Victimhood Invoked, Victory Lap Indulged In
TIME spoke to Gender Queer author and illustrator Maia Kobabe about eir work, the efforts to restrict access to eir writing, and what ey make of the current cultural moment.
Captain, your signal’s breaking up. I’m getting a lot of static. Must be solar flares. That, or dangerously high levels of pretension caused by the proximity of Ms Kobabe, an activist and supposedly ungendered being, complete with boutique pronouns, and TIME’s Madeleine Carlisle. Given what follows, the words “restrict access” – and the subsequent claims of persecution – may seem a tad misleading. Ms Kobabe’s book, we learn, explores,
Questions around how to introduce nonbinary pronouns to people who might not be familiar them. And also how to be a role model as a nonbinary adult, especially in a setting like a classroom.
You see, our aspiring role model has produced a book combining hardcore self-involvement with dysmorphic cartoon pornography, with the results being made available to schoolchildren, including 11-year-olds. As one might imagine, there have been some, shall we say, reservations regarding whether a book of this kind should be circulated among children without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Readers may recall scenes in which parents attempted to read aloud passages from the book among fellow adults at school board meetings, typically resulting in reprimands, the shutting off of microphones, and threats of physical removal. Apparently, “vagina slime,” fellatio and “strap-on hotness” are inappropriate topics for adult discussion, even as an attempt to specify a problem, but totally fine for kids. Who apparently need to know about the joys of masturbating while driving.
Ms Kobabe tells us that parents’ concerns about the book being distributed among children are merely, “a very organised effort to erase trans and queer and nonbinary voices from the public sphere.” A wickedness indulged in only by those “looking for books to complain about.” This, we’re informed, is part of “a very dangerous and upsetting effort to make it harder for trans people and nonbinary and queer people to live.” And not, as seems more likely, a reluctance among parents to have their 11-year-olds exposed to somewhat outré pornographic material.
Evidently inspired by both the gushing of leftist librarians and the disapproval of countless parents, Ms Kobabe is close to finishing a second book on much the same theme, one aimed at “younger readers,” i.e., middle-schoolers.
Update, via the comments:
In the above and other interviews, Ms Kobabe frames the episode as one of bigoted and hateful conservative parents “targeting” books that “happen to feature LGBTQ characters,” and driven by “a very dangerous and upsetting effort to make it harder for trans people and nonbinary and queer people to live.” She implies that complaints were based on ignorance, on parents not having read the book, and of course on hatred. The parents, we’re told, were “cutting a lifeline for queer youth,” presumably out of some inexplicable malice.
Curiously, Ms Kobabe is not challenged on these claims, at all, despite the particulars of the parents’ grievances being readily available and repeated many times. That a number of those complaining about the book being unsuitable were themselves gay somehow escapes mention. Presumably, these details would not suit Ms Kobabe’s self-flattering persecution narrative.
Note too the conceit that, despite the rapid embrace by educators of transgender ideology, parents couldn’t possibly have anything to worry about. It seems to me that the eagerness of activists to breach the customary boundaries between adults and children – and to circumvent parents, who will be left to pick up the pieces of any unhappy consequences – is not only an extraordinarily arrogant overreach, but also an indicator that its proponents are quite unsavoury, possibly unwell.
And when middle-school librarians believe that 11-year-olds need to know how to whore themselves, to fund surgical mutilations and thereby approximate the opposite sex – as if raising a dysmorphic “sex worker” is what every parent dreams of – then some widening of the eyes seems in order.
Alas, there will be no Ephemera tomorrow, but feel free to throw together your own collection of oddments in the comments.
Treat him leniently, Your Honor. He’s a family man.
An aside on this ‘Rings of Power’ (further aside: damn, there goes my name for a haemorrhoid treatment ointment) is it all lacked weight. Not only did it lack the weight of intellect in its insipid writing, (note the ‘you have not seen what I have seen’ pointless argument which prompted me to say at the time it was like an argument sketch from Monty Python) all the weapons, and especially the hammers in the dwarf caves sequence looked as if, I dunno, having been printed out in plastic and filled with good old air.
A little straining would have not gone amiss, which takes me back to the ointment…
Fair enough. My first read was 20 odd years after it was written versus the current 70 odd years that someone would see it for the first time now.
Although “girly dick measuring” invokes confusing mental images. I’m not sure what portion of the novel you found annoying; was it where they attempt to convince The Great Lorenzo to voluntarily do something that he really doesn’t want to do? Something, by its very nature, ensures that he will never get credit for doing?
I’m not claiming that you should like the book; it isn’t clear to me why you don’t.
Instead of “clever with language” I would say “poseur” as in “by using this jargon I acquire the status of actual NASA engineers and astronauts”.
Though some of the people I speak of were NASA (contractor) engineers. Just very middling ones. I would find the one astronaut I spent some limited time with would certainly not use that jargon in that manner. And while my personal experience with fighter pilots is limited to one accidental lunch (thanks Wifey), I found such jingo to be close to zero. Granted we didn’t discuss fighter pilot strategy or such, just general how-things-are-going stuff but I doubt “Stones” or “Turk” or especially “Jean-Claude Billy-Bob” would over use such lingo.
WTP: thanks for the clarification.
Missed this….
Although “girly dick measuring” invokes confusing mental images.
It’s kinda meant to. Feel my pain. It’s an abstraction I have often fallen into when around groups of men, only men, like team meeting/design situations or sports discussions, the men have to show off how smart…”smart” they are by emphatically arguing some bloody triviality which is irrelevant at the level of current discussion or the specific moment in time. One day I pictured said men…”men”…as women in front of vanity mirrors trying to out-makeup each other. It’s an image I haven’t been able to shake in all these years. Oddly, introduce just one woman into such environments and the phenomenon fails to materialize.
Though I should admit, I’ve been guilty of it myself on a few occasions.
Shit’s trivial until it isn’t. Engineering is damned near all about the details that the suits don’t give a flying fuck about, until after one of those details bites them in the ass.
So what if you’re a minute early or late? In a military world, that might mean you’re under your own artillery barrage (too early) or being shot by the people that barrage was designed to keep down (too late).
So what if bits of shit from a booster hits a shuttle? It got into space, didn’t it?
Shit’s trivial until it isn’t. Engineering is damned near all about the details that the suits don’t give a flying fuck about, until after one of those details bites them in the ass.
See? Exactly what I’m talking about…and watch as I let myself get suckered into the very game I criticize…
Get a bloody clue. Shit is relevant in the context of its relevancy. At no point did I say such things should be ignored but (taken to extreme…) there’s a time and a place for arguing the material specs on the nuts and bolts to be used to attach the engine thingy but not when you are in a meeting trying to nail down the design for the…what do they call the giant hoody thing that goes over the payload again???…ah, the aerodynamics of the fairing.
BTW, mines bigger. You should even be able to see it from where you’re sitting. And you are sitting, correct? You certainly seem to be pissing…so….obviously…
mine’s…not mines. Obviously?
@WTP, I fully believe that your ass is bigger, since it appears to be used as your face.
Can you tell me why one of the solar panels of Skylab didn’t deploy?
Gee Dickhead…somehow I missed this and just stumbled upon it now while cleaning up some tabs. Sneak in there two days after the last comment to get in the last word. Cute. So, all being fair and such…No, offhand I do not know why waaaay back in the mid-1970’s the Skylab panels didn’t deploy. If force to hazard a guess, I’d say because your fat, thick head was blocking the sun and all these decades later you still haven’t gotten over it. Let it go, princess.