I bet you’re a real hit with the ladies.
Oh wow, what a burn 🙂
Have you tried listening to the things she actually says though?
June 25, 2020 11:14 am
“Try listening to the things she actually says”.
That course of action is not only considered unnecessary but will land you in deep* sh1t for even suggesting it anywhere other than on here.
*as in you and your family members losing their jobs type sh1t.
Do we think Katie Hopkins is the type to throw a major strop over a porter not recognising her then..?
Anyway, in other news, it appears the Met Police taking a knee cuts them no ice when the denizens of deepest Brixton decide to get all rioty…
22 cops injured, one police car wrecked, and their standing with ordinary taxpayers takes another nosedive.
June 25, 2020 12:24 pm
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal,
The thing is that the left has a policy of ‘never punch left’, so most people on the left simply refuse to criticise or condemn those further to the left no matter what they do. The right, on the other hand, has a policy of ‘always punch right’, so they have no problem condemning those further to the right. Indeed most so-called ‘conservatives’ will leap to the defence of leftists against right=wing criticism.This allows the left the appearance of a united front, while the right destroys itself in infighting.
The thing is that the left has a policy of ‘never punch left’,
Oh, is that what this is called, “never punching left”, that is . . . ..
But then again, mere extreme idiot is mere extreme idiot, whether right wing or left. Such is why being mere right wing or mere left wing keeps failing, and actually being conservative and thus staying centered and in balance keeps getting the job done . . .
22 cops injured, one police car wrecked
Ah, but was it “mostly peaceful”?
June 25, 2020 1:45 pm
… actually being conservative and thus staying centered and in balance keeps getting the job done
Hal, you keep saying this but all I see is history being re-written, statues being torn down, white people being beaten to a bloody pulp by leftist mobs or butchered like animals on the streets or in parks, Police Officers attacked in the street and people fired from their jobs simply for saying ‘White Lives Matter’.
What exactly do you think you’re ‘conserving’?
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
I suppose the thing is, if you’re accustomed to pretending to believe things that you don’t actually believe, and don’t live as if you did in fact believe them – a leftist signature – then you’re less likely to question other people’s pretensions and bad faith, however self-flattering or ludicrous, especially if those pretensions are similar to your own. And so, we end up with quite a few people who have to pretend that someone else’s pretence – say, that not being recognised by polite university porters is an act of “aggression” and “racial profiling” – isn’t in any way dubious or narcissistic. Even when the pretender in question is a visitor and the porters have to deal with hundreds of people a day, at an institution with 30 or so colleges and a list of staff and faculty numbering in the thousands.
June 25, 2020 2:04 pm
Where’s this “mostly peaceful” sophistry when the police act? 99.99% of the time, the police are peaceful. On average, far more peaceful than these demonstrations or even a typical day in Chicago. Hell, Officer Dipshit himself and the other officers with him that day in MN were “mostly peaceful”. Of course, sophistry. It’s taught as reason and logic in our publicly (and semi-privately) run higher education institutions today. Provided, much as Johnathan states above, that the sophistry…excuse me, reason and logic…are aimed in the appropriate direction.
Hal, you keep saying this but all I see is history being re-written . . . .
Washington fought for his country, not for slavery.
Robert E. Lee fought against his country and for the system of slavery.
. . . .
Yes, learn history. Learn that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson fought against their country, and that George Washington fought for it.
. . . white people being beaten to a bloody pulp by leftist mobs or butchered like animals on the streets or in parks, . . . .
It’s an “all-black healing space.” Enforced by people of pallor.
Police Officers attacked in the street and people fired from their jobs simply for saying ‘White Lives Matter’.
Ah, no, it’s not “White Lives Matter” that’s gotten this set fired, it’s refusing to be cops . . . As noted . . . What exactly do you think you’re ‘conserving’?
Well, lesseee . . . . no history is being rewritten,
Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.
Being a cop is more than having a badge.
So, choosing to conserve reality over right or left wing ideology certainly does keep working, doesn’t it.
June 25, 2020 3:24 pm
Yes, learn history. Learn that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson fought against their country, and that George Washington fought for it.
Both Lee and Jackson were absolutely fighting for their country, just as Washington was. Their idea of what the US should be was different from that of Lincoln and Grant – that doesn’t mean they were wrong, just that they lost. Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.
Given that both BLM and AntiFa are both far-left groups and their stated aim is to ‘bring down the system’ in the US and the UK, I can’t see how you’ve come to this conclusion. Looters, on the other hand, are certainly a mix of far-leftists and opportunistic criminals. So, choosing to conserve reality over right or left wing ideology certainly does keep working, doesn’t it.
I’m not sure which version of reality you think you’re conserving when the whole of the Black Lives Matter movement is based on the lying claims that black people living in the West are being oppressed and murdered by white people and by police simply for being black, neither of which is even remotely true.
What it says on Gopal’s Wiki page right now: Priyamvada Gopal (born 28 August 1968) is a racist Professor at the Faculty of English at Cambridge University and a Fellow of Churchill College.[1]
…I’m not being judgmental…
That would be the Powderhorn Crowd I referenced back when they were getting baptisms on the site of Floyd’s death.
June 25, 2020 4:39 pm
Re: the Gopal creature,
I’ve just emailed my MP asking for her to be deported. Will let you know how it goes. I’ll probably get some bland reply saying that nothing can be done, but if you don’t ask you don’t get.
Given that both BLM and AntiFa are both far-left groups and their stated aim is to ‘bring down the system’ in the US and the UK, I can’t see how you’ve come to this conclusion [that rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.]
I have actually seen that assertion from a few leftists, plus the claim that the rioters are right wing or provocateurs or white supremacists. No evidence, just assertions–the usual penchant of the left for bold Big Lies.
June 25, 2020 8:17 pm
Both Lee and Jackson fought for their country, in the Mexican-American war. When they fought for the CSA, while understandable in a liberal context, yes they lost. But they were also wrong.
That said, BLM leaders have openly stated their Marxist-Leninist groundings, not to mention the numerous other actions that are flat out wrong. They are quite clear about their desire to destroy this country. And yet expressing discomfort with their organization is a disqualification for employment. No need to ask me how I know because I posted as much here recently.
And said without a smidge of irony too!
It’s like watching a repeated, and quite profound, parenting failure.
Steve E
June 25, 2020 9:17 pm
It’s like watching a repeated, and quite profound, parenting failure.
I see the possible family dynamic in two very different ways. Either the parents are overbearing tyrants and she’s treated like the petulant child she is; or she’s the tyrant cowing ma and da into submission.
June 25, 2020 9:36 pm
My money’s on that second thing.
Sam Duncan
June 25, 2020 10:48 pm
I don’t normally resort to the TLA of Inanity, but if anything is worthy of a LOL, it’s this.
Alex DeWynter
June 25, 2020 11:23 pm
I’m not being judgemental
I’ll give them credit for attempting to live according to their principles. Will be interesting to see how long and hard they’ll suffer to learn they’ve got dumbass principles.
Steve E
June 25, 2020 11:51 pm
I’ll give them credit for attempting to live according to their principles.
Principles are fairly changeable before, during, and after “the revolution.” They’re already completely immune to cognitive dissonance, so much so, that the principles could change hourly and they’d fall in line.
The bigger issue is the fact that the Democrat Party {thinking it can control the dragon) has set itself up to be the Trojan Horse that potentially allows these crazies to get some real power.
Yes, learn history. Learn that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson fought against their country, and that George Washington fought for it.
Both Lee and Jackson were absolutely fighting for their country, just as Washington was.
Ah, y’mean . . Both Lee and Jackson were absolutely fighting for their [hyperextended anti American street gang of the era], just as Washington was [fighting for his country that was doing a pre Brexit Brexit] . . .
With the Civil War, there was that slavery thing going on which the north—the Americans—weren’t going for. Their idea of what the US should be was different from that of [ Americans such as ] Lincoln and Grant
. . . and different from Washington as well.
Back in college, a classmate was a Navy lieutenant who’d been stationed somewhere southern for some time. A result was that she got rather an exposure to the Dixie!!!! Dixie!!!! Dixie!!!! LARPers. Her assessment of those fantasists was:
The dumb ones don’t know that the Civil War ended, the smart ones think they won.
Given that both BLM and AntiFa are both far-left groups and . . . . Looters, on the other hand, are certainly a mix of far-leftists and opportunistic criminals.
As noted, . . . . claims that black people living in the West are being oppressed and murdered by white people and by police simply for being black, neither of which is even remotely true.
. . . Being oppressed and murdered by genuine police is indeed not even remotely true: Once again we see that those wishing to commit murder certainly aren’t cops,
We see that a functioning community does demand the removal of idiots carrying police badges.
We see that those fired are emphatically targeting by skin color because that is what they on the left do.
We see that actual cops are indeed reminding that committing murder is what criminals do . . .
June 26, 2020 1:04 am
if anything is worthy of a LOL, it’s this.
Ummm….that guy’s not wearing a mask.
June 26, 2020 9:28 am
With the Civil War,there was that slavery thing going on which the north—the Americans—weren’t going for.
Are you saying that the southern States and their people weren’t American? In which case they were being occupied by a hostile foreign power, in which case it wasn’t a civil war.
I can’t believe you think this and still say that history isn’t being re-written. As noted,
Both can be protests, just with different tactics. We see that a functioning community does demand the removal of idiots carrying police badges.
The community, quite rightly, expect the lawful invesigation and removal or prosecution, if warranted, of Police officers, or any other public official who’ve broken the law. Your story shows that this is exactly what happens under the present system. So, what else do BLM/ AntiFa want, as they’re protesting a problem that doesn’t seem to exist.
In which case they were being occupied by a hostile foreign power, in which case it wasn’t a civil war.
And of course you are totally aware that they chose to stage all that themselves, thus indeed beginning the Civil War, thus having zero occupying force involved . . . quite by their own choice, refusing to be Americans, which the north—the Americans—weren’t going for. . . . The community, quite rightly, expect the lawful invesigation and removal or prosecution, if warranted, of Police officers, or any other public official who’ve broken the law.
I can’t believe you think this . . .
. . . . And of course you don’t believe anything of the sort—You have asked, and ye do receive.
June 26, 2020 12:29 pm
While Hal and Jonathan argue about the Civil War, note that Hal has not explained his strange assertion that “Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals” when it is clearly the case that a large fraction of the rioters are indeed leftists whose violence has political purposes. Such counter-factual blather seems like a very strange way to “conserve reality”.
Given its imperviousness to reason, logic, rhetoric, and evidence, I’m willing to wager quite a lot that this particular reality will be conserved for a long, long time.
. . note that Hal has not explained his strange assertion that “Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing . . . .
Yeahriiiiiiight . . . seeing that we do indeed note that reality doesn’t need some ideology based handwaving “explanation”, given that . . . . . . they’re just criminals”
So, do you have some idealized Stasi based worldview, where what is most important is that all carry the proper ID papers to hand over on demand? After all, that way you can just wave the “proper” people along rather than doing the much more simple and likely approach of just watching someone’s actual actions and noting from there.—Lemme guess: Yer pissed off ’cause the looters got to your preferred target before you did?
June 26, 2020 4:25 pm
Given its imperviousness to reason, logic, rhetoric, and evidence, I’m willing to wager quite a lot that this particular reality will be conserved for a long, long time.
Corroborating evidence to support your contention appears often enough.
June 27, 2020 7:05 pm
I wonder when nooses became exclusive property of race card players, I always associate them with horse thieves, cattle rustlers and sheep shaggers. Am I (carbon) dating myself?
June 27, 2020 8:47 pm
And of course you don’t believe anything of the sort–
Hal’s now a mind reading act. and ye do receive.
Ah yes, President for life who-must-be-obeyed-in-all-things Ken Burns. Lol. Yeahriiiiiiight . . . seeing that we do indeed note that reality doesn’t need some ideology based handwaving “explanation”, given that . . . they’re just criminals”
Still no explanation from Hal. He seems incapable of understanding that people might commit crimes to further their ideological aims; instead he just calls it a ‘handwaving “explanation”‘.
And of course you don’t believe anything of the sort–
Hal’s now a mind reading act.
Nah. ‘S one of those adult things, such as where you exclaim Like, dude!! Hal’s got eyes in the back of his head!!!, instead of noting that adults actually think things through . . . . . .people might commit crimes to further their ideological aims . . .
Yes, yes, that is indeed quite first rate posturing you’ve got there, or at least, yes, you have indeed painted yerself further into a corner, and are floundering about to the theme of #_)*($&+)*#&$!!! The adults don’t do this sort of thing, how did wee poor Jonathan get into this?!?!?!?!?
You’ve even attempted to claim that when it comes to protesters vs looting and arson, Both can be protests, just with different tactics.
Happily, out here in reality, the adults don’t accept the Jonathan/pst314 doctrine of . . . . clearly the case that a large fraction of the rioters are indeed leftists whose violence has political purposes., therefore, rioting and looting is perfectly fine if done by rightists and even by conservatives . . .
Out here in reality, we still focus on . . . people might commit crimes . . . As noted.
And thus, for adults, rather than the mere right wing or left wing, Really, We Don’t Care What Pissant Excuse You’re Offering When Looting That Store And Torching That Property, Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.
Ah yes, since you asked: Ah yes, President for life who-must-be-obeyed-in-all-things Ken Burns. Lol.
Ken Burns vs Jonathan Ken Burns:
Brooklyn Bridge (1981)
The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God (1984)
. . .
The Mayo Clinic: Faith – Hope – Science (2018, with Erik Ewers and Christopher Loren Ewers)
Country Music (2019, 8 episodes)
Future releases:
Hemingway (2021, with Lynn Novick)
Ali (2021, with Sarah Burns and David McMahon)
. . .
The History of Reconstruction (TBA)
Winston Churchill (TBA)
Jonathan: Handwaving Handwaving and Handwavinger Handwaving III: Release The Kraken!
Let us know how you do on the awards front.
I bet you’re a real hit with the ladies.
Oh wow, what a burn 🙂
Have you tried listening to the things she actually says though?
“Try listening to the things she actually says”.
That course of action is not only considered unnecessary but will land you in deep* sh1t for even suggesting it anywhere other than on here.
*as in you and your family members losing their jobs type sh1t.
Do we think Katie Hopkins is the type to throw a major strop over a porter not recognising her then..?
Anyway, in other news, it appears the Met Police taking a knee cuts them no ice when the denizens of deepest Brixton decide to get all rioty…
22 cops injured, one police car wrecked, and their standing with ordinary taxpayers takes another nosedive.
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal,
The thing is that the left has a policy of ‘never punch left’, so most people on the left simply refuse to criticise or condemn those further to the left no matter what they do. The right, on the other hand, has a policy of ‘always punch right’, so they have no problem condemning those further to the right. Indeed most so-called ‘conservatives’ will leap to the defence of leftists against right=wing criticism.This allows the left the appearance of a united front, while the right destroys itself in infighting.
The thing is that the left has a policy of ‘never punch left’,
Oh, is that what this is called, “never punching left”, that is . . . ..
But then again, mere extreme idiot is mere extreme idiot, whether right wing or left. Such is why being mere right wing or mere left wing keeps failing, and actually being conservative and thus staying centered and in balance keeps getting the job done . . .
22 cops injured, one police car wrecked
Ah, but was it “mostly peaceful”?
… actually being conservative and thus staying centered and in balance keeps getting the job done
Hal, you keep saying this but all I see is history being re-written, statues being torn down, white people being beaten to a bloody pulp by leftist mobs or butchered like animals on the streets or in parks, Police Officers attacked in the street and people fired from their jobs simply for saying ‘White Lives Matter’.
What exactly do you think you’re ‘conserving’?
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
I suppose the thing is, if you’re accustomed to pretending to believe things that you don’t actually believe, and don’t live as if you did in fact believe them – a leftist signature – then you’re less likely to question other people’s pretensions and bad faith, however self-flattering or ludicrous, especially if those pretensions are similar to your own. And so, we end up with quite a few people who have to pretend that someone else’s pretence – say, that not being recognised by polite university porters is an act of “aggression” and “racial profiling” – isn’t in any way dubious or narcissistic. Even when the pretender in question is a visitor and the porters have to deal with hundreds of people a day, at an institution with 30 or so colleges and a list of staff and faculty numbering in the thousands.
Where’s this “mostly peaceful” sophistry when the police act? 99.99% of the time, the police are peaceful. On average, far more peaceful than these demonstrations or even a typical day in Chicago. Hell, Officer Dipshit himself and the other officers with him that day in MN were “mostly peaceful”. Of course, sophistry. It’s taught as reason and logic in our publicly (and semi-privately) run higher education institutions today. Provided, much as Johnathan states above, that the sophistry…excuse me, reason and logic…are aimed in the appropriate direction.
Hal, you keep saying this but all I see is history being re-written . . . .
. . . white people being beaten to a bloody pulp by leftist mobs or butchered like animals on the streets or in parks, . . . .
Police Officers attacked in the street and people fired from their jobs simply for saying ‘White Lives Matter’.
Ah, no, it’s not “White Lives Matter” that’s gotten this set fired, it’s refusing to be cops . . .
As noted . . .
What exactly do you think you’re ‘conserving’?
Well, lesseee . . . . no history is being rewritten,
Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.
Being a cop is more than having a badge.
So, choosing to conserve reality over right or left wing ideology certainly does keep working, doesn’t it.
Yes, learn history. Learn that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson fought against their country, and that George Washington fought for it.
Both Lee and Jackson were absolutely fighting for their country, just as Washington was. Their idea of what the US should be was different from that of Lincoln and Grant – that doesn’t mean they were wrong, just that they lost.
Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.
Given that both BLM and AntiFa are both far-left groups and their stated aim is to ‘bring down the system’ in the US and the UK, I can’t see how you’ve come to this conclusion. Looters, on the other hand, are certainly a mix of far-leftists and opportunistic criminals.
So, choosing to conserve reality over right or left wing ideology certainly does keep working, doesn’t it.
I’m not sure which version of reality you think you’re conserving when the whole of the Black Lives Matter movement is based on the lying claims that black people living in the West are being oppressed and murdered by white people and by police simply for being black, neither of which is even remotely true.
…I’m not being judgmental…
The question is, are leftists too stupid to see through Dr Gopal, or are her odious attitudes and posturing genuinely representative of leftist philosophy and aims?
Three guesses.
What it says on Gopal’s Wiki page right now:
Priyamvada Gopal (born 28 August 1968) is a racist Professor at the Faculty of English at Cambridge University and a Fellow of Churchill College.[1]
…I’m not being judgmental…
That would be the Powderhorn Crowd I referenced back when they were getting baptisms on the site of Floyd’s death.
Re: the Gopal creature,
I’ve just emailed my MP asking for her to be deported. Will let you know how it goes. I’ll probably get some bland reply saying that nothing can be done, but if you don’t ask you don’t get.
Sweet Jesus, that link needs to come with a trigger warning, but now I understand why she’s going through life so bitter. Man, she hit every branch on the way down.
Yes I’m shallow.
[ Reports to the scold-o-matic ]
[ Reports to the scold-o-matic ]
Hey – there’s a queue here!
[ Reports to the scold-o-matic ]
You know the way. I’ve left some magazines out.
Hey – there’s a queue here!

[ Wheels out the Moral Realignment Lounger. ]
[ Glances at settings.]
Intense or excruciating…?
Intense or excruciating…?
Does it come in “colonic”?
Hey – there’s a queue here!
It’s almost as if people want to be scolded.
Given that both BLM and AntiFa are both far-left groups and their stated aim is to ‘bring down the system’ in the US and the UK, I can’t see how you’ve come to this conclusion [that rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.]
I have actually seen that assertion from a few leftists, plus the claim that the rioters are right wing or provocateurs or white supremacists. No evidence, just assertions–the usual penchant of the left for bold Big Lies.
Both Lee and Jackson fought for their country, in the Mexican-American war. When they fought for the CSA, while understandable in a liberal context, yes they lost. But they were also wrong.
That said, BLM leaders have openly stated their Marxist-Leninist groundings, not to mention the numerous other actions that are flat out wrong. They are quite clear about their desire to destroy this country. And yet expressing discomfort with their organization is a disqualification for employment. No need to ask me how I know because I posted as much here recently.
Consequences are unfair!
Consequences are unfair!
Who knew sociopathy involved so much whining?
Consequences are unfair!
And said without a smidge of irony too!
And said without a smidge of irony too!
It’s like watching a repeated, and quite profound, parenting failure.
It’s like watching a repeated, and quite profound, parenting failure.
I see the possible family dynamic in two very different ways. Either the parents are overbearing tyrants and she’s treated like the petulant child she is; or she’s the tyrant cowing ma and da into submission.
My money’s on that second thing.
I don’t normally resort to the TLA of Inanity, but if anything is worthy of a LOL, it’s this.
I’ll give them credit for attempting to live according to their principles. Will be interesting to see how long and hard they’ll suffer to learn they’ve got dumbass principles.
I’ll give them credit for attempting to live according to their principles.
Principles are fairly changeable before, during, and after “the revolution.” They’re already completely immune to cognitive dissonance, so much so, that the principles could change hourly and they’d fall in line.
The bigger issue is the fact that the Democrat Party {thinking it can control the dragon) has set itself up to be the Trojan Horse that potentially allows these crazies to get some real power.
Yes, learn history. Learn that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson fought against their country, and that George Washington fought for it.
Both Lee and Jackson were absolutely fighting for their country, just as Washington was.
Ah, y’mean . . Both Lee and Jackson were absolutely fighting for their [hyperextended anti American street gang of the era], just as Washington was [fighting for his country that was doing a pre Brexit Brexit] . . .
With the Civil War, there was that slavery thing going on which the north—the Americans—weren’t going for.
Their idea of what the US should be was different from that of [ Americans such as ] Lincoln and Grant
. . . and different from Washington as well.
Back in college, a classmate was a Navy lieutenant who’d been stationed somewhere southern for some time. A result was that she got rather an exposure to the Dixie!!!! Dixie!!!! Dixie!!!! LARPers. Her assessment of those fantasists was:
Given that both BLM and AntiFa are both far-left groups and . . . . Looters, on the other hand, are certainly a mix of far-leftists and opportunistic criminals.

As noted,
. . . . claims that black people living in the West are being oppressed and murdered by white people and by police simply for being black, neither of which is even remotely true.
. . . Being oppressed and murdered by genuine police is indeed not even remotely true: Once again we see that those wishing to commit murder certainly aren’t cops,
We see that a functioning community does demand the removal of idiots carrying police badges.
We see that those fired are emphatically targeting by skin color because that is what they on the left do.
We see that actual cops are indeed reminding that committing murder is what criminals do . . .
if anything is worthy of a LOL, it’s this.
Ummm….that guy’s not wearing a mask.
With the Civil War,there was that slavery thing going on which the north—the Americans—weren’t going for.
Are you saying that the southern States and their people weren’t American? In which case they were being occupied by a hostile foreign power, in which case it wasn’t a civil war.
I can’t believe you think this and still say that history isn’t being re-written.
As noted,
Both can be protests, just with different tactics.
We see that a functioning community does demand the removal of idiots carrying police badges.
The community, quite rightly, expect the lawful invesigation and removal or prosecution, if warranted, of Police officers, or any other public official who’ve broken the law. Your story shows that this is exactly what happens under the present system. So, what else do BLM/ AntiFa want, as they’re protesting a problem that doesn’t seem to exist.
In which case they were being occupied by a hostile foreign power, in which case it wasn’t a civil war.
And of course you are totally aware that they chose to stage all that themselves, thus indeed beginning the Civil War, thus having zero occupying force involved . . . quite by their own choice, refusing to be Americans, which the north—the Americans—weren’t going for. . . .
The community, quite rightly, expect the lawful invesigation and removal or prosecution, if warranted, of Police officers, or any other public official who’ve broken the law.
I can’t believe you think this . . .
. . . . And of course you don’t believe anything of the sort—You have asked, and ye do receive.
While Hal and Jonathan argue about the Civil War, note that Hal has not explained his strange assertion that “Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals” when it is clearly the case that a large fraction of the rioters are indeed leftists whose violence has political purposes. Such counter-factual blather seems like a very strange way to “conserve reality”.
Given its imperviousness to reason, logic, rhetoric, and evidence, I’m willing to wager quite a lot that this particular reality will be conserved for a long, long time.
. . note that Hal has not explained his strange assertion that “Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing . . . .
Yeahriiiiiiight . . . seeing that we do indeed note that reality doesn’t need some ideology based handwaving “explanation”, given that . . .
. . . they’re just criminals”
So, do you have some idealized Stasi based worldview, where what is most important is that all carry the proper ID papers to hand over on demand? After all, that way you can just wave the “proper” people along rather than doing the much more simple and likely approach of just watching someone’s actual actions and noting from there.—Lemme guess: Yer pissed off ’cause the looters got to your preferred target before you did?
Given its imperviousness to reason, logic, rhetoric, and evidence, I’m willing to wager quite a lot that this particular reality will be conserved for a long, long time.
Corroborating evidence to support your contention appears often enough.
I wonder when nooses became exclusive property of race card players, I always associate them with horse thieves, cattle rustlers and sheep shaggers. Am I (carbon) dating myself?
And of course you don’t believe anything of the sort–
Hal’s now a mind reading act.
and ye do receive.
Ah yes, President for life who-must-be-obeyed-in-all-things Ken Burns. Lol.
Yeahriiiiiiight . . . seeing that we do indeed note that reality doesn’t need some ideology based handwaving “explanation”, given that . . . they’re just criminals”
Still no explanation from Hal. He seems incapable of understanding that people might commit crimes to further their ideological aims; instead he just calls it a ‘handwaving “explanation”‘.
And of course you don’t believe anything of the sort–
Hal’s now a mind reading act.
Nah. ‘S one of those adult things, such as where you exclaim Like, dude!! Hal’s got eyes in the back of his head!!!, instead of noting that adults actually think things through . . .
. . .people might commit crimes to further their ideological aims . . .
Yes, yes, that is indeed quite first rate posturing you’ve got there, or at least, yes, you have indeed painted yerself further into a corner, and are floundering about to the theme of #_)*($&+)*#&$!!! The adults don’t do this sort of thing, how did wee poor Jonathan get into this?!?!?!?!?
You’ve even attempted to claim that when it comes to protesters vs looting and arson, Both can be protests, just with different tactics.
Happily, out here in reality, the adults don’t accept the Jonathan/pst314 doctrine of . . . . clearly the case that a large fraction of the rioters are indeed leftists whose violence has political purposes., therefore, rioting and looting is perfectly fine if done by rightists and even by conservatives . . .
Out here in reality, we still focus on . . . people might commit crimes . . .
As noted.
And thus, for adults, rather than the mere right wing or left wing, Really, We Don’t Care What Pissant Excuse You’re Offering When Looting That Store And Torching That Property, Assorted rioters are not left wing or right wing, they’re just criminals.
Ah yes, since you asked:
Ah yes, President for life who-must-be-obeyed-in-all-things Ken Burns. Lol.
Ken Burns vs Jonathan
Ken Burns:
Brooklyn Bridge (1981)
The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God (1984)
. . .
The Mayo Clinic: Faith – Hope – Science (2018, with Erik Ewers and Christopher Loren Ewers)
Country Music (2019, 8 episodes)
Future releases:
Hemingway (2021, with Lynn Novick)
Ali (2021, with Sarah Burns and David McMahon)
. . .
The History of Reconstruction (TBA)
Winston Churchill (TBA)
Handwaving and Handwavinger
Handwaving III: Release The Kraken!
Let us know how you do on the awards front.