Groundhog Day
So it’s Lockdown II and The Election That Never Ends. Good times.
Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
Oh, and lifted from the comments, this.
So it’s Lockdown II and The Election That Never Ends. Good times.
Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
Oh, and lifted from the comments, this.
Woke art.
Morning, all.
Because you have to think about these things.
Ah, those must be the BAD WHITE GAYS of which I’ve been hearing. In the New York Times, of course.
See also, the “white patriarchy,” of which the BAD WHITE GAYS are presumably a subset.
I have to say, the feeling of being surrounded by demented people has somewhat intensified recently.
Ah, those must be the BAD WHITE GAYS of which I’ve been hearing.
Perhaps greater use of refrigeration would help to prevent going bad.
It is a widespread conceit. I recently found myself talking with someone who, knowing I’m gay, simply assumed that I’d be thrilled by the prospect of a Labour government. When I pointed out that I wouldn’t be, this seemed to cause some cognitive glitching.
Very much related to The Blurting phenomenon, which we discussed a while ago.
. . . knowing I’m gay, simply assumed that I’d be thrilled by the prospect of . . .
Rather a number of years back there was some issue up for vote in San Francisco—I have no memory of what, by this point—where the definite running nickname for the issue was something like The Gay [whatever that thing was].
And then there was a gay friend of mine who was rather adamant about the issue, stating something to the effect of Oh hell no I am not voting for that thing, there will be my taxes they’ll want to spend on that!!!!
The Blurting phenomenon, which we discussed a while ago.
‘Blurting’ LOL. Spot on.
Spot on.
It is, I think, a widespread yet underacknowledged phenomenon.
Conceivably, it may sometimes be done to signal approval or bonding or something, though in my experience the effect is more likely to be alienating and rather insulting, sometimes very much so.
“MSNBC is an American news-based pay television cable channel …”
What it is is a shower of liquid shit.
Think that’s a little harsh? Think that’s just a case of a futile complaint against a hint of political bias in their editorialising?
Then please, I beseech you, behold the audacity on display here:
“What we see here is essentially an increasing mob-like scene”
And then compare and contrast what you see and hear in that with this:
“I want to be clear about how I characterise this. This is, uh, mostly a protest.It is not, uh, it is not generally speaking unruly”
Words such as “chutzpah” or even “gaslighting” simply don’t cut the mustard when it comes to describing what’s happening in those clips.
Psychological warfare, however, just might.
Words such as “chutzpah” or even “gaslighting” simply don’t cut the mustard
Well, whatever the result of the election, the reputation of the mainstream media, and pollsters, and much else, including quite possibly the electoral process and those trusted to enable it, will have taken yet another hit.
Lockdown II.
Coming on the heels of more and more doctors and others of the priestly expert class warning that lockdowns are, to be generous, suboptimal, including that open letter from a couple weeks back that actually got mainstream attention. It should be clear that the governing bodies locking down are either incompetent, power-hungry, or both. It should be clear, but clearly isn’t.
the reputation of the mainstream media, and pollsters, and much else, including quite possibly the electoral process and those trusted to enable it, will have taken yet another hit.
Again, the shambolic click bait propaganda machines shouldn’t have any reputation left to take a hit. They shouldn’t, but apparently large swathes of our fellow citizens are more degenerate than the vile creatures who feed them their daily bread.
including quite possibly the electoral process and those trusted to enable it
There are a number of discussions going on right now in blogs I frequent about state and federal Constitutional provisions for dealing with fraudulent elections. I’m heartened to see that the legislation is there to address this. The political will by those affected, not so much.
They shouldn’t, but apparently large swathes of our fellow citizens are more degenerate
Rush Limbaugh once said that the American Republic could survive a President like Obama; what it couldn’t survive was an electorate that would return him to office twice. That statement turns out not to have been hyperbole.
“Mail-in ballots from the military serving overseas were found in the trash in Pennsylvania. The ballots were discovered during an investigation into election issues in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Most of the discarded ballots had been cast for President Trump”
This seems apropos:
The West having subsidised civilisational degeneracy for decades it’s not surprising to find it widespread.
the electoral process and those trusted to enable it,
Funny how all the ‘mistakes’ favour the Dems.
So an update on my own personal voting experience….and in the context of Groundhog Day… I first refer you to something that I posted on this site back in September…
Fast forward to this General Election…
As of October 24 we still had not received our sample ballots and I thought uh-oh…so I contacted the elections office again. I was told that our sample ballots ALONG WITH OUR ACTUAL BALLOTS were sent to us on Oct. 1. We were still in Georgia and did not return here to Winter Springs until that following Monday (10/05), thus THOSE ballots were also returned. I contacted the elections office and was assured that we would be able to cast a ballot and to destroy any other ballot(s) that might show up. When we did (early) vote last Wednesday, we were asked if we had our mail-in ballots, which of course we did not. We were able to vote, however, and it initially appeared on the elections office web site such that we were able to verify that our second ballots (because
the first ones were returned as undeliverable) were marked as received. Yesterday, whilst being bombarded in a waiting room by CNN/News, I thought to myself…I ought to verify that my vote was actually counted. Well according to that website there is conflicting information. While it does indicate that I (and my wife’s record appears identically on that site…except as a ‘D’) did vote at an Early Voting Location, only one ballot (“Ballot 1”) is listed. It shows that ballot as being in a RECEIVED/NOT COUNTED status. It then indicates that “Ballot was not counted for the following reason: Returned Undeliverable”. There is NO mention of a Ballot 2 or its status. I am generally a believer in Hanlon’s Razor (never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupidity), however lately my faith in that aphorism is starting to fade. I would normally (heh…’normal’) attribute this error to certain types of web developers not being real big on attention to detail. Given the news that we are seeing today, my faith in how these elections offices are being run is fading quite rapidly.
Funny how all the ‘mistakes’ favour the Dems.
Somewhat related.
Somewhat related.
At the moment it seems only internet keyboard commandos like us understand that reciprocity simply doesn’t exist, with the vast majority of everyone right of Mao still expecting basic human decency. I used to think that when enough normies understand that there are no rules things would get spicy, but now I’m fairly sure we’ll go softly into that good night, with the keyboard commandos smugly whispering “I told you so” as they dutifully queue* for their meager dole.
*used my Briterizer (Briteriser?) translation device for the locals
At the moment it seems only internet keyboard commandos like us understand that reciprocity simply doesn’t exist
Reciprocity doesn’t seem to feature very prominently in woke psychology, or in the kinds of things that woke psychology typically results in, as illustrated repeatedly in the archives. It may occasionally be given lip service, and then somewhat vaguely, but such noises rarely match the obvious dynamic and obvious assumptions. Such that the lack of reciprocity, or its outright rejection, is practically a signature.
[ Edited. ]
Biden miraculously overcame a 4.1-point Trump lead in the middle of the night thanks to vote dumps in which he got—you guessed it—100 percent of the votes and Trump got zero.
We are in Saddam Hussein territory here.
And Jacobin, too.
“It is a widespread conceit. I recently found myself talking with someone who, knowing I’m gay, simply assumed that I’d be thrilled by the prospect of a Labour government. When I pointed out that I wouldn’t be, this seemed to cause some cognitive glitching.”
I’ve seen polling that shows the majority of gay men vote Tory. That may have changed, but it’s certainly a far bigger proportion than you’d imagine if you trusted the media. Certainly my local Association (back when it existed) was pretty much run by church women – the Church of Scotland is, just like the CofE, painfully, obsessively, woke – and gay guys.
The Left always believe their own hype.
WTP: Gotta say, it does sound like a massive fustercluck all round. “It needs to be obvious to everyone, no matter their technical knowledge, that the system can be trusted.” That’s talking about the flaws in electronic voting, but is it obvious right now, in the American system?
I’d forgotten it was Bonfire Night. That would explain the fireworks.
Today’s word: Perspective
This. Absolutely this:
From the 200 year-old Royal Institution:
From imaginary numbers to the fourth dimension and beyond, mathematics has always been about imagining impossible things.
Sounds intriguing …
In this talk, Eugenia Cheng draws on the insights of higher-dimensional mathematics to reveal a transformative new way of talking about the patriarchy, mansplaining and sexism: a way that empowers all of us to make the world a better place.
And Jacobin, too.
The problem is that what goes on in a lefties head is as real to them as what goes on in the real world.
A peaceful protest by centrists who calmly state their case and clean up after themselves is viewed and described as a violent mob by a leftie, which, of course, justifies real violent behaviour; looting and burning.
a transformative new way of talking about the patriarchy, mansplaining and sexism
Pretty sure I’m cleaning the bath that night.
As I said on another site the moment Biden wins the Governors of states such as New York and California along with the Mayors of Democrat controlled cities will all realise that Covid is in fact no more serious than a severe winter flu and immediately lift their lockdowns. Across the world other countries will copy them like lemmings with Boris bringing up the rear.
mathematics has always been about imagining impossible things.
One might uncharitably say it’s about imagining things that we don’t have a use for yet. Ways to handle things – having the math for four dimensions if we don’t have four physical dimensions doesn’t mean there isn’t a use for four-dimensional math. Imaginary numbers being something useful in circuitry. One recalls the lore that differential equations were boasted to be something pointless when discovered, yet here we are.
Is there any future use to which a non-cis-queeroneutral communopresent future alloarchy might be put? Well, none good.
I fear we are in cargo cult land here. “Math-speak which sounds like babble with vague meaning is adaptable to my purposed vagueness and babble, with credentials because it’s mathy”.
patriarchy, mansplaining, and sexism
…but speaking of imaginary things…
but speaking of imaginary things…
Unlike woke posturing, higher-dimensional geometries tend to be self-consistent.
the moment Biden wins…cities will immediately lift their lockdowns
Though this would be a welcome development, do you really think petty authoritarians are going to put down their favorite new toy now that they have more license to abuse their power?
Yes. The general danger of “experts”. A company I worked for was developing a product to catch malware in-stream, in real time, using machine learning/AI/etc. Now they had this one Mathematics PhD overseeing the project who was the only one who truly understood the math well enough to develop such a thing. Or even understand the math behind it. That was until a buddy of mine who had done extensive AI work on voice recognition and such, was hired. While not a math PhD, my buddy definitely knew enough to pore through the code and understand, approximately, what was going on. Turned out, he didn’t even need to know the math well enough. He was digging around in the code until he stumbled upon what was effectively:
tail -f outputstream.out | grep -i "fun.exe"
He got a way with this for several years. He did have something he was diligently working on but it never functioned as intended, so every demo he presented to management and investors had that grep line in it.
do you really think petty authoritarians are going to put down their favorite new toy now that they have more license to abuse their power?
This. This is why this idiocy must be stopped as soon as possible. My hopes are not all that high right now and it’s depressing as hell.
do you really think petty authoritarians are going to put down their favorite new toy now
No, they’ll hang onto it in its present form just until they can convince everyone that Trump & his supporters are like 100% for killing 200K people and tanking the economy. Then they’ll get everyone to sign on to the new narrative of a Biden vaccine and a robust Biden economy just in time for Kamala Harris to be President while Biden rides off into the sunset … summer 2021, no later than fall.
Some aspects of the lockdown will be made permanent – the “new normal” of learning to live with Trump’s virus forever.
As of October 24 we still had not received our sample ballots and I thought uh-oh…
I did have two varieties of sample ballot turn up, as usual.
After reading multiple declarations that an actual ballot would be mailed to me, and still not seeing one, I called in on the 19th. During the call, I got the address confirmed, got a resend of a ballot on its way, and oh, by the way, did you just say that even during the current festivities, one can stroll over to the local courthouse and get one’s voting done in person??
Wandered in on the 20th and got the vote in, prolly spent more time filling out the ballot than waiting in the various processing lines to get handed that ballot.
Still never saw a ballot turn up in the mail.
. . . . working with the company that provides their election software to see what went wrong.
Weelll, what went wrong would be the bit about their election software.
Get handed a piece of paper, look at the piece of paper, note what’s on the piece of paper, move on to the next piece of paper.
Software is for taking a piece of paper with a lot of text on it and then getting shown a display with all of the same words on it, without having to type in all those words.—and in that there is the advantage of seeing any and all errors right there in that process.
In this talk, Eugenia Cheng draws on the insights of higher-dimensional mathematics to reveal a transformative new way of talking about the patriarchy, mansplaining and sexism: a way that empowers all of us to make the world a better place.
Oh, that’s all perfectly fine . . . . .
Mathematicians doing music appreciation Stuff does occur, where in this case The Royal Institution is presenting a show of imaginary poetry instead of music.
Granting, of course, that an actual mathematician is also going to continue to practice the difference between actual mathematics and some random recitation of recitation random.
And, besides, as far as recitations, I don’t an think an established 150 year track record is likely to be threatened by this one . . . .
Oh, yes, and while I’m noting.
recitation random
Band name.
I was reliably informed that mathematics were intrinsically sexist and racist and colonialist and all the other bad -ists. How is it that we’re now using higher math to counter these things? It’s all so confusing.
Also: “…the sexist assumptions that make society a harder place for women to live…”
I’d pay good money to see Ms. Cheng dumped on a desert island, where she learns some of the sexist assumptions that Nature makes when there’s no higher society to complain about.
I’d pay good money to see Ms. Cheng dumped on a desert island, where she learns. . . .
Ancient huntress’s spear kills myth of ‘natural sex inequality’
“The most striking feature of the data is a fact that cries out for clarification: in seven wards, voter turnout appears to have exceeded 100 percent. In two of those wards, turnout exceeded 200 percent”
I used to think that when enough normies understand that there are no rules things would get spicy, but now I’m fairly sure we’ll go softly into that good night, with the keyboard commandos smugly whispering “I told you so” as they dutifully queue* for their meager dole.
Sooner or later, everyone comes around to the idea of helicopters.
This isn’t hyperbole, either. The whole point of the Prisoner’s Dilemma experiment is that it proves that you need both carrot and stick to compel behaviour. If we aren’t willing to punish unacceptable behaviour hard and fast, this is what you get.
Espousing socialism of any stripe should have been as unacceptable as espousing Nazism post-WWII, but we didn’t apply that stick.
If we aren’t willing to punish unacceptable behaviour hard and fast, this is what you get.
Espousing socialism of any stripe should have been as unacceptable as espousing Nazism post-WWII, but we didn’t apply that stick.
This. And thus here we are.
If we aren’t willing to punish unacceptable behaviour hard and fast, this is what you get.
As I said recently,
I mean, watching leftists excuse degeneracy, even sociopathy, can be entertaining in a grim kind of way, given the often ludicrous rhetorical contortions. But it’s a small consolation for the damage being done.
Ancient huntress’s spear…
Ms. Cheng doesn’t strike me as the fierce huntress type. I’d love to be proven wrong, though; hence my offer to see her skills on pay-per-view.
Sooner or later, everyone comes around to the idea of helicopters.
This isn’t hyperbole, either. as long as you also already have chosen which guillotine you are thus volunteering to walk to yourself . . . .
Otherwise, such a statement does actually quite remain a completely hyperbolic, merely posturing and handwaving, NPC display of mere piety . . . .
Noting, of course, that whether guillotine or helicopter or Tokarev, no right wing/left wing NPC is ever going to care which one is used.
Or care on whom it gets used, or why, after awhile.
After all, I mean, watching leftists excuse degeneracy, even sociopathy, can be entertaining in a grim kind of way, given the often ludicrous rhetorical contortions. But it’s a small consolation for the damage being done.
And then there was William Roper, wasn’t there . . .
As the saying goes, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to have the idea of helicopters.
False allegations of fraud you say?
via Robby Starbuck
Former Democrat Governor of Illinois and Obama associate Rod Blagojevich describes his experience of electoral fraud and what he thinks is happening in this Election.
via Battle Beagle
One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software . . . .
Obligatory xkcd.
Bury it in the desert. Wear gloves.
Second thread this week to include an unfathomable reference to the National Presbyterian Church. Or does NPC mean something else? Should I know what it means? Why should I know what it means? At this late date I still don’t know what LARP means. I have more or less settled on “role playing” for the RP part, but the rest of it could be practically anything. I don’t look these up in a search engine because I don’t want to make them “trend” still more. I’d much rather they disappeared. The good old way of doing things was to use the whole name or phrase first, then abbreviate on second reference. Can’t we go back to that style? It’s less hurried, and so more convivial — a truly conservative beneficence, not costly, and would be much appreciated.
LARP: Live Action Role Playing. Running around in public playing a role.
NPC: Non-Player Character. In role-playing games, players direct their own characters but all other “people” encountered in the game are NPCs, who have limited, pre-determined behavior and, frequently, scripted responses that they blurt out even when not appropriate.
Second thread this week to include an unfathomable reference to the National Presbyterian Church.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Neo Pagan Collective.
Or, any time you’ve got someone so unable to think coherently, who consistently notes being tactically and ethically and intellectually outmaneuvered, then in that case, Non Player Character. The sort that will demand the use of guillotine or helicopter, or, back in the day, Tokarev . . .
LARP comes out of Live Action . . . .
. . . because I don’t want to make them “trend” still more. I’d much rather they disappeared.
Oh, Bloody Hell Yes, that . . . albeit the practitioners, that is.
Acronyms, though, will always be like NPCs, as in There will always be the NPC among you . . . on an other hand, noting the normal NPC condition, one can type out the entire Situation “Normal”: All Fouled Up, or one can just point out that the idea of helicopters is a snafu . . . .
IS THE POPE CATHOLIC? That’s Rod Blagojevich’s response to whether he thinks Democrat votes are being ‘stolen’ in Philadelphia
WTF kind of answer is that? Curious if he been following who the current pope is. Hell, I’m not even sure if bears shit in the woods anymore. Though they’re probably more Catholic than the pope.
This is the person overseeing Arizona’s election results:

via Scott Greer
LARP: Live Action Role Playing. Running around in public playing a role.
With a bit more subtext: tabletop role playing games, best exemplified by Dungeons & Dragons, have a well-deserved reputation for attracting deeply insecure and/or damaged people working out their issues by pretending to a kind of Tolkien/Conan-esque adolescent power fantasy.
For some people this isn’t enough escapism, and they construct elaborate character costumes and run about in the forest speaking in character for days on end, in a kind of Stanislavsky Method gone mental. Since real swords are dangerous and none of these people have yet figured out how to cast actual magic spells, bystanders are treated to the spectacle of people grimly whacking each other with large foam rubber props and flinging coloured bean bags at each other while shouting “abracadabara”. They’re very serious about it all. Stop laughing.
In a hobby full of poorly socialized losers, LARPers are the people everyone else points to and says “those weirdos are poorly socialized losers”.
So when we refer to people as LARPing (usually as some form of revolutionary), we’re calling them poorly socialized losers running about in public dressed as a kind of adolescent power fantasy and expecting to be taken seriously as the thing they’re dressed as, no matter how ludicrous.