The Woes Of Womenfolk, An Infinite Series
In general, the King’s College report observed, British people were “much less likely to pick out inequality between men and women as a serious problem compared with other countries”… The link between Britain’s perception of itself in this regard and reality is seemingly as broken as it is in Saudi Arabia. We are much closer than we would like to think to countries where until recently women couldn’t drive.
I’m reading the Guardian. Somebody stop me.
Ours, says Nesrine Malik, is “a country that is heading into a post-pandemic gender inequality crisis.” Feel free to tremble with foreboding.
Oh, and consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
It’s funny, I don’t *feel* oppressed.
In short, the British seem to have relegated gender inequality to the consigned-to-the-past category
Odd, then, that the BBC, Guardian and pretty much all the mainstream media never shut up about it.
It’s almost as if they yearn for things to be worse than they are.
It’s funny, I don’t *feel* oppressed.
The World Economic Forum, hardly a rabidly right-wing entity, and which publishes various measures of such things, disagrees with Ms Malik. But Guardian readers are nonetheless being told that the difference between Britain and Saudi Arabia, a country that scores just above Yemen in terms of gender parity, is small and in danger of rapidly shrinking.
Apparently, if we even acknowledge the fact that British society, and Western societies generally, are, in terms of women’s rights, something of an improvement over arrangements found in many other parts of the world, “We can guarantee not only that progress will stall, but that ultimately it will be reversed.” How so, Ms Malik doesn’t say.
But then, as Tim Worstall notes, this may have less to do with “reality” than with the imperatives of being a Guardian columnist.
Speaking of oppression, a very level headed teacher laments the racism of Band-Aids.
The question “why not just use Ninja Turtle Band-Aids” is answered.
Meanwhile, on our affiliate station, homophobia and transphobia are discussed (language caution).
It used to be there was a time of day when it was too early to start drinking.
When Guardian columnists say ‘reality’ they don’t mean this one.
“Instead of fleeing the scene after the car crashed and rolled on its side, one of the girls began looking for her cellphone that was in the vehicle — while walking nonchalantly past their victim’s body”
I imagine she would be highly indignant if asked to consider the fact that demographically we are rapidly becoming like countries where women are not allowed to drive, not to mention their unsavoury attitude towards the LGBTO community.
while walking nonchalantly past their victim’s body
I was reading about that this morning. The level of sociopathic entitlement and self-preoccupation, to the exclusion of all else, is a thing to behold. “My phone is in there,” she complained.
It’s worth bearing in mind just how much criminal predation involves precisely the same attitude – sociopathic entitlement – and which makes attempts to portray such creatures as victims, people whose wellbeing we should fret about, somewhat nauseating.
Needless to say, CNN is not coming out of this fragrantly.
– and which makes attempts to portray such creatures as victims…
You only think that because you are not woke, unlike this chap.
Unlike this chap
Proving not all Karen’s wear skirts.
You only think that because you are not woke, unlike this chap.
From the link: “When I hear of a 13 & 15 year old charged w/ murder: I dont think ‘killer.’ I think ‘child.’ ”
He can’t even think “killer child”?
And notice how, for the left, their status shifts between child and adult depending on the political issue of the moment: Charged with murder? Child. Legal voting age? Adult. Charged with theft? Child. Wants a credit card? Adult.
Ours, says Nesrine Malik, is “a country that is heading into a post-pandemic gender inequality crisis.”
It’s articles like this that make me wonder if the Victorians* weren’t onto something with their ideas about female hysteria. There seems to be a lot of that going around, amplified by social media, and increasingly, by the regular media. It’s an epidemic of emotional diarrhea.
*Apologies if it wasn’t the Victorians. Heck, it could have been American thinkers of the same time.
Unlike this chap
The idea that a fifteen-year-old who is already an armed carjacker, a predator who shows precisely zero concern for the man whose life she’s just taken, horrifically, being much more worried about retrieving her phone… the idea that this creature can be redeemed and taught the concept of remorse, and will somehow flourish as a human being, is… well, a tad fanciful. One might say insulting.
…well, a tad fanciful. One might say insulting.
True enough, but it makes him feel good about himself, and isn’t that really what is important, and what is needed in these days of troubled times ?
unlike this chap
There is, however, ample evidence that harsher prison sentences do not deter crime because no criminal commits a crime with the assumption that they’re going to get caught. The sentence never even enters their calculations. What does deter crime is increasing the likelihood of getting caught. It’s difficult to do that institutionally (increased state surveillance, stop-and-frisk) without also trampling all over the rights of free citizens who have committed no crime, though.
Letting everyone arm themselves does work pretty well, though. Even the most impulsive of criminals can figure out the difference between “I have 20 minutes before the cops get here” and “I have 20 seconds before everyone in this bodega draws on me and fills me with lead”
“Seattle social-justice activist charged over anti-Asian hate attacks… Hamner, who is mixed-race, is accused of threatening women and children of Asian background as young as five years old with racial slurs.”
Blames ‘white supremacy’.
When Guardian columnists say ‘reality’ they don’t mean this one.
I imagine she would be highly indignant if asked to consider…
Is it my phone malfunctioning, or is it that there is still no opportunity allowed to leave comments under “Commentary is Free”?
Meanwhile, on our affiliate station…
Several answers present themselves:
“Seattle social-justice activist charged over anti-Asian hate attacks…”
“The videos and accusations against Hamner have been surprising for some given his reputation as a staunch BLM and racial-justice activist in the Seattle-area.”
Surprising only for people who have a very naive view of “racial justice” politics.
the idea that this creature can be redeemed and taught the concept of remorse, and will somehow flourish as a human being
This chap goes on to tell us:
Agreed. Bring back the death penalty.
Agreed. Bring back the death penalty.
the idea that this creature can be redeemed and taught the concept of remorse, and will somehow flourish as a human being, is… well, a tad fanciful.
Criminal rehabilitation programs have a poor track record. Jordan Peterson remarked in an interview I saw last month that it is extremely difficult to reform young criminals and most remain criminals until they approach middle age (say, age 40 or so, if I recall correctly.)
There is, however, ample evidence that harsher prison sentences do not deter crime because no criminal commits a crime with the assumption that they’re going to get caught.
Daniel, with all due respect, I’ve been hearing too much of this “studies show” sh*t from Los Angeles’ DA George Gascon as he is turning the DA office into Public Defender #2 and pissing over victims AND CALIFORNIA LAW.
What studies? Where?
And while it is logical to understand that, yes, criminals think *they* will get away with it, sometimes that LONGER sentence makes society safer because the perps are behind bars and not part of the society they prey on.
BTW do you believe that things like petty theft (and other “lifestyle crimes”) would still be going through the roof in places like San Francisco if the perps were actually held accountable?
When you incentivize behavior, you get more of it.
So in regard to the woes of womenfolk…I think I’ve related here the kinds of Karens and Lost Kats posts that come across in emails on our local Nextdoor App. I found this recent one yesterday particularly…mmm…puzzling? Now of course people should be picking up after their dogs’ poops but the outrage from the local womenfolk, over 20 responses (with two beta-male exceptions) to this post has me…is this the place where the word ‘nonplussed’ applies?…anyway…this…my emphasis
So what I need help with here is WTF does this mean, “i came across enough poop to build a playground”? And why, with over 20 responses, is no one asking this question? Is this a thing? Building playgrounds out of dog poop? Perhaps it’s a cultural thing? Are the Chinese doing this? I hear much about their great advances/investments in infrastructure.
More womanly woes.
The indignity of having to stay here with only “…more than 120 rooms, a total area of 60,600 square feet, and a staff of 18 full-time employees to oversee all aspects of hospitality and maintenance…” is surely both misogyny and racism.
i came across enough poop to build a playground.
I’m… intrigued. It sounds like an episode of Mythbusters.
i came across enough poop to build a playground.
I’m… intrigued. It sounds like an episode of Mythbusters.
or an elimination challenge on Survivor.
There is, however, ample evidence that harsher prison sentences do not deter crime because no criminal commits a crime with the assumption that they’re going to get caught. The sentence never even enters their calculations. What does deter crime is increasing the likelihood of getting caught.
I have read that many times, but with “do not deter crime” changed to “do not deter crime very much”.
Longer prison sentences, if actually applied, do keep the criminal scum from committing any crimes against the general population during the time they are incarcerated. There is definitely considerable evidence of that. Probably studies too. Because stupid.
I’m… intrigued.
Cool. So it isn’t just me. I get worried sometimes that being COVID-retired I may be falling out of the loop in our rapidly changing, wonderous world of technology.
It’s articles like this that make me wonder if the Victorians weren’t onto something…
It is a fascinating era in that they absolutely venerated the female ideal, and used men as fodder to protect women to a comical degree (nearly every society does this, but my god…) but still had very poignant and…interesting solutions to the worst aspects of female nature.
Speaking of technological progress…Wonder what wokey-woke-woke changes they will be making at Disney’s EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow) Carrousel of Progress. Can you imagine what those meetings must be like? Or maybe they just scrap the whole damn thing. Progress being so 20th century and stuff. Hmmm…
As a layperson of gender I can buy the “harsher prison sentences do not deter criminal argument” because criminals – particularly petty and violent ones – do not seem to have much of a time horizon in general. IE, they are impulsive and cannot reason very far into the future, nor connect actions with consequences. It’s almost self-evident in their behavior, no? Does the actions of the carjackers mentioned above strike you as informed by anything other than impulsive, hateful greed, much less the county prison sentence for violating such-and-such statute, paragraph 6.0.011?
The “my cousin got shot robbing that liquor store” deterrent is far more practical, though sadly not “fool”-proof.
t’s articles like this that make me wonder if the Victorians weren’t onto something with their ideas about female hysteria…
I was just beginning to understand the humor in Al Capp’s Li’l Abner when he retired. One thing that amused me in that strip back then was the group S.W.I.N.E. for Students Wildly Indignant About Nearly Everything. I remember thinking there should be a similar group of feminists called W.H.I.N.E. for Women Hysterically Irate About Nearly Everything….I think I’ll go run and hide now….
“there should be a similar group of feminists called W.H.I.N.E. for Women Hysterically Irate About Nearly Everything….
Hah! Reminded me of S.P.A.T. from the movie About A Boy (Single Parents Alone Together), or even S.C.U.M. (the Society for Cutting Up Men) from way before (in the ’70’s?).
I was just beginning to understand the humor in Al Capp’s Li’l Abner when he retired. One thing that amused me in that strip back then was the group S.W.I.N.E. for Students Wildly Indignant About Nearly Everything.
I remember that, although not well. I also remember how “moderate” liberals angrily turned on him for criticizing the lunatic left.
The cartoons are online here.
criminals – particularly petty and violent ones – do not seem to have much of a time horizon in general
Now, now, we’ll have none of that talking sense and empiricism around here.
Bring back the death penalty.
The justice system is thoroughly corrupt and completely in the pocket of radical activists who want to destroy Western civilization, so let’s give it the ability to kill people. As a practical question, how many innocent people is it okay for the state to kill so long as you get your revenge fix? One a year? Ten? A hundred? I’m just trying to get an idea of the body count.
“studies show” sh*t from Los Angeles’ DA George Gascon as he is turning the DA office into Public Defender #2 and pissing over victims AND CALIFORNIA LAW.
You know who else liked dogs? HITLER, THAT’S WHO.
That the Devil can quote Scripture to suit his purpose does not suddenly invalidate Scripture as a source of truth.
the perps are behind bars and not part of the society they prey on.
You know what else is logical? Looking at the “crimes committed” stats and comparing them to the “crimes where someone actually got arrested, prosecuted and convicted” stats. You could lock up every petty criminal you actually catch for life – or, since we’re feeling particularly bloodthirsty today, draw and quarter them on the county courthouse steps. Why not. That’s still an infinitesimal fraction of people committing crimes because most crimes go uninvestigated or prosecuted, assuming they get reported in the first place. It has no effect on the overall crime rate in any polity larger than Frostbite Falls.
WTF does this mean, “i came across enough poop to build a playground”
My first reaction was “how do you know?” Does this person have a lot of experience with poop playgrounds such that they can perform impromptu construction estimating while out for a walk?
I have read that many times, but with “do not deter crime” changed to “do not deter crime very much”
I probably should have said “do not deter criminals“, as it’s somewhat more accurate, but I assumed people would read all the way to the bottom of my post instead of stopping to REEEE at the first thing that tripped their tribal politics sensor.
For the very small proportion of organized/career criminals who do perform risk analyses and account for the duration of sentences when planning their crimes, escalating sentences for repeat offenses can help, but organized crime responds to that by recruiting novices without prior records and rotating them through the high-risk jobs. In those cases it’s usually more effective to get them to roll over on their boss and disperse the entire organization.
I’m not going to look up the original article, but there was an experiment in a couple of US states a while back where killing someone with a gun during the commission of a crime meant an automatic life sentence, no parole. It was quietly rescinded later – at the request of the police – when the entirely predictable result materialized: criminals who had shot at someone during a lesser crime were going out like Butch and Sundance instead of negotiating a surrender, because there was no upside to surrendering.
There is nothing fanciful about redemption.
The mistake is in thinking punishment must be eliminated for redemption to occur.
Then again, it’s a mistake to think the purpose of prison is rehabilitation. Prison is, not to put too fine a point on it, punishment. Rehabilitation, accountability, reducing recidivism, healing trauma for survivors, deterrence – none of these are the reason for prison (though it does deter those imprisoned from committing further assaults on the public weal).
I probably should have said “do not deter criminals”, as it’s somewhat more accurate, but I assumed people would read all the way to the bottom of my post instead of stopping to REEEE at the first thing that tripped their tribal politics sensor.
Reee? Tripped? Please relax. You are reading too much into what I wrote.
If I commit 24 flawless burglaries and get caught on my 25th, does my capture and incarceration count for nothing because the arrest record for burglaries is a pathetic four percent?
The justice system is thoroughly corrupt and completely in the pocket of radical activists who want to destroy Western civilization, so let’s give it the ability to kill people. As a practical question, how many innocent people is it okay for the state to kill so long as you get your revenge fix? One a year? Ten? A hundred? I’m just trying to get an idea of the body count.
You might want to tighten that tin foil hat, it could fall off going down that slippery slope.
My $0.02, FWIW: I switched positions over the death penalty when I realized life in prison w/out parole – while expensive – is a fair compromise to the problem of the State getting convictions wrong, which happens regularly enough to give me pause. Of course, with the caveat that life in prison be only adequate and never comfortable.
Though I understand people’s rage when story after story of violent monsters being released (and often committing more violence) show that our “system” is hopelessly broken, and that a few more killings will balance the scales, ultimately those are separate issues.
We may come to realise how our progress is in fact fragile and erected on subterranean inequalities that surface quickly under stress.
Strangely, I find myself in complete agreement with Ms. Malik on this point. “Our progress” is entirely dependent on a functional and polite society where the independence of women is broadly accepted and supported. I get the impression that Ms. Malik and her sisters are sorely unprepared for what’s to become of them when polite society slides back into tribalism.
Of course, her column isn’t a call to shore up the foundations of the society which protects her rights and freedoms. Far from it, more’s the pity.
If I commit 24 flawless burglaries and get caught on my 25th…
I have read that on average a criminal is arrested for only a small percentage of the crimes he commits–somewhere between 1% and .25%.
An Infinite Series
(I missed the cleverness of David’s math joke at first. In my defense, it’s been a long day.)
So, if each woe is some fraction of the impact of the previous, how far along the infinite series do you reckon your average Angry Studies grad student has worked? Which is to say, what’s the proportional relationship between “beaten to death for leaving the house unaccompanied” and “must pay for your own fitness equipment during lockdown”?
(* peers out from cover taken after prior comment…hmmm…looks safe…though womens do have good reputations as snipers … hmmm… I suppose it’s ‘safe’ *)
I switched positions over the death penalty when I realized life in prison w/out parole
While I share similar reservations about false convictions and would be 100% in favor of LIPw/oP, I will continue to strongly support the death penalty until I see a very, very serious effort to enforce LIPw/oP. My conscience is fine with this as I (back of the envelope) figure that in modern times, for every truly, truly innocent person, someone with no other exceptionally violent past who has now gotten the death penalty for something only God truly knows they didn’t do, there are > 1.02 innocent people who have subsequently been killed or seriously harmed by guilty murderers and such who were let out on parole. My math may not be 100% correct on that 1.02 number but I try to avoid letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
…people’s rage when story after story of violent monsters being released (and often committing more violence) show that our “system” is hopelessly broken…
As discussed once or twice in the past: the formalized “justice system” in the West was developed as an alternative to the informal systems used by communities since time immemorial. The informal tend to be spontaneous, driven by passion, and extraordinarily sloppy*. And yet we’ve reached a point where ordinary citizens are contemplating whether the current system represents any kind of improvement at all.
I share Daniel’s mistrust of the state, and I honestly have no wish to grant it the power to decide who lives and who dies, whether it’s in the context of the death penalty for heinous crimes or just deciding which citizens are worthy of receiving health care or food. But the points for and against should always be argued in light of the likely consequences. To wit: if a state system that executes nobody leads to a reversion to local vigilantism that executes hundreds of people later found to be innocent, is that really the best outcome?
Unfortunately, philosophical arguments in these gray areas don’t lend themselves to social media posts or high ratings for talking heads on cable.
* Hang ‘Em High is one of my favo(u)rite Westerns.
I will continue to strongly support the death penalty until I see a very, very serious effort to enforce LIPw/oP.
Even just traditionally long sentences would be a huge (yuuge?) improvement: Part of my outrage is due to frequent reports of shockingly short prison sentences (or no prison, just parole) for even very violent crimes.
I wonder, Daniel, do you lock your home up at night? Your car?
And do you wonder why stuff like this was not happening in the early 2000s?
This isn’t politics to me, it has to do the service of justice.
Oh, btw, another MAGA white supremacist strikes.
Oh, btw, another MAGA white supremacist strikes.
And the black security guards inside the building just watch the attack and then close the lobby door. They don’t try to stop the attack. They don’t render aid after the attack.
criminals who had shot at someone during a lesser crime were going out like Butch and Sundance instead of negotiating a surrender, because there was no upside to surrendering.
There’s a simple remedy to that. Anyone using a gun during a lesser crime gets shot first and told to halt afterwards.