Friday Ephemera
Activate the dimensional aperture. || Shadow detected. (h/t, Damian) || Deep nostalgia. || “Depression checking,” a thread. || Interactive UK crime map. || Poorly paw. || A comforting presence. || We’re getting one or two sparks. || Some new-phone pornography. Ooh, ooh, he’s peeling the film. || A glimpse of your improved, progressive future. || Harassing random children for woke cred. || More scenes of human cunning. Or are they Cybermen? || Easy come, easy go. || Gents, start your engines. || Those are some of these. || Today’s word is ambition. || Bowling alley tour of note. || Meanwhile, in academia. || Mirage of note. || The thrill of hammer restoration. || And finally, relaxingly, just time for a little TV.
I’ve seen a few of those Deep Nostalgia animations and there’s something particularly revolting about them.
“I’ve seen a few of those Deep Nostalgia animations and there’s something particularly revolting about them.”
The photos are a bit weird, but the statues are creepy as hell.
“’Depression checking,’ a thread.
You have to wonder whether it’s the depression or the meds.
“A glimpse of your improved, progressive future.”
“Anti-racism” appears to consist largely of assisting racists to be racist.
“Or are they Cybermen?”
There’s definitely a ’70s Doctor Who vibe about them, isn’t there? “Planet of the Pandarians”…
“Pushing boat…” pic deleted FYI
Deep nostalgia
It’s the uncanny valley. The AI is just manipulating a 2D image, so periodically you’ll get animations that imply the maxillofacia are moving around in a way that we would really prefer they don’t.
We’re getting one or two sparks
Same phenomenon as lightning hitting a tree – the current passing through the tree encounters enough resistance that the resulting heat flash-boils the tree sap, and the tree explodes from the inside out.
Easy come, easy go
Reminds me of this, which never gets old.
Meanwhile, in academia
I’m routinely amazed by the number of academic papers that get generated by just f*cking around on social media all day.
Same phenomenon as lightning hitting a tree…
I have observed this at close range and it is something of a hoot.
Activate the dimensional aperture.
Nice editing. 🙂
Gents, start your engines.
Inventing the internet was a mistake.
Morning, all.
“Pushing boat…” pic deleted FYI
That’s an aggravating thing about Reddit – the frequency with which things disappear. Item replaced. Thanks.
I’m routinely amazed by the number of academic papers that get generated by just f*cking around on social media all day.
But hey, good enough for the Clown Quarter.
Inventing the internet was a mistake.
Oh, don’t be so finicky. The unhinged fat lady with facial tattoos is willing to lower her standards.
“Depression checking,” a thread.
That’s a scary rabbit hole…
UK crime map
Given we are sitting in the headquarters of the “Guild of Evil”, I question the wisdom of including this item…
’ Interactive UK crime map.’
No real surprises here.
That’s a scary rabbit hole…
It’s a tiny glimpse of a broad phenomenon.
@JuliaM “No real surprises here”
Not sure I quite agree. Currently Atherstone is the crime hotspot of Warwickshire-edging out Nuneaton. That is mindbogglingly counter-intuitive.
Poorly paw – very sweet.
Poe’s Law or not, I can’t tell – not not the people making it, the pizza itself is a lesbian pizza.
“This is bowling, there are rules.”
That should be a famous, oft-quoted line.
No real surprises here.
Not sure I quite agree … That is mindbogglingly counter-intuitive.
Yes, I have to say Swindon coming out with a rate of 438 incidents per 1,000 residents struck me as highly improbable.
True, I’ve never been to Swindon but the fact Middlesborough (“the most dangerous overall out of the UK’s major towns”) has a rate of ‘only’ 131/1,000 and Hull (“the most dangerous city in Yorkshire and The Humber”) a rate of 125/1,000 makes me think there’s been a data entry error somewhere.
(Unless of course Carl Benjamin has taken to rampaging through the suburbs with a marauding mob of misogynist gamers).
London is given a rate of 81/1,000, which also seems highly improbable – unless the Mayor’s office has been massaging the crime stats.
Poorly paw – very sweet.
A stray dog in pain, one presumably abandoned or mistreated by a human, nonetheless comes to humans because maybe they can help. And maybe they have food. Touching, yes.
Regarding the floating ship “illusion” — did anyone check air traffic control records for that day. Maybe it was really flying.
A glimpse of your improved, progressive future
I’ve started noticing “Women-Owned” on the labeling of some products, one a formerly very dependable cleaner/descaler that now doesn’t do crap. I’ve already started to avoid buying products with Women-Owned labels, and I won’t buy products with any other kind of identity politics labeling. If I am handing over my hard-earned cash for something, the quality and price of the item/service are the only things that matter, not the color, sex, kinks, fetishes, or perceived species/gender of the person owning the business.
The animal rescues neighborhood is one of my favorite areas of YT. I remember one dog that was so malnourished it was practically flat, just bones in a sack of skin. Barely had the strength to breathe never mind even lift its head, but when the rescuers came up to it it started to wag its tail.
I won’t buy products with any other kind of identity politics labeling
A wise policy.
Also: If I am going to be subjected to Nazi propaganda I prefer to see it in the original German.
I’ve started noticing “Women-Owned” on the labeling of some products…
As a famous xhym said, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their publicly stated willingness to combat their internalized racism and misogyny in order to dismantle white supremacy.”
It’s the uncanny valley
What’s odd to me is that the moving images don’t bother me as much as I think they ought to. Perhaps it’s because I associate them with 8mm home movies and early motion pictures, where the subjects tended to walk around too fast and “jump” from frame to frame at odd intervals.
identity politics labeling
I’m still laughing that the example shown has Goya labeled as a “Hispanic-owned” brand. I’m old enough to remember when Goya were outlawed for the owner’s friendliness toward Bad Orangeman, and forced to give up their membership as a protected class because they’re Spanish, and therefore members of the colonialist class.
Harassing random children for woke cred
Random in the sense of “random assault”, that is to say whites “in the wrong place at the wrong time” who can be mobbed with impunity.
Bowling alley tour of note.
That bowling alley is an extraordinary place, and remains one of my favorite spots in Mpls. I’ve been to the adjoining theater a dozen times or more to see unknown bands and viewings of weird films. Really good food and drinks up front, too.
I’m absolutely delighted that the venue and the drone operator are enjoying a moment of fame. I hope that both parties will benefit.
Deep nostalgia
No emotional affect there, a feeling of strings being pulled to simulate human life. Like somebody who’s dead inside pulling faces for a Twitter avatar.
Like somebody who’s dead inside pulling faces for a Twitter avatar.
That. If they left it at blinking and very subtle facial movements (like someone trying to stay still for a photo) it might be ok. Downright unnerving.
Why my alma mater will never be getting another dime of my money…I like how the course is “not required” but “you have a new assignment ” with a due date. Though it is April 1. Maybe it’s an April Fool’s joke? Hmmm….I’m guessing not but…
That’s a scary rabbit hole…
You have to wonder whether it’s the depression or the meds.
Again, modern ‘progressivism’ entails quite a lot of contortion and pretending. There are so many things you mustn’t notice or think about realistically. So many things you have to remember to scorn whenever peers are in earshot. And among the woke-lings, the need to be angry, indignant and/or perverse is quite competitive. The posturing must escalate. And so, for instance, Twitter has no shortage of middle-class white girls using “white” as their go-to pejorative, their way of fitting in with their equally pretentious peers.
But to live in a state of habitual pretension and contrivance must take a toll. It’s not unfair to ask whether the depression is a result of the pretending and contortion, the endless contradiction, or of spending so much time being degenerate. (To use the examples linked above, thinking that a descent into whoring and squalor – sorry, “sex working” – is somehow terribly progressive and a way to get back at your parents; or thinking that abortion is something to boast about online; or wishing that people fleeing communism had been caught, with all that capture would imply.)
Being an insufferable prick, or feeling a need to act like one – which is much the same thing – is not an obvious way to be happy, or loved. Having to act out a lie, continually, is demoralising, in both senses of the word. And to a very large extent, that’s what being woke is.
…a way to get back at your parents…
Acting out in order to get revenge on parents and its corollary of acting out to gain their approval is as old as time, but, like many modern takes, has become a hideous perversion. I imagine many poor broken souls of the past killed themselves trying to gain their fathers’ approval, for instance, but nevertheless achieved great things in their pursuit. Conversely children rebelling against their parents’ stodgy oppressive standards made better lives for the grandchildren in many instances.
Now? Well, how does one rebel when nearly no standards of behavior, for instance sexual modesty, are imposed in the first place? The creatures who maul themselves with metal and tattoos, cutting their purple hair leaving only hideous bangs are desperate for boundaries – any boundaries – to cross to know the edges of existence, thereby confirming it’s reality. Conversely, those seeking unending approval from the terminally progressive will similarly find no boundaries, and therefore no confirmation of what is true and real, from their pusillanimous and vapid upbringing. Their hatred for what “is” becomes white hot for the very reason they cannot ever truly find it, and their natural solipsistic nihilism and jealousy is rewarded, ensuring the cycle continues and deepens.
I try to remind myself that there are millions of young people out there like my goddaughter: happily married, learning the ropes of homeownership, working as a project manager for an engineering firm, raising a son. You’ll never hear about her because her social media presence is limited to a slow but steady stream of pictures of her kid, her cats, her cooking, and the occasional family holiday.
Boring happy people aren’t entertaining outside of their immediate family, and so we tend to forget just how common they are. I find that the occasional backyard fire with family, friends and neighbors is a wonderful restorative when I’m feeling unhappy about the sort of nonsense our esteemed host documents for us so well.
“Interactive UK crime map”
Just recently learned of the existence of Here’s San Diego, Calif.
I find that the occasional backyard fire with family, friends and neighbors is a wonderful restorative when I’m feeling unhappy about the sort of nonsense our esteemed host documents for us so well.
It works for your esteemed host too.
Why my alma mater will never be getting another dime…
I am going out on a limb and guessing that doesn’t include the oppression of being force fed leftist ideological BS (like the religion of diversity) by interpersonal haranguing of professors of the institution, and who are card carrying members of the Wokesheviks.
I know that is way out on the limb, but I am a risk taker.
I know that is way out on the limb, but I am a risk taker.
Heh. When OPPRESSION is the only readout on your multimeter is doesn’t much matter what you choose to test with it.
one a formerly very dependable cleaner/descaler that now doesn’t do crap
Depending on where you live this may have more to do with changing environmental regulations. Five years ago I could buy cleaners that would fizz soap scum and calcium right off of my bathroom surfaces, now nothing works except vinegar and hard scrubbing.
working as a project manager for an engineering firm, raising a son
She’s already bought into the lie and doesn’t realize it.
I am going out on a limb and guessing that doesn’t include…
Somewhat related, especially the last two sentences.
She’s already bought into the lie and doesn’t realize it.
One assumes you mean the lie of assigning her child a gender corresponding to its biology.
Small shard of light breaking through the fog.
Depending on where you live this may have more to do with changing environmental regulations.
Oh indeed – that was my first thought that the reformulation had to do with Green crap more than the women-owned crap. The fact that the new labeling also includes some flowery leafy enviro-friendly-type logo down by the women-owned label makes me think they know the stuff doesn’t work anymore, so they’re trying to guilt the consumer into buying by ticking virtue signal boxes – hey we’re Green! And Women-Owned! Support us! The next step is the BLM fist.
“This is bowling, there are rules.”
Calls for the response:
I am altering the rules. Pray I don’t alter them any further.
London is given a rate of 81/1,000, which also seems highly improbable – unless the Mayor’s office has been massaging the crime stats.
If so, he’s amateurish.
This is how professionals “massage” statistics: Coronavirus Stats. Click on the button “Deaths/M pop”. Scroll down and see New Zealand, currently 189. Now look at the country immediately below.
One can but laugh!
Deep Nostalgia: So THAT’s how they kept Tator Joe’s eyes open during his speech last night!
I knew there had to be a trick.
chester, In the line for New Zealand I don’t see ANY value near 189. The “current” value there for deaths/M pop is 5.
Could you clarify the country comparison you think you are making, please?
@ chester
189 refers to the rank of NZ in the list and the comparison is to the next country in the list at number 190.
Could you clarify the country comparison you think you are making, please?
If you sort the list by “Deaths/1M pop” then New Zealand ranks 189th and the country that is 190th is China.
I really liked the animations of the few realistic ancient portrait.
I also liked this one of the anatomical votive head.
As I commented somewhere in that thread, it seemed almost like an improvement George Pal would’ve welcomed as superior to his already-incredible stop-motion animation.
If you sort the list by “Deaths/1M pop”…
Mighty Gibratlar FTW, which just goes to show rates without raw numbers and vice versa are meaningless.
OT (but is it really?): what kind of filmed product – as a counter to this onslaught of wokeism – would you like to see made?
Fansworth, too right. My own household, for instance, ranks with the very best, at 0.00000000000 Deaths / million population.
My secret to health is for sale. Bidding starts at 1,000,000 Quatloos.
Thrall Collar optional.
…which just goes to show rates without raw numbers and vice versa are meaningless.
Pretty much. Except we’re talking about real lives and that’s what has gotten lost in all of this.
Cartoon characters: I found this on a news commentary site this morning:
It speaks to the lunacy and double standards of the wokels.
Except we’re talking about real lives
Oh but I don’t think China is.
Does anyone — anyone — believe that China has barely had a case for a year?
But apparently we believe them when they say that they:
1) respect Hong Kong’s independence,
2) will decarbonise their economy some time soon, honest,
3) are putting Uighurs into concentration camps.
Biden’s presidency must be the PRC’s dream result.
aren’t putting Uighurs …
Dindu nuffin.
Hardly a reason for a traffic stop, and to get shot because you shot him first. The rozzers clearly are out of control.
Meanwhile, over in the UK, at long last, yet another existential crisis is solved as the Wokesheviks decolonize Kew Gardens by renaming plants.
It will now be “C6H12O6 Plant”. They were going to go with “Tall Thin C6H12O6 Plant”, but that offended the short and fat people.
Science ! I, for one, would be curious to see what special insight an Indian actor has about the Caribbean slave trade.
Damn, now I have to take a flamethrower to all my landscaping, racist bastards as those plants are, especially the azeleas – you know who had azeleas – right, plantation houses.
Submitted with no comment needed, except maybe about the reservoir tip.

you know who had azeleas
I was going to guess Hitler. Do we know if he had any vegetation so it can be cancelled / renamed as well?
Hardly a reason for a traffic stop …
I’m not sure I follow.
What do you think is the proper course of action for a police officer when they identify the vehicle of someone with outstanding warrants?
(Bearing in mind that the windows of the car are tinted, he couldn’t possibly have known that the gentlemen with the warrants wasn’t the driver before stopping the car).
The rozzers clearly are out of control.
Possibly, yes.
But then I suppose it will depend largely on what he found in her bag since it’s after rifling through it that he asks her to “Come here” and “Turn around”.
Finding yourself stopped by police you do not trust, even feel hatred for, is a deeply unpleasant experience.
Be that as it may, running screaming from an officer trying to arrest you while shrieking “Help! Help!” is never going to end well as indeed it didn’t here.
Do we know if he had any vegetation so it can be cancelled…
Eidelweiss – there was a Nazi fighter squadron and an SS troop that used it as a symbol, and the name itself “Nobel White” just screams racism and yte supremacy.
I’m not sure I follow.
Finding yourself stopped by police you do not trust, even feel hatred for, is a deeply unpleasant experience.
Odd how that happens when you have several outstanding warrants, several arrests for driving without a license, and, by some reports, driving a stolen car.
Happens to me all the time.
botany’s ‘hidden legacy of inequality’.
Don’t forget all the underqualified POC students who flunked Botany 101 at elite universities.
Ah, it was sarcasm.
Odd how that happens …
The depth of the unpleasantness is unrelated to how much it is or is not deserved.
But as I said the first time, how you respond to that unpleasantness is the crucial factor.
Running away, screaming blue murder or, as in other notable examples, refusing to get in the back of the police car once cuffed, trying to rush a police officer, trying to stab or shoot a police officer, trying to wrestle a police officer’s taser from their hands and use it against them …
… none of these are activities likely to reach a happy conclusion.
Do we know if he had any vegetation so it can be cancelled…
…and don’t get me started on that whole Schwarzwald thing. Really ? A whole forest called black, what is that supposed to mean.
There finna be trouble if they don’t change it to “Schwarze Leben zählenwald”.
it seemed almost like an improvement George Pal would’ve welcomed as superior to his already-incredible stop-motion animation
While I recall George Pal and movies like 1960’s Time Machine, my fave stop animation was done by Ray Harryhausen – who scared the dickens out of me as a child with Jason and the Argonauts and then did the same for my kids with Clash of the Titans (1981).
Things that go *floom*.
Shamelessly lifted from Powerline…

A glimpse of your improved, progressive future.
BTW … in case anyone believes that’s a 4chan photoshop, here’s the story about the supermarket chain that’s doing this.
Funeral today for BLM martyr George Nkencho, who was shot dead when he tried to decapitate a police officer. Let us all observe a moment of silence for this gentle giant cut down in the prime of life by structural racism.
NTSOG: As an addendum to your recent comment on gifted schoolchildren who have psychological or emotional impairments:
Thomas Sowell has written a book about late-talking children. (His son, although highly intelligent, was a late talker, and the lack of information and social resources led him to write the book.) He speculates that “…some children develop unevenly (asynchronous development) for a period in childhood due to rapid and extraordinary development in the analytical functions of the brain. This may temporarily ‘rob resources’ from neighboring functions such as language development.” He mentions this concern in his autobiography and in A Man of Letters.
…here’s the story about the supermarket chain that’s doing this.
Mainly leftists, I think I know where this is going.
“We are members of the Wokesheviks, please loot the Winn Dixie, it even has Dixie in the name, the racists.”
CNN finds scary things.

Jimmies are racist.
I guess just the chocolate ones, no comment on the LBGTQSPF40+ ones.
@ pst324: “… on gifted schoolchildren who have psychological or emotional impairments” specifically severe speech/communication delay.
Thankyou for the information; that’s very interesting. Some autistic children present with elective mutism, but the notion of uneven rates of brain development to such a degree that speech development is extremely delayed in children of possibly great intelligence makes sense. The diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome* [AS] as per DSM IV required that development of communication, including speech, not be delayed or affected at a clinical level. Indeed many of us diagnosed as AS talk from very early childhood as though we swallowed the whole English dictionary – unabridged version!!! What was rarely understood was that being diagnosed as AS did not preclude being mentally retarded/intellectually impaired. Children diagnosed with Autism per se always had delays in communication as assessed. If Einstein had communication delay then he simply could not have been an ‘Aspie’ as per DSM IV criteria. Hans Asperger, an Austrian, wrote about a small group of autistic ‘little professors’ in 1940 or so in German and his research work did not come well known until Lorna Wing and later Uta Frith wrote about it in English starting in the 1980s. That led to a separate category of Autism [Asperger’s Syndrome] in DSM IV, but now AS is subsumed under Autism Spectrum Disorder.
While I and my brother were diagnosed as ‘Aspies’ under DSM IV, under current DSM V criteria we would now be diagnosed as Autistic – which makes complete sense to me having spent 40 years working with over 2000 autistics of all ages and abilities.
If you are still in a place with mask mandates, you need one of these.
Hans Asperger, an Austrian, wrote about a small group of autistic ‘little professors’ in 1940 or so in German and his research work did not come well known until Lorna Wing and later Uta Frith wrote about it in English starting in the 1980s.
Similar to how I have heard that German medical and dietary research from that period was also lost thanks to the war?
I won’t say much about these matters because I don’t know much, but I appreciate the contributions here of those who do.
Thomas Sowell has written a book about late-talking children
I don’t blame Piaget for this. He was always quite clear that individual children progressed through the stages of development at different rates, it was the sequence that was invariant.
It’s the teachers and child psychologists who ignore everything he said about the timeframes being averages insisting that if your child isn’t talking by day 23 on month 7 at 11:53 in the morning there’s something wrong.
I don’t blame Piaget for this.
I don’t know how blaming or not blaming Piaget becomes part of this thread; all I know is that he proposed a theory of childhood development. I doubt that Sowell is blaming anyone but is at most sad that the particular rare phenomenon he writes about had not yet been studied.
This is what happens when you let your society be run by garbage people who fundamentally hate the society they run
“Garbage people” is a deeply dehumanizing epithet–and entirely deserved.
Found this, via Insty, to be spot-on…
Heh…pst beat me by 10 minutes. Should pay more attention…
Heh…pst beat me by 10 minutes.
Great minds think alike, fellow Great Mind. 🙂
Again, our scumbag ruling class should be publicly treated like the garbage that they are. Carefully reasoned arguments against their ideas and programs are essential, but psychological warfare is just as valuable.
To pst314: Re “Hans Asperger, an Austrian, wrote about a small group of autistic ‘little professors’ in 1940 or so in German and his research work did not come well known until Lorna Wing and later Uta Frith wrote about it in English starting in the 1980s.”
I should have mentioned that at the same time [in the 1940s] Leo Kanner in the USA was writing about a group of mentally retarded autistic children. Of course Kanner wrote in English and was on the ‘winning side’ in WW II so his work became well known to the point that professionals, in describing the presentation of certain children, would actually describe them as ‘typical Kanner autistics’. The point now is that services exist to support families and their children and autistics in many countries and are no longer diagnosed as ‘childhood schizophrenics’ – a common diagnosis up to the 1980s.
Then there is France: “In many countries, the standard way of treating autistic children is with behavioural therapy – stimulating and rewarding them to develop the skills they need to function in society – but France still puts its faith in psychoanalysis. And an increasing number of parents are now demanding change.”
In short the French still see autism as a form of mental illness and the field of autism is ‘owned’ by psychoanalysts presumably seeking to cure autistic children:
Thomas Sowell’s son is lucky to live in the USA and have a father who is enlightened and thinks for himself. As Daniel R. says the rate of individual development naturally varies, but there is such a panic if little Sarah doesn’t walk at 15 months that she must need intensive occupational or physical therapy and one or both parents should be reported to children’s services as they are clearly harming their child.
This is what happens when you let your society be run by garbage people who fundamentally hate the society they run
The falcon cannot hear the falconer.
The animal rescues neighborhood is one of my favorite areas of YT.
I do, in general, like dogs and have watched a handful of rescue videos. I remember one that began so horribly I hesitate to repeat the details. But if you want to experience a, shall we say, broad range of emotions, you can watch it here.
Needless to say, do watch to the end.
“A radical act of self love.”
But if you want to experience a, shall we say, broad range of emotions, you can watch it here.
I’m not crying you’re crying.
But if you want to experience a, shall we say, broad range of emotions, you can watch it here.
Damn it, those invisible onion-cutting ninjas are at it again.
Damn it, those invisible onion-cutting ninjas are at it again.
It does say quite a bit about the range of human beings a puppy can encounter. I’m not overly sentimental, but I did experience a slight dampening of the eyes.
[ Clears throat, looks manly. ]
“A radical act of self love.”
Extreme self-love used to be recognized as a sin. I suppose we can thank not only Cultural Marxists but also crank psychologists for its elevation to a virtue.
“Greater love hath no woman than this, that she lay down her child’s life for her own convenience.”
–Sanger XV, 13
For those interested, someone is back.
Extreme self-love used to be recognized as a sin
Didn’t it also cause hairy palms?
For those interested, someone is back
Thank you very much, Farnsworth. Landlord, a bottle for the kind gentleman. (Do the English still say “landlord” or is that now comically archaic?)