Friday Ephemera
Leaf-blowing drama. || DIY policing. (h/t, Julia) || Needs more dress. || Near miss. || A masterclass in stealth redistribution. || He does this better than you would. || That’s exactly how I would’ve done it. || How deep are the oceans? || “Do you see this?” || Today’s word is oversharing. || An educator speaks. “I’m not anti-white,” says she. || A virtual 1950s electronic music studio. (h/t, Things) || Just tap it, he said. (h/t, STG) || Can pigs jump? || The progressive retail experience (or how to undermine a high-trust society). || “The propped-up people in Victorian ‘post-mortems’ look alive for a much simpler reason.” || A game about a very long baguette. || And finally, because you’d never, ever tire of it.
I know its creators think it is clever but all I get from it is a sort of prequel to A Clockwork Orange.
Lifted from the comments, where Stephanie is unimpressed by the latest advert for John Lewis home insurance, shared by fellow commenter John. It has to be said, the advert in question does seem to be sending messages that its makers, and executives at John Lewis, don’t quite understand. Presumably, the urge to seem trendy and affirm transgenderism – while coyly hiding behind the fig-leaf excuse that, well, some boys just like to vamp around in their mother’s clothes, so, hey, we’re not really being political – blinded them to other, perhaps more obvious construals. Given the attempt at woke messaging, it does seem odd to associate transgender people with juvenile roleplay, antisocial self-absorption, and gratuitously destructive behaviour. It’s almost funny, in a dark kind of way.
The advert – a theme of which appears to be “I’m fabulous, so fuck you and your possessions!” – isn’t going down terribly well with the department store’s customers, who, it seems, aren’t amused by the thought of their homes being wilfully trashed by an incredibly spoiled child in bad drag. Apparently, we’re meant to find the boy in the advert adorable and affirming. Not, say, selfish and malicious, and old enough to know better. Which is the actual effect.
DIY policing.
Inspector Gadget! I used to read his fine blog.
From that link: “The public being the police.” See the Peelian Principles of Policing:
“7. To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”
The DIY policing link reminded me of
For some reason.
DIY policing
Things are rapidly coming to a head and it’s not going to be much longer before people skip the ineffectual dragging and go straight to the cricket bats. They can’t scoot back in front of your car with a cracked skull.
Things are rapidly coming to a head…
I think a cowcatcher mounted on all vehicles might also do the trick.
Can pigs jump?
Olympig hurdler.
Morning, all.
Or you could, you know, just lose some weight.
(or how to undermine a high-trust society)
“And finally, because you’d never, ever tire of it.”
This blows my mind. Presumably sewerage, water, electricity etc is all run through the middle?
And finally, because you’d never, ever tire of it
“the house can make a full circle in 24 hours when it is set on the slowest speed but while at the fastest spinning, it turns around in 22 seconds.”
What could go wrong?
at the fastest spinning, it turns around in 22 seconds.
It’s like the premise of a game show. Terribly respectable ladies could attempt elaborate baking challenges while trying to stay upright and not be violently ill.
It’s like the premise of a game show
It would certainly improve The Great Canadian Baking Show, which seems to be deliberately recruiting exclusively emotionally unstable biker moms and flamboyantly gay people with ridiculous hair in equal measure. Forcing them to compete on a giant carousel wouldn’t make it any less tawdry.
I still like the game-show idea, discussed in the thread following this, in which a dozen Gender Studies graduates attempt to survive for 30 days in the logging industry.
Or you could, you know, just lose some weight.
Well yes. But in truth, she’s not an unattractive looking woman. In fact, she has rather a nice face.
My guess is that any problems she has with romantic relationships are more likely to be caused by her gratingly perky manner and her fondness for lecturing the rest of the world on its moral shortcomings.
My guess is that any problems she has with romantic relationships are more likely to be caused by her gratingly perky manner and her fondness for lecturing the rest of the world on its moral shortcomings.
Not entirely unrelated.
Presumably sewerage, water, electricity etc is all run through the middle?
Or not at all.
I don’t think I saw it posted here, so:
For the font geeks
Regarding the spinning house, didn’t Buster Keaton do that in One Week?
Spot the cat.
In case anyone has been fortunate enough to avoid the latest John Lewis ad. Words fail me.
Words fail me.
Oh dear. It does seem… fundamentally misjudged.
I couldn’t finish that John Lewis ad. I know its creators think it is clever but all I get from it is a sort of prequel to A Clockwork Orange. I suppose one could call it “fashionably violent.”
Here, have some puppy – my dog from last weekend:
Puppy 😍
Things are rapidly coming to a head and it’s not going to be much longer before people skip the ineffectual dragging and go straight to the cricket bats.
It has started. Chicago: CTA passengers beat and stab rapist. The beating will make a greater impression on this animal that any prison sentence.
Or you could, you know, just lose some weight.
Brain transplant also necessary.
It has started. Chicago: CTA passengers beat and stab rapist.
Can we make “they went Richard Ramirez on his ass” a common expression? Having lived through the period of the Night Stalker in Southern California, I think the police should have waited a bit and let the locals finish their “discussion” with Ramirez when they caught him.
The Boston Pride organization celebrated a half-century-plus of existence by collapsing into social panic and cancelling itself.
As a person of pallor I am offended by the woman with dreadlocks and her privilege. Also, I wish the the educator would stop calling me white, I’m a person of pallor.
Minor details.
Spoiler – by the end of the article are you even sure the teen is dead?
Minor details.
This lie seems to get told quite often–so often that there are jokes of the form “died of COVID…and bullet to the head”. It’s as if liberal journalists want us to distrust and despise them.
Reuters goes into damage control mode.
…so often that there are jokes of the form “died of COVID…and bullet to the head…
Scroll down a bit…
CTA passengers beat and stab rapist.
Well played, whumping passengers. Well played.
You heard it first: “Black women saved the entire space program.”
No, black women did not “save” the space program; they were merely a few competent worker bees in a huge organization and if they had not been there some white technicians would have gotten the job done. Nor did they step in and solve problems that mystified all the white male engineers.
No, it is not true that the Tuskegee Airmen never lost a bomber to German fighters, nor were they the best fighter squadron in the Army Air Force. Good, but not the best.
Sadly, I know (knew?) white liberals who see nothing wrong with such bullsh*t. Being liberals, they cannot see the moral, cultural, and tactical problems in telling lies.
While police took statements from four witnesses who saw the woman get attacked, nobody seemed to know who inflicted the injuries on [her attacker].
CTA buses (and at least some trains) have security cameras. I suppose that “he was a good boy” activists and politicians could demand to see the video to properly punish those citizens.
…activists and politicians could demand to see the video to properly punish those citizens.
Criminals need to know that they are “secure under the watchful eyes”.
Well played, whumping passengers. Well played.
I can’t, alas, remember the title of the book or the author’s name, but a few years ago I read an excellent oral history of the doings of a British armoured regiment in the run-up to, and the battle of, El Alamein.
They were billeted in Alexandria, where there was a notorious back street, supposedly out-of-bounds to all ranks, which was home to various brothels and shebeens and all kinds of goings-on. Not surprisingly, it was very popular with our lads and was known as “The Street Of A Thousand Arseholes”. One night, a young trooper fell for a bait-and-switch and was robbed, stabbed and left for dead by a gang of Egyptian ne’er-do-wells. When the word got round, revenge was swift and remarkably brutal and by the time the “redcaps” (British military police) showed up it was all over bar the shouting, plus some severely injured “Gyppos”, lots of smashed windows and firewood that had until very recently been furniture.
A full regimental enquiry was held, with statements taken from all officers on duty on the night in question. They came swiftly to the conclusion that although the original victim was undeniably one of their own, no other soldiers of theirs could possibly have been involved since each and every one had been been formally accounted for as being either at “the pictures”, the NAAFI, or watching an ENSA show when the unfortunate events unfolded.
Leaf-blowing drama
WTF is this Ben Sixsmith guy again? I know he’s political and I’ve seen his name around. Stupid Twitter doesn’t let me click through to the bio anymore. This is the new outrage now that California has banned gas powered leaf blowers. This hysteria will spread much further than California. I’ve seen the great “mind thinker” Scott Adams, with all his millions, complaining about how much “work” he’s lost. These little p***sies need to get off their own asses and go rake leaves for a living at $15/hr…or less for the illegals they let into the country. The Eloi and the Morlocks…
DIY policing.
All well and good until the police show up to arrest those clearing the road for assault. This is where policing…”policing” is going. They have gator-arms when antifa and BLM are burning and looting. But let normal people express their objections and the FBI shows up at your school board meetings and starts cracking heads. And any objection, any attempt to point out the glaring hypocrisy (a word I do not use lightly) and its all “whataboutism”. And stupid, stupid conservatives…”conservatives” go right along with the crowd.
This is the new outrage now that California has banned gas powered leaf blowers.
Not just leaf blowers. Emergency generators, too–an especially nasty thing in the increasingly blackout-prone Democratic People’s Republic of California.
Or you could, you know, just lose some weight.
She could stand to lose some sarcasm as well. Maybe that’s close to the source of her real problem. Naaah…
BTW, I notice my avatar keeps changing lately. Even when posting from the same device on the same network…on the same couch. OK, maybe…maaaaybe it switched to my extension router without my noticing but that wouldn’t be visible outside my gateway… I don’t think. Geez, 18 months out of the business and it’s like I forget everything. But I think someone else here recently noticed that their avatar changed as well?
latest John Lewis ad.
Where can I get this insurance? I’ve been putting off some bathroom remodeling but maybe with the proper…”proper” funding?
If I may contribute something here…our Secretary of Transportation, in the midst of a roiling debate of an infrastructure bill in congress and a supply chain crunch worse than anything I can recall in this country, is on “paternity leave”…since mid-August. See, he adopted a child…with his husband. I mean, come on now. How can we expect someone to return to work under such home life circumstances?
Sadly, I know (knew?) white liberals who see nothing wrong with such bullsh*t. Being liberals, they cannot see the moral, cultural, and tactical problems in telling lies.
You’ve just described my sister-in-law. For these exact same reasons. Right down to the space program story. Even after I show her those exact facts. She gets this condescending look on her face as if I’m the crazy one who doesn’t understand reality, even as she sits there acknowledging the words that I’ve said but denying their meaning. It’s creepy as hell. And her husband voted for Trump.
Even after I show her those exact facts
It’s not about facts. It was never about facts. It’s about her showing that she has elevated status in the herd because she’s fashionable and you’re not. If you want to perturb her, you have to hit her in her vanity.
Yeah. That’s the most disturbing thing. Generally speaking, I would not describe her as an exceptionally vane person. I wouldn’t describe her as fashionable nor unfashionable given their income level. Without going into exceptional detail that would itself be exceptionally boring, she’s an extremely normal, nominally successful person. They do have a whole lot of stuff but they can afford it. I would guess their combined incomes were around, maybe just under $250K before they retired. And no kids. One of her favorite songs, which kind of surprised me, is Janis Ian’s At Seventeen. Her other tastes are extremely MOR 70’s-80’s radio rock. No eccentricities in art. They like good wine, but always good value stuff. Nothing pretentious. It’s like this very normal person who goes into some sort of zombie, NPC, robot mode when discussing certain political oriented topics. And these days damn near everything, even just going outside, has gotten political. This is what really creeps me out and I’m not sure if I’m just seeing this in more people that I (used to) like or if I’m forcing a pattern match. My intellect tells me this problem is far more wide spread than I want to admit. Something that I’ve actually observed for a couple decades but in order to function have tried to remain in some degree of denial about. But when confronted with this sort of thing, repeatedly, with the one person I trust nearly as much as my wife, and in some context until recently even more so, someone whom we have listed as primary DNR and power of attorney, it is exceptionally disturbing.
On a lighter note, here’s some redneck roller coastering.
It was never about facts. It’s about her showing that she has elevated status in the herd because she’s fashionable and you’re not.
That, as they say.
The Boston Pride organization celebrated a half-century-plus of existence by collapsing into social panic and cancelling itself.
Live by identity politics, die by it. This isn’t surprising. “Pride” was allegedly about gaining *equal rights* with the straights and there was always a faction that never, ever wanted gays to gain access to bourgeois marriage but to destroy marriage and the family structure completely. IOW “Pride” was to be just the cover – like Critical Race Theory is today – for a vehicle that dismantles Judeo-Christian Western Civilization.
Yep, Proverbs 16:18 all the way down.
On a lighter note, here’s some redneck roller coastering.
That was fun!
Hillbilly is Thunderstruck