It has to be said, the optics are rather… curious. They’re building a woke utopia in which admission to a wide-open public space is policed, largely by middle-class white students, on grounds of race. You see, they only want black people in the fields.
June 23, 2020 8:56 am
‘Full black’ LOL
Horace Dunn
June 23, 2020 9:16 am
You see, they only want black people in the fields.
*Sprays early morning tea over keyboard. Recovers. Dabs eyes.*
The scary thing is, it looks increasingly like that is what they want.
*Sprays early morning tea over keyboard. Recovers. Dabs eyes.*
Oh, come on. It was right there, waiting to be said.
I’m also impressed by the fact that you can “experience oppression because you are black” without actually, you know, being black. Or, one assumes, oppressed. All things are possible in Woketopia.
And remember, these are people who’ve been educated, possibly at great expense.
Horace Dunn
June 23, 2020 9:54 am
Incidentally, there was an “essay” on BBC Radio 4 this morning (for non-UK readers, R4 is the flagship broadcaster for establishment wokeism) on which Niall Ferguson spoke about using the opportunities of a post-Covid world to address the problems of state bureaucracies that “so badly failed to deal with this crisis”, and “those universities that were more interested in propagating woke ideology than teaching all that can profitably learned from the human past” and “those media institutions that insisted on covering [the pandemic] as if it were all a function the foibles of a few presidents, prime ministers and advisers”. He adds that killing off those insitutions that are stagnating, might mean we can see a return to progress.
This said, on Radio 4? Surely I dreamed it?
Nope, I checked. Radio 4 really did permit those sentiments to be expressed. No doubt they will “balance it out” with 500 shouty marxists, but it seems nonethleless like a tiny green shoot of progress…
No doubt they will “balance it out” with 500 shouty Marxists,
Not unlike the insufferable Thinking Allowed programme, which affects an air of intellectual sophistication and great moral depth while begging endless questions and airing assumptions favoured by unironic Guardian readers. Consequently, the most extraordinary pseudo-intellectual horseshit is treated with great deference, and we’re expected to applaud “debates” in which two shameless race hustlers agree with each other about how “white culture is a racist culture,” things of that sort, while a third person dutifully defers.
And instead of widening the listener’s horizons, as it claims, the programme more typically feels claustrophobic and parochial. A tiny group of people with eerily similar views congratulating each other, and thereby themselves.
the insufferable Thinking Allowed programme
My personal bugbear was “The Moral Maze”, or more accurately, “The Moral Cul-de-sac”. Supposedly an interrogation of biting moral questions of the day; in all my listening experience not a single one of the preening windbag panellists ever adjusted their moral posturing one iota as a result of the expert witnesses. Michael Gove was a frequent panellist. Which probably tells you everything you need to know.
Anyway, I finally gave up on Radio 4 completely about a year ago. I’d continued being a regular listener to the Archers, but then one of their episodes was entirely given over to an instructional on the intimacies of menstruation. And that was me out for good.
I finally gave up on Radio 4 completely about a year ago.
I gave up on it about a decade ago. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, one of the last things I heard was an episode of Loose Ends – a sort of whimsical revue of chat, music and substandard comedy, invariably leftist. The generic leftwing comedian of the week (whose name I didn’t catch) was amused by the taboos surrounding immigration and multiculturalism. Lots of code words were used – “Sun-reader,” and so forth – so that the disdain for working-class people and their fears wouldn’t be too overt.
The gist of the comedian’s punch line was, “Isn’t it hilarious that people who have concerns about mass immigration and failures to assimilate – the rapid and alienating transformation of their neighbourhoods – now have to be quiet because otherwise they’ll be called racists and possibly lose their jobs. Ha! We won!” This triumphal non-joke – and it was blatantly triumphal – was deemed incredibly funny and much mannered clapping ensued.
Of course, this was aired before the uncovering of events in Rotherham, and our new and vibrant age of Congolese machete gangs.
I left a comment on the previous thread about what seemed to me a particularly outrageous lie for the “greater good” by Dr Fauci concerning the efficacy of face masks.
It seems the plot thickens because this “expert” then went on to complain about how people are mysteriously failing to religiously believe The Science™.
What an utter twat!
June 23, 2020 2:11 pm
This is an obvious observation but I just need to say it: When white people enforce a border keeping blacks in an area for blacks only how is CHAZ different from a South African “homeland”?
Also, define “healing”. How is it measured? What specific outcome determines when healing is achieved?
Sorry, but my fragility is acting up this morning.
The Greater Good
Wow – I accidentally opened one of the links from my own earlier comment in an unmodified browser.
Hasn’t the internet become an unusable flickering gibbering horror show without an army of ad, popup and script blockers defending us?
Also, define “healing”. How is it measured?
Pretty sure the finish line will be when the trauma of being black is reduced to the point where a young black woman allows her baby to come to term, insists that the father stick around to help raise the child, insists that the local school provide a quality education and that the child studies diligently.
I believe the first step is finding a term to replace “acting white” when describing somebody behaving responsibly.
Hasn’t the internet become an unusable flickering gibbering horror show without an army of ad, popup and script blockers defending us?
I recently, foolishly, and for reasons that now escape me, bathed in the stroboscopic glow of the un-adblocked Daily Mail. It’s like they just took a bag full of flashing random crap, shook it up, then threw it at the screen. I’m not at all convinced that advertising is a viable model for internet use. It feels much more intrusive and aggravating than print or TV ads. Partly, I suppose, because it’s happening on your device. Maybe it’s just me, but I find myself repelled by it, and sites that use it, quite emphatically. I’ve stopped counting the sites I’ll no longer visit because they insist on the reader deactivating their adblocker, resulting in an insulting, actively hostile, all but unusable experience.
June 23, 2020 3:39 pm
…these are people who’ve been educated, possibly at great expense.
Nurturing a mark’s feeling of investment is important to the maintenance of a toxic relationship.
sites I’ll no longer visit because they insist on the reader deactivating their adblocker
I still have a hotmail account (I know, pity me) and here is the message it displays. On its own. In a wide sidebar. A sidebar that takes up space that could be dedicated to the inbox: It looks like you’re using an ad blocker. To maximise the space in your inbox sign up for Ad-Free Outlook.
Sometimes I think Microsoft is just trolling.
sites I’ll no longer visit because they insist on the reader deactivating their adblocker
I play a game with those sites, called “hit refresh, ctrl-A, ctrl-C and paste into Word.”
I’m at 100% so far.
June 23, 2020 6:47 pm
unironic Guardian readers
What reminded me that I hadn’t dropped in here today was running across a Guardian article just now (no, I’m not gonna link it. F ’em) stating that millions of Americans can’t afford water. See because it went up (supposedly) 80%…over a decade. I thought surely someone hear already read it, picked out the biggest chunks of stupid, and thus saving me the trouble. I know, credit note only.
a different james
June 23, 2020 6:55 pm
Police launch investigation into Burnley football fan who chartered a plane and flew White Lives Matter banner above Etihad stadium over racially-aggravated public order offence
Headline from the Daily Wail.
Are we there yet?
June 23, 2020 7:01 pm
“…running across a Guardian article just now…picked out the biggest chunks of stupid”
It’s annoying how many of the Brits I meet here in America seem to have foolish opinions of what Americans are like. It’s as if their intelligence has been lowered by an advanced degree and a constant exposure to the Guardian and BBC. Can the Daily Mail’s stroboscopic web page cause just as severe brain damage?
Steve E
June 23, 2020 7:52 pm
‘Full black’ LOL
So Obama wouldn’t be allowed in? It has to be said, the optics are rather… curious.
Wait until the barbed wire goes up. What an utter twat!
Such a high level of disingenuosness is usually only found in politicians. The wokerati are too stupid to be disingenuous. Because being woke requires double standards.
If it weren’t for double standards they’d have no standards at all.
June 23, 2020 8:02 pm
‘Full black’ LOL
“You must be this tall black to ride the roller coaster SJW clown car.”
It’s annoying how many of the Brits I meet here in America seem to have foolish opinions of what Americans are like.
I’ve become friendly with an old Air Force gentleman and his York-born wife. Lovely lady, just turned 90. Adores my dog. Feisty, determined, nothing stops her. A mind still very sharp as well. Until recently she swam 500 yards or more every morning. She says she’s determined to get back in the water. Right now she’s stuck using (or supposed to be using) a walker, yet I see from pictures her husband (who is a bit more limited because he’s on an oxygen tank) posted that she was out in her front yard cleaning up leaves and branches from a rough storm the night before. Before we left for the summer we stopped by their house and we got into a bit of a discussion about the war/post-war years in the UK and who she stays in touch with over the pond. Her friends and family over there know that she’s a steady Trump supporter. She told us this has caused a bit of friction in the long distance relationships. Her best friend from her youth, whom she has known all her life called her up a while back because her friend was seriously concerned that she might drink bleach because “Trump said to”. I delicately asked if this friend, who must be about the same age, was possibly losing her faculties or such. She assured me not. I could tell she was a bit upset that her friend thought that of her. Then she let on that her family relationships have gotten a bit strained Over the last couple of years , she thinks for similar reasons.
At least she’s honest
Again, being woke requires double standards.
Steve E
June 23, 2020 9:34 pm
At least she’s honest:
This is what you get when your ideology is a zero-sum game. For a group of people who believe so strongly in a gender spectrum, it’s striking how binary their thought process works. Oppressed-oppressor, winner-loser, power-powerless, hammer-nail.
Then they came for the Bronies:
Because nothing can be free from censorship. I particularly liked how the author seems to find it problematic that Derpibooru forbid complaining about content and instead instruct visitors to use the site’s filtering tools to avoid images they don’t want to see.
as though taking responsibility for your own viewing is beyond her.
Jay Guevara
June 24, 2020 1:10 am
You see, they only want black people in the fields.
CHAZ is growing cotton?
I’ve become friendly with an old Air Force gentleman and his York-born wife.
A better class of people that the arrogant university [censored] jerks I’ve met.
June 24, 2020 2:10 am
CHAZ is growing cotton?
What better fate for Marxist revolutionaries than to be consigned to farm labor. We could even write work songs for them. Everyone in CHAZ gets a tenner. The organizers get a quarter.
June 24, 2020 2:32 am
work songs: “When you’re a zek,
You’re a zek all the way
From the knock on the door
To your last dyin’ day…”
and: “They come runnin’ just as fast as they can
‘Cause commies all crazy ’bout a five year plan”
So, no police action against the BurnleyFlyer (it took them three days to figure out they couldn’t pin anything on him) and 15 FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
What’s today’s totally manufactured outrage going to be, I wonder?
and 15 FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
It’s strange to watch what appears to be a widespread, seemingly contagious unhinging; some kind of collective fever dream.
June 24, 2020 7:58 am
…FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
And what pointy heads at NASCAR are going to believe, or pretend to believe, that a professional driver had never seen an overhand loop or bowline dangling from a bay door before?
are going to believe, or pretend to believe,
That, as they say.
a different james
June 24, 2020 9:00 am
And what pointy heads at NASCAR are going to believe, or pretend to believe, that a professional driver had never seen an overhand loop or bowline dangling from a bay door before?
Humiliation is not about forcing you to do something you don’t want to do. It’s about making you pretend to want to do it. Making you pretend that you believe something which you know to be a lie.
Everyone will now act as if Bubba is the victim.
June 24, 2020 9:29 am
It’s strange to watch what appears to be a widespread, seemingly contagious unhinging; some kind of collective fever dream.
From reading lots of history I thought that having your civilisation collapse around you would be horrifying, but I never expected so much stupidity. And what pointy heads at NASCAR are going to believe, or pretend to believe, that a professional driver had never seen an overhand loop or bowline dangling from a bay door before?
Everyone on that row knew exactly what that was but were most likely scared to death to say anything. No one wants to be the first to stop clapping when Comrade Stalin is finished.
Imagine an afternoon with Bubba: [hysterical screaming, hyperventilating] “AAAAH IT’S A SCAFFOLD THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just a bandstand. Only a bandstand. [hysterical screaming, blubbering] “AAAAH IT’S A NOOSE THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just a venetian blind. See it goes up, it comes down.
Strangely I can find no photo of this terrifying noose piece of string.
terrifying piece of string.
I’m waiting for someone to say band name.
June 24, 2020 11:35 am
So, no police action against the BurnleyFlyer…
Lol. I noticed how media outrage over this in the UK pushed the murder of three white men by an African at the weekend well down the news bulletins…. FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
I find it hard to believe that an area filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of kit wouldn’t be covered by CCTV, but here we are.
Dr Evil
June 24, 2020 11:57 am
Those idiots are wearing masks OUTSIDE. They truly are imbeciles. Love the tweet saying how about countries next?
June 24, 2020 11:58 am
It’s annoying how many of the Brits I meet here in America seem to have foolish opinions of what Americans are like.
You have grown men who are both neo-Nazis and My Little Pony obsessives. Britain has all sorts, but we’re a long way behind when it comes to crazy.
4 Photos on James Beatty’s Twitter feed
[ Squints. Cleans glasses. Gets out magnifying glass. Puts away magnifying glass. Gets out microscope… ]
Er, OK I’m convinced? [hysterical screaming, whimpering] “AAAAH IT’S A STICK OF DYNAMITE THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just a hot dog. See, tasty hot dog, yum yum.
June 24, 2020 1:56 pm
It’s about making you pretend to want to do it. Making you pretend that you believe something which you know to be a lie.
War against the unbelievers until they submit in willing humiliation.
June 24, 2020 3:05 pm
NASCAR. Bubba is a p1ss poor driver, just 6 top 10 finishes in 90 races. Ended 2019 ranked 28th out of 40 drivers.
Suddenly his future career is assured. Funny old world.
I’d love to see the racing teams suggest that maybe the horribly fraught world of NASCAR isn’t a good fit for a sensitive driver like Bubba, and suggest he find a line of work in a less stressful environment.
“We’re just trying to do you a favor, Bubba. No hard feelings!”
Strangely I can find no photo of this terrifying noose piece of string. This article has some stills taken from video shot in 2017. It seems all the doors in all the stalls have this rope pull. As can see you’d have to be on some massive hallucinagenics to see these things and think that they are nooses unless you suffer fever dreams of hanging small mammals.
Steve E
June 24, 2020 4:06 pm
Oh and it’s highly unlikely those “nooses” are even slip knots otherwise the point of tying a hand loop for easy use would be lost.
fever dreams of hanging small mammals
Band Name!!
No, but seriously, that is some exhaustive analysis right there, thanks. [hysterical screaming, choking] “AAAAH IT’S A LYNCHING – I CAN’T BREATHE!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just your necktie. Let me loosen it a little for you. [hysterical screaming, flailing] “AAAAH SNAKES – THEY’RE EATING ME ALIVE!”
– Easy there Bubba, they’re just your pants legs. Look, they’re made of cloth, see?
June 24, 2020 5:01 pm
And remember, these are people who’ve been educated, possibly at great expense.
I take issue with your choice of verb. At best they have been schooled. In the same sense as horse jumping or dressage.
In this case, however, they are only half of the horse.
Steve E
June 24, 2020 5:06 pm
[hysterical screaming, choking] “AAAAH IT’S A LYNCHING – I CAN’T BREATHE!”
Before these days of race baiting that kind of satire would have been all over the late night shows after an event like this. We are indeed being cowed into pretending to believe. This particular incident never would have gotten this far. The minute Bubba tried to pull that sh!t he would have been ridiculed. Instead, he was symbolically pushed to the poll position and made the centre of attention over every other driver.
June 24, 2020 5:16 pm
“I’ve been racing all of my life,” Wallace told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that never had garage pulls like that. So people that want to call it a garage pull and put out all the videos and photos of knots being as their evidence, go ahead, but from the evidence that we have – and I have – it’s a straight-up noose.”
I’ve worked in a service garage, in the outside broadcasting industry, in the tobacco industry, and as an equipment operator, over the course of twenty-plus years. In every case most bay doors had a loop at the end of their cord. Those that did not have a loop at least had a stop knot instead.
Wallace is engaging in classic toxic relationship behavior: having been caught in a deception he is placing a demand on his listener to pretend that they are mentally retarded.
June 24, 2020 5:21 pm
[hysterical screaming, choking] “AAAAH IT’S PINCHING MY GENITALS – THEY’RE LOSING BLOOD FLOW!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just your underwear. Just adjust them a little.
Steve E
June 24, 2020 5:26 pm
having been caught in a deception he is placing a demand on his listener to pretend that they are mentally retarded.
But has he really been caught? Lemon doesn’t at all challenge or ridicule an obviously ridiculous statement and no one else in the main stream media is doing it either. In fact, all media are still calling the door pull a noose. They may put it in quotation marks in the headline, but in the body copy it’s a straight-up noose, not even an alleged noose.
I’m triggered by Wallace appropriating a full-on White Cracker name like Bubba.
[hysterical screaming, pantomime running] “AAAAH I’M BEING STALKED – A BLACK MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just your shadow. Look, I’ll pull the curtains closed.
June 24, 2020 5:56 pm
Bubba is a beautiful race-agnostic southern name. See Bubba Smith, Bubba Morton, others. But not Bubba The Love Sponge. That’s different.
’At least she’s honest.’
She’s now whining that the people who ‘call out snowflakes and hate cancel culture’ are emailing her university, and she just got a call from a manager.
Well, honey, those are the rules you wanted to play by. Did you think the other team wouldn’t get a look at the playbook?
*washes down popcorn with a large gin*
The weird detail in exempting black people from the face mask requirement-which-is-really-a-recommendation is that it is done out of “concern” for profiling of black people. But if black people are the ones NOT wearing masks, won’t that make it easier to “profile” them?: “Hey you without the mask! Papers please!”
To make matters worse, black people may wear masks, and non-black people may not wear them. This certainly makes profiling a hassle. What’s a racist cop (but I repeat myself) to do?
June 24, 2020 6:34 pm
I think the issue with the nooses is to claim that NASCAR is so reflexively (systemically) racist that they didn’t even notice the nooses until Bubba reported them. NASCAR knew Bubba was black but they were totally insensitive to his perceptions as a black man in AmeriKKKa in which even a casually tied noose is treated as ‘business as usual’ despite the horrific history of lynchings. To paraphrase Bubba: The fact that the nooses were ‘actually’ door pulls does not change the fact that they are nooses.
Daniel Ream
June 24, 2020 7:06 pm
It’s strange to watch what appears to be a widespread, seemingly contagious unhinging; some kind of collective fever dream.
The depressing thing about being a student of history is knowing that this bollocks happens all the time, and we’re no more immune for being modern. It’s about making you pretend to want to do it. Making you pretend that you believe something which you know to be a lie.
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple
in which even a casually tied noose is treated as ‘business as usual’ despite the horrific history of lynchings.
Newspaper of record.
Steve E
June 24, 2020 8:01 pm
To paraphrase Bubba: The fact that the nooses were ‘actually’ door pulls does not change the fact that they are nooses.
To paraphrase Freud: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Are lefty women always total b*tches or just nearly always?
As the various threads featuring Dr Gopal illustrate, she’s a deeply obnoxious woman, irretrievably so. She’s a churlish, dishonest, and ungrateful creature, who indulges in habitual projection, non-reciprocal standards, and grotesquely inapt pretensions of victimhood. And she chooses to excuse being an insufferable cow by tarting up her behaviour as political radicalism. It’s a self-flattering rationalisation and therefore quite common, at least among the type.
And she very much is of a type.
Horace Dunn
June 25, 2020 9:15 am
She’s a churlish, dishonest, and ungrateful creature
There are, of course, ghastly people who characterise themselves as right wing. Think of Katie Hopkins for example. But most right-of-centre peple reject their ideas as trivial-minded, questionable, obnoxious etc.
The left seems to cherish its monsters such as Dr Gopal.
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
June 25, 2020 9:52 am
…are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
She’s a churlish, dishonest, and ungrateful creature
Quite the Lord-of-the-Rings goblin-looking motherfucker too. Most people choose their most flattering portrait for their online identity ;} Think of Katie Hopkins for example.
Think what of her? Whatever Twatter tells you to?
I’ve never quite understood the attitude of many otherwise red-pilled commentators who have realised we don’t actually live in a cis-hetero-mysogo-patriarcho-tyranny, but still believe everything the Grauniad tells them about Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump.
Have you tried listening to the things she actually says?
June 25, 2020 10:10 am
Lord-of-the-Rings goblin-looking motherfucker
Horace Dunn
June 25, 2020 10:26 am
I’ve never quite understood the attitude of many otherwise red-pilled commentators who have realised we don’t actually live in a cis-hetero-mysogo-patriarcho-tyranny, but still believe everything the Grauniad tells them about Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump.
Oooh. You’ve found me out for the credulous fool I am. How perceptive of you. How wise and high minded.
I bet you’re a real hit with the ladies.
I can’t see any black people.
I can’t see any black people.
It’s not unlike watching This is Spinal Tap.
It has to be said, the optics are rather… curious. They’re building a woke utopia in which admission to a wide-open public space is policed, largely by middle-class white students, on grounds of race. You see, they only want black people in the fields.
‘Full black’ LOL
You see, they only want black people in the fields.
*Sprays early morning tea over keyboard. Recovers. Dabs eyes.*
The scary thing is, it looks increasingly like that is what they want.
*Sprays early morning tea over keyboard. Recovers. Dabs eyes.*
Oh, come on. It was right there, waiting to be said.
I’m also impressed by the fact that you can “experience oppression because you are black” without actually, you know, being black. Or, one assumes, oppressed. All things are possible in Woketopia.
And remember, these are people who’ve been educated, possibly at great expense.
Incidentally, there was an “essay” on BBC Radio 4 this morning (for non-UK readers, R4 is the flagship broadcaster for establishment wokeism) on which Niall Ferguson spoke about using the opportunities of a post-Covid world to address the problems of state bureaucracies that “so badly failed to deal with this crisis”, and “those universities that were more interested in propagating woke ideology than teaching all that can profitably learned from the human past” and “those media institutions that insisted on covering [the pandemic] as if it were all a function the foibles of a few presidents, prime ministers and advisers”. He adds that killing off those insitutions that are stagnating, might mean we can see a return to progress.
This said, on Radio 4? Surely I dreamed it?
Nope, I checked. Radio 4 really did permit those sentiments to be expressed. No doubt they will “balance it out” with 500 shouty marxists, but it seems nonethleless like a tiny green shoot of progress…
No doubt they will “balance it out” with 500 shouty Marxists,
That does seem to be their standard procedure.
No doubt they will “balance it out” with 500 shouty Marxists,
Not unlike the insufferable Thinking Allowed programme, which affects an air of intellectual sophistication and great moral depth while begging endless questions and airing assumptions favoured by unironic Guardian readers. Consequently, the most extraordinary pseudo-intellectual horseshit is treated with great deference, and we’re expected to applaud “debates” in which two shameless race hustlers agree with each other about how “white culture is a racist culture,” things of that sort, while a third person dutifully defers.
And instead of widening the listener’s horizons, as it claims, the programme more typically feels claustrophobic and parochial. A tiny group of people with eerily similar views congratulating each other, and thereby themselves.
the insufferable Thinking Allowed programme
My personal bugbear was “The Moral Maze”, or more accurately, “The Moral Cul-de-sac”. Supposedly an interrogation of biting moral questions of the day; in all my listening experience not a single one of the preening windbag panellists ever adjusted their moral posturing one iota as a result of the expert witnesses. Michael Gove was a frequent panellist. Which probably tells you everything you need to know.
Anyway, I finally gave up on Radio 4 completely about a year ago. I’d continued being a regular listener to the Archers, but then one of their episodes was entirely given over to an instructional on the intimacies of menstruation. And that was me out for good.
unironic Guardian readers
Band name.
I finally gave up on Radio 4 completely about a year ago.
I gave up on it about a decade ago. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, one of the last things I heard was an episode of Loose Ends – a sort of whimsical revue of chat, music and substandard comedy, invariably leftist. The generic leftwing comedian of the week (whose name I didn’t catch) was amused by the taboos surrounding immigration and multiculturalism. Lots of code words were used – “Sun-reader,” and so forth – so that the disdain for working-class people and their fears wouldn’t be too overt.
The gist of the comedian’s punch line was, “Isn’t it hilarious that people who have concerns about mass immigration and failures to assimilate – the rapid and alienating transformation of their neighbourhoods – now have to be quiet because otherwise they’ll be called racists and possibly lose their jobs. Ha! We won!” This triumphal non-joke – and it was blatantly triumphal – was deemed incredibly funny and much mannered clapping ensued.
Of course, this was aired before the uncovering of events in Rotherham, and our new and vibrant age of Congolese machete gangs.
I left a comment on the previous thread about what seemed to me a particularly outrageous lie for the “greater good” by Dr Fauci concerning the efficacy of face masks.
It seems the plot thickens because this “expert” then went on to complain about how people are mysteriously failing to religiously believe The Science™.
What an utter twat!
This is an obvious observation but I just need to say it: When white people enforce a border keeping blacks in an area for blacks only how is CHAZ different from a South African “homeland”?
Also, define “healing”. How is it measured? What specific outcome determines when healing is achieved?
Sorry, but my fragility is acting up this morning.
Also, define “healing”. How is it measured?
Presumably, they’re recovering from all that terrible racial contamination.
The Greater Good
Wow – I accidentally opened one of the links from my own earlier comment in an unmodified browser.
Hasn’t the internet become an unusable flickering gibbering horror show without an army of ad, popup and script blockers defending us?
Also, define “healing”. How is it measured?
Pretty sure the finish line will be when the trauma of being black is reduced to the point where a young black woman allows her baby to come to term, insists that the father stick around to help raise the child, insists that the local school provide a quality education and that the child studies diligently.
I believe the first step is finding a term to replace “acting white” when describing somebody behaving responsibly.
Hasn’t the internet become an unusable flickering gibbering horror show without an army of ad, popup and script blockers defending us?
I recently, foolishly, and for reasons that now escape me, bathed in the stroboscopic glow of the un-adblocked Daily Mail. It’s like they just took a bag full of flashing random crap, shook it up, then threw it at the screen. I’m not at all convinced that advertising is a viable model for internet use. It feels much more intrusive and aggravating than print or TV ads. Partly, I suppose, because it’s happening on your device. Maybe it’s just me, but I find myself repelled by it, and sites that use it, quite emphatically. I’ve stopped counting the sites I’ll no longer visit because they insist on the reader deactivating their adblocker, resulting in an insulting, actively hostile, all but unusable experience.
…these are people who’ve been educated, possibly at great expense.
Nurturing a mark’s feeling of investment is important to the maintenance of a toxic relationship.
Have we reached peak iconoclasm yet?

Have we reached peak iconoclasm yet?
Spite as piety.
sites I’ll no longer visit because they insist on the reader deactivating their adblocker
I still have a hotmail account (I know, pity me) and here is the message it displays. On its own. In a wide sidebar. A sidebar that takes up space that could be dedicated to the inbox:
It looks like you’re using an ad blocker. To maximise the space in your inbox sign up for Ad-Free Outlook.
Sometimes I think Microsoft is just trolling.
I still have a hotmail account
As I said to my niece when I saw her Hotmail address, “You’ve brought shame upon this family.”
“You’ve brought shame upon this family.”
[ Shuffles over to the Scoldomatic ]
Because being woke requires double standards.
sites I’ll no longer visit because they insist on the reader deactivating their adblocker
I play a game with those sites, called “hit refresh, ctrl-A, ctrl-C and paste into Word.”
I’m at 100% so far.
unironic Guardian readers
What reminded me that I hadn’t dropped in here today was running across a Guardian article just now (no, I’m not gonna link it. F ’em) stating that millions of Americans can’t afford water. See because it went up (supposedly) 80%…over a decade. I thought surely someone hear already read it, picked out the biggest chunks of stupid, and thus saving me the trouble. I know, credit note only.
Police launch investigation into Burnley football fan who chartered a plane and flew White Lives Matter banner above Etihad stadium over racially-aggravated public order offence
Headline from the Daily Wail.
Are we there yet?
“…running across a Guardian article just now…picked out the biggest chunks of stupid”
It’s annoying how many of the Brits I meet here in America seem to have foolish opinions of what Americans are like. It’s as if their intelligence has been lowered by an advanced degree and a constant exposure to the Guardian and BBC. Can the Daily Mail’s stroboscopic web page cause just as severe brain damage?
‘Full black’ LOL
So Obama wouldn’t be allowed in?
It has to be said, the optics are rather… curious.
Wait until the barbed wire goes up.
What an utter twat!
Such a high level of disingenuosness is usually only found in politicians. The wokerati are too stupid to be disingenuous.
Because being woke requires double standards.
If it weren’t for double standards they’d have no standards at all.
‘Full black’ LOL
“You must be this
tallblack to ride theroller coasterSJW clown car.”At least she’s honest:
It’s annoying how many of the Brits I meet here in America seem to have foolish opinions of what Americans are like.
I’ve become friendly with an old Air Force gentleman and his York-born wife. Lovely lady, just turned 90. Adores my dog. Feisty, determined, nothing stops her. A mind still very sharp as well. Until recently she swam 500 yards or more every morning. She says she’s determined to get back in the water. Right now she’s stuck using (or supposed to be using) a walker, yet I see from pictures her husband (who is a bit more limited because he’s on an oxygen tank) posted that she was out in her front yard cleaning up leaves and branches from a rough storm the night before. Before we left for the summer we stopped by their house and we got into a bit of a discussion about the war/post-war years in the UK and who she stays in touch with over the pond. Her friends and family over there know that she’s a steady Trump supporter. She told us this has caused a bit of friction in the long distance relationships. Her best friend from her youth, whom she has known all her life called her up a while back because her friend was seriously concerned that she might drink bleach because “Trump said to”. I delicately asked if this friend, who must be about the same age, was possibly losing her faculties or such. She assured me not. I could tell she was a bit upset that her friend thought that of her. Then she let on that her family relationships have gotten a bit strained Over the last couple of years , she thinks for similar reasons.
At least she’s honest
Again, being woke requires double standards.
At least she’s honest:
This is what you get when your ideology is a zero-sum game. For a group of people who believe so strongly in a gender spectrum, it’s striking how binary their thought process works. Oppressed-oppressor, winner-loser, power-powerless, hammer-nail.
it’s striking how binary their thought process works.
And as noted recently, with quite a lot of projection.
I’ve still got aol!
I’ve still got aol!
Well, David is fond of the use of coasters.
Then they came for the Bronies:
Because nothing can be free from censorship. I particularly liked how the author seems to find it problematic that Derpibooru
forbid complaining about content and instead instruct visitors to use the site’s filtering tools to avoid images they don’t want to see.
as though taking responsibility for your own viewing is beyond her.
You see, they only want black people in the fields.
CHAZ is growing cotton?
CHAZ is growing cotton?
Dental Floss.
I’ve become friendly with an old Air Force gentleman and his York-born wife.
A better class of people that the arrogant university
[censored]jerks I’ve met.CHAZ is growing cotton?
What better fate for Marxist revolutionaries than to be consigned to farm labor. We could even write work songs for them. Everyone in CHAZ gets a tenner. The organizers get a quarter.
work songs:
“When you’re a zek,
You’re a zek all the way
From the knock on the door
To your last dyin’ day…”
“They come runnin’ just as fast as they can
‘Cause commies all crazy ’bout a five year plan”
The Woketopians are not the only ones captivated by race.
Via Damian.
And in woke vandalism news.
So, no police action against the BurnleyFlyer (it took them three days to figure out they couldn’t pin anything on him) and 15 FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
What’s today’s totally manufactured outrage going to be, I wonder?
and 15 FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
It’s strange to watch what appears to be a widespread, seemingly contagious unhinging; some kind of collective fever dream.
…FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
And what pointy heads at NASCAR are going to believe, or pretend to believe, that a professional driver had never seen an overhand loop or bowline dangling from a bay door before?
are going to believe, or pretend to believe,
That, as they say.
And what pointy heads at NASCAR are going to believe, or pretend to believe, that a professional driver had never seen an overhand loop or bowline dangling from a bay door before?
Humiliation is not about forcing you to do something you don’t want to do. It’s about making you pretend to want to do it. Making you pretend that you believe something which you know to be a lie.
Everyone will now act as if Bubba is the victim.
It’s strange to watch what appears to be a widespread, seemingly contagious unhinging; some kind of collective fever dream.
From reading lots of history I thought that having your civilisation collapse around you would be horrifying, but I never expected so much stupidity.
And what pointy heads at NASCAR are going to believe, or pretend to believe, that a professional driver had never seen an overhand loop or bowline dangling from a bay door before?
Everyone on that row knew exactly what that was but were most likely scared to death to say anything. No one wants to be the first to stop clapping when Comrade Stalin is finished.
Imagine an afternoon with Bubba:
[hysterical screaming, hyperventilating] “AAAAH IT’S A SCAFFOLD THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just a bandstand. Only a bandstand.
[hysterical screaming, blubbering] “AAAAH IT’S A NOOSE THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just a venetian blind. See it goes up, it comes down.
Strangely I can find no photo of this terrifying
noosepiece of string.Anyone?
terrifying piece of string.
I’m waiting for someone to say band name.
So, no police action against the BurnleyFlyer…
Lol. I noticed how media outrage over this in the UK pushed the murder of three white men by an African at the weekend well down the news bulletins….
FBI agents worked tirelessly to identify a pullrope from a garage door.
I find it hard to believe that an area filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of kit wouldn’t be covered by CCTV, but here we are.
Those idiots are wearing masks OUTSIDE. They truly are imbeciles. Love the tweet saying how about countries next?
It’s annoying how many of the Brits I meet here in America seem to have foolish opinions of what Americans are like.
You have grown men who are both neo-Nazis and My Little Pony obsessives. Britain has all sorts, but we’re a long way behind when it comes to crazy.
Strangely I can find no photo of this terrifying
noosepiece of string.Anyone?
4 Photos on James Beatty’s Twitter feed
Here’s a tweet with before/after etc. pics of the NooseCAR atrocity. Note the tweet response from someone named James Dottly. He’s supposed to be someone. He gots a blue checkmark so..?
Britain has all sorts, but we’re a long way behind when it comes to crazy
Oh, really?
Britain has all sorts, but we’re a long way behind when it comes to crazy
Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
terrifying piece of string.
I’m waiting for someone to say band name.
I think that’s more of an album name.
4 Photos on James Beatty’s Twitter feed
[ Squints. Cleans glasses. Gets out magnifying glass. Puts away magnifying glass. Gets out microscope… ]
Er, OK I’m convinced?
[hysterical screaming, whimpering] “AAAAH IT’S A STICK OF DYNAMITE THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just a hot dog. See, tasty hot dog, yum yum.
It’s about making you pretend to want to do it. Making you pretend that you believe something which you know to be a lie.
War against the unbelievers until they submit in willing humiliation.
NASCAR. Bubba is a p1ss poor driver, just 6 top 10 finishes in 90 races. Ended 2019 ranked 28th out of 40 drivers.
Suddenly his future career is assured. Funny old world.
Yup. Expect to see a lot of “Bubba Kaepernick” references coming soon.
I’d love to see the racing teams suggest that maybe the horribly fraught world of NASCAR isn’t a good fit for a sensitive driver like Bubba, and suggest he find a line of work in a less stressful environment.
“We’re just trying to do you a favor, Bubba. No hard feelings!”
Deviation from narrative detected.
Strangely I can find no photo of this terrifying noose piece of string.
This article has some stills taken from video shot in 2017. It seems all the doors in all the stalls have this rope pull. As can see you’d have to be on some massive hallucinagenics to see these things and think that they are nooses unless you suffer fever dreams of hanging small mammals.
Oh and it’s highly unlikely those “nooses” are even slip knots otherwise the point of tying a hand loop for easy use would be lost.
Attention-seeking fantasist proven wrong, doubles down.
fever dreams of hanging small mammals
Band Name!!
No, but seriously, that is some exhaustive analysis right there, thanks.
[hysterical screaming, choking] “AAAAH IT’S A LYNCHING – I CAN’T BREATHE!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just your necktie. Let me loosen it a little for you.
[hysterical screaming, flailing] “AAAAH SNAKES – THEY’RE EATING ME ALIVE!”
– Easy there Bubba, they’re just your pants legs. Look, they’re made of cloth, see?
And remember, these are people who’ve been educated, possibly at great expense.
I take issue with your choice of verb. At best they have been schooled. In the same sense as horse jumping or dressage.
In this case, however, they are only half of the horse.
[hysterical screaming, choking] “AAAAH IT’S A LYNCHING – I CAN’T BREATHE!”
Before these days of race baiting that kind of satire would have been all over the late night shows after an event like this. We are indeed being cowed into pretending to believe. This particular incident never would have gotten this far. The minute Bubba tried to pull that sh!t he would have been ridiculed. Instead, he was symbolically pushed to the poll position and made the centre of attention over every other driver.
“I’ve been racing all of my life,” Wallace told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that never had garage pulls like that. So people that want to call it a garage pull and put out all the videos and photos of knots being as their evidence, go ahead, but from the evidence that we have – and I have – it’s a straight-up noose.”
I’ve worked in a service garage, in the outside broadcasting industry, in the tobacco industry, and as an equipment operator, over the course of twenty-plus years. In every case most bay doors had a loop at the end of their cord. Those that did not have a loop at least had a stop knot instead.
Wallace is engaging in classic toxic relationship behavior: having been caught in a deception he is placing a demand on his listener to pretend that they are mentally retarded.
[hysterical screaming, choking] “AAAAH IT’S PINCHING MY GENITALS – THEY’RE LOSING BLOOD FLOW!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just your underwear. Just adjust them a little.
having been caught in a deception he is placing a demand on his listener to pretend that they are mentally retarded.
But has he really been caught? Lemon doesn’t at all challenge or ridicule an obviously ridiculous statement and no one else in the main stream media is doing it either. In fact, all media are still calling the door pull a noose. They may put it in quotation marks in the headline, but in the body copy it’s a straight-up noose, not even an alleged noose.
I’m triggered by Wallace appropriating a full-on White Cracker name like Bubba.
[hysterical screaming, pantomime running] “AAAAH I’M BEING STALKED – A BLACK MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME!”
– Easy there Bubba, it’s just your shadow. Look, I’ll pull the curtains closed.
Bubba is a beautiful race-agnostic southern name. See Bubba Smith, Bubba Morton, others. But not Bubba The Love Sponge. That’s different.
’At least she’s honest.’
She’s now whining that the people who ‘call out snowflakes and hate cancel culture’ are emailing her university, and she just got a call from a manager.
Well, honey, those are the rules you wanted to play by. Did you think the other team wouldn’t get a look at the playbook?
*washes down popcorn with a large gin*
In the interests of racial equality, white people will be required to wear face masks.
The weird detail in exempting black people from the face mask requirement-which-is-really-a-recommendation is that it is done out of “concern” for profiling of black people. But if black people are the ones NOT wearing masks, won’t that make it easier to “profile” them?: “Hey you without the mask! Papers please!”
To make matters worse, black people may wear masks, and non-black people may not wear them. This certainly makes profiling a hassle. What’s a racist cop (but I repeat myself) to do?
I think the issue with the nooses is to claim that NASCAR is so reflexively (systemically) racist that they didn’t even notice the nooses until Bubba reported them. NASCAR knew Bubba was black but they were totally insensitive to his perceptions as a black man in AmeriKKKa in which even a casually tied noose is treated as ‘business as usual’ despite the horrific history of lynchings. To paraphrase Bubba: The fact that the nooses were ‘actually’ door pulls does not change the fact that they are nooses.
It’s strange to watch what appears to be a widespread, seemingly contagious unhinging; some kind of collective fever dream.
The depressing thing about being a student of history is knowing that this bollocks happens all the time, and we’re no more immune for being modern.
It’s about making you pretend to want to do it. Making you pretend that you believe something which you know to be a lie.
in which even a casually tied noose is treated as ‘business as usual’ despite the horrific history of lynchings.
Newspaper of record.
To paraphrase Bubba: The fact that the nooses were ‘actually’ door pulls does not change the fact that they are nooses.
To paraphrase Freud: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Here in the Upside Down one reads the Babylon Bee to keep abreast of current events, and the Mainstream Media for sardonic amusement.
So I guess Bubba is a has-been who is desperate to revive his racing career.
band name
So I guess Bubba is a has-been who is desperate to revive his racing career.
He’s a never-was-much.
It’s really quite shocking how horrible hate crimes never happen to superstars at the peak of their careers, huh?
Context here, and worth a squint.
Also heh.
Context here, and worth a squint.
Are lefty women always total b*tches or just nearly always?
Are lefty women always total b*tches or just nearly always?
As the various threads featuring Dr Gopal illustrate, she’s a deeply obnoxious woman, irretrievably so. She’s a churlish, dishonest, and ungrateful creature, who indulges in habitual projection, non-reciprocal standards, and grotesquely inapt pretensions of victimhood. And she chooses to excuse being an insufferable cow by tarting up her behaviour as political radicalism. It’s a self-flattering rationalisation and therefore quite common, at least among the type.
And she very much is of a type.
She’s a churlish, dishonest, and ungrateful creature
There are, of course, ghastly people who characterise themselves as right wing. Think of Katie Hopkins for example. But most right-of-centre peple reject their ideas as trivial-minded, questionable, obnoxious etc.
The left seems to cherish its monsters such as Dr Gopal.
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
…are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
She’s a churlish, dishonest, and ungrateful creature
Quite the Lord-of-the-Rings goblin-looking motherfucker too. Most people choose their most flattering portrait for their online identity ;}
Think of Katie Hopkins for example.
Think what of her? Whatever Twatter tells you to?
I’ve never quite understood the attitude of many otherwise red-pilled commentators who have realised we don’t actually live in a cis-hetero-mysogo-patriarcho-tyranny, but still believe everything the Grauniad tells them about Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump.
Have you tried listening to the things she actually says?
Lord-of-the-Rings goblin-looking motherfucker
I’ve never quite understood the attitude of many otherwise red-pilled commentators who have realised we don’t actually live in a cis-hetero-mysogo-patriarcho-tyranny, but still believe everything the Grauniad tells them about Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump.
Oooh. You’ve found me out for the credulous fool I am. How perceptive of you. How wise and high minded.
I bet you’re a real hit with the ladies.