Friday Ephemera
Oh, well played. || Wise words. || Upscale puppy puzzle. || Please hold still while your face is being scanned. || Ant-termite politics. || A guide to pre-modern birth control. From ‘pull-and-pray’ to offal and tortoise-shell condoms. || New York, in colour, 1933-1939. || Catching rays. || “Cock on a swine, friends for all time.” || Sigourney Weaver is, it turns out, quite flexible. || Safety first. || Something error happen. || 26 minutes of loafer restoration. || Real-time map of coronavirus incidents. || The rules and aggravations of time travel. || She has a system. || This just in. || Japanese sea-creature teabags of note. (h/t, Julia) || Our betters. || Our betters 2. || Bit nippy. || And finally, Hieronymus Bosch knickknacks.
Safety first.
That’s getting their goat.
Hieronymus Bosch knickknacks.
Russell’s Guide to Interdimensional Entities
I had a prayer granted for which I promised publication and praise. My soul glorifies the Lord!
Back in MY day, you could place such notice in a respectable newspaper, but there are few left, so I put it here where David buys a can of Oust once a year, whether it’s needed or not. At least he has standard.
Well, no, that’s not fair. He has standardS. Only once have I known him to print something untrue, when he was asked if he’d used the Xmas flame thrower, and even then it wasn’t an outright lie of CNN-ian mendacity. He merely mumbled unintelligibly. The citizenry would be better off if cable news adopted the same policy.
I got called for jury duty. !!! It’s criminal (the case, not the jury) so I’ll probably sit a while and then be sent home when the defense settles before trial. I plan to go armed with a fat book just in case.
I plan to go armed with a fat book just in case.

Mebbe if you go in with one of those jars instead you could get dismissed even earlier. You could state being friendly, and offer some to the judge . . .
I got called for jury duty
Many years ago I was called and then picked and it was one of the better experiences I have had. The case was a punch up situation at some post rodeo celebrations between a visiting Aussie and a local Moari lad, initially, which then escalated to full fanau participation. Of note was the huge discrepancy between what I was hearing/seeing in court and what the local paper was reporting. And it should have been the same because the court reporter from local paper was sitting right opposite me for the whole job.
Anyway, the main takeaway from it was that the other members of the jury were just ordinary people like you and me and had a pretty good nose for bullshit. We must never lose that.
Jury duty was the best two weeks ‘serving the state’ I’ve ever spent! Even if the defendant in one of the cases I tried has now met an untimely end…
Sigourney Weaver is, it turns out, quite flexible.
For a second there…
Morning, all.
For a second there…
Heh. I’m assuming she uses a really good moisturiser.
Hieronymus Bosch knickknacks.
My gran used to teach art. I think she’d like those. 🙂
This just in
Well played.
I was hoping for a model of Harry’s awesome hill house.
Harry’s awesome hill house.
[ Checks calendar. ]
Ooh. Three months ‘til season six.
Japanese sea-creature teabags of note.
This just in.
I see what you did there.
I got called for jury duty.
Given my past experience with jury duty, my increasing exposure to lawyers via the HOA case that landed in my lap over a tree that has been going on needlessly for 12 years now, and my limited time reading, commenting, and getting banned at Patterico, I honestly have developed such contempt for our legal system and even, especially, its prosecutors, that I cannot possibly serve without significant bias against the prosecution. And I’m a pretty solid law and order kind of guy. If I lived in LA, I think I could simply point to Patterico as an example and get out of jury duty. Here in Florida, I’m fairly certain the combination of the above would get me out of it. Not that I would be actually trying, mind you. I generally didn’t consider the one time I was called to be all that onerous. It’s just gotten to the point that based on some relatively deep study and some degree of personal experience that I cannot stomach the lot of them.
Real-time map of coronavirus incidents.
5,806 cases in Hubei, population 58,500,000 or a provincial attack rate of 10/100,000. If all those are actually just Wuhan metro, the attack rate is 50/100,000. 204 deaths, from reports mainly from those already with some form of immunocompromise, in Hubei=a case fatality rate to date of 3.5% (same if just for Wuhan), less than half that of SARS (also a coronavirus) which we all already died from except those of us who died from the last Ebola outbreak which had a total CFR of around 50%.
Probably not TEOTWAWKI as it is being billed.
5,806 cases in Hubei, population 58,500,000 or a provincial attack rate of 10/100,000….Probably not TEOTWAWKI as it is being billed.
As stated on Instapundit…So it’s killed what? About 200 people and infected less than 10,000. In China. A far worse virus infected the whole country, killed 50, 80, 100 million or so. And it continues to intentionally be spread far and wide, the world over, by the academics, news media, etc. etc. etc. and no one cares about that. This corona thing isn’t even a gnat on an elephant’s backside, relatively speaking.
Anyone else looking at the two figures on the right (Coronavirus), the number dead and the number recovered, doing some elementary maths and thinking the death rate might be a bit higher than 2/3%? Bear in mind that most of the “number infected” total probably haven’t completed their full ‘term’ yet.
I know they are only counting the cases serious enough to get to hospital, but it is a bit disquieting. Hoping that the number of mild cases not counted vastly outnumbers the cases they have counted.
the number dead and the number recovered, doing some elementary maths and thinking the death rate might be a bit higher than 2/3%?…but it is a bit disquieting.
Agree. But I also notice, while the number of infections are much, much lower, there are 0 deaths and 5 recoveries out of 14 infection in Thailand, 0/2/5 for Oz, and 0/1/11 for Japan. It’s certainly a scary thing and certainly something for authorities to keep a watchful eye on. But I find it amusing to disturbing that people are freaking out over this and echoing wild exaggerations (a co-worker showed me some stat saying 45,000 were infected with thousands of deaths…which was of course very wrong…AFAWK) whilst if one merely says the word “communism” people treat you like some cwazy, cwazy conspiracy theorist.
This corona thing isn’t even a gnat on an elephant’s backside, relatively speaking.
I think we’re safe, but the concern is that the numbers are being massively under-reported in this particularly fragile time for the ChiCom ruling elite, and that they have and will prioritize their reputation over global health.
I think we’re safe, but the concern is that the numbers are being massively under-reported in this particularly fragile time for the ChiCom ruling elite, and that they have and will prioritize their reputation over global health.
Agree with this completely. But let’s also keep in mind that conditions that allow this thing to spread are very, very fertile in China. Also, administratively, while a very authoritarian regime in general, bureaucratic incompetence in the hinterlands is sure to be a contributing factor to the spread. Thus, and admittedly small relative sample size of 20 exposures, less lethality in other areas. Not that Thailand is comparable to Oz or Japan, but I’d ignorantly wager better off than the backwaters of China.
Japanese sea-creature teabags of note.
Squid teabags? Why was I not informed of this sooner?!
Do they have a North American distributor? Hell, I’ll be their North American distributor!
…doing some elementary maths and thinking the death rate might be a bit higher than 2/3%?
In straight epidemiological terms, the case fatality rate is dead/diagnosed expressed as a percentage.
Mortality rate is dead/population at risk x 100,000* thus .03/100,000 for Hubei province, or 1/100,000 if we consider most of the cases in Wuhan, which is probably closer to reality as reported because Joe out in East Overshoe Hubei is not at the same risk of someone in overcrowded Wuhan. Same with attack rate which is cases/population at risk x 100/000.
“Recovered” is irrelevant particularly, in this instance, as it is not defined anywhere I can find – could mean symptom free but shedding virus, symptom free and no longer shedding virus, or no longer shedding but with residual symptoms.
Regardless, they are in the “Not Dead” population of confirmed cases.
*(100,000 is he most commonly used number, sometimes when a number is low (like .03/100,000) 1,000,000 is used, e.g., Hubei comes out to 3.5/1,000,000)
getting banned at Patterico
Ouch. How did that happen? I confess that I read that blog only sporadically (it’s not exactly a favorite) and the comment thread even less.
How did that happen?
Indecent exposure.
Hey, I’m just going with the numbers.
Indecent exposure.
Hey, I’m just going with the numbers.
Well, that’s not a bad strategy, all things considered. But kinda the opposite happened. I don’t kiss people’s posteriors on demand, which was a secondary requirement to not being banned. Actually, it’s quite easy to get banned there. In spite of what the numerous sycophants there themselves think. Certain corners of the anti-anti-Trump internet are littered with people he’s banned. I only go there on occasion to take the temperature of the NeverTrump fever so on a percentage basis, I probably got banned pretty quick. Perhaps not as fast as obviously blatant trolls. Of which I’m sure they considered me one. But pretty quick. I don’t recall the specific incident but I do remember getting in hot water for objecting to the objections about ‘tone’ from dissenters after an original post said that Tucker Carlson had “a punchable face”. Which IIRC, I said was a rather disturbing thing for a prosecutor to be saying about someone. If certain kinds of people mention what he does for a living, it’s pretty much an automatic ban. You do get a chance to grovel and apologize. Which in the context of that exchange was simply not going to happen. But it’s been a while and I may be conflating a couple of things.
Definitely not good for a prosecutor to be comfortable with “punchable face”.
I seem to recall a disagreement between Jeff Goldstein and Patterico way back in the olden days. I think Jeff called him out for discarding principles when inconvenient, which Patterico took exception to, since there’s simply no way a man of his standing could be anything less than perfect.
I’m on Team Jeff ’til I die, so that was pretty much the last time I paid attention to anything P had to say.
We always point out potential band names so I gotta share what I find the most excellent of NHL team names.
Can’t wait to see the merchandise.
I read an author’s blog (I like his early novels) because he often chats about the craft of writing and he’s good. When he talks about stuff outside his knowledge (politics, economics) he’s boilerplate hopeless.
He has a post today about Independence Day. It has all the establishment cliches you’d expect. The bitterness, condescension and sheer ignorance splutters forth. You could happily fisk it line by line:
The commenters are the in the same bigoted echo chamber. I particularly liked one of the comments that has a joyous lack of self-awareness:
“Well said, Christopher. I could weep. At least I live in Scotland, where if we gain independence there might, one day, be hope of regaining the EU.”
If we gain independence…regain the EU…brain hurts…
Our betters 2
Anarchism is the political equivalent of herpes, and we’re having another flare-up in the United States. Those BernieBot kids are gonna get themselves hurt real bad. I’m hoping we’ll get some fresh Sacco & Vanzetti BBQ out of it.
Amy Alkon likes the crease of Adam Schiff’s pants. More seriously, I’ve basically ignored much of the impeachment proceedings because it reminds me of listening to people argue the minutiae of Quidditch. Unless you’re a nerd nothing can be gained from parsing the details of a work of fiction. After PissGate! and Election Hacked! and Russian Collusion! and the daily reminders that my political opponents wish to deprive me of my rights I felt safe assuming this whole thing was a farce. Ms Alkon, with whom I often agree, believes most right-wingers haven’t heard these facts (with the implied assumption these facts are true) about Trump’s actions, and in my case she’s mostly correct:
•Trump mentioned the Bidens and Burisma but not “corruption” during the July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
•Trump followed up with a call to Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, on whether the investigations he demanded would happen.
•A text by a Trump appointee to Zelensky’s top aide sent 30 minutes before the July 25 call stressed that Trump was looking for an announcement of an investigation into the Bidens.
•When Trump, standing on the White House driveway, told the media that he wanted both Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden, he was not pursuing corruption in Ukraine, but rather looking for foreign countries to smear the former vice president.
•The draft statement announcing that Ukraine would undertake corruption investigations was rewritten by Sondland and Trump lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani to specifically include Burisma and the 2016 election (i.e., Crowdstrike).
•Giuliani openly bragged about interfering in an investigation in Ukraine.
•Ukrainian officials threw Trump’s corrupt scheme back in our faces when asked not to investigate their political opponents.
•Ukraine was confronted with a cut-off of vital aid in the middle of a hot war.
•The aid was only released when Trump was caught (and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney confirmed it publicly).
I’m not sure why this particular instance affected me, but now I feel compelled to dive in to each of these claims and investigate for truthiness, instead of taking Schiff’s word for it like Ms Alkon. Which means trawling thru lefty nonsense and righty screeds. Any suggestions where comprehensive summaries of both can be found would be much appreciated.
Though I understand the meta – that the left has been eyeing removal from day 1, that this standard has no chance in hell of being evenly applied, that the Trump presidency has exposed beyond doubt the reach and power of the permanent bureaucracy, etc – I still wish to be informed of the ostensible charge in question, Trump’s likely guilt or innocence of it, and my own acceptance of his potential guilt in the service of my ideological goals. But I fear hours of my life will be spent in the academic, whataboutism-free pursuit of truth only to discover that, once again, the left are just a bunch of lying shits.
I got called for jury duty.
Take a big Bible. Tuck it under your arm. Tilt your head slightly back and look pious. You’ll be home before you know it.
I’m on Team Jeff ’til I die,
Yep, me, too. Add to that I had occasion to meet up with Patterico IRL years and years ago and was … meh … Then the Goldstein thing done both in the open and some very nasty backstage machinations aimed at driving Jeff offline had me crossing off reading his site. I may be banned there, too. Don’t know. Don’t care.
Can’t wait to see the merchandise.

They’ve already got an official drink:
Jury duty…
I’ve been called (in two California counties) a few times, and served once. Mostly, the attorneys are put off by my engineer to-the-point attitude, I think. But you never know. The one trial panel I was on included a law student, which I thought would have been an automatic excusal. All the judge did was ask him “Can you refrain from discussing the law during deliberations? Can you accept my statements of what the law is?” to which the student replied yes.
See, I would have reserved to myself the ability to review absolutely everything about the case, including the law.
Nonetheless, I recommend serving at least once. Partly it’s the responsibility of any citizen to do their little part to manage the legal system. And partly because it can be a fascinating process.
And you might have the luck (good, bad) to be on a panel of an important case, like my unfortunate colleague back in the 80s. It was a significant embezzlement & fraud case The trial and deliberations took several weeks. All I know about it is that, after it was all over, he told us a bit about the defense’s summation. It included the defense attorney pointing at his client, and saying “Ecce Homo!” as if to imply that his client was some kind of sacrificial lamb. Priceless.
We always point out potential band names so I gotta share what I find the most excellent of NHL team names.
I sure hope they support the franchise this time, otherwise they’ll have to depend on Canadian Hockey fans from Vancouver making the drive down to fill the rink.
I live an hour and a quarter from Buffalo. Their ticket prices are much lower than in Toronto and you can actually get seats. I went to see the Sabres play the Canadiens last night (I’m a Canadiens fan) and at least 60% of the people at the game were Canadiens’ fans. From the cheering and chanting it sounded like a Montreal home game. It was actually embarrassing. The same thing happens when the Leafs, the Blackhawks, or the Red Wings play there.
But without this support Buffalo would have to fold the franchise.
Well, I’ve got some bad news. Seems the people in Thailand and Oz and Japan who were previously listed as recovered (according to the link above) are now listed as dead. Well there goes that theory. Though to Muldoon’s point, what any of these statistics mean is suspect. As my dad used to say, lies, damned lies, and statistics. Though TBF I think he got that from somewhere.
I seem to recall a disagreement between Jeff Goldstein and Patterico way back in the olden days
Yeah, I wasn’t hip to it but I believe Darleen previously referenced that it was somewhat tied to the Kimberlin (or whatever…can’t even say his name on Ace out of fear of conjuring him up) mess. Sympathies for all parties involved there. My recollection of Jeff was not very positive but also at the time I wasn’t aware of what he was going through with BK. I wasn’t a regular reader of PW. I took him and P to be of similar stubborn character. Jeff wrote the NeverTrump screed that effectively defined NeverTrump, AIUI. Though also AIUI, Jeff has come around to being more accepting of the current realities, even somewhat supportive. Can’t really blame some people much for their early on concerns but much of that was unfounded. Genuinely a lot of concerns but given the choice available in 2016, it really should not have been all that hard. Personally discomforting, but still not that hard.
Just checked in at P, given that this shampeachment thing is looking to be over. He’s got a post up calling Trump a “King” and comparing him to Caligula. I kid you not. Well, Trump does have a sister so…
the attorneys are put off by my engineer to-the-point attitude
Yeah, that was the problem for me as well. During jury selection I stated I was skeptical of a case hinging solely on eye-witness testimony. The prosecutor asked me if two people were in a room and someone walked in and shot the other person, wouldn’t the living person’s testimony be acceptable? It was going to be a DUI case which would hinge on the opinion of a LEO as to whether the guy was drunk or not because (supposedly) our county couldn’t afford fancy-pantsy things like breathalyzers. I pointed out that in his hypothetical, there would be a dead body to prove that a crime was committed. He just moved on to discussing how to make a peanut butter & jelly sammich, as if I had never said a word.
Well, praise be to Jesus! It seems those Thai, Ozzies, and that Jap have been raise back from the dead and are showing as “Recovered”! Wow. Can you imagine what that must be like? I mean first you get the deadliest virus in the world, but you recover completely, then you’re dead, but before ole Nick can get you through Human Resources (which is pretty much all Hell), you’re back on your feet on the shiny side of the planet. What a day. I think when something like that happens you should be obliged to buy a round for the house.
I could tell the attorneys all about Elizabeth Loftus’s fascinating work about memory (and it is fascinating).
I probably won’t even get as far as being voir dired. The preliminary questions ask if you have ever studied law (yes) and if you are a lawyer yourself (no, but if I was, would I admit it? I have standard, too) or have any relatives who are lawyers (yes). I get the distinct impression they don’t want people who might know too much about the system.
I just looked at Patterico, a site I’d never heard of. Excitable chap, isn’t he? If he was on the jury, he’d be played by Lee J. Cobb.
The nutroots are already discussing the possibility of impeaching Trump AGAIN. There has also been an attack on Mar-a-Lago. Although to be fair, Mar-a-Lago is in Florida, so the attackers may have been random nuts, rather than politically motivated nuts.
Menfolk, form a line. Your date’s arrived.
There has also been an attack on Mar-a-Lago.
Don’t know if Trump is there but when he is, like over Christmas when we drove up that way, the police, etc. presence is pretty thick. When he’s there you can’t drive up A1A any further and have to exit back to the mainland. As you cross over the Intracoastal, you see a few small craft mounted with large caliber weapons. Numerous cars/suvs/whatever blocking the path in past the temporary concrete barriers blocking the roadway. I think you’d have to be a random nut to attack that overtly….Googling, I see now it was an SUV driven by a 30 year old woman who was involved in a police chase that started elsewhere. Apparently she failed Eluding Police 101. Badly.
I’m not an engineer but I also speak to the point. Strike two, I guess.
If I was a lawyer, I would not want me on a jury, because if a topic interests me, I tend to analyze it THOROUGHLY. “Well, let’s see. It is certainly illegal to keep dangerous animals in your bar, especially when they already have a record of devouring patrons. On the other hand, is a pickled ‘egg’ an animal? On the third hand, a pickled ‘egg’ may not be an animal, but it would have become one if it hadn’t been pickled. On the 4th hand, what about the guy who keeps a Doberman to protect the bar? If David’s going to durance vile because of the ‘eggs,’ shouldn’t Mr. Doberman be jugged too? For that matter, given recent discoveries about the intelligence of dogs, might not the Doberman itself bear some responsibility when it tears the burglar’s leg off? On the fifth hand…”
Two hours into my furious cram session on impeachment and have yet to find an explanation from lefty sources why no statutory crime was cited. This isn’t promising.
During jury selection I stated I was skeptical of a case hinging solely on eye-witness testimony.
I think it would depend on the case, but in general, no, it has been shown eye witnesses are not all that reliable. I was on a jury for a murder trial for which there was only one witness, but also a murder weapon, fingerprints on it, and forensics to match injuries to the weapon so it was pretty easy to believe it when the witness said the perp hit COL Mustard over the head with a lead pipe in the library (details changed to protect the guilty). OTOH, we were sequestered for one night, so not only did we get our allowance, but free meals.
Menfolk, form a line. Your date’s arrived.
Not even with my worst enemy’s, as the saying goes.
Your date’s arrived.
The thing is some guy will, um, “date” her(?). Many guys, in fact, will be thrilled to do so. So feedback loop that led to…that…continues unabated.
Take a big Bible. Tuck it under your arm. Tilt your head slightly back and look pious. You’ll be home before you know it.
I show up in a perfectly tailored and pressed business suit with a fresh high-and-tight, my best stern drill field expression, and a Marine Corps pin on my lapel. The lawyers in voir dire virtually trip over themselves in their haste to reject me.
And finally, Hieronymus Bosch knickknacks.
I saw those a few years ago but never bought one. I did buy elsewhere a working quasi-Dali melted clock, though.
There are also Salvador Dali figurines and all sorts of other kitsch.
Back in the 90s, at the Museum Store in some upscale malls (no longer there), you could buy refrigerator magnets made out of pieces of sculpture, such as Michelangelo’s David. I think you got an eye, nose, lips, and ear.
I didn’t buy that, either, but I wish I had. It brought to mind “Great Square Inches in Art,” a parody by Margaret Bennett, published in Saturday Review” (May 11, 1963, p. 8).
“We always point out potential band names so I gotta share what I find the most excellent of NHL team names.”
I’ve always thought that an ice hockey team from Devon would really have to be called the Plymouth Fury.
Greetings from free Europe, by the way.
Hi Sam,
The crime was Presidenting While Trump.
Hi BrassG,
My dad always refused to vote because he didn’t want to do jury duty (in our jurisdiction names of prospective jurors are pulled from voter-registration lists). We kept telling him, “Vote if you want to! You were a drill sergeant! A defense lawyer would commit hara-kiri before he’d let you on a jury!”
Spellcheck wanted to change “drill sergeant” to “Druid.” I am now picturing what a Druid drill sergeant might be like. “You call THAT a banishing ritual, you maggot? That wouldn’t banish a flea! And did you put those ceremonial robes on in the dark? And where’d you get that wand, Dollar General? You are a disgrace to this man’s Druidry!” Rant rant rant etc etc etc.
an ice hockey team from Devon would really have to be called the Plymouth Fury.
Malformed link. No hump fat for you!
It’s okay, PST. We have plenty of pickled ‘eggs.’
Is whatever or whoever is shown in “Your date’s here” an actual person? Or is it a mannequin?
Congratulations to you lot over there in Blighty on your freedom, assuming you still have electricity, internet, and haven’t already had to resort to cannabalism as predicted.
Or is it a mannequin?
Mannequin manufacturers have better instincts for profit.
Congratulations to you lot over there in Blighty on your freedom
Saw this on Ace. That they filmed this. SMDH. Hope y’all’s feelz ain’t too hurt.
Mannequin manufacturers have better instincts for profit.
Never underestimate Rule 34.
Is this a threat?
Or is it a mannequin?…
Look, I was there when Photoshop was invented. I possess the first photo of a three legged flamingo. So you can believe me when I say that clip is not real video of a real …thing. It’s fake. Fake, I tell you!
And David. My compadre. What did we do to deserve that? And with no warning.
I think it would depend on the case, but in general, no, it has been shown eye witnesses are not all that reliable.
I once had to write up the case of a stark naked male sailor threatening a female Customs officer with a large spike. You’d think that would be pretty memorable. Four Customs officers were witnesses and they all immediately afterwards went and wrote up notes about what they saw.
I could not get the four stories to tally up on the details, no matter how hard I tried. At least one of them had clearly got the sequence of events out of order, and the direction the sailor went after the event also varied considerably.
If professionals taking notes about a highly memorable event cannot be reliable, there’s no chance that random people remember months later what actually happened.
If professionals taking notes about a highly memorable event cannot be reliable, there’s no chance that random people remember months later what actually happened.
I remember it well
and forensics to match injuries to the weapon
I used to be a chemical engineer. Increasingly, we’re discovering that forensics is about as accurate as eyewitness testimony. Remember Marg Helgenberger’s character from the original CSI? The blood spatter expert? Turns out that blood spatter (along with hair and fibre analysis, profiling, and a distressing amount of fingerprint analysis) is basically made up and unreliable.
Well, somebody is having a hissy fit.
Well, somebody is having a hissy fit.
It seems both factually inaccurate and intentionally diminishing. One might say spiteful. But it’s revealing in ways that presumably weren’t intended, not least regarding the motives of Mr Kumar and his peers, and the cowed and demoralised mentality they wish to propagate – say, among children. Also, I quite like some of the replies, which list the many, many ways in which this small, damp island invented the modern world.
Mr Kumar’s comedy chops have been noted previously.
“I remember it well”
Of course there’s also Homer’s version of events…
intentionally diminishing
A felicitous description.
It appears to be the default attitude of Mr Khan and most of the modern Left in Britain.
I am not uncritical of much of Britain’s historical legacy, being from the boggy island to your west.
However the reduction of Britain’s history to its worst traits and deeds and the denigration of most of its achievements and qualities is tiresome, corrosive and intentionally divisive
However the reduction of Britain’s history to its worst traits and deeds…
Yeah, but that is a leftist thing in general – put man on moon [Slavery!], defibrillators [Indians !], transistors [Slavery !], MRIs [Segregation !], and so on, and on, and on, a game that can be played with any Western country. OK, maybe not Belgium.
It appears to be the default attitude of Mr Khan and most of the modern Left in Britain.
Still, it’s always gratifying to see a BBC employee inadvertently making a case for the scrapping of the license fee.
For the definitive portrayal of eyewitness veracity watch Kurosawa’s “Rashomon”.
“Malformed link. No hump fat for you!”
Weird. How’d that happen? I always check them to be doubly sure. (Hmm. I’ve been using Opera and its built-in VPN for the past few days. The way the link’s been mangled, I wonder…)
“Well, somebody is having a hissy fit.”
Sheesh. They’ll be telling us coffee isn’t Italian next.
OK, maybe not Belgium.
ISWYDT. Beautiful.
So what’s next? Telling us that curried chicken isn’t from Southall?
Oh the humanity…
Bosch knickknacks?
Try these:
Well, somebody is having a hissy fit.
Somewhat related.
Calling their bluff.
(Let’s see how that link turns out.)
Clearly so much of the remain crowd’s hatred for Brexit is based on their disdain for the lower classes. But I keep trying to remind myself that it is lazy simply to dismiss their opposition as an expression of their snobbery and entitlement, and that it is an unfair generalisation. Then I come across articles like this
Short version: All these ghastly people drinking beer and using language. And their celebrities are so D-list… at least we had Hugh Grant and Tony Blair.
Is whatever or whoever is shown in “Your date’s here” an actual person? Or is it a mannequin?
However the reduction of Britain’s history to its worst traits and deeds and the denigration of most of its achievements and qualities is tiresome, corrosive and intentionally divisive.
Islam’s command to war against unbelievers until they submit in willing humiliation is a product of a certain sort of mental disease, a corrupt and dishonest way of looking at the world. It is a derangement that is by no means exclusive to just Islam.
People focus a lot on collectivism vs. individualism, but the more fundamental combat is between shame culture and guilt culture.
The left and its allies require a negative sum game: your shame is essential to their elevation, and your disfigurement is their only way to shame you.
Then I come across articles like this
Between Brexit and Trump, they just can’t help but to publicly bare their fangs and expose exactly what they have always thought of most of their ostensible “fellow citizens”
IOW, all the people who voted for Brexit, or Trump, are to this representative of our betters, “nobody”. And if he had his way, he would make it literal. Kulaks got no reason to live.
My advice to my fellow Deplorables across the Atlantic – enjoy the brief victory but don’t get cocky.
its prize is a freedom nobody else wants.
For self-imagined sophisticates, they do sound oddly parochial.
its prize is a freedom nobody else wants.
For those who missed it.
Does Not Fit the Narrative:
Leaders and residents of Arab-Israeli towns fumed on Wednesday after US President Donald Trump’s peace plan proposed including their villages southeast of Haifa in a future Palestinian state.
“We are citizens of the state of Israel. Not enemies,” said Tayibe Mayor Sha’a Mansour Massarwa, who blasted the Trump’s “Deal of the Century” during an interview with the Ynet news site.
“…its prize is a freedom nobody else wants.
We have become the first country to throw off the yoke of an oppressor whom nobody else considers themselves oppressed by.”
Norway’s only voted against joining twice. As have the Swiss (technically, the Swiss being the Swiss, the first one was a rereferendum – or “federal popular initiative” – on whether they should hold a referendum). Denmark and Greenland consider the latter never to have joined, but to save face the EU claims it left in 1981.
And that’s before we even think about Hungary and Poland, officially reprimanded by the EU for daring to make their own laws; Ireland, whose economy was run by unelected EU appointees for three years, and whose electorate was told to go away and vote again after defying the EU… twice; France, whose vote against the Constitution was simply ignored; The Netherlands, ditto; Italy, whose government was selected by the EU after the electorate voted for the wrong people; Greece… need I say more about Greece?; The European Parliament itself, whose rejection of the Tobacco Products Directive was ignored by the Commission in 2016, just weeks before our referendum…
“Urging other countries to follow Britain’s example, to leave the EU, to become ‘free nation states, trading, co-operating’. Go back to the old days, in other words, and try to ignore that the old days are absolutely drenched in blood. That preventing the old days ever coming back is the precise reason the EU came into being.”
The EU came into being in 1992. He’s talking about the 1980s. I’m not sure he knows that he’s talking about the 1980s – Europhiles are depressingly ignorant of the institution they claim to love so dearly – but he is.
“Short version: All these ghastly people drinking beer and using language. And their celebrities are so D-list… at least we had Hugh Grant and Tony Blair.”
Yeah. That’s why you lost.
Norway’s only voted against joining twice.
Norway only doesn’t join because they know the EU will steal their oil money. Once North Sea oil runs out, they will join.
The Swiss won’t though. That would spell the end of their democracy, and they know it.
A . . . command to war against unbelievers until they submit in willing humiliation is a product of a certain sort of mental disease, a corrupt and dishonest way of looking at the world. It is a derangement that is by no means exclusive to just Islam.
As an example of exactly the same sort of mindset, in one corner of the US, there is Washington state Representative Matt Shea
Consider as another and basically identical example of faith based . . war against unbelievers until they submit in willing humiliation . . . , a “biblical basis for war” document that also calls for killing non-Christian men who refuse to follow fundamentalist biblical law.
There are indeed the genuinely personally religious, but neither of these are in the least bit religious.
Rather instead, all they are is a variety of faith based Dungeons And Deacons game, calling for the eradication of any and all who don’t play the preferred D&D ruleset which is, of course, vehemently claimed as being an actual religious practice instead of mere faith and posturing.
Probably the most asinine thing you will see today, though it is a new take on “the bee’s knees”.
(Let’s see how that link turns out.)
Landlord, a jar of hump fat for the gentleman!
though it is a new take on “the bee’s knees”.
The last bit the starts with the fierce eagle looking down on the small bunny … I was waiting for that Babylon Bee moment when it swoops down and carries it off to be eaten.
Will I go to hell for snickering?
This aged well.
Today is very special, not to say unique, day. Happy palindrome, everyone.
“This aged well.”
Heheh! I saw another screenshot of that earlier. Does anyone have a link to the original article? I could do with a good laugh.
Here you go, Sam. Via Ace…
@Farnsworth M Muldoon
“OK, maybe not Belgium.”
This is quite possibly a joke I don’t get, but Belgium had black people in zoos. See also Conan Doyle ‘The Crime Of The Congo’.
Once again CNN zeroes in on the hard hitting and important questions.
This week on Mythbusters: Can you really give yourself a stroke?
The poor hallucinating boy needs his meds adjusted.
For Lady Cutekitten, once she’s exhausted the iPhone cat-collecting game;
(Played at last game night. Fun little party game. Buy the deluxe edition, it comes with a kit to make your own cat cards)