You first. || For the latest eye-colour fashion. || Fortresses, palaces and perched churches, a thread. || Could you survive a nanosecond on the Sun? || Well, really. || Make way. || Well, you would. || Namibian waterhole livestream. || How to climb volcanoes. || Will Newquay ban beatniks? || Is language dumbing down? || Our betters wring their hands. || Obligatory crotch grab. || Grooming scenes. || “I can’t even imagine what parent would buy this for their daughter, a child under five years old.” I can. || Incoming. || An excess of dramatic tension. || Help/hazard ratio. || Is your blue my blue? || How snakes move. || Atomic trampoline. Making one isn’t easy. || Today’s word is professionalism. || Sunfish of size. || And finally, from questions asked back in 1975: Are aliens abducting England’s dogs?

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