Elsewhere (260)
Roger Kimball on “shitholes” and theatrical indignation:
And here we come to a second curiosity in the preening and ecstatic outrage over the president’s comment. Everyone, near enough, knows that he was telling a home truth. It was outrageous not because he said something crude that was untrue. Quite the contrary: it was outrageous precisely because it was true but intolerable to progressive sensitivities. In other words, the potency of taboo is still strong in our superficially rational culture. There are some things — quite a few, actually, and the list keeps growing — about which one cannot speak the truth or, in many cases, even raise as a subject for discussion without violating the unspoken pact of liberal sanctimoniousness. Donald Trump, of course, does this regularly, delightedly.
Tim Newman on the same:
Trump’s comments are pretty innocuous to anyone who is not a deranged anti-Trumper or a fully paid-up member of the media or political establishments. He’s asked the question millions of people across America and Europe have been asking for years, waiting in vain for their leaders to do so. And now he has, and the reason his opponents have gone apoplectic is because they know how much this will resonate with ordinary people they wish didn’t exist. That, and they wish to virtue-signal in order to keep their places in what they think is polite society.
And Mitchell Gunter on the posturing of Antifa – and sociopathy as a lifestyle choice:
“How about #LawEnforcementIncinerationDay,” the group Autonomous Student Network (ASN) Austin tweeted on January 9, accompanied by a photo of a policeman engulfed in flames. “We see the state as integral to all forms of domination. We see police as an extension of this and refuse any negotiation with the cops.” According to Time, the unidentified 41-year-old officer depicted in the photo was patrolling the streets of Paris, France on May 1, 2017 — otherwise known as “May Day,” a date associated with violent protests — when he was struck by a Molotov cocktail that inflicted third-degree burns.
ASN Austin describes itself as “an organisation that seeks to promote student autonomy through direct action tactics.” “We are dedicated to the complete abolition of all systems of domination and hierarchy. We stand absolutely against white supremacy, settler colonialism, cisheteropatriarchy, ableism, the state, and capitalism as systems which organise violent and hierarchical relationships between social groups,” the group declares… ASN Austin disavows any specific “vision of what alternatives we want to build,” instead saying that it aims to “radicalise student activism on campus beyond the pathetic spectacle of chants and protests that are so non-disruptive to those in power.” The description concludes with a call to “Spread Anarchy, Live Communism!”
As a pile of language, it’s a little boggling. But apparently, autonomy is to be achieved via learned incoherence, dogmatic groupthink and subordination to a cult dynamic. And the way to “abolish systems of domination and hierarchy” is to exult in mob violence, so coyly implied, and thereby the domination of others. It’s also unclear how anarchy and communism might coexist, beyond a pretext for thuggery, as the students disavow any particulars to that effect. Perhaps answers will spontaneously emerge or be summoned into being, provided enough random women are surrounded and assaulted, and provided we learn to laugh at people who’ve been doused with accelerant and set on fire.
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
“Africa cancels all foreign aid to the US after “shithole” slurs by Trump”
Heather Mac Donald on delusional students.
The one Haitian I’ve known only went home for visits, she never wanted to live there again. She thought Haiti’s problems were entirely due to corrupt leadership; this was before the earthquake.
Very much related to the subject of shitholes and so-called polite society, let’s not forget this display of the Simon Schama tendency.
let’s not forget this display of the Simon Schama tendency.
Well, it’s so much easier to endorse mass immigration from the undeveloped world when you live in an exclusive and genteel community in Westchester County, far removed from the consequences of what you’re demanding. Mr Schama knows that he’s unlikely to see his new neighbours grappling with the concept of electricity, or to find someone Shoreditching outside his front door.
From the Autonomous Student Network…
I am guessing that they don’t know the meanings of the words “Network”, “Anarchy”, or “Communism”. Perhaps if they actually went to class
Meanwhile, from The Times of London “The best of our journalism”…Hot trends in food prep not involving wooden plates.
Maybe ‘poop hole’ would have been a better choice of words.
I’m noting the apparent enjoyment TV newsdrones are having now that they can say ‘shit’ on the air and have it bleeped out. It’s like a toddler discovering a bad word and enjoying the shock on adult faces.
Some are saying ‘s-hole’, which just sounds like ‘asshole’.
It’s like a toddler discovering a bad word and enjoying the shock on adult faces.
Pretty much, and then they complain that President Trump is crude and lacks gravitas.
“it was outrageous precisely because it was true but intolerable to progressive sensitivities.”
Mokita, noun: a truth which everyone knows but which is not publicly stated. (from New Guinea)
Your licence fee pounds at work
Via Clam’s link to Insty’s excerpt of Althouse’s post:
proclaiming and insisting upon a connection between dark skin and excrement.
Hmm, this sounds familiar: “(Seattle) Councilmember Larry Gossett said he didn’t like the idea of power-washing the sidewalks because it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists.”
I’d say “guess the party”, but he’s allegedly non-partisan…*cough*.
The term ‘Chain Migration’ is obviously a reference to slavery designed to upset and marginalize African Americans.
the Simon Schama tendency.
“one thing we can all be certain of is that Simon Schama will never choose to live in Bradford, Malmo or any of the (dare I say it) ‘suburbs’ outside Paris. Yet all the time he will urge other peoples’ neighbourhoods to more closely resemble those great success stories, and look down at people from an ever-loftier height when they dare to object.”
Heather Mac Donald on delusional students
I’ve observed on other fora that the real problem underlying the inability to have a reasonable discussion on jejune topics (it was a tabletop roleplaying games forum, for the love of St. Michael the Archangel) isn’t political division or the increasing intractable hostility towards the Other Side, it’s outrage culture. The inability to say anything at any time for fear that someone will start shrieking like a baboon over some perceived offense. Weaponized victimhood needs to be shut down hard.
Absolutely. Mr Schama’s rather pricey and exclusive neighbourhood looks like this. Our celebrity author and historian has chosen not to live in, say, London, where, according to the Evening Standard, stabbings and knife crime are currently at a six-year high. And he and his family are unlikely to be troubled by the charmingly novel phenomenon of acid attacks, of which London – specifically, heavily ‘multicultural’ boroughs of London – now boasts one of the highest rates, such assaults having quintupled since 2012.
It’s also unclear how anarchy and communism might coexist,
Over the years I’ve had more than a few conversations with avowed “anarchists” – the “property is theft” crowd. They are fundamentalist communists where no one owns anything, everyone is entitled to anything, everyone decides everything … but of course this all has to be run by the Committee.
but of course this all has to be run by the Committee.
I’ll just leave this here.
The term ‘Chain Migration’ is obviously a reference to slavery designed to upset and marginalize African Americans.
We’ve been here before …
[T]he way to “abolish systems of domination and hierarchy” is to exult in mob violence…a pretext for thuggery, as the students disavow any particulars to that effect. Perhaps answers will spontaneously emerge,
This lack of any coherent ideology or any road map to where they want to go or any rational idea of what the destination might look like reminds me of the 1975 book The Monkey Wrench Gang. The saboteurs in the book have no ideology or plan other than lets wreck some stuff, which seemed odd at the time but now appears to be mainstream. With no plan for the future, Antifa can only be tools to be used and discarded.
It’s also unclear how anarchy and communism might coexist
This reminds me that, throughout my lifetime, Thatcher has been despised because (1) she’s a fascist and (2) she encouraged and facilitated individual agency that was detrimental to the social collective. More often that not assertions 1 and 2 were made by the same people and very often without a breath in between.
Is it overly cynical to assume that the rancorous clamour-culture that now exists has grown out of the left’s disinclination to listen to arguments that might undermine their cosy, self-flattering world-view?
I think not.
We’ve been here before …
Last year I worked on a large project that required a significant number of engineers from the southern US to work at our Canadian office for several months. Our meeting rooms are named after Canadian lakes, and an official complaint was filed anonymously.
I derived perverse pleasure from telling the US employees why it was named that.
Pffft. You’re trying to claim that the Underground Railroad didn’t actually terminate at that lake? Ha! Pull the other one!
Trump’s words reportedly were, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”
He’s clearly talking about the people, not the countries. Otherwise he’d be a bit more welcoming of individuals choosing American freedom over “shithole countries”.
Innocuous, I suppose, if you’re into identity politics.
Trump’s question really is, “What’s in it for us?” For quite a few Americans, it’s a valid question. Most Americans are not opposed to immigration. They oppose immigration without regard to our own interests, especially where too many immigrants have no skills and constitute a drain on our resources. Even for those with skills, e.g. in STEM and H1B visas, the opposition concerns displacing American workers.
Ah, so you mean he meant to say “Why are we having all these people with the wrong skills come here?” And totally different words came out of his mouth. Got it.
reminds me of the 1975 book The Monkey Wrench Gang. The saboteurs in the book have no ideology or plan other than lets wreck some stuff
The author, Edward Abbey, was some sort of radical anti-tech-civilization nut. His first book, Desert Solitaire, was about his time living absolutely alone as a park ranger in a national park in the American Southwest. He ranted against people who would drive into a park, rather than hike the last 10 miles. In one passage he vituperated against a “waterski only in clockwise direction” sign at a reservoir used for recreation: The fact that people skiing in opposing directions were far more likely to have deadly accidents did not seem to occur to him, although I am pretty certain that the true source of his outrage was the mere presence of people: the parks should be enjoyed only by the very few people who had the physical fitness to backpack into them, and the time and money to be able to take so much more time to visit one place. His anti-civilization screeds were popular in Unitarian “church” bookshops, where all the patrons were paragons of civilization and wisdom.
Thatcher has been despised because (1) she’s a fascist and (2) she encouraged and facilitated individual agency
Agreed. Calling someone a “fascist” because they want government to be smaller, less powerful and less intrusive is a sign that the speaker is, no matter what they may claim, a communist.
The term ‘Chain Migration’ is obviously a reference to slavery designed to upset and marginalize African Americans.
To which one could retort that such an objection is “marginalizing” of persons with certain sexual fetishes. 🙂
In honor of my aunt, who is not a vegetarian, I would like to announce that today is National Korean-American Day in the U.S.
And I cannot now remember how to say”tofu” in Korean. Oops.
And I cannot now remember how to say ”tofu” in Korean.
For shame. It’s ‘dubu’.
There is a simple solution to Antifa: when they act up, beat the living shit out of them with big nightsticks. Make them LIVE their fantasy, not just Tweet/blog/whine about it. Pepper-spray and tase them, then put the boot in the groin. In court, sentence them to caning as is done in Singapore for far lesser offenses. I’ve heard it said that the first stroke is so painful the prisoner often passes out and is spared feeling the rest.
But oops, I forgot: we don’t have justice systems in the northern developed world any more; we have a legal systems, the invention of leftist leaders who have the same anarchic/communist fantasies as Antifa but are not quite ready to make them law. Indeed, Antifa might well be seen as the cat’s-paws of leftist governments and elitists, doing the dirty work of scaring the living crap out of decent people in the same way that revolving-door prisons do. Irony-proof useful idiots who’ll never have a pot to piss in and will die raddled and friendless in the gutter while the profs and writers who inspired them snort with laughter into their prosecco. Which thought kinda tickles me actually.
Thanks, Trevor!
The greatest weapon against the Antifa is video.
Film every public move they make. Put it on the internet for all to see. Demand that the authorities arrest and charge those who break the law (their masks might be a problem on that point).
The Antifa hides behind claims of opposing fascism. Their worst nightmare is to be exposed as violent thugs who enjoy kicking the crap out of helpless people.
She thought Haiti’s problems were entirely due to corrupt leadership; this was before the earthquake.
But, the Clintons fixed everything up after the earthquake, correct?
But oops, I forgot: we don’t have justice systems in the northern developed world any more; we have a legal systems, the invention of leftist leaders who have the same anarchic/communist fantasies as Antifa but are not quite ready to make them law.
I’m intrigued by the idea of Thomas More and Henry II—to name just two—being considered leftist leaders with anarchic/communist fantasies . . . Can you explain to us what exactly you’re trying to state there?
If you don’t have an explanation, that’s fine: We’ll just understand that, as David regularly points out, you are merely reciting your empty and pointless pieties and are expecting us to see you as being entirely and merely just like the AntiFirstAmendment lot are . . .
Oh, and if you’re offended at the idea of actually knowing anything of general Western history and culture, we were just discussing those like you…
Demand that the authorities arrest and charge those who break the law (their masks might be a problem on that point).
The Berkeley police have stated that masks are not an issue, masks will be removed.
Hal, the problem is not the laws. It the deliberate refusal to enforce those laws against everyone. Laws equally applied equal justice. Laws selectively applied equal tyranny. In fact, if laws are selectively applied, there might as well be no laws at all.
Let’s not be obtuse. Bill & Hillary Clinton walk around a free, extraordinarily wealthy couple while others languish in federal prisons for less. These pages have recounted numerous examples of illegal behavior being tolerated/excused/celebrated by those whose duty it is to enforce the laws. We are on the cusp of the point where the only rule is power and the ability to force people to conform to your will. That is, if we’ve not reached it already. There are new rules, it appears. I do not like the new rules by any means. But I’m no fool. Invoking the First Amendment on a street corner in Berkeley is not likely to protect to me from getting whacked with a bike lock while the cops look away.
As for Henry II being a paragon legal virtue, Thomas Beckett might beg to disagree.
The Berkeley police have stated that masks are not an issue, masks will be removed.
Would that be the same Berkeley rozzers that make the Keystone Cops look like The Untouchables ?
The same ones that offer “symbolic arrests” ?
Safe and peaceful “event” except for the fires, window smashing, looting, assault with bike locks and bottles with fireworks inside, and generally condoned other leftist violence.
Ah, I see now. In Berkeley leftist rioting is “Recreation”. That rather explains a lot.
As Sherman said, it is the deliberate refusal to enforce those laws against everyone.
As for Henry II being a paragon legal virtue, Thomas Beckett might beg to disagree.
No, Henry, not a quartet of knights . . .
And you still have to argue with the rest of the history.
Would that be the same Berkeley rozzers that make the Keystone Cops look like The Untouchables ?
Yeah, these guys, and if you want a movie, there’s that too . . .
The same ones that offer “symbolic arrests” ?
Uh huh—that bit about freedom of expression combined with the choice of being seen as a friendly referee, or instead being a useless and expendable thug.
reminds me of the 1975 book The Monkey Wrench Gang. The saboteurs in the book have no ideology or plan other than lets wreck some stuff,
I suspect that’s actually about as far as any sincere motivation goes. Antifa’s stated rationales are incoherent and absurd, and their own thuggery – repeatedly assaulting a woman simply for wearing a Bitcoin hat, for example – prompted shows of strength from the very people they claimed to oppose, while sane people looked on in disgust and anger. But this is what happens when your “movement” is basically a clustering of resentful misfits, borderline personalities and outright sociopaths. The statements of political ideology are ludicrous, but that hardly matters as they’re merely a pretext, a fig leaf. It’s simply an excuse for hurting people, and scaring them, while feeling powerful and important. That’s the real buzz.
Think of Antifa as a personality disorder clutching an excuse.
no ideology or plan other than lets wreck some stuff,
Thing is, there are types of personalities that get drawn to these radical dramas, and none of them are the kind of personalities you’d want your children to develop.
Antifa’s sadistic, grinning mouthpiece, Yvette Fellarca, linked above, reminds me in some ways of Lierre Keith, the militant vegan and advocate of vandalism turned militant meat-eater and advocate of vandalism, and whose lifestyle and persona shifted from one ‘radical’ cause to another, retaining only the enthusiasm for incoherent dogma, for “rage,” and for acts of gratuitous destruction, or as she puts it, “militant action.” Like her plans for cutting power lines and leaving thousands of people to freeze in the dark, in the name of “class consciousness.” Ms Keith, who longs for “complete economic collapse,” now describes herself as a “radical feminist and gender abolitionist,” and her enthusiasm for sadistic power fantasies – the only real constant – is undiminished.
Again, not so much politics as a mental health issue.
Trump should have called Haiti a HRRC. (Haiti, of course, being in the Caribbean, can’t be a TPLAC.)
Trumpsp is welcoming of individual people choosing America for its values. He has said so. But that doesn’t fit the media’s Narrative. So they emphasize stuff like this (which AFAIK still hasn’t been sufficiently verified) and diminish or ignore his more accepting statements.
Stolen from some guy on PJ Media
Uh huh—that bit about freedom of expression combined with the choice of being seen as a friendly referee…
I see, rioting is now “freedom of expression”, and standing by doing nothing is a “friendly referee”.
Running away and doing nothing is a hell of a “strategy”, so brave of Chief Greenwood and his band of stalwarts.
BTW, nice video of the idiocy of a symbolic arrest, one almost has to wonder if the 5-0 had cue cards given to them by the “antifa” nitwits.
…one almost has to wonder if the 5-0 had cue cards given to them by the “antifa” nitwits.
No need, if the nitwits and the PD “leadership” are on the same page.
These people are insane.
What the world has been waiting for…
These people are insane.
Or malevolent. Or both. Either way, proximity is best avoided.
These people are insane.
Perhaps insane, but also bereft any any capability for original thought.
Like damn near every one of these clowns who ruin every course with their nonsense.
Dutt-Ballerstadt’s “teaching” and “scholarly” interests, QED
Professor Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt? An offshoot of the great Hampstead Heath Dutt-Paukers perhaps?
…and behaviours such as argumentation, silence, and leaving…
Anything that is not submission is haram.
An offshoot of the great Hampstead Heath Dutt-Paukers perhaps?
Possible, there is a video in which she claims to have been raised in Calcutta (or Bombay – somewhere in India) did the Dutts have anyone in colonial service and crossbreed with Ballerstadts, whoever they are, or is she just married to one ?
These people are insane.
One thing is now clear in all that murk, “White Supremacist!” is the new “Fascist!”, as meaningless epithet du jour.
Anything that is not submission is haram.
Essentially, yes. The argument – such as it is – amounts to little more than endless rephrasing of the same begged question, i.e., whitey’s presumed guilt. As scholarship, it’s laughable; but the psychology is revealing. It’s a dynamic I’d describe as abusive.
Hence malevolent.
I see, rioting is now “freedom of expression”, and standing by doing nothing is a “friendly referee”.
Quite rather obviously, rioting is rioting—things broken, major disruption, etc.—, where an equally obviously different occurrence of a symbolic arrest is merely a very emphatic statement that does involves freedom of expression and also does allow the police to peacefully get their jobs done. Unlike your apparent fantasy of all destruction all the time, and as a part of the freedom of expression—I’m writing from here in the U.S., by the way—the one getting arrested is free to make the particular point, and the police are indeed free to make the actual arrest—so, also, as the actual descriptions note, there is nothing symbolic about the arrest, just the lack of unneeded animosity.
As David points out, Thing is, there are types of personalities that get drawn to these radical dramas, and none of them are the kind of personalities you’d want your children to develop., and you’re definitely going there . . . .
So when you quote Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how . . ., the actual article you didn’t bother to link to appears to be an AP report.
Among the facts very clearly stated in that report—but yes, I realize that reality would be inconvenient to your attempted narrative—are;
Oops. The police actually do something.
Oops, again, contrary to what you want to claim, the police take action.
Oh, yes, what is also going on that you somehow neglect to note is that at the Shapiro talk in Berkeley, there were no issues with the planned and prepared event.
So of what you’re waving about . . . Oh, dear, your attempted narrative is again derailed by reality.
. . . so what the peaceful referees were working with was on the fly, as events occurred, y’know, basic police work.
You should introduce yourself to a cop sometime. Stop seeing cops as clowns. Actually find out what police experience when doing the job.
That video you cite—again, completely out of context, with zero explanations, and completely undermining your attempt at an argument—is hysterical. I know that intersection, been through there many times, and what your own video shows is a pair of cops, dead calm, totally professional, as whoever is doing the questioning is exactly as you are now. And just as I’m doing, I see the the cop being quite matter of fact, noting that the claimed objections and their source are totally full of it.
As the professional police officer points out; Uh huh, okay, And?. I ask that as well.
BTW, nice video of the idiocy of a symbolic arrest, one almost has to wonder if the 5-0 had cue cards given to them by the “antifa” nitwits.
Well, no, that wasn’t a symbolic variety of actual arrest, that was the standard variety of an actual arrest. You’re thinking like the Keystone Cops, so I gave you a video. Even the video states that what is occurring is Police Remove Antifa power at Berkeley by forcing them to remove masks or go to jail.
Again, you and your parallel AntiFirstAmendment associates may demand that random people must get hit by a two by four, but apparently what irritates you is that unlike what your lot insist, professionals and other adults operate in reality and actually pay attention to what actually needs to be done.
What you’re broadcasting is that your fantasy is to have Heinrich Himmler strutting around in a uniform so that you can salute and follow ‘im about.
I also understand that what is pissing you off is that actual police reality tends to be more Sam Vimes.
Or if you prefer an actual cop doing actual police work who you can meet in person—remember, this is taking place here in the U.S.—there is Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood . . .
Hence malevolent.
Whereas there is no argument some of the ringleaders are malevolent, I think the vast majority, particularly in the Clown Quarter, are simply following the trend du jour as it takes a modicum of intelligence and original thought to be malevolent, and as has been shown regularly and frequently in these pages, there is a dearth of that.
Straight out of “central casting”, as one of Prof Reynolds’ readers noted:

Another “woke”, but suspiciously pale “PoC”.
as it takes a modicum of intelligence and original thought to be malevolent,
Oh, I’m pretty sure dumb malevolence is a thing that exists.
And if your stupefying worldview amounts to Honky Guilt In All Directions™, it’s pretty hostile.
What happened to the humanities is partially a result of the ‘need’ for original research/scholarship(t) in order to fulfill the requirements for a PhD.
Far more doctorates are granted than are possibly needed in order that tenured faculty have a sufficient supply of academic slave labor to perform the scut work of teaching undergrad classes. This army of drones require a neverending supply of dissertation topics, and since everything sane has already been said about the authors of the ‘canon’ by previous generations of scholars far more intelligent than the current bunch they are perforce left with the unenviable choice of ‘studying’ the output of contempory writers who have not been winnowed by the passage of time. Couple that with Sturgeon’s Revelation that “90% of everything is crap” and well, Bob’s your uncle.
This, of course, applies to the honest students, next add in the other 95% of posturing buffoons and liars for the rest of the story.
What happened to the humanities is partially a result of the ‘need’ for original research/scholarship(t) in order to fulfill the requirements for a PhD.
A paper titled The Elite Master got written up around 2011. Apparently the first coding boot camps started up the same year.
“Why is them always so angry?”
This is a college professor?
Now, everyone, stiffen the sinews and scroll back up to the photo Norman posted.
First, look at her right eye, then at her left.
I apologise for any trauma caused as you realise what you are looking at. David, I am sure, has a fainting couch. And sherry.
Another “woke”, but suspiciously pale “PoC”.
I believe she claims “blackness” because of being part India Indian.
This is a college professor?
Proper grammar be racist.
What happened to the humanities is partially a result of the ‘need’ for original research/scholarship(t) in order to fulfill the requirements for a PhD.
exactly what I pointed out a few days ago…
This is proof that we have way too many PhD candidates. All of the good and worthwhile dissertation topics were covered years ago, but we keep producing more PhD candidates. So, they keep digging for more topics, and we end up getting drivel such as this asshat has produced.
Posted by: champ | January 11, 2018 at 00:50
I thought the Left wanted firearms confiscated?
“Why is them always so angry?”
She do not no de wae.
In the immortal words of Salt-N-Pepa, “Let’s talk about sex.”
Jim Goad on shitholes. Warning: contains unflattering facts.
I spent a week in Jakarta once. I always refer to it as a shithole of a place, because it was. It smelt like one too. I’m with the Donald on this one. the indignation from the liberals was hilarious. Hilarious because most of us agree with Trump.
Dr Evil,
There was once a blog called “Turd World” (or something like that), authored by a US State Department employee stationed in Jakarta. He claimed that the very first thing one notices when one steps off the plane is the overpowering stench of an open sewer – and it was something he noticed in a distressing number of different “Third World” capitals.
the indignation from the liberals was hilarious.
Probably the best thing you can read about the whole shithole brouhaha.
Liked Larry Elder’s take on the whole thing:
In the immortal words of Salt-N-Pepa, “Let’s talk about sex.”
“It’s a woman’s penis”.
( •_•)>⌐■-■
“It’s a woman’s penis”.
On the subject of trans tolerance and compelled dishonesty, this, by Harvey Jeni, seems close to the nub of it:
It’s worth reading in full, I think. The references to Celebrity Big Brother, which I haven’t watched, are interesting.
this level of pretence corrupts human relationships and ultimately causes more distress than it relieves
Deception undermines trust, and without trust, societies become very nasty places. I don’t much care for a society where I can’t be sure of the sex of any given individual I see because I might be seeing falsified visual cues. As if there weren’t *enough* reasons to be paranoid about approaching young women, now I have to worry that they are not a women at all.
When someone invents a remote chromosome scanner, he’ll make serious bank.
“not women”. I edited the sentence to change a singular to a plural and I missed that “a”. Mea culpa.
Mea culpa.
[ Henchlesbians confiscate jabrwok’s comfy chair and replace it with a hard, rickety stool. ]
On the subject of…compelled dishonesty…
Seeing as this place has its own memes (such as the Iowahawk institution-gutting one), I rather think this calls for the Dalrymple one:
a hard, rickety stool
I deserve no less. *hangs head in shame and eats a pickled egg*.
O/T more cultural Marxism
I don’t much care for a society where I can’t be sure of the sex of any given individual I see because I might be seeing falsified visual cues.
I don’t much care if I’m seeing falsified visual cues, so long as they are credible. I’ve survived years surrounded by women with hair dye and extensions, padded brassieres, high heels, and the like. I’ve known a few men and women who took voice lessons to eliminate their West Virginia or South Carolina or Long Island accents. None of this mattered, because in all cases, the “deception” was consistent with the image that these people wanted to project.
If you look like a woman, dress like a woman, speak like a woman, and in every outward aspect present yourself as a woman, then I really couldn’t care less whether your sexual plumbing is internal or external. I won’t think twice seeing you walk out of the ladies’ room, because I’ll have no reason to think you’re anything but. That being said, if you can’t be bothered to make the effort to appear as what you want the rest of us to think you are, then I can’t be bothered to make the effort to use whatever non-standard pronoun you prefer, no matter how loudly you insist.
Similarly, if you’re going to go out of your way to make yourself androgynous, just so that you can jump on anybody who makes the wrong assumption, you can also fuck right off. Androgyny might have been cute when it was used for artistic purposes, but turning it into a cudgel with which to beat hapless bystanders isn’t an innovation with which I’m going to go along.
Consider for a moment the absurdity of a brunette insisting that you call her a redhead, even though she’d made no attempt at dyeing her hair. Why should we waste any time and effort on being polite to those who make the same absurd insistence about their sex? The very least they could do is make the effort credibly to resemble whatever it is they insist the rest of us treat them as. Anything else is just a naked attempt at gaslighting the normals.
While we’re on the subject, can we also lose the pretense of calling elected officials “The Honorable So-and-so”? Those bastards stopped pretending ages ago…
I don’t much care if I’m seeing falsified visual cues, so long as they are credible.
It would be less of an issue (though still annoying) were I married. As I’m not, and not yet entirely without hope of someday fathering children, the idea that I can’t be certain that something that looks like a woman actually *is*, is rather discouraging. What that uncertainty will do to the current generation of youngsters doesn’t bear thinking about.
I recall, though can’t cite, a story about a young man in a relationship with what he thought was a young woman. The sister of his object of interest informed him that he was, in fact, dating a man. Upon confronting the alleged woman he was told that yes, that was true, and the boyfriend would’ve been informed after consummating the relationship (presumably this was a post-operative individual). IIRC, the relationship promptly ended, the boyfriend began dating the sister, eventually married her and started a family with her. The parents, who had sided with their son and renounced their daughter and her new husband, found that they were not welcome to visit their grandchildren (likely the only ones they would ever have).
I wish I could find that story again.
a hard, rickety stool
I deserve no less. *hangs head in shame and eats a pickled egg*.
I really don’t like seeing ‘pickled egg’ and ‘stool’ in the same sentence on this site.
I really don’t like seeing ‘pickled egg’ and ‘stool’ in the same sentence on this site.
You know, I’ve been trying to keep the concept of hard, rickety stools out of my head for two-three days now. You’re not helping. Yes, yes. Credit note only.