Friday Ephemera
And then this happened. // Thunderstorm at 37,000 feet. // French horn and chair. // Atomic Filmmakers – Hollywood’s secret film studio. // An auction of space history paraphernalia. (h/t, Things) // Inside Porton Down. // Protozoan Pac-Man. // Jellyfish portraits. // Japanese billiards. // BearCam, Katmai National Park, Alaska. // 3D Calvin & Hobbes. // Handmade omni-capable wheels. // Captain America: Civil War – how it should have ended. // Just swipe, they said. // New wave club night, California, 1986. So much moody, so much hair. // UK media influence. // Bookcase Tetris. // Gardening bras. // The Sequence is a game. // And finally, via Paul, it’s a good-news-bad-news thing: “Passers-by found him sitting in the rain with steam coming out of his body.”
Atomic Filmmakers – Hollywood’s secret film studio.
Have I linked to The House in the Middle before?
Hello? Any one there?
It’s been hours. I’m getting a bit freaked out here.
Hello? Any one there?
Right, right, right, gimme a minnit.
Remember, David posts these thing to launch about midnight his time, so he’s sound asleep at the moment.
In turn, I went off to run errands and attend a talk, then only just got back in a little while ago and have been doing some followup on the talk . . . Very interesting talk, very well delivered, and not entirely the usual Marines’ Club material . . .
And then this happened.
Siiiigggghhh. Just wait for what’s likely when he gets older.
French horn and chair.
Sinfonia Concertante for bagpipes, left-handed sewer flute, lute, double-reed slide music stand, balalaika, and ocarina, by PDQ Bach.
Have I linked to The House in the Middle before?
Oh, the comments are excellent.
I don’t think the three megaton MIRV hitting 5 miles away will care if you mowed the lawn last weekend or if your paint is minty fresh.
An auction of space history paraphernalia.
Ooooohhhhhhhh, Serious Toys . . .
—Seeing what the assorted final bids wind up being ought to be interesting, if that info is ever stated . . . .
Just the same, noting what Peter Sellers would do to it does also come to mind . . .
Inside Porton Down.
Ah, but do they have their own atomic bomb?
Japanese billiards.
That takes balls.
Err, hang on . . .
BearCam, Katmai National Park, Alaska.
Bear collar cam . . .
Just swipe, they said.
For the Bay Area version, I keep expecting Bart to finally set up different lines for those who have real tickets, and those who have clipper cards . . .
UK media influence.
Ehn, reminded again of the classic analysis.
Sun readers don’t care who runs the country – as long as she’s got big tits.
‘Morning, all.
I see Hal found the cocaine someone stashed in the ladies’ toilets.
Human pups.
“Social justice.”
“Social justice”.
Amongst the comments on the Washington Post article:
“Leave it to WaPo to take a story about an unwarranted physical attack by a non-white and turn it into an expose about how guilty whitey is”.
“It is absurdity piled on insanity and rolled in tortilla of stupid”.
“The judge must have been brought up on old cartoons where the mouse is evidently justified in unprovoked attacks on the cat”.
“The judge must belong to the same school of “thought” (to use the term very loosely) that makes some people claim that a man gunning down soldiers while screaming “Allah Akbar” is engaged in ‘work-place violence'”.
“Sounds like someone had a bit too much firewater that night”.
Human pups
The thing about the more elaborate fetishes is that it all looks such a bloody faff. It’s hard to see how passion could be spontaneous if you’ve got to spend 45 minutes squeezing into a latex outfit with the assistance of a flatmate and a kilo of talc.
I see Hal found the cocaine someone stashed in the ladies’ toilets.
Oh. Missed that actually. All I spotted is what was sitting right on top of the stereo in that back room hidden behind the secret door in the utility closet . . .
New wave club night, California, 1986. So much moody, so much hair.
So much hair lacquer I’m amazed the place didn’t go up in flames.
So much hair lacquer I’m amazed the place didn’t go up in flames.
And I’m guessing you don’t often see knitwear in a club these days, especially when combined with Flock-of-Seagulls hair explosions. It all looks very… pre-Ecstasy.
Are you worthy?
Are you worthy?
And a meme begins.
“Passers-by found him sitting in the rain with steam coming out of his body.”
Male privilege.
The Sequence is a game.
Another lunch hour gone. Damn you, Thompson.
Damn you, Thompson.
No refunds, credit note only.
OK, am I the only one confused by this cyclist story? He’s a cyclist, he’s wearing thick rubber work boots, the lightning bolt hits him and exits through his penis. His penis. While riding a bike. What, they don’t have athletic supporters in Slovakia? Was it dragging the ground?
“Sun readers don’t care who runs the country – as long as she’s got big tits.”
Ah. Leadsom, then.
Ah. Order in the universe is restored.
And I even snagged the cocaine Hal missed…
Godfrey Elfwick.
RE: social justice
The victims name was White, so perhaps ms. Crowchief had been wronged by her in the past…
You know “I hate White, people!” Vs. “I hate white people!”
Good game tips.
Throwing off the patriarchy.
Throwing off the patriarchy
Quite. The comments further down that thread about self-styled “cultural trending expert” Catherine Deveny caught my eye too.
Good game tips.
Glad you like.
The Sequence is a game.
Okay, it’s officially driving me mad now.
One more game.
Okay, it’s officially driving me mad now.
It does get quite tricky, and then more so, and then… well. If it all gets too much to bear, there’s a walkthrough playlist here.
But that would be cheating.
Noted at the French Horn and Chair link, play-by-play of Beethoven’s Fifth.
The original Catherine Deveney comment seems to have scrolled off or disappeared, but her response to criticism of it to the effect that she laughed so hard she woke the dog…this seems to be an increasing trend lately with leftists. They’ve often resorted to it in the past, and to be honest I’ve encountered it among certain bible-thumper types as well. Another recent one I encountered lately after making a simple reference to basic fact was “I laughed so hard when I read that I literally peed my pants”. Really? No argument, no thinking is necessary? It’s not the mocking, for which I could give a flip considering the sources, it’s the over-the-top reaction to a simple point with which one can hardly disagree. I’d like to believe that some mind altering substance is in effect. Or has been in effect. The more I hear such crap the more intolerant I’m becoming to even casual drug use.
The original Catherine Deveny comment seems to have scrolled off or disappeared,

This one?
It’s still there.
Heh…maybe it’s this old iPad giving me grief or because I don’t have a Twitter account, but couldn’t find that at the link. Thx. Now if you’re looking for something absurdly stupid to laugh at, in an abstract Monty Python kind of way, that is more the thing. Still not funny enough to wake the dog, though. Then again, he’s seen it all by now and is not as curious as he used to be.
that is more the thing.
If memory serves, the tweet in question was challenged at the time by quite a few married women, none of whom, I think, were lucky enough to get a meaningful reply from Ms Deveny.
…the tweet in question…
OK, the first is purely voluntary except for some non-Western cultures, the latter often forced with an actual gun to the head.
One has to wonder if bozos like Deveny are really this stupid and/or invested in their ideology, or just trolling.
are really this stupid and/or invested in their ideology, or just trolling.
My married woman presumed that CD was just some nobody trolling (not that she’s familiar with the term) for attention. I pointed out that she’s already a well known (though seemingly headed on the down side) comedian in Australia. Wife got mad, said that all those entertainers are crazy anyway and left for work. Even if they are just trolling, seems to be a pretty stupid way to go about it. In spite of the cliche there is such a thing as bad publicity, even if one is a narcissist. Though I suppose few narcissists think far enough ahead to realize this. Drugs will make you stupid, though. And excessive alcohol. Even after the direct effects have washed out of you.
David, this just in.
I pointed out that she’s already a well known (though seemingly headed on the down side) comedian in Australia.
Yes, I had to look her up, and saw she was a “comedian”, but one whose shtick appears is of the “Boy is that (insert conservative politician name here) dumb”, type. IOW, a comedian in much the same way Lena Dunham is an attractive and talented actress.
Given that “She considers The Love Party her greatest artwork and political statement.”, I am now leaning towards her being stupid and/or invested in her ideology.
Just back in from two glorious weeks in the internet-free American West. Geez, a lot’s happened while I was gone.
R.Sherman: Wait, what? I’m in the American (USA) West, and it sure looks like I have internet here. It ain’t free, though, I have to pay for it.
Or is this all some kind of hallucination? A hangover from some of that crap street weed I tried so very many years ago at Berkeley, maybe?
Nothing has happened, though. You are mistaken. The world has merely continued its slide into the pit.
Fred, I was here. Absolutely marvelous. I recommend it.
So there are lightning rods and, er, lightning rods…
So there are lightning rods and, er, lightning rods…
Yes well there are those, and our own lightning rod, Pastor Rod Flash.
The Aliens are here, carry on.
The Aliens are here, carry on.
Are they all playing Pokémon Go?
Beautiful. I’ve spent time in various places on the east slopes and foothills of the Sierra, which have meadows like those pictures in the Jarbidge website, but I’ve never actually been in the NE corner of Nevada.
Hmm. I’ve been looking for an additional excuse for a road trip from SF to Boise and Bozeman and the RMNP. Maybe next spring – this year is full of very elderly relatives.
We combined a few days at City of Rocks National Preserve in NW Idaho with the trip and hit RMNP on our way home to the Midwest. If you climb, City of Rocks is worth at least a few days, if not more. From there, its a short jaunt to Jarbidge, albeit crap roads for the last 20 miles.
There’d better be a slideshow coming. And drinks.
(Notes to self: 1) upgrade the encryption and security for my upcoming roadtrip; 2) buy new offroad tires; 3) move more $ from 401-K into drinks fund in case David is cleverer than we think.)
Human Pups
Eh, everyone needs a hobby. Not my sort of thing, but it looks much more enjoyable and much less weird than Morris dancing.
We have a report from the Sun Rises In East Department of Water Is Wet . . .
Charles Ramsey Thinks ‘Some Incident’ Will Take Place at Conventions – 2 hours ago
Ah, this is the political season—not merely Year this time in the US, bloody all out 2015-2016 Season— where now everyone is also now finally noticing that all the outdated political bets have gone out the window, and starting the 18th will be the full, all out, convention totally silly season . . .
The more focused comment would have been the matter-of-fact note that Greater security is certainly going to be concern during the approaching rounds of political circuses . . . .
There’d better be a slideshow coming. And drinks.
A few pics. Drinks are on your own. I just got back and need to get to the store.
City of Rocks, Malta, Idaho
Ubiquitous Prickly Pear cactus
More “Ho-hum” landscape
Driving to Jarbidge, Nevada and the trailheads
@ Fred
If you go to Jarbidge, come from the north and drive to Jarbidge, NV. Drive straight through town until you find a decent place to park. GPS is good, but map and compass skills are a must. 4WD is a must for the trip from Jarbidge to the the wilderness. But trust me: it is most definitely worth the effort.
(BTW, if you come from the south and I-80, take time to hike the Ruby Mountains south of Elko, NV.
Via Ace, Jesse Lee Peterson attempts a conversation with members of Black Lives Matter.
And somewhat related. Note that raising an eyebrow at racial segregation is now a basis for being denounced as a “white supremacist.”
Thanks for the pics. Reminds me of Andalucia.
raising an eyebrow at racial segregation
Obviously PoC’s need their own Safe Space where they’ll be free of White, Patriarchal, Cis-normative oppression. Some place where PoC children can be taught by teachers with whom they’ll be able to identify because melanin. Likewise police, judges, politicians, etc. should all be PoC’s so as to avoid any possibility of White Privilege oppressing the population, and PoC college students would be able to study the history of their peoples without being forced to learn anything about Western “Civilization”.
We could call this place PoCistan! Or maybe Liberia.
R.Sherman: At dinner last night turns out my Brother in law had recently been in the Jarbidge area. He agrees it’s worth the trip.
David: Hint- Rick Steves makes good coin recruiting folk like RS and publishing their travel comments. In case the henchlesbian ‘s contraband scheme continues to show crap gross margins…