satisfying squeal
Must say that guy being attacked at gun-point has iron self-control not to stamp on the squealing cry-bully’s head as hard as he possible could once he got him down. I’m mortally afraid that in the same circumstance I’d find myself going to jail 😢
April 20, 2021 10:52 am
9/10 for the body slam.
Stephanie Richer
April 20, 2021 10:54 am
I’m confused as to what The Guardian means by “the P-word.” Pussy? Police? Pom?
By the way, when will the late John Lennon be canceled for producing Woman is the Nigger of the World? I’d be happy to feign outrage and call radio stations to demand they remove racist artists from their playlists if only to never have to hear that horrid Imagine being broadcast again.
Attention Scum!
It turns out that if you are a BLM founder and literal Marxist, discovered to be squirrelling away millions of dollars in organisational donations into your own private slush fund of expensive real estate, that is definitely not some kind of fraud or grift.
In fact it’s for the benefit of black (sorry, Black) people everywhere.
Sam Duncan
April 20, 2021 11:45 am
“I’m confused as to what The Guardian means by “the P-word.” Pussy? Police? Pom?”
“Pr*gr*ss*ve”. I never use it when there are children within earshot. I say “fuckwit” instead.
Captain Nemo
April 20, 2021 11:54 am
[A] satisfying squeal.
An incredibly satisfying squeal, very much like a pig in a butcher’s shop. I fear that not even Mozart’s 24th piano concerto will be as gratifying to listen to today after having heard that.
Taking advantage of the handy self-reporting by Haverford “College”, Jonathan Kay documents the fascinating experiment into discovering what happens when you coddle, indulge and encourage the imaginary grievances of badly educated children. The results are unsurprising.
Well, they are to me. But then, I’m not a teacher. Or, as I say when there are children within earshot, “fuckwit”.
April 20, 2021 12:18 pm
By the way, when will the late John Lennon be canceled for producing Woman is the Nigger of the World?
Or the (great, wonderful, masterpiece) movie Trainspotting where some (true?) Scotsman refers to the Scots as the Niggers of Europe? Or that other Irish movie (was it The Commitments?) where the Irish are referred to as the Niggers of Europe? Or that other movie…I forget…where the Portuguese are referred to as the Niggers of Europe?
Not to mention the cultural appropriation. Sick man of Europe was unavailable for comment.
I’m confused as to what The Guardian means by “the P-word.”
Porridge Wog?
Other slurs are available
In fact it’s for the benefit of black (sorry, Black) people everywhere.
Only a heartless bastard would refuse to see that it all about shaking off the chains of oppression.
April 20, 2021 1:50 pm
satisfying squeal
Yes, very satisfying squeal.
You can hear his accomplice shout “Let him go! Let him go!” because as we all know black kids are morally entitled to behave like vermin. And I’m surprised not to also hear “I can’t breathe!”
But the victim should not have allowed the punks to run away, lest they rob others. A decade or two in prison seems about right.
April 20, 2021 1:53 pm
“Pr*gr*ss*ve”. I never use it when there are children within earshot. I say “fuckwit” instead.
David, please refill the gentleman’s glass with whatever he’s drinking.
April 20, 2021 1:59 pm
The Thrill Of Tuesday
“There was an old man in a Time Machine
Who borrowed a Tuesday all painted green…”
–from The Space Child’s Mother Goose by Winsor and Parry
anon a mouse
April 20, 2021 2:14 pm
I never use it when there are children within earshot.
“I’m particularly glad these lovely children were here today to hear that speech”
“Burn the whole city down. What does it matter?”
If there’s any burning to be done, it should be of corporate media for their contribution to the idea there’s “thousands” of black people killed by whitey cops every year — GENOCIDE!
Steve E
April 20, 2021 4:12 pm
I’ve been reading Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire and came across this passage:
“Immediately after his accession, he fell into the hands of his mother’s eunuchs, that pernicious vermin of the East, who, since the days of Elagabalus, had infested the Roman palace. By the artful conspiracy of these wretches, an impenetrable veil was drawn between an innocent prince and his oppressed subjects, the virtuous disposition of Gordian was deceived, and the honors of the empire sold without his knowledge, though in a very public manner, to the most worthless of mankind.”
I couldn’t help but think aren’t we seeing that today?
Enjoy the decline.
April 20, 2021 4:46 pm
“Burn the whole city down. What does it matter?”
But if everything’s burned down from where will you steal your twinkies and oreos? I guess you’ll have to choose which terrible habit to indulge for once.
… three examples of the use of the word ‘Paki’ and one of the ‘N word’ being used by senior staff … Daily microaggressive behaviour, including touching the hair of black colleagues …
Always with the fascinating hair that white people just can’t help touching.
And I’m sure senior staff members of Amnesty are just blurting out that word without any context. Or are they quoting rap lyrics? Or are they self-mockingly playing at being the white guy quoting rap lyrics? But that’s what every compliant white guy does these days, so Amnesty execs must be working at 38 layers of irony above that.
Several participants in European offices raised concerns about a lack of awareness and sensitivity within Amnesty’s culture towards those who observe common religious practices. Examples included team socialising in London focused on visiting the pub without any alternatives and insensitivities to those who are fasting or require time away from their role to pray or celebrate important holidays.
London remains the centre of Amnesty despite the restructure, and the culture in London provides the framework for behaviours around the organisation.
The 1958 book The Ugly American was an inside-knowledge expose about American diplomats and charity workers trying to maintain Western customs and living standards during 3rd world postings, living in luxury compounds and inciting the envy and resentment of the locals.
We’ve now reached the point where workers in Western charities are being condemned for trying to maintain Western customs and living standards even when stationed at their European headquarters, for example by going to the pub on Friday night.
If there’s any burning to be done, it should be of corporate media for their contribution to the idea there’s “thousands” of black people killed by whitey cops every year
It seems to me that, whatever the shortcomings of the officer in question, or of the police more generally, the more daunting problem, and the more destructive one, is the morally degenerate demographic glimpsed in the video. And also here.
Farnsworth M Muldoon
April 20, 2021 5:49 pm
Always with the fascinating hair that white people just can’t help touching.
That is a mystery to me. Having been born and raised in the South, and having lived and worked south of the Line of Mason and Dixon much of my adult life, I cannot recall a single instance of wypipo being compelled to touch a PoCs hair.
I guess we are just racist rubes for not finding it fascinating, or the leftifidiots who do, do so because it is the first time they have seen it up close.
Daniel Ream
April 20, 2021 6:27 pm
I couldn’t help but think aren’t we seeing that today?
Studying virtually any history at all will put one in a position to see parallels and inevitabilities. Along with the attendant Cassandra problem.
April 20, 2021 6:30 pm
Saw this at Ace:
Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
— George Orwell, 1984
I like the use of the word ‘literally’ here. He literally had no idea what that would mean.
Dopey Dawkins: “I see that my academic ‘Discuss’ question has been misconstrued”
Ah yes, that special ‘academic’ meaning of the word which involves keeping your bloody mouth shut. “It was also not my intent to ally in any way with Republican bigots in US now exploiting this issue.”
Those rednecks; refusing to allow men with cocks, bollocks and beards to compete in women’s sports or have themselves placed in women’s prisons.
Fucking bigots!
I have two friends who own bars (three, if you count our esteemed host). Not sure what that says about my lifestyle choices, but it is what it is.
The publican on University Avenue is something else. I helped board up his picture window just ahead of last year’s riots, and I asked him over the weekend if he’d like help ahead of this month’s rampage. Now, our good pub owner is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist, with a Master’s degree in Philosophy and all the attendant baggage. If you’re looking for a picture of severe education, this guy’s it!
Watching the cognitive dissonance at work in this guy’s head is truly amazing. The mental contortions he goes through! “Should I board up my windows? Would that appear as though I were taking sides? I know! I’ll put up boards but spray paint BLM and ACAB on them! I hope they don’t burn down my place and ruin me, but I totally understand why they feel driven to do so!” I suggested that he get three neighborhood guys with rifles to stand outside the place, and I think he peed a little at the horror of it all. Oh, well. It’s his livelihood to throw away as he sees fit.
The other pub owner is another story altogether. Having learned valuable lessons from last year’s events, he and the other businesses on his two-block stretch of East Lake Street have formed an informal cooperative to deter would-be liberators. I truly believe that anyone planning mayhem around that intersection is going to receive an object lesson in what “alternative policing” really looks feels like.
Meanwhile, I’m trying in vain to source a heavy pickup with a snowplow rig still attached from the winter. A run up and down University at 50mph could be just the real-life Mad Max thrill I’ve been looking for! What’s the point of living in a lawless hellscape if you can’t enjoy yourself a little, amirite?
Jeff Wood
April 20, 2021 8:13 pm
Hard to be certain from the sound in the audio, but if that was a real pistol the apprentice goblin dropped, our hero came out ahead, acquiring one without a background check. I think that, in the US, he can freely buy ammo? Provided he can find it under present conditions.
Dr. Chaotica
April 20, 2021 8:49 pm
If that was a real pistol the apprentice goblin dropped, our hero came out ahead, acquiring one without a background check.
He would be a fool to hang onto it without any way of knowing its history. What if it was previously used in a murder or other felony, and ballistic evidence exists that could connect it to that crime? At the very least, it is probably stolen property. I would not want to be caught in possession of such a weapon.
Sam Duncan
April 21, 2021 3:13 am
“David, please refill the gentleman’s glass with whatever he’s drinking.”
I can’t claim credit. Apparently PJ O’Rourke’s grandmother wouldn’t say “Democrats” in front of the children. She preferred “bastards”. (I think it’s in Age and Guile, but don’t take that as gospel.) “The 1958 book The Ugly American was an inside-knowledge expose about American diplomats and charity workers trying to maintain Western customs and living standards during 3rd world postings, living in luxury compounds and inciting the envy and resentment of the locals.
We’ve now reached the point where workers in Western charities are being condemned for trying to maintain Western customs and living standards even when stationed at their European headquarters, for example by going to the pub on Friday night.”
While incomers, trying to maintain their customs, to the resentment of the locals, are encouraged and celebrated.
April 21, 2021 3:36 am
I’m trying in vain to source a heavy pickup with a snowplow rig still attached from the winter. A run up and down University at 50mph could be just the real-life Mad Max thrill I’ve been looking for!
Direct me to your crowdfunding page please. Examples included team socialising in London focused on visiting the pub without any alternatives and insensitivities to those who are fasting or require time away from their role to pray or celebrate important holidays.
Anyone would think pubs didn’t serve soft drinks. Presumably time to “celebrate important holidays” means “we want free holidays for our religious days, while continuing to take UK public holidays and our full holiday allowance”?
Daniel Ream
April 21, 2021 5:54 am
Anyone would think pubs didn’t serve soft drinks.
I have an alcohol allergy and can’t drink. I have at various times worked alongside former alcoholics. None of us have ever had any difficulty socializing in a pub.
It’s not that they want accommodation of their culture. It’s that they want you to adopt it in lieu of your own.
Examples included team socialising in London focused on visiting the pub without any alternatives and insensitivities to those who are fasting or require time away from their role to pray or celebrate important holidays.
In other words, “change your behavior to conform to OUR religious rules.”
April 21, 2021 12:23 pm
The humanitarian peace-makers of BLM are happy today.
Step by step, let’s persuade people that tolerating BLM and Antifa is like tolerating plague bacilli.
April 21, 2021 12:35 pm
More BLM fun via Andy Ngo: Cop shoots a black girl while she is trying to stab another black girl. Bystanders yell and scream “She was just a kid!” BLM immediately organizes protests. Cops release bodycam video, showing the knife attack and shooting.
It looked like a nice suburban neighborhood, not a dirty, trash- and graffiti-covered slum. Is it time to review John Derbyshire’s version of The Talk? I sure don’t want feral creatures living within 10 miles of my home.
April 21, 2021 2:14 pm
It looked like a nice suburban neighborhood, not a dirty, trash- and graffiti-covered slum.
During the Obama years, they razed several inner city housing projects, took the people living in them and scattered them into Section 8 (USA housing dole) houses in nice suburban neighborhoods. This was supposed to do something – I dunno what. But the end result was the crime, drugs, assaults, etc that used to be clustered in the inner city projects just moved and diffused down to nicer neighborhoods, adding Vibrancy and Diversity to the suburbs. But give it time. You can always tell the Section 8 house on a street by the amount of trash and neglect – people given stuff for free don’t appreciate what they have, and don’t take care of it.
Give it time – that neighborhood will be a trash- and graffiti-covered, gang-controlled slum soon enough.
@pst314: “Ma’Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace,” said the 16 year-old girl’s mother, Paula.
With her kitchen knife?
April 21, 2021 4:47 pm
“She promoted peace…”
With her kitchen knife?
I can still find white leftists who praise Stalin and Mao as working for peace and harmony, so why not black ghetto denizens who praise their vicious neighbors?
Runcie Balspune
April 21, 2021 7:54 pm
Dopey Dawkins
The one who called 17 million Brexit voters nasty and wanted to reverse the result, that one?
You would have thought being semi-cancelled last year over his comments on TRoP he’d have learnt by now.
Don’t worry Dickie, as you know, a species that eats itself never lasts very long.
It’s reported that the deceased was in foster care. One wonders how well Paula really knew her daughter.
April 21, 2021 8:13 pm
It’s reported that the deceased was in foster care. One wonders how well Paula really knew her daughter.
Good question. But even biological mothers and grandmothers of ghetto goblins have a documented tendency to tell the world “he was a good boy” and “he didn’t do nuthin”.
Today’s words are gleeful sociopathy:
“These are not my preferred pronouns. These are my pronouns. You will use them. Or you will not refer to me. At all.”
The little wannabe tyrant thinks she is so cute and clever and powerful, not realizing that she is merely telling the world how disposable she is. And notice the multiple piercings and the guillotine necklace. Truly an entity that the world would be better off without.
It *was* satisfying.
Some things are just beautiful to watch.
I wonder, would it count as an example of “social justice”…? Seems pretty just to me.
Oh, dear…
If anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me, top left, and I’ll smear the spam filter with lubricant.
satisfying squeal
Must say that guy being attacked at gun-point has iron self-control not to stamp on the squealing cry-bully’s head as hard as he possible could once he got him down. I’m mortally afraid that in the same circumstance I’d find myself going to jail 😢
9/10 for the body slam.
I’m confused as to what The Guardian means by “the P-word.” Pussy? Police? Pom?
By the way, when will the late John Lennon be canceled for producing Woman is the Nigger of the World? I’d be happy to feign outrage and call radio stations to demand they remove racist artists from their playlists if only to never have to hear that horrid Imagine being broadcast again.
Attention Scum!
It turns out that if you are a BLM founder and literal Marxist, discovered to be squirrelling away millions of dollars in organisational donations into your own private slush fund of expensive real estate, that is definitely not some kind of fraud or grift.
In fact it’s for the benefit of black (sorry, Black) people everywhere.
“I’m confused as to what The Guardian means by “the P-word.” Pussy? Police? Pom?”
“Pr*gr*ss*ve”. I never use it when there are children within earshot. I say “fuckwit” instead.
[A] satisfying squeal.
An incredibly satisfying squeal, very much like a pig in a butcher’s shop. I fear that not even Mozart’s 24th piano concerto will be as gratifying to listen to today after having heard that.
Taking advantage of the handy self-reporting by Haverford “College”, Jonathan Kay documents the fascinating experiment into discovering what happens when you coddle, indulge and encourage the imaginary grievances of badly educated children. The results are unsurprising.
Well, they are to me. But then, I’m not a teacher. Or, as I say when there are children within earshot, “fuckwit”.
By the way, when will the late John Lennon be canceled for producing Woman is the Nigger of the World?
Or the (great, wonderful, masterpiece) movie Trainspotting where some (true?) Scotsman refers to the Scots as the Niggers of Europe? Or that other Irish movie (was it The Commitments?) where the Irish are referred to as the Niggers of Europe? Or that other movie…I forget…where the Portuguese are referred to as the Niggers of Europe?
Not to mention the cultural appropriation. Sick man of Europe was unavailable for comment.
I’m confused as to what The Guardian means by “the P-word.”
Porridge Wog?
Other slurs are available
(It’s a slow day in the office 😁)
In fact it’s for the benefit of black (sorry, Black) people everywhere.
Only a heartless bastard would refuse to see that it all about shaking off the chains of oppression.
satisfying squeal
Yes, very satisfying squeal.
You can hear his accomplice shout “Let him go! Let him go!” because as we all know black kids are morally entitled to behave like vermin. And I’m surprised not to also hear “I can’t breathe!”
But the victim should not have allowed the punks to run away, lest they rob others. A decade or two in prison seems about right.
“Pr*gr*ss*ve”. I never use it when there are children within earshot. I say “fuckwit” instead.
David, please refill the gentleman’s glass with whatever he’s drinking.
The Thrill Of Tuesday
“There was an old man in a Time Machine
Who borrowed a Tuesday all painted green…”
–from The Space Child’s Mother Goose by Winsor and Parry
I never use it when there are children within earshot.
“I’m particularly glad these lovely children were here today to hear that speech”
The Thrill Of Tuesday
There is no Thrill of Tuesday* unless it is The Glorious World of Next Tuesday.
*(Dobie Gillis was unavailable for comment)
I’ve known no Thrilling Tuesdays.
I’ve known a few See You Next Tuesdays though.
Especially of the female variety.
Given the context…
… I’m going to go with Paki
There is no Thrill of Tuesday* unless it is The Glorious World of Next Tuesday.
The incomparable People’s Cube!
“Burn the whole city down. What does it matter?”
what happens when you coddle, indulge and encourage the imaginary grievances of badly educated children
You mean various forms of sexual identity disorder are really just dysfunctional coping mechanisms for underlying trauma? The devil you say.
(On Tuesdays She Used to Do) Yoga
“Burn the whole city down. What does it matter?”
If there’s any burning to be done, it should be of corporate media for their contribution to the idea there’s “thousands” of black people killed by whitey cops every year — GENOCIDE!
I’ve been reading Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire and came across this passage:
I couldn’t help but think aren’t we seeing that today?

Enjoy the decline.
“Burn the whole city down. What does it matter?”
But if everything’s burned down from where will you steal your twinkies and oreos? I guess you’ll have to choose which terrible habit to indulge for once.
Always with the fascinating hair that white people just can’t help touching.
And I’m sure senior staff members of Amnesty are just blurting out that word without any context. Or are they quoting rap lyrics? Or are they self-mockingly playing at being the white guy quoting rap lyrics? But that’s what every compliant white guy does these days, so Amnesty execs must be working at 38 layers of irony above that.
The 1958 book The Ugly American was an inside-knowledge expose about American diplomats and charity workers trying to maintain Western customs and living standards during 3rd world postings, living in luxury compounds and inciting the envy and resentment of the locals.
We’ve now reached the point where workers in Western charities are being condemned for trying to maintain Western customs and living standards even when stationed at their European headquarters, for example by going to the pub on Friday night.
If there’s any burning to be done, it should be of corporate media for their contribution to the idea there’s “thousands” of black people killed by whitey cops every year
It seems to me that, whatever the shortcomings of the officer in question, or of the police more generally, the more daunting problem, and the more destructive one, is the morally degenerate demographic glimpsed in the video.
And also here.
Always with the fascinating hair that white people just can’t help touching.
That is a mystery to me. Having been born and raised in the South, and having lived and worked south of the Line of Mason and Dixon much of my adult life, I cannot recall a single instance of wypipo being compelled to touch a PoCs hair.
I guess we are just racist rubes for not finding it fascinating, or the leftifidiots who do, do so because it is the first time they have seen it up close.
I couldn’t help but think aren’t we seeing that today?
Studying virtually any history at all will put one in a position to see parallels and inevitabilities. Along with the attendant Cassandra problem.
Saw this at Ace:
I like the use of the word ‘literally’ here. He literally had no idea what that would mean.
Pass the popcorn, please.
Dopey Dawkins:
“I see that my academic ‘Discuss’ question has been misconstrued”
Ah yes, that special ‘academic’ meaning of the word which involves keeping your bloody mouth shut.
“It was also not my intent to ally in any way with Republican bigots in US now exploiting this issue.”
Those rednecks; refusing to allow men with cocks, bollocks and beards to compete in women’s sports or have themselves placed in women’s prisons.
Fucking bigots!
I have two friends who own bars (three, if you count our esteemed host). Not sure what that says about my lifestyle choices, but it is what it is.
The publican on University Avenue is something else. I helped board up his picture window just ahead of last year’s riots, and I asked him over the weekend if he’d like help ahead of this month’s rampage. Now, our good pub owner is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist, with a Master’s degree in Philosophy and all the attendant baggage. If you’re looking for a picture of severe education, this guy’s it!
Watching the cognitive dissonance at work in this guy’s head is truly amazing. The mental contortions he goes through! “Should I board up my windows? Would that appear as though I were taking sides? I know! I’ll put up boards but spray paint BLM and ACAB on them! I hope they don’t burn down my place and ruin me, but I totally understand why they feel driven to do so!” I suggested that he get three neighborhood guys with rifles to stand outside the place, and I think he peed a little at the horror of it all. Oh, well. It’s his livelihood to throw away as he sees fit.
The other pub owner is another story altogether. Having learned valuable lessons from last year’s events, he and the other businesses on his two-block stretch of East Lake Street have formed an informal cooperative to deter would-be liberators. I truly believe that anyone planning mayhem around that intersection is going to receive an object lesson in what “alternative policing” really
looksfeels like.Meanwhile, I’m trying in vain to source a heavy pickup with a snowplow rig still attached from the winter. A run up and down University at 50mph could be just the real-life Mad Max thrill I’ve been looking for! What’s the point of living in a lawless hellscape if you can’t enjoy yourself a little, amirite?
Hard to be certain from the sound in the audio, but if that was a real pistol the apprentice goblin dropped, our hero came out ahead, acquiring one without a background check. I think that, in the US, he can freely buy ammo? Provided he can find it under present conditions.
If that was a real pistol the apprentice goblin dropped, our hero came out ahead, acquiring one without a background check.
He would be a fool to hang onto it without any way of knowing its history. What if it was previously used in a murder or other felony, and ballistic evidence exists that could connect it to that crime? At the very least, it is probably stolen property. I would not want to be caught in possession of such a weapon.
“David, please refill the gentleman’s glass with whatever he’s drinking.”
I can’t claim credit. Apparently PJ O’Rourke’s grandmother wouldn’t say “Democrats” in front of the children. She preferred “bastards”. (I think it’s in Age and Guile, but don’t take that as gospel.)
“The 1958 book The Ugly American was an inside-knowledge expose about American diplomats and charity workers trying to maintain Western customs and living standards during 3rd world postings, living in luxury compounds and inciting the envy and resentment of the locals.
We’ve now reached the point where workers in Western charities are being condemned for trying to maintain Western customs and living standards even when stationed at their European headquarters, for example by going to the pub on Friday night.”
While incomers, trying to maintain their customs, to the resentment of the locals, are encouraged and celebrated.
I’m trying in vain to source a heavy pickup with a snowplow rig still attached from the winter. A run up and down University at 50mph could be just the real-life Mad Max thrill I’ve been looking for!
Direct me to your crowdfunding page please.
Examples included team socialising in London focused on visiting the pub without any alternatives and insensitivities to those who are fasting or require time away from their role to pray or celebrate important holidays.
Anyone would think pubs didn’t serve soft drinks. Presumably time to “celebrate important holidays” means “we want free holidays for our religious days, while continuing to take UK public holidays and our full holiday allowance”?
Anyone would think pubs didn’t serve soft drinks.
I have an alcohol allergy and can’t drink. I have at various times worked alongside former alcoholics. None of us have ever had any difficulty socializing in a pub.
It’s not that they want accommodation of their culture. It’s that they want you to adopt it in lieu of your own.
The humanitarian peace-makers of BLM are happy today.
Examples included team socialising in London focused on visiting the pub without any alternatives and insensitivities to those who are fasting or require time away from their role to pray or celebrate important holidays.
In other words, “change your behavior to conform to OUR religious rules.”
The humanitarian peace-makers of BLM are happy today.
Step by step, let’s persuade people that tolerating BLM and Antifa is like tolerating plague bacilli.
More BLM fun via Andy Ngo: Cop shoots a black girl while she is trying to stab another black girl. Bystanders yell and scream “She was just a kid!” BLM immediately organizes protests. Cops release bodycam video, showing the knife attack and shooting.
It looked like a nice suburban neighborhood, not a dirty, trash- and graffiti-covered slum. Is it time to review John Derbyshire’s version of The Talk? I sure don’t want feral creatures living within 10 miles of my home.
It looked like a nice suburban neighborhood, not a dirty, trash- and graffiti-covered slum.
During the Obama years, they razed several inner city housing projects, took the people living in them and scattered them into Section 8 (USA housing dole) houses in nice suburban neighborhoods. This was supposed to do something – I dunno what. But the end result was the crime, drugs, assaults, etc that used to be clustered in the inner city projects just moved and diffused down to nicer neighborhoods, adding Vibrancy and Diversity to the suburbs. But give it time. You can always tell the Section 8 house on a street by the amount of trash and neglect – people given stuff for free don’t appreciate what they have, and don’t take care of it.
Give it time – that neighborhood will be a trash- and graffiti-covered, gang-controlled slum soon enough.
@pst314: “Ma’Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace,” said the 16 year-old girl’s mother, Paula.
With her kitchen knife?
“She promoted peace…”
With her kitchen knife?
I can still find white leftists who praise Stalin and Mao as working for peace and harmony, so why not black ghetto denizens who praise their vicious neighbors?
Dopey Dawkins
The one who called 17 million Brexit voters nasty and wanted to reverse the result, that one?
You would have thought being semi-cancelled last year over his comments on TRoP he’d have learnt by now.
Don’t worry Dickie, as you know, a species that eats itself never lasts very long.
It’s reported that the deceased was in foster care. One wonders how well Paula really knew her daughter.
It’s reported that the deceased was in foster care. One wonders how well Paula really knew her daughter.
Good question. But even biological mothers and grandmothers of ghetto goblins have a documented tendency to tell the world “he was a good boy” and “he didn’t do nuthin”.
Today’s words are gleeful sociopathy:
via Rita Panahi.
Today’s words are gleeful sociopathy:
“These are not my preferred pronouns. These are my pronouns. You will use them. Or you will not refer to me. At all.”
The little wannabe tyrant thinks she is so cute and clever and powerful, not realizing that she is merely telling the world how disposable she is. And notice the multiple piercings and the guillotine necklace. Truly an entity that the world would be better off without.