – but hold them in contempt for others – admit an unqualified ‘victim’ class who will do as they are told, then act all surprised when they smash shit up and start chucking you out the window.
He also has a barb there about people worshipping the unknown.
Heh. Well, it is striking, the mismatch between, on the one hand, their intellectual pretensions – their presumed destiny to educate the rest of us – and on the other, their own behaviour, which suggests borderline morony. The protestors’ political philosophy, such as it is, including pernicious horseshit like “critical race theory,” seems designed to erode the tools of rational thought and any customary deference to evidence, and thereby repel any unwelcome enquiry – say, as to their own motives.
And so, after years of cossetting and indulgence, we arrive at the assumption that because a person feels strongly about an issue, or claims to, and regardless of how sound or ill-informed their position actually is, they’re somehow entitled to indulge in shrieking outrage and disruption, mob harassment, vandalism, and outright thuggery. Their feelings being so precious, so transcendentally unassailable, that you mustn’t ever question them, even with statistics. And those who venture onto campus and let slip that they see the bad faith of it all are targeted with particular vehemence.
This R.D. Laing quote, from Knots, comes to mind:
And evidently, lots of faculty and campus bureaucrats are happy to play along.
Can someone help me out on SATs? How much difference does 200 points make?
How much difference does 200 points make?
I think the favouritism equals about a standard deviation, or 15 IQ points. Which isn’t trivial.
By the way, the spam filter’s being uppity. If anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me and I’ll give the thing a good shaking.
Drag useful idiots through Marcuse 101 and in less than a semester they’ll believe their “no platform” violence is genuine tolerance while free speech is repressively intolerant.
Spouting Marcusian theory makes them believe in their intellectual superiority, too. Even if all they understand is “Don’t tolerate intolerance”—the boiled down version.
Well, mister Record, Chesterton is quite eclectic. Depending on your taste, you might want to start with:

–The Man Who Was Thursday. Probably the most famous stand-alone. A police detective infiltrates anarchists. Everyone involved is frequently philosophical. The plot twists and twists to near farce, but then, the hornbill in the story would probably tell you that life is a farce. Seriously, look at this hornbill and then try to tell me with a straight face that things are in any way obliged to happen in a sensible manner.
The whole story may or may not have been a dream, and also a religious metaphor. Sample of the philosophizing going on there:
“The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn’t; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all.”
-The Father Brown series. More straightforward detective-ish mysteries featuring the eponymous priest. They don’t always play “fair” in the sense that the reader could solve them with the presented information, but often part of the story will revolve around suppressed information, things ignored because they seemed too obvious to mention, and dogs that didn’t bark. There’s one with a man who sneaks into a restaurant wearing a vaguely waiter-ish outfit. The guests ignore him because he looks like a waiter; the waiters ignore him because he looks like a guest.
–Heretics if you’re the historical and literary interest sort. It reads like an early predecessor of Someone Is Wrong On The Internet! Maybe we could call it Someone Is Wrong In The Newspaper. Chesterton writes proto-blog-posts expressing his opinions on Rudyard Kipling, George Shaw, HG Wells, the Temperance Movement, various Social Reform Movements, and other contemporaries.
–Orthodoxy, which I will let the man introduce himself:
The only possible excuse for this book is that it is an answer to a challenge. Even a bad shot is dignified when he accepts a duel. When some time ago I published a series of hasty but sincere papers, under the name of “Heretics,” several critics for whose intellect I have a warm respect (I may mention specially Mr. G.S.Street) said that it was all very well for me to tell everybody to affirm his cosmic theory, but that I had carefully avoided supporting my precepts with example. “I will begin to worry about my philosophy,” said Mr. Street, “when Mr. Chesterton has given us his.” It was perhaps an incautious suggestion to make to a person only too ready to write books upon the feeblest provocation.
–What’s Wrong With The World, which is similar to Heretics but with more focus on ideas rather than people, and some more attention to detail. Commentary on government, education, imperialism, feminism, among other things. Demonstrates in many ways that things don’t change all that much just because a hundred years pass.
But social science is by no means always content with the normal human soul; it has all sorts of fancy souls for sale. Man as a social idealist will say “I am tired of being a Puritan; I want to be a Pagan,” or “Beyond this dark probation of Individualism I see the shining paradise of Collectivism.” Now in bodily ills there is none of this difference about the ultimate ideal. The patient may or may not want quinine; but he certainly wants health. No one says “I am tired of this headache; I want some toothache,” or “The only thing for this Russian influenza is a few German measles,” or “Through this dark probation of catarrh I see the shining paradise of rheumatism.” But exactly the whole difficulty in our public problems is that some men are aiming at cures which other men would regard as worse maladies; are offering ultimate conditions as states of health which others would uncompromisingly call states of disease. Mr. Belloc once said that he would no more part with the idea of property than with his teeth; yet to Mr. Bernard Shaw property is not a tooth, but a toothache. Lord Milner has sincerely attempted to introduce German efficiency; and many of us would as soon welcome German measles. Dr. Saleeby would honestly like to have Eugenics; but I would rather have rheumatics.
-any of his various collections of poetry. I don’t presume to judge such things myself, but I suppose Lepanto is a big name for a reason.
Re: worship of the intellect – I think this is the core of that “physics envy” phenomenon. If I make something impenetrable enough to the layman, I have become a god.
They imagine that they are playing something akin to Herman Hesse’s Glass Bead Game. They are… mistaken.
Excellent Chesterton summary, MB.
Another genius sighting: Swedish journo has the perfect solution to terrorism in Sweden’s cities: Ban vehicles!
Sorry about the link being slightly redolent of raw meat, but the other was to the Swedish paper this groonk infests, and I don’t know how many of youse speak Borkish.
And, yeah, I confess; I Gorgled the author’s picture. You know, Swedish babes!
Let’s just say that I’m SURE she’s good with children and kind to animals.
Despite the chanted professions of piety…
Simply redefine antisocial behavior as virtue, and you’re all set. It’s quite easy once you get the hang of it.
As for the administrators who aid and abet the behavior, they are engaging in cheap penance for their own sins of believing that melanin-enhanced peoples are otherwise incapable of succeeding on their own merits and without the assistance of these worthies. Given the end results, their penance doesn’t really balance the scales. It’s as if the flagellants decided to beat someone else up in order to purify their souls.
Campuses need to address this thuggish behaviour. They must make it clear to every freshman on day one that students have the right to freedom of speech and conscience, but if they interfere with other people’s rights then they will be expelled.
Students may protest outside of a speaking venue, but they not block the door or physically intimidate those who try to enter. They may ask challenging questions of a speaker but they may not heckle or shout the speaker down. They may post opinionated posters, but may not pull down posters they disagree with or throw student newspapers in the garbage. And if they commit a crime such as destroying property or pulling a fire alarm then they will be arrested and charged.
Professors who encourage students to step over the line will be fired, tenured or not.
Those who use the intellect never worship it; they know too much about it. Those who worship the intellect never use it; as you can see by the things they say about it.
Substitute “science” for “the intellect” and you’re on the road to understanding the global warming frenzy.
Campuses need to address this thuggish behaviour.
But why should they? Where is the real pressure going to come from? This idiocy is for the most part funded from taxpayer dollars. Where, in the US anyway, is there any political will to address this problem? The only chatter I see on this subject is on blogs and some on Fox News, possibly OAN (which my new satellite subscription does not have). Sure, sloooowly rational people will abandon the higher education myth, but there will still be plenty of snowflakes funded by tax dollars to keep the beast going.
This idiocy is for the most part funded from taxpayer dollars.
Quite. While publically funded state universities and colleges might feel some heat from state legislatures, the real problem is the federal takeover of the student loan process and the (virtually) unlimited federal money on offer without any accountability. Students and their parents continue to have the misbegotten belief that a college degree–any college degree–is the golden ticket to a prosperous life. Until that changes, absent any will on the part of politicians, the problem will continue.
“the misbegotten belief that a college degree–any college degree–is the golden ticket ”
Many of the no-college-required “productive” jobs that a lot of the Clown Quarter people could qualify for (if they ever were to come to their senses) are being replaced by automation. I foresee an “issue” once the campus madness starts to subside…
Enlightened senior administrators — there’s probably a few out there — recognize that political intolerance jeopardizes the future of the university. What value is there in an institution that narrows rather than broadens the mind?
If senior administrators are unable to connect the dots then it may come down to Darwinian selection. Those campuses that return to the liberal tradition will be valued and thrive, whereas those that hand out degrees in political indoctrination will find decreasing demand for their services.
This idiocy is for the most part funded from taxpayer dollars.
Somewhat related. The linked video, in which Heather Mac Donald discusses the whole “diversity” funding-and-hiring racket, is worth watching.
[ Added: ]
As Ms Mac Donald explains in the video, practically every college and university in the US is poking desperately in the same small pool for “diverse” faculty to hire – and struggling to find qualified candidates, even with the lowered standards of affirmative action. As she says, the mismatch between the politically correct obligation to hire and actual availability is so great they’ve started creating “inclusive excellence” positions, entire joke departments, which are staffed by people whose excellence, or indeed competence, is difficult to detect.
Remember this chappie here, the one who struggles with basic grammar and punctuation? And this clown show? The one run by people who proudly admit that it took them over a year to write a single 500-word press release.
It’s farcical.
Enlightened senior administrators — there’s probably a few out there — recognize that political intolerance jeopardizes the future of the university.
Such animals are extinct. This problem didn’t just pop up overnight.
it may come down to Darwinian selection.
That’s why the Dodo went extinct. Didn’t qualify for Pell grants.
Microbillionaire: Damn, but Chesterton had a knack for putting his finger right on the point, didn’t he? That was a century ago, yet I can’t help thinking not only of these protester loons, but the I Fucking Love Science! crowd as well. Or Tony Blair’s “education, education, education”. His madcap scheme to shove 50% of the population through university for no good reason is about the clearest example of Chesterton’s “worship of the intellect” as you’ll find anywhere.
“Another genius sighting: Swedish journo has the perfect solution to terrorism in Sweden’s cities: Ban vehicles!”
Well, anyone could have seen that coming after they decided that banning guns would stop shootings.
Chesterton books can be read online or downloaded in Kindle format etc at,, and For sample snacks of GKC, the archives of the gkcdaily blog are worth dipping into.
Another genius sighting: Swedish journo has the perfect solution to terrorism in Sweden’s cities: Ban vehicles!
The Berlin Vehicle Incident last Christmas diverted the Guardian from its habitual big-picture thinking into a very small-picture examination of concrete bollards as an anti-truck technology. These are the same big picture system thinkers who mock the notion of border walls, indeed the use of any technology to solve complex 21st century problems, on the basis of the Twitter quip that a thirty foot wall can be defeated by a thirty one foot ladder. Big picture/small picture/look, a squirrel!, multidimensional holistic solutions/concrete bollards, walls on the outside of your country/walls around everything on the inside of your country – it’s important to consult a journalist to know which perspective to take on any given issue.
practically every college and university in the US is poking desperately in the same small pool for “diverse” faculty to hire
At the public high school level the situation is worse, as they are looking for ANY faculty to hire. Discipline in the classroom being only a part of the problem. There are potentially many, many semi-retirees willing to fill those roles. Most are over-qualified and yet are forced to jump through hoops put in place for college graduates and such. I have a coworker who is eminently qualified to teach math and technology courses with a background in practical AI and machine learning who wants out of the software business. Such a position for him would be a 60% pay cut. In a sane world he would have acquired such a position quite easily last summer but after numerous interviews and instruction on the forms and tests he needed to take and such, the position was given to someone already teaching as teaching these tech classes is highly desired due to the better quality students found in STEM classes and (presumably) the resume enhancement for jobs outside of teaching.
It’s not a lack of government money that may drive the less liberal universities to extinction. It’s escalating costs (due to a bloated administration) and failing reputation (as students come to realize that degrees from these institutions have little value among employers.)
The case raised in this piece is particularly egregious, but the low-level hypocrisy of self-proclaimed liberals is just as sickening and maybe more damaging. Which is why juvenile smut like this is totally justified…
In secondary education, the problem rests solely with the “Education Establishment” which has subjected state education authorities to regulatory capture. The purpose is not to fill positions with competent teachers. The purpose is to keep the competent out in order to preserve positions for the incompetent.
Case in point: My spouse has two M.A.s and a Ph.D. from our state’s flagship public university. She taught ESL, linguistics and language acquisition courses at a number of institutions, including a top-20 private university. After taking a break to rear our kids, she thought she might lend her language services to a local metropolitan public school district which has a large immigrant population.
Alas, it was not to be. Our state’s certification authority determined she was not qualified because–I shit you not–her transcript did not show a “bachelor’s degree.” The fact that her undergraduate work was completed in a country which did not grant bachelor’s degrees and, she had a Ph.D. from our state’s flagship university, and that she’d taken and passed all the various Praxis courses for her subject area were irrelevant. To be certified, she needed four additional semesters of bullshit.
She would up in a community college teaching ESL to immigrant “graduates” of the aforementioned public school district who were functionally illiterate in English, but who were availing themselves of federal loans to get a college degree.
It’s not a lack of government money that may drive the less liberal universities to extinction. It’s escalating costs
Understand what you are saying but my point is that the parasite will feed on the host until either the host itself fights back or the host is sucked dry. The question is does the latter happen before the former. Without a fight from the host, they are both dead. Parasites rarely understand this. Escalating costs simply become an excuse for more government funding.
Our state’s certification authority determined she was not qualified because–I shit you not–her transcript did not show a “bachelor’s degree.”
Oh, I need not be shitted (God help me, I love murdering metaphors…it’s like the smell of napalm in the morning…not that I would know). Very similar to what my coworker has encountered. Hell, I’ve been trying to do various forms of volunteer work myself. Partly with schools, latest attempt with churches. It’s such hard work trying to convince people that you can help them in spite of a good track record of having done so in the past. I used to take it as a failure on my part to communicate effectively. I now believe they are afraid I might eventually try to change how things are done, which might expose their incompetence. Even as cynical as I am, I still find it hard to believe that competency just might be a non-starter.
I am constantly reminded of something Trump said a while back, “There are solutions to these problems”. If problems were solved, what would people bitch about?
Our state’s certification authority determined she was not qualified because–I shit you not–her transcript did not show a “bachelor’s degree.” The fact that her undergraduate work was completed in a country which did not grant bachelor’s degrees and, she had a Ph.D. from our state’s flagship university.
Hell, virtually NONE of the fully competent teachers I had, at both a private elementary school and public high school, would not be “qualified” to teach in today’s system – because none of them had “Education” degrees, which are required for “certification” in most US states, even though ALL of them had advanced degrees in the subjects they taught.
So, as a result, today we have “certified” teachers teaching courses they know barely more about than their students. But they are “qualified’, see?
You mentioned the difference in IQ. 15 points or so. But the difference between 150 and 165 or 140 and 125 can be overcome by hard work. As any lengthy period of time in any activity will demonstrate, hard work makes up for a lot.
It’s also the intellectuals who make a fetish of IQ. I suppose that’s why they get worked up by their (mis)reading of Charles Murray. Even supposing Murray is correct, and IQ is heritable (40-80%0 that still leaves a lot of scope to individual agency and societal structures, where I think Murray is very much on point. And doesn’t tenacity, a gift for administration, a love of order, empathy, energy, etc also have a huge part in success?
Finally, for all those in despair, look on what was wrought at Mizzou. Falling enrolment. Dorms closed, staff laid off. Cuts in pay. When outraged alumni and alumna close their wallets and anxious parents refuse to pay to send their children to the likes of CMC and UCLA, the administrators will discover that there is a price to pay for coddling these Mao-lings
The scam today, given that additional degrees can increase salary, is to grant credit for Masters degrees in “Teaching” and “Administration.” Thus, even though a school district will tout the number of advanced degrees among the faculty, few of those degrees are in the subject area. And, of course, all those mandatory educations courses come at the expense of the core subject area curriculum.
for all those in despair, look on what was wrought at Mizzou. Falling enrolment. Dorms closed, staff laid off. Cuts in pay. When outraged alumni and alumna close their wallets
Definitely encouraging. And the lack of response I received so far from my alma matre I optimistically believe indicates they are getting an earful and regrouping on how to address the irate alumni. But again, I fear that the drop in alumni support will only put further pressure on seizing the dollars they need through taxes. The drop off in enrollment is definitely encouraging but those were the students we mostly weren’t paying for anyway. I wouldn’t know for sure but I’d hazard a guess that the Snowflake to general student body ratio has increased significantly.
Interesting Related Discussion via Instapundit:
The most recent convention of the Modern Language Association, the most prominent organization associated with the study of language and literature, hosted three times as many panels on post-colonialism as it did on Shakespeare. Like so many other areas of study, a consensus has been reached in English and Comparative Literature that the aims of one’s research should be about more than a body of knowledge or a disciplinary canon. Critique, as it is understood, is ultimately a criticism of the society (not the author) that produced a given text; all literary criticism reduces to social criticism. The contemporary literature professor need not even be an expert on any particular author or literary figure, but can be expected to be a master at applying a particular interpretive lens such as Queer Theory or Critical Race Theory.
(Excuse the long pull quote.)
BTW, does your comment at 21:38 indicate a familiarity with COMO?
The carrot for angry studies degrees is the various posts in education and the wider civil service that come under the ‘diversity’ banner. If one is sufficiently diverse and in possession of a qualification in post-colonial gender studies then you can ‘earn’ $100k pa for bullying white people.
Of course the victims (or parents of victims) of such institutional bullying are the ones paying for it. Which makes me wonder about the whole IQ/SATS thing. If an IQ test says you are 20% more intelligent than person X, yet you pay for him to oppress your children, is the test accurate?
Even supposing Murray is correct, and IQ is heritable
It is, largely, like so many other variable human traits, and the role played by social influence diminishes quite drastically with the onset of adulthood. And the smarter a person is, the smaller the role of social influence and education, and so there are people who are very clever despite such things, rather than because of them.
It’s also the intellectuals who make a fetish of IQ.
Well, people with high IQs may be more likely to raise the subject generally, and sometimes, maybe, to flatter themselves. Not unlike a person who owns an expensive car steering the conversation to the topic of expensive cars and how great it is to own one. And some, generally on the left, will rail against even the idea of IQ because of the challenges it poses to an egalitarian worldview, in which people are supposedly fungible and infinitely amenable to socialist ‘correction’. And some people may stress the role of IQ because it’s a strong predictor of a person’s life outcomes, earnings, health, longevity, etc., more so, for instance, than whether a person was born to well-heeled parents.
There’s a short, very readable book by Stuart Ritchie that touches on most of the questions and controversies.
R. Sherman, not familiar with COMO. I was a bit vague there, out of context. The alma mater to which i was referring was U of Florida, who contacted me last week looking for donations. I responded with something i posted here last week and havent heard back from them. I suspect that one of the reasons they contacted such as small a donor as i am (like a couple hundred bucks a year with some company match) is that I’ve cut way back on my giving. Mostly due to financial reasons the last couple years but as things are getting back to normal, i haven’t given much at all. And after a recent discussion with my current boss, who once sat on their Law school board/committee/something, I decided to ignore a recent donation request.
Charles Murray spoke at Indiana University, where he had to be escorted, by Police, into and out of his talk. The University Newspaper had a column offering a little pushback against the protesters. Perhaps not surprisingly, comments by students were not favourable.
Their views on Professor Murray were obviously based on what they’d been told his work was about, rather than actually reading it, and included serious misrepresentations as well as outright lies. Not very encouraging.
… thuggish ‘activism’, which gratifies all manner of unbecoming impulses, and requires less intelligence.
Slightly off topic I know, but I have just become aware of Shelley Garland, ‘an activist and a feminist … currently completing an MA degree in philosophy’.
I feel she may have plumbed philosophical depths hitherto undreamed of with this Huffington Post blog in which she poses the question ‘Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?’
Some of the biggest blows to the progressive cause in the past year have often been due to the votes of white men. If white men were not allowed to vote, it is unlikely that the United Kingdom would be leaving the European Union, it is unlikely that Donald Trump would now be the President of the United States, and it is unlikely that the Democratic Alliance would now be governing four of South Africa’s biggest cities.
If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world. The influence of reckless white males were one of the primary reasons that led to the Great Recession which began in 2008. This would also strike a blow against toxic white masculinity, one that is long needed.
Like Heather MacDonald, I am generally also ‘reluctant to wield the epithet “fascist”’.
Then again, if the cap fits …
‘Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?’
Ms. Garland seems to be a tad vague on the means of implementing her suggestion. That can be left to others I suppose. She’s busy contemplating all the benefits which are sure to accrue. After all, philosophy grad students are all about the big ideas. Practicalities are for smaller minds.
Their views on Professor Murray were obviously based on what they’d been told his work was about, rather than actually reading it,
It’s piety without the hard work. Behold your new moral overlords.
I interpreted your earlier comment as indicating you are a MIZZOU alum. Had that been so, I would have extended the secret handshake. Your point, however, is valid. Since the nightmare of 18 months ago, I’ve given fundraisers calling me for contributions an earful. One such caller told me that alumni were running 3 to 1 against giving since then.
Behold your new moral overlords.
The fuckwit with the saucepan…
She’s more of an idea rat
The fuckwit with the saucepan…
The fact that he’s willing to stand in the street and monotonously bang a saucepan – in protest against a book he most likely hasn’t read and knows bugger all about – may explain the fact that his life doesn’t appear to have played out in quite the way he might’ve liked.
Maybe some of the younger protestors should heed this vision of a possible future.
The fuckwit with the saucepan…
Hmmm. That reminds me of something
The suspense is unbearable.
David, my comment was truncated. I think there’s a bit of grit in the works. Any chance?
I think there’s a bit of grit in the works
[ Pokes about under bar, tugging at wires. ]
[ Pokes about under bar, tugging at wires. ]
Thanks David.
Ooh, nearly forgot.

[ Compiles furiously. ]
The contemporary literature professor need not even be an expert on any particular author or literary figure, but can be expected to be a master at applying a particular interpretive lens such as Queer Theory or Critical Race Theory.
Behold your new moral overlords.
‘Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?’
What a stupid time to be alive.
Hmmm. That reminds me of this.
That. >_<
Janice Fiamengo explains why it’s probably unwise to take health advice from feminists.
“Well, anyone could have seen that coming after they decided that banning guns would stop shootings.”
Check out Chicago. City has the tightest gun control laws, and yet has the highest rate of gun murders per capita in the US.
That’s unpossible. I’ve been assured that common-sense gun controls will eliminate such crimes.
“Free speech = hate speech”
OOT, another regressive speaks her truth…
from champ’s link:
Because it has worked so well in Zimbabwe.
Are there classes of wealth that are less violent and/or less privileged? Surely a three-dollar-bill, being queer…
Jokes aside, it takes a very special kind of malignity to ascribe violence to possessions. To say nothing of the fixed-pie lie on display.
A large part of the successes of “white privilege” may well be rooted in the sanctity of property right in the first place – impossible for a cluster, family, or individual to advance and build anything for the future if every generation loses everything anew… arguably, this describes much of Africa even without Whitey anywhere in the offing.
Best to return to that for the sake of authenticity. All this fixed wealth that’s lying around will make it better this time, we swear.
The violence of white male wealth and income inequality will be a thing of the past.
And this practised idiocy is found chiefly, and most unshiftably, among the supposedly educated. Parents and alumni please take note.
I just came here to link to the Huffington Post article champ added. What’s that phrase for when it’s tough to say if an article is satire or not?
The author suggests that all white males are responsible for the actions of every other white male, past or present. As a white male I offer my apologies for the Holocaust, but you’re also welcome for the end of the Holocaust. I apologize for slavery in the United States, but you’re welcome for the end of slavery in the United States. You’re also welcome for airplanes, vaccines, Calculus, the printing press, pasteurization, transistors, and toilet paper. Probably forgot a few things.
@False Profiteer: You’re missing the “arc of history” article of faith. Leftism believes that history has a natural outworking, a purpose, a final end. Therefore we have only history and evolution to thank for the (inevitable) advances – which just as surely would have come from POCs left unoppressed.
This neat bit of sophistry means that advances are simultaneously everyone’s and no-ones, with the sins of Whitey as his alone (and everyone else with him to blame!) It’s the success with many fathers, failure an orphan idiom actually codified into a belief system.
From the Huffpost article: …and it is not just South Africa where white males own a disproportionate amount of wealth.
I wonder if any other ethnic groups with a disproportionate share of wealth or power she’ll demand are disenfranchised, or just white men?
“Social justice” on campus, Muhammadan-style.
“Social justice” on campus, Muhammadan-style.

It’s their culture man.
Are you a Nazi or something?
Protesters are on the way to your comment right now:
What’s that phrase for when it’s tough to say if an article is satire or not?
“It’s on the internet.”
it takes a very special kind of malignity to ascribe violence to possessions
“Violence” is fast joining just luminous terms as “racism” and “fascism” in the pantheon of meaningless insults. The people screaming about it are unlikely to have even been on the receiving end of *actual* violence. A deficiency which is probably going to be corrected within the not-too-distant future.
Apparently, Lauren Southern is a “Nazi” and someone to “punch.”
Apparently, Lauren Southern is a “Nazi” and someone to “punch.”
Step 1: Argue that it’s Ok to use violence against Fascists, because Hitler!
Step 2: Define anyone you don’t like as a Fascist.
Result: Utopia!
It looks like antifa got their clocks cleaned by Trump supporters in Berkeley:
Lauren Southern has more.
Lauren Southern has more.
I have a smile on my face right now.
This is hilarious – just look at all these ‘white supremacists’ celebrating their victory over the heroic warriors of Antifa!
And speaking of barely literate “diversity” hires, as mentioned upthread, here’s another example, with some insight into the apparently quite tribal hiring process. As elementary grammar and punctuation are evidently deemed superfluous, along with general clarity, even among faculty, and even in official documents, I suspect the “Liberal Studies” department at NYU is probably best avoided.
Tactical research suggestion.

The Mao-lings have spoken, comrades.
“[H]ostility may be warranted.”
Even funnier, Trump supporters were giving beaten Antifa crybabies wedgies: