Elsewhere (306)
Richard Hanania on the ideological capture of state education:
[T]he movement to ban Critical Race Theory is naive if it thinks it’s going to change much about public schools… A CRT ban might mean a teacher won’t say “Ok, kids, today we’re going to learn about Critical Race Theory!” but they’ll still teach variations of the same ideas. Neither Robin DiAngelo nor Ibram X. Kendi, the two thinkers that seem to offend conservatives the most, identifies as a Critical Race Theorist. In fact, the American Federation of Teachers just announced a campaign to bring Kendi’s teachings to every student in the country, and they don’t appear to be deterred by CRT bans. This is their full-time job, and they’ll still be at it whenever public attention has moved on from the controversy of the day… A state can ban CRT, but if it does, kids are still being taught by the same people who thought CRT for kindergartners was a good idea in the first place.
Somewhat related. And also. And, you know, for eight-year-olds.
An emeritus professor, who wishes to remain anonymous, on the ideology of “white fragility” and its trajectory:
The fundamental claim of White Fragility ideology is that income, wealth, academic, and other outcome gaps are solely the result of white supremacy and can only be eradicated through “anti-racist” measures—that is, by addressing white supremacy, white privilege, and white racism. The behaviour of individuals in groups experiencing negative outcomes is never admitted as a possible driver of disparate outcomes…
If one believes (as is asserted in White Fragility) that all inequality between whites and blacks is due to racism, then racism is a very evil thing indeed and must be eradicated. The mildest action that might be taken to attempt to accomplish this goal is the voluntary re-education of whites. However, according to White Fragility dogma, whites benefit enormously from white racism… [and] are generally unaware that they are doing this. It follows that, given the benefits whites receive from racism, their denial of their own racism, and the discomfort associated with re-education, it is unlikely that many whites would voluntarily submit to re-education. Moreover, even if whites were to voluntarily submit to re-education, according to White Fragility dogma, it is not possible for whites to free themselves of racism. The author, Robin DiAngelo, who is white, makes her living trying to re-educate whites and works very hard at trying to eliminate her own self-confessed racism, but admits that she is still not free of racism.
Nevertheless, suppose that all whites are voluntarily or mandatorily re-educated, but income and other inequalities persist. For example, suppose that mass re-education of whites has little or no effect on the disparate out-of-wedlock birth rate between blacks (currently above 70%) and whites (currently below 30%). According to the tenets of White Fragility, any observed difference in outcomes between whites and blacks is due to white racism. If re-educating whites doesn’t work to eliminate this disparate outcome, the next logical step would be to replace whites who are in positions of power with blacks and other persons of colour. Suppose that after doing this, disparate outcomes persist—for example, the black out-of-wedlock birth rate is still well above the white out-of-wedlock birth rate. If disparate outcomes still persist even after replacing whites in all positions of power, then the institutions themselves must be destroyed…
If the above sounds a little fanciful, a tad dystopian, real-world examples are helpfully provided.
Now, imagine the kinds of minds to which such things might appeal. Say, minds much like these, employed by the schools of Portland, Oregon, where “white shame,” “white guilt,” and psychological “disintegration” – such that the subject becomes estranged from friends and parents, and such that they can’t sleep – are deemed necessary experiences for middle-school children, at least those with pale skin. And do note the casual dishonesty of the educators in question, the willingness to deceive.
Feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
All other things being equal, education makes for a very poor tool of social engineering.
Not only does it rarely if ever produce any kind of lasting effect, but if it does have any effect at all it is just as likely to result in the complete opposite of the one intended.
By way of possible illustration comes this once notorious incident from more than 25 years back:
When a group of Oakland high school students went on a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday field trip to see Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List,” their teachers hoped they’d learn about hatred and compassion. Instead, the 69 students were evicted from the theater because some of them laughed and talked while Holocaust horrors were on screen.
There’s more:
Dean of Students Tanya Dennis, one of four chaperons on the ill-fated field trip [ … ] believes friction began before the movie started. “Some elderly white people were wondering what black kids were doing at the movie. Our kids have seen more violence and suffered more oppression than these people.”
[ … ]
Another chaperon, math teacher Aaron Grumet, who lost relatives in the Holocaust, said: “Most of my students have seen people shot, so they laughed when the shooting didn’t look realistic. They’re not Afro-American kids laughing at Jewish horror, they’re the inner-city, hip-hop generation, desensitized to violence because they see it everyday.” Grumet said while he doesn’t blame the patrons “for being so upset, these kids are 14 to 16 and unfortunately know almost nothing about the Holocaust.”
Shalon Paige, 14, explained, “When the Jewish girl got shot in the head, she moved weird so some kids laughed. They didn’t have to kick nobody out. Maybe they’re so upset at us, prejudiced because they’re white.” Many students say they went on the field trip only because it included ice skating afterward …
Full article (from the LA Times) here if anyone is interested.
If the above sounds a little fanciful, a tad dystopian
It sounds exactly like the intended result. It’s always about battlespace prep for the revolution, destabilizing the target society to the point that it can’t resist when the tanks roll in.
It seems somewhat telling that even an emeritus professor felt it necessary to write the article above, largely a statement of the obvious, anonymously.
All cultures are not equal, and civilization is not a given.
It sounds exactly like the intended result.
The article does, I think, capture the ideology’s self-ratcheting dynamic – its status as an insatiable conspiracy theory. The problem that the ideology misconstrues and then purports to solve – basically, degenerate underclass culture and demographic differences in mean IQ – cannot be altered by a combination of intersectional woo and nakedly racial spite. Which is precisely why the proponents of such woo will demand that your children must imbibe more of the same poison, in larger doses, while degrading and corrupting pretty much anything within reach.
…Instead, the 69 students were evicted from the theater because some of them laughed and talked while Holocaust horrors were on screen.
Not surprising. When I was a teen, the high school drivers education classes always screened the Wheels of Tragedy films. There were always a few kids who laughed and joked at the carnage shown.
But black ghetto kids are a special case of stupid:
Shalon Paige, 14, explained, “When the Jewish girl got shot in the head, she moved weird so some kids laughed. They didn’t have to kick nobody out. Maybe they’re so upset at us, prejudiced because they’re white.”
As are too many black “adults”:
[Dean of Students Tanya Dennis]: “Some elderly white people were wondering what black kids were doing at the movie. Our kids have seen more violence and suffered more oppression than these people.”
What stupid things to say. No wonder so many black-majority districts tend to be represented by racists and grifters, and no wonder things do not improve for “urban” blacks.
By the way, I believe Tanya Dennis has been having financial difficulties involving eviction for failure to keep up on a mortgage: “A former vice principal of Oakland’s Castlemont High School, Ms. Dennis said she wanted to resume living in her home of 27 years after foreclosure…and eviction…” It appears that she is now a journalist and “social justice” activist.
It is telling that Tanya Dennis would suffer foreclosure and eviction: Poor financial planning? Some of my ancestors were quite poor, but none ever were foreclosed because they did not buy homes until they had accumulated significant savings and had secure employment. And while they were still renting they chose apartments they could easily afford on their limited salaries.
Forget CRT. The Education Bureau in Hong Kong is now distributing guidance booklets on National Insecurity Law teaching to kindergartens, a programme that basically says “The Communist Party is God and Xi Jingping is his prophet” (or maybe the other way round).
…their teachers hoped they’d learn…
Ah. I think I’ve spotted the problem…
Apparently there’s a notion that opponents of CRT don’t even know what it is.
Which seems odd. Critical Race Theory (though neither critical nor a theory) simply asserts
1. That there is “Good Racism”.
2. That adopting this “good racism” can oppose society’s “bad racism”, which CRT believes is always everywhere.
3. That the result of this opposition will be less “racism”.
Unsurprisingly. Each of these assertions is demonstrably wrong, batshit crazy, or downright evil.
CRT, Anti-racism, Reparations whatever you want to call the pernicious ideology that says “White Bad, Black Good” that is taking over the institutions and culture seems to have the same end point: to take everything away from white people, kill em if necessary (enslaving them would be too much work), and give it all to black people. We’ve done that already. It’s called Zimbabwe. And it looks like South Africa is going that direction now too.
I’m not sure how the not-black-but-not-white-either persons in the US are going to take this. Depending on the pandering, some of these not-black persons get lumped into the white category, or white-adjacent. After seeing what happened to the whites, I wonder if these people are going to agree to be white-adjacent. I don’t see Muslims bowing to the new black overlords. Or the Han Chinese. Those are two groups that very much think they are superior to everyone else, and are allowed to think so, and who also form a significant minority of the US population.
Most of my students have seen people shot,
Yeah, sure. Pull the other one, m’kay?
And, you know, for eight-year-olds.
It probably won’t help, but could at least be instructive, to treat all this racial nonsense like the covid response. IE, convince the people in your life who support this sh!t to spell out when “enough is enough”, or when the mission is accomplished, or when it would have gone too far etc, then have them write it down. Then, maybe maybe maybe, when the narrative train blows past this arbitrary line they’ve drawn your acquaintance will be receptive to rejoining the sane community.
Or you’ll get some quality cognitive dissonance to morbidly enjoy. But we must try something with the oikophobes in our life before the boogaloo renders such efforts moot.
“Most of my students have seen people shot,”
Yeah, sure. Pull the other one, m’kay?
I wouldn’t be surprised it that were true. After all, it’s Oakland CA and a Google image search seems to show that a very large fraction of the students are black.
So, “urban” blacks. Callous and narcissistic and morally crippled. If victims, mostly just victims of their own pathological subculture.
We’re being softened up and divided, of that there’s little doubt. To exactly what end I’m not sure, but I’ve observes that it’s very difficult – near impossible in fact – to convince a racially diverse, peaceful middle-class* community that racial enmity is around every corner. And conversely, it’s not possible to convince racially diverse, crime-ridden communities that everything is hunky-dory. Since the Narrative seems hell-bent on arguing the opposite of these realities it only gains traction through bubbles like whitey-white Portland and academia.
So the Left’s push on race will end with either violent rejection (the beginnings of which you see all over the US) or a self-fulfilling race war prophesy (the start of which we’ve witnessed in nearly all big blue urban districts), depending on where one resides.
*middle-class in the American sense. IE, near the median income level.
CRT, Anti-racism, Reparations whatever you want to call the pernicious ideology that says “White Bad, Black Good” that is taking over the institutions and culture seems to have the same end point: to take everything away from white people, kill em if necessary (enslaving them would be too much work), and give it all to black people.
I’m sure that is the chief motive of black CRT proponents, but what about the white ones? They see CRT as a vehicle to their own seizure of power.
I’m sure that is the chief motive of black CRT proponents, but what about the white ones? They see CRT as a vehicle to their own seizure of power.
Aye, I am sure they do. They are certain the crocodile will not eat them, because they are its friend. Some ecowanker thought bears were his buddies too. Robespierre came to a similar end. Even Mao’s revolution got away from him. Right now, in the US, anyways, old white people hold the reins of power, and mouth appropriate pieties to keep the mob from noticing this, and others are groveling and debasing themselves hoping to capture those reins or at least keep the mob from taking away what they do have. Maybe I’m too cynical and am ignorant of or forgetting an instance when this sort of thing worked out well in the past. Maybe there will be a white Deng Xiao Ping in the US future and he will contain the mob enough for the white CRT proponents to seize and hold power. Maybe this time it will all work out. I don’t know. I agree with you though, that the white CRT proponents see it as a vehicle to their taking over everything. But I’m not sure the mob, once unleashed, will be willing to go back to that. Maybe the hope is that when all the burning and looting is done, and the mob has turned on itself when it runs out of whites, that there will be enough left standing that the white CRT proponents can take over.
Aye, I am sure they do. They are certain the crocodile will not eat them, because they are its friend.
Is that the error that the Iranian left made in 1978? Or did those leftists think they were powerful enough to actually manage and control the Islamists?
I agree with you though, that the white CRT proponents see it as a vehicle to their taking over everything. But I’m not sure the mob, once unleashed, will be willing to go back to that.
I suppose it depends on the relative numbers of black and white CRT zealots–and their relative ruthlessness.
In unrelated news, a “pedestrian” was killed in Panorama City Los Angeles when he attempted to exit a manhole just as a truck drove over it. The coverage makes it clear that he was trespassing, but why was he down there? Homeless? Urban spelunker? Up to no good? Regardless, we presumably can think of his death as evolution in action.
They are certain the crocodile will not eat them, because they are its friend.
No, they are certain the crocodile will not eat them, because they will have it on a leash. Point at any large city in America where ruthless power brokers haven’t successfully turned the dysfunction of their underclass into a lucrative means of convincing the productive to turn over ever-increasing shares of their income in exchange for protection.
Worst-case scenario for most of these characters is that they’ll have to share power with the community organizers for a little while, until they can marginalize them after they’ve outlived their usefulness.
Maybe they’re wrong, and this time the crocodile will slip its leash and ruin their grand plans. Looking back at the last 60 years or so, I’m not sure I’d bet on it.
Is that the error that the Iranian left made in 1978? Or did those leftists think they were powerful enough to actually manage and control the Islamists?
I don’t know, honestly. I remember learning about that in social studies and hearing about it on the news – NPR, though, so who knows how much of what I learned is true. Although for that kind of leftist crowd I’m not entirely sure there’s much of a difference between “friendship” and “manage and control” – the first probably just a means to the second.
Maybe I’m too much of a linear thinker, but I can’t see logically how debasing oneself to a mob leads to the debased taking power from the mob and keeping it, instead of being the first up against the wall. But I guess it happens, because they keep doing it. Kinda like the ridiculous phishing emails I keep getting in my inbox. It must be working somewhere.
Maybe I’m too cynical and am ignorant of or forgetting an instance when this sort of thing worked out well in the past.
They’ll make kulaks of us all.
What’s not to like about Stalinism. When you’re right, you’re right and when you’re wrong you’re right. An ideology that believes it’s always someone else’s fault was tailor made for our times. And, anyone who can laugh and giggle at holocaust images will have no problem “disposing” of any enemies of the state.
The professor emeritus opens with this line:
I can only assume he’s equating the ‘performance’ of the Proud Boys to the ‘performance’ of Antifa in order to continue receiving those cocktail party invites.
I don’t know, honestly. I remember learning about that in social studies and hearing about it on the news – NPR, though, so who knows how much of what I learned is true.
I got my degree in the spring of 1977, so I heard about those events from leftist college students, leftist science fiction fans, and the leftist NPR. So I too am unsure how much of what I was told by those malevolent liars was true.
I can only assume he’s equating the ‘performance’ of the Proud Boys to the ‘performance’ of Antifa in order to continue receiving those cocktail party invites.
This exposes the professor’s fundamentally liberal perspective: We’re all having a discussion except those “violent extremists” over there. Yes, even those who are engaged in violence of a defensive nature.
This is the path that acquiesces to the demonization of Franco, cries about Nazi book burnings, and tolerates laws that punish someone for hurting a burglar. These are all relatively extreme examples, but are all justified by progressive application of the liberal perspective.
But I guess it happens, because they keep doing it
Ever wonder why the Nigerian Prince email scam pops up from time to time?
Yeah, that’s why.
Because it bears repeating.
Evening all.
After the second large G&T, and the second large-ish glass chilled Chablis* I got to wonderin’.
Does anybody know how this here “pronoun” bullshit goes down in the non-English speaking world?
You’ve got your “Romance languages”- Spanish, French, Italian, etc. with two gendered cases for nouns, but then you have German which has three, all of which are inflexive (der, die, das; den, die, das, etc.) to a simply maddening extent.
That wasn’t me who chucked a lit firework through the window, by the way.
*sheepishly orders a large Night Nurse cocktail and wanders over to jukebox to ponder upon’t*
The people who pioneered pronoun poppycock are solipsists of the highest order. The people to whom this bullsh!t appeals are the same, only somehow more mediocre and less intelligent. I’m not saying these people didn’t consider other languages when pushing their latest inanity, I’m saying most of them were simply unaware other languages exist in the first place.
Does anybody know how this here “pronoun” bullshit goes down in the non-English speaking world?
I seem to recall hearing that they think we’re out of our freaking minds.
I recently heard someone whine “…people are hurting!”
Divine justice.
Jussie Smollett is Back in Court, Maintains Innocence in Hate Crime Hoax.
Maybe lightning could strike him, too.
Riots and looting in South Africa are getting worse. Time to stop firing warning shots and only shoot to kill, carefully aimed so that only one shot per ANC jackal is needed.
So here’s something that just occurred to me now and I don’t think I’ve heard anyone else mention this…Now I have yet to be in a situation where anyone has asked me for my pronouns but WTF do these people get off with this crap when we as a civilized society have been forced to surrender the formalities of being addressed properly by strangers as Mr., Mrs, Miss, or Ms.? Were I to correct someone for addressing me by my first name and insist on being addressed as Mr. Peabody (NMRNO…or not), I am fairly certain that I would meet more social resistance than these drama queens get with their pronoun crap.
Were I to correct someone for addressing me by my first name and insist on being addressed as Mr. Peabody (NMRNO…or not), I am fairly certain that I would meet more social resistance than these drama queens get with their pronoun crap.
I expect you are right. You would also be met with consternation, as so many people have lost all awareness of such social conventions of courtesy and respect.
Do the whites and Indians have enough bullets to kill every Zulu and ANC thug?
pronoun poppycock
C’mon man, somebody has to say it…
I believe it’s the Lord’s will that no big ugly art obstruct the citizenry’s view of Ohio cornfields. Look up Touchdown Jesus, which was also struck by lightning some years ago.
You would also be met with consternation, as so many people have lost all awareness of such social conventions of courtesy and respect.
The irony. It burns. The very same people who whine about the rudeness of our social discourse are the very same ones who jeer at those with manners. Because manners are racist or some such bullshit. Not that I’m any paragon of social politeness. Though I was raised properly.
“Is that the error that the Iranian left made in 1978? Or did those leftists think they were powerful enough to actually manage and control the Islamists?”
That’s pretty much the strategy of the European left. They’re fools, of course, to import a population of people whose religion teaches that deceit and industrial scale rape & slaughter is moral and right if it advances the dominion of Islam. The alternative is worse: they are importing Muslims intending to deliver Europe to Islam. From what’s actually happening in Europe, I’m not sure what they’d be doing differently if the latter really is their intention. Islam’s conquests have benefited mightily from traitors. The final nail will be them acceding to Turkey’s demand to allow mass migration from Turkey into Europe. That’s pretty much inviting an occupying army in, and I predict active measures (see Khaybar and Constantinople) to take over will begin shortly after.
@WTP, you seem upset. Have some soma.
(You, of course, won’t be surprised how low the Brave New World meaning is on any Googly/DuckyDuckyGFY search. As well as Wikipedia’s ranking.)
I believe that I’ve mentioned that I never wanted to live through a period similar to dissolution of the Roman Empire (Western or Eastern!), but here I am.
CRT/white fragility/etc etc is more to do with class than race. When white working and middle class Americans vote en bloc they can’t be stopped, which is why the 0.1%, who do not like the idea of that, tries to undermine Middle (ie White) America at every turn. That’s why the eminently white CEO of Raytheon, who has earned tens of millions of dollars from weapons used to bomb brown people into a sticky pulp, is on board with this nonsense.
Fetishising black Americans is part of this, but it is really about shitting on whites. Blacks are a handy (and violent and resentful) tool. There is no chance in hell that this movement will go on to put blacks anywhere in the elite. Corporations will, as now, have a few tokens in the HR department. The 0.1 percenters’ kids will still go to the elite schools, but bright middle class white and Asian children will keep missing out.
Will it snowball out of control and will the perpetrators find themselves overtaken by events and defenestrated by blacks? No. In a decade’s time, when shitting on White America has failed to transform the failed state which is Black America, they will move the goalposts or change tack altogether or maybe even go back to picking on blacks. Consistency and principles are for losers.
Fetishising black Americans is part of this,
And no-one does that quite like neurotic, middle-class lefties.
And no-one does that quite like neurotic, middle-class lefties.
The projection, and obliviousness, is quite something. And so, Ms Fabello blathers about the wickedness of “exotifying” sex with what she calls “people of colour,” and about how “exotification” and “racial fetishization” are racist and things one mustn’t do. “It’s never appropriate to stereotype people,” says she.
And yet her own article is entirely premised on “othering” and “exotifying” people with browner skin than hers. Chiefly by treating them as eternal victims of some all-pervasive “white supremacy,” which apparently renders them “marginalised” and powerless, even in the bedroom, and therefore in need of endless, neurotic accommodation by Immensely Sensitive White People With The Right Kind Of Politics.
Ms Fabello has, of course, been mentioned here more than once.
That italicised clown face is next level.
Immensely Sensitive White People With The Right Kind Of Politics.
Band name.
Today in “serious” and “violent” incidents, book recommendations:
Today in “serious” and “violent” incidents, book recommendations:
That’s not what those words mean. That’s not what (hardly) any of those words mean….oh…
Today in “serious” and “violent” incidents, book recommendations:
Interesting comments, too. Lots of leftoids condemning the ABA for their “violent” mailing, including booksellers who have portrayed themselves as advocates of free speech.
Today in “serious” and “violent” incidents, book recommendations
Ah, this book here, by Abigail Shrier, and which, while broadly sympathetic to people with gender dysphoria, cautions against faddish credulity and social contagion, and the hasty misdiagnosis and consequent drugging of adolescent girls.
Apparently, even this now constitutes “evil,” and is “violent” and “inexcusable,” and apparently “eugenicist,” and any acknowledgement of its existence – short of total, breathless denunciation – is a basis for mass firing and shutting down the entire organisation, or at the very least replacing “every single person on your selection committee with a trans person.”
You see, a book critical of trans hysteria – which doesn’t exist, obviously – is the problem, the outrage, the Great Wickedness. Not the drugging and irreversible mutilation of girls who don’t actually have gender dysphoria.
Somewhat related.
And likewise, this.
Not a big fan of Paul Joseph Watson. Usually can’t take more than a couple minutes of him partly because his language becomes rather off putting, even for me. But this piece about the recent racial virtue signaling via penalty kick selection by England’s coach (I didn’t see the game and know virtually nothing about European soccer) was worth the full listen. Especially as a Yank not knowing much of the degree that this nonsense pervades even UK sports commentary.
book recommendations

Do the screeching Twitter respondents simply not understand words?
According to one such cretin “The literal cover of the book says its anti trans.”
Does it? The “literal” cover. Does it really?
Who’s using whom for exotic sex with no social obligations attached?
If you’re being passed around the basketball team you can probably feel good about yourself. If you’re being passed around the lacrosse team, you might need to Do The Work.
Does it? The “literal” cover. Does it really?
Hmmm…just looked this up so as not to be ignernt….while the word ‘literally’ no longer literally means ‘literally’, the word ‘literal’ retains its literal meaning in a literal sense. As Mr. Spock would say, interesting.
including booksellers who have portrayed themselves as advocates of free speech
These people are all in a cult that defines reality for them on an ongoing basis.
Something error happen.
Today in “serious” and “violent” incidents …
Interesting comments, too.
… a basis for mass firing and shutting down the entire organisation …
Oh, but the comments though!
Once again I find that I’m lacking a word or phrase which captures the experience of being simultaneously astonished, yet unsurprised at the same time.
I am a big admirer of the Tom Walker/Jonathan Pie persona so PJW’s excerpt is a huge disappointment.
And no-one does that quite like neurotic, middle-class lefties.
Ya don’t say…
Oh, but the comments though!
Competitive indignation, it’s the latest thing.
If I’m the ABA, my scapegoat is some poor intern, like say a young gay African refugee. Let these hyenas tie themselves in knots figuring out how to burn one of their own at the stake.
Does it? The “literal” cover. Does it really?
When your ideology is based on group identity, then anyone not part of your group is “othered” and, since they don’t belong to your group, they must be against your group. So all the names quoted on the back cover are thus anti-trans making the “literal” cover anti-trans. As for the figurative cover, I’m not sure.
What’s my prize?
“Male-appearing genitalia.”
“Male-appearing genitalia.”
My favorite part is the violent leftists (definitely not the non-existent Antifa) who beat the snot out of the few random people who showed up outside of some of the spa locations to protest this degeneracy. You don’t even have to be a (violent extremist) Proud Boy. Just making a sign and picketing, alone, outside some random establishment is enough for the shock troops to attack you.
Lancastrian Oik:
Evening all.
After the second large G&T, and the second large-ish glass chilled Chablis* I got to wonderin’.
Does anybody know how this here “pronoun” bullshit goes down in the non-English speaking world?
You’ve got your “Romance languages”- Spanish, French, Italian, etc. with two gendered cases for nouns, but then you have German which has three, all of which are inflexive (der, die, das; den, die, das, etc.) to a simply maddening extent.
That wasn’t me who chucked a lit firework through the window, by the way.
Oh. So you are the one.
Come for the social commentary via puppet, stay for the loquacious smearing of Matt Hancock*, courtesy of the good Doctor.
*Begins at the 5:30 mark and includes such gems as: “a rancid dill pickle” and “a sad, broken piece of a peanut pulled from the congealed stool of a bull elephant”.
Male-appearing genitalia
Schroedinger’s Cock
I’ll leave my hat…
“Male-appearing genitalia.”
There’s a reason for that.
There’s a reason for that.
That’s the thing. If you start from a false premise, a cultivated dishonesty – that trans women are women – then the convolution, and risk of farce, will quickly escalate.
Though, browsing the subsequent comments, I did smile at the word henis.
By the way, the ABA’s Wikipedia page has already been “edited,” presumably by activists, to denounce the organisation as “anti-trans.”