Penis Discourse
From transgender Reddit, a new niche woe. Specifically,
And more specifically,
We’re all learning things today.
Again, learning things.
Ooh. So close.
In subsequent replies, the similarly traumatising terms gock and bussy are also pondered, along with girldick and female penis. And yes, these will be on Friday’s test.
Other commenters suggest a policy of coyness on the subject:
The terrible wrongness of terminological appropriation crops up, as do thoughts as to which terms are most affirming of a gentleman’s state of ladylikeness. Another contributor, a “genderfluid he/she/they,” insists that, as one would obviously defer to a person’s pronouns, one should likewise defer to that person’s preferred terms for their genitals. Because discussing the other person’s genitals is a thing that happens, apparently.
Those unschooled in the world of transgender penis discourse will find much to chew on.
Via Eliza Mondegreen.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
[ Modestly holds up large roll of Duct Tape. ]
pst: All the Best People have it in their emergency kits, Can’t be beat for field repairs on canoes too.
All the Best People have it in their emergency kits,
It is not called “the Handyman’s Secret Weapon” for nothing, you know.
Band name.
So…hypothetical question for a hypothetical world where half the population has no shame and absolutely cannot be shamed and the other half sees shame as a necessary element in a healthy society, which side is more likely to control the other? Hypothetically, that is?
And WD40, of course. For the adjusting of humors.
Dear Lord, grant me the duct tape that I need to keep things from moving, the WD-40 to make things move, and the wisdom to know which to apply.
Seen on the internet:
Control? Or subjugate?
I think both apply. It’s how we got the GOPe that we have today.
I’m still processing the claim that “men incessantly discuss their dicks,” and are forever “proudly talking about, displaying, and constantly joking about” said organ. That this is “typical male behaviour.”
SNL says hold my beer. Back when it used to be funny.
Sounds like it involved actual cerulean choppers
Or an actual Viking.