Role Models, You Say
And in “inclusive” retailer news:
So says James Bailey, Executive Director of John Lewis & Partners.
Or, as an earlier John Lewis “Inclusion Report” put it, “inclusivity” will result in “a better connection to our customers.” Customers who will learn to “respect difference,” while freeing themselves of “judgement.” The project, it seems, is an educational one, and customers are among those deemed in need of education. And so,
The Identity Project will also “come to life” in “a travelling exhibition on display at various John Lewis locations.” Regarding the project, its creator, photographer Chris Jepson, says,
However, all has not gone entirely to plan:
The chap in question, Marc Geoffrey Albert Whitcombe, now known as Ruby Geoffrey Michael Porcelain Whitcombe, is portrayed in the Identity Project, and presented to customers, thusly:
“My identity is the chance to express my true inner self and be accepted and supported for who I am,” says Ruby. Photographed in a rose-adorned wig and while clutching what appears to be a whip:
In search of further education and deep moral improvement, sceptics unearthed other treats from dear Ruby’s social media presence:
One of the tamer offerings:
Yes, I know. You’re feeling inspired and uplifted.
Presumably, the way to “redress the visual narrative that LGBTQIA+ people look a certain way” is to celebrate the existence of dysmorphic and autogynephile men who are also devotes of bondage and sadomasochism, and who like to share photos of themselves posing with sex toys while flashing their collection of ladies’ knickers to random passers-by.
It also seems that the way to become more authentically “queer” – to express one’s true, inner self and who one really is – is to elaborately accessorise and play dress-up, and to pretend to be something that, by definition, one isn’t.
Other John Lewis employees highlighted in the Identity Project include an in-store nursery advisor and enthusiast of the ‘pup’ and ‘furry’ communities, and who is helpfully pictured wearing a bondage harness. Because that’s the mental image you want when shopping for baby paraphernalia.
This, lest we forget, will “give young queer people role models to look up to.”
Whether female customers, the backbone of John Lewis’ customer base, will be inspired to shop harder and more often by the thought of employees bringing their autogynephilia to work, as Maya Forstater put it, remains to be seen. Ditto bondage fantasies and wearing rubber dog costumes. Perhaps well-off ladies in search of posh frocks and upscale furnishings will be dazzled and enchanted by the thought of sad, cross-dressing men in thigh-high boots who like to share photos of themselves smeared with unspecified white substances.
Also unclear is whether the elevation of employees’ tiresome kinks to the status of unassailable “identities,” and therefore something to be gushingly affirmed, will result in “a better business.” With customers feeling a warm affinity, on account of those “similarities in the identities we share.”
Needless to say, the memes have begun.
Update, via the comments:
Liz notes the unhappy combination of baby products and bondage harnesses, and asks, not unfairly,
Well, quite. I was in John Lewis recently, buying towels, and at no point did I feel a need to know about the cross-dressing bondage activities of the sales staff. Whether the person bagging my towels likes to dress up as a pantomime dame while brandishing instruments of torture was not, it has to be said, foremost in my mind.
The weirdly woke marketing of John Lewis – and the jarring mismatch with the tastes of its customers – has been noted here before, in the update to this.
And the ideological shoehorning currently underway has been explored by James Esses, here.
Update 2:
Following media coverage and widespread customer disaffection, the touring Identity Project has now been withdrawn.
However, rather than acknowledge the incongruity of the project and its dubious conceits, points aired many times by critics, a John Lewis spokesman has claimed, “We have closed the exhibition for the safety and protection of our partners.” Apparently, being mocked on social media by unhappy customers is a safety issue now. One therefore has to wonder whether anything much has been learned by John Lewis executives.
Ah, the heady days of Typepad.
[ Eye twitches. ]
Here, have a little something to calm your nerves.
This is about the Henchlesbians, isn’t it?
Dude, get serious.
“John Lewis?” [smokes cigarette] “oh, yeah, the makers of the ad that said, “I’m fabulous, so fuck you and your possessions!”
Regarding the woke leanings of John Lewis, see also this by James Esses.
Not sure how it works across the pond but judging from that commercial I’m guessing similar…I have been trying to explain to people here, the dumb, dumb conservatives especially, that the big players in the insurance industry have little incentive or care to shut down frivolous claims and frivolous lawsuits because they have cut deals with the lawyers and other companies to just charge the consumer more. The more claims filed, wth. That’s just more billable hours. Just jack up next year’s premium. Most people have a mortgage thus they have to have insurance. It’s required to operate a car, a business, sell a product, every damned thing. So the dumb schmucks go to another company. They jerk the details around such that what you think you’re paying for isn’t really what you’re paying for. It gets lost in the fine print until you file a claim. The lawyers get their friends in government to jack up the reserve requirements or enforce some other excessive regulation such that only the biggest insurers will survive. The long game works for the big boys. And the schmucks pay and pay. It’s a form of shadow government with its own tax structure.
This looks intriguingly useful.
These… er, beverages… are outside of my experience.
It’s time to embrace new experiences. Or something.
I shudder to think of what the 2024 John Lewis & Partners Christmas advertisement will look like.
Ahh, memories. My first project after school was a Mil-Spec (boo! Hiss!) thing code named Thunderbird. I was given a bottle like the one pictured, and displayed it prominently at my bench. Until Upper Management said that the insurers (boo! Hiss!) would frown, and I was required to remove it posthaste.
As I recall, I dumped it into a gutter, while making witty remarks about Silicon Valley Superfund sites.
Sorry to say, the torturer’s on half-day. Do the best you can with a kitchen knife.
What? Zoot, Midget, Piglet, and Dingo? And yet it is my duty to face my peril.
Best place for them.
Remember Office Space and “flair”?
Any of you folks have this magic coffee table?
I’m sure you’ll be shocked SHOCKED to find out that this proposed bill is in California.
There’s the problem right there. You should have stood back, pointed, and laughed at the posters who up-buggered their links instead.
The only thing shocking about it is that it hasn’t been made part of their constitution.
In other stupidity, the Chief Social Purpose Officer (whatever the hell that is) of the London School of the Arts has thoughts. Utterly asinine ones, but thoughts nonetheless.
PLEASE may I edit that headline?
As it is, it sounds like the passengers fell from the overhead compartment.
How about making it criminal to utter true statements about fossil fuels?
Of course, it has long been known that the best indicator of a convincing argument is that you jail anyone who disagrees.
Sure, but I’m sure as hell not stupid enough to tell the wife about it. Suspicious as she is, she’ll think it’s another woman. I just let her believe it’s me taking care of those things. Much easier that way.
“…while clutching what appears to be a whip:“
It’s definitely a whip. Maybe I should wander into John Lewis this lunchtime, and ask exactly which section I should look for one – home and garden, or accessories?
[ Post updated. ]
I wish they’d stop ‘helping’.
Heh. Absolutely.
But as we’ve seen many times, those claiming to be educators and role models – to be acting selflessly, “for the kids” – are very often the kinds of activist monomaniacs and psychological misfits one would not wish to emulate or be associated with. Likewise, those invoking authenticity and the unleashing of their true selves tend to have true selves that require props and elaborate fancy dress, and which are affected, unconvincing and bizarrely cartoonish.
For instance,
But it seems that being gay automatically means that you must feel some deep affinity with the self-absorbed and the psychologically marginal.
How far we’ve come.
Update on the situation:
Also on
Late-night twXXer is producing absolute stinkers.
[ Post updated again. ]
Morning, Di.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
“When they go low, we must go high.”
Disdaining your own customers doesn’t strike me as a winning strategy.
All it does is remind me I don’t have a lot in common with a mentalist tranny or Tristan the bondage queen.
Hoping it also works to keep your community clean and tidy: Knock a “progressive” unconscious, set them on the table, and in the morning they’re gone.
Heh. But… but…
Do you not feel all that kinship and affinity…? Or an urge to be inclusive…?
All those “similarities” you apparently share?
I don’t have a lot in common with comic book and model train enthusiasts, but I don’t start hating them until they insist on talking about their obsessions at length and every day. Normal people learn that lesson, but lunatics and “activists” don’t.
Only by asking the bosun to take his cat out of the bag and give them
twentythirty lashes to show them what it’s really for.The whole thing is just bizarrely misconceived. The tone of the project is almost that of an ice-breaker, a friendly conversation starter. But I’m not convinced that customers want to start a conversation about the sexual kinks of store employees while standing at the checkout, or while enquiring after the whereabouts of a particular kind of houmous. “So, I hear you like squeezing into rubber dog costumes and being dragged around on a leash…”
I mean, the metaphorical ice is there for a reason – the relationship is one of employee and customer. It’s not drinks at Madame Tara’s House Of Spanking.
Ah, the male version of – it’s not about the nail.
Band name.
“See discount code in video description.”
It seems the “I think people should get votes from birth” dimwit there is missing a trick. Why wait? Shouldn’t ALL future generations be able to vote now to save their heritage? All we need to do is to calculate the likely number of descendants each citizen is going to produce over the course of Britain’s future existence, and allocate everyone their number of current votes on that basis.
Votes for children, 1984: Think Footloose or any TV ad. Suburban dad’s vote not only cancelled out by that of his eye-rolling wife, but submerged by the votes of his 2.4 sassy children.
Votes for children, 2024: Ethnic block votes, a dozen per household, hundreds per cousin-marriage extended family.
Sooner or later, “progressives” will demand the vote for all the relatives still living in Pakistan.
Same lack of radical thinking as with this other leftie fucktard.
Look – if you just legislate for everyone to be paid $1,000,000 an hour – WE WILL ALL BE MILLIONAIRES.
I have known college-educated people who made that argument: If we raise the minimum wage to, say $50 per hour, the result will not be that far fewer people can afford to eat at McDonald’s. Rather, everyone will will enjoy a higher salary and thus have more spending money and thus will eat at McDonald’s at least as often as before. Nothing I said could persuade them that they might be mistaken.
Yes, they want to “affirm” their employees, except the ones who coach little league, help their kids with homework, or go to church. Not those employees, ewwww.
$50/yr min wage. I have tried to convince people that certain jobs do not create much value for the employer and thus they either must pay a low wage or automate it. Jobs like bagging groceries or cashier. People accept that low wage because either nothing else is available or they have no skills. Some people simply say “well, they should pay more”. I’ve pointed out that raising the min wage makes such jobs off-limits mainly to the youngest and poorest job seekers. It is all simple really but if you have a magical view of reality…well.