Mashed Potatoes And Gravy
I gather today is some kind of national holiday over yonder, beyond the sea. I shall therefore wish American readers a jolly time. I’ll also share an educational lecture on the topic by Professor James O’Flannery:
Among Professor O’Flannery’s other lectures is this one, on the Chinese Revolution, and which I strongly recommend.
Also, open thread.
We across the pond thank you. It’s a joyous time of too much food, inappropriate political discussions, and family destruction.
Thank you! I try to keep up with O’Flannery but hadn’t checked in with him in a while.
Oh, btw…in the interest of sharing… I think I got this from Ace. Try these mashed potatoes. I understand Snoop Dog highly recommends.
It may be one of the last Thanksgivings as Gen-Z enters the workforce to “set the vibes”.
How does being a humourless scold with less wit than a turnip compensate for being singularly talentless? Vibrant incompetence has no more value than the dull sort.
Don’t forget the grasted potinos, pissrring, and mashed turktees.
And for those of you who don’t know, how to make mashed potatoes.
Alternative diets are available.
It occurs to me these Self-Admiring Mood Gurus may not have the kinds of “personalities” I would find invigorating. And if one of them tried to play with my hair, I suspect there would be a short but decisive altercation.
SatP: “It’s a joyous time of too much food, inappropriate political discussions, and family destruction.“
Enjoy! We have to wait another 32 days for ours!
“And for those of you who don’t know, how to make mashed potatoes.“
I do, but I’ve never needed that quantity of them…! They are accompanying a turkey, not a roast diplodocus.
The sponge and scrubbing brush…
Are you not salivating?
She says ‘smashed potatoes.” Lots of exertion and applied smashing. The preparation and the result looks anything but.
I can’t help thinking it would actually be easier, and less revolting, to simply boil some potatoes and then mash them.
It occurs to me that TikTok “influencer” cooking tips operate on the same kind of level as TikTok “influencer” politics.
Nottingham scenes.
Looks very vibrant and diverse.
Oh, it is. Only 29% white, with a vast majority of residents “not born in the UK.”
The high levels of crime and anti-social behaviour, by far the highest of any residential area in the city – including occasional gunfire – are purely coincidental, of course.
I rather thought I had a fairly comprehensive list of things you might add to mashed potatoes, but now I see I missed cognac, mayonnaise (remarkably), crisps and the kitchen sink!
As for
They should be careful what they wish for!
Wisdom of the ages.
Speaking of ‘influencers’… “UK law is a joke.”
Terrorist attack or just some good ol’ boys, never meaning no harm?
I thought y’all had pretty tight gun laws across the pond. Or do they only apply to the law-abiding citizens?
Take a wild guess.
I have questions…
*hits alarm clock* Oh, ***t. Must find goods for soon to arrive family…
Saints Be Praised – Buc-ee’s is OPEN! Smoked meats and assorted fine dining additions. And, plenty of holiday good for early Xmas shopping… and gas pumps.
The day is saved.
(for those living w/o the Blessings of Buc-ee’s, think of a fleet of M&S lorries colliding w/a fleet of Tesco lorries near the largest possible Petrol station. Only better.)
*Tips cap towards the mother country. And notices Amazon link, which gets a tap*
I’m guessing she’s a prostitute. Presumably, the absence of trousers saves a lot of time.
Tap that baby good. Write a list. And bless you, sir. May grated cheese always be to hand.
[ Googles Buc-ee’s. ]
[ Googles Buc-ee’s. ]
Having googled, when should we be expecting you to make Hadj to the nearest?
Actually, I was a bit relieved. I thought she was going to use the sink’s garbage disposal to mash them!
I have to say, I’m not familiar with the kind of thing I’m seeing.
I have to say, I’m not familiar with the kind of thing I’m seeing.
Understandable, the average one is only slightly smaller than Devon.
It’s a cartoonish beaver. Sort of.
Oh, you mean an incredibly overstocked shop slightly larger than the average village, with a station able to fuel some 100 vehicles simultaneously, along with famously clean restrooms?
*grins and ducks*
After two consecutive daily attempts, was able to grab the last package of fresh sage out of Ingles this morning, alternately dodging and bowling over little old ladies like Walter Payton through a Saints’ secondary.
Still groping for a frame of reference. I mean, there’s a mini-Waitrose at a nearby motorway service station, so you can pick up a decent red, posh cheese, and some vine-ripened tomatoes while you fill or charge the car. But I don’t recall them having souvenirs or a… [ checks notes ] beef jerky bar.
Still groping for a frame of reference.
Heathrow, but with cars instead of planes, and fresh BBQ brisket instead of sausage rolls.
[ Orders brisket for Christmas. ]
Best description I’ve seen. Though Pilots have showers.
I’m not entirely sure what one does when confronted with a beef jerky bar.
Beyond contemplating the appropriate sides of… more food? Might you be interested in a Buc-ee’s snuggy or jumper?
Well, off to pick up said delights, and again, thanks to our host, and to all (regardless of side of pond..) a fine Thanksgiving.
It was made very clear to me that “jerk beef here” was not an invitation.
I’m not entirely sure what one does when confronted with a beef jerky bar.
When you are through marveling, get a sample of whichever strike your fancy, and consume mass quantities of your favorites, but you have to remember that where the jerky bar ends, the bakery begins.
You might need a cart.
I see I’m going to need to write this down.
I see I’m going to need to write this down.
Be sure to leave room in the cart for the imported beer selections.
Thankye kindly good Sir! And a happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating it!
Road weeds. Yum.
Apparently, they’re dandelions and, after frying, with garlic, were “a little bitter.”
Also, “filling and nutritious.”
Hey, I’m just reading what it says here.