Elsewhere (245)
Jonathan Haidt on the academic heresy of defending bourgeois values:
[Law professor, Amy] Wax was correct, based on the available evidence and expert opinion, to argue that “a strong pro-marriage norm” would reduce poverty and blunt or reverse the pernicious social trends she described at the beginning of her article… Marriage, and norms promoting marriage-like behaviour, are among the most powerful known antidotes to American poverty… Now Wax is being pilloried for… saying that marriage and culture really matter, and that some norms, some cultures, are more conducive to success in modern America than others. Does anyone seriously believe that all cultures are equal – either morally or as packages of norms and practices that are likely to lead to success?
Somewhat related, this item from the archives, and this one too, and contrarily, this interview here. Readers will note which of the authors favours evidence over rhetorical breathlessness.
Bob McManus on the consequences of race and gender quotas:
[Federal judge, Nicholas] Garaufis declared the New York Fire Department “a stubborn bastion of white male privilege.” He ordered that two of every five new city firefighters be black and one of every five be Hispanic. The jurist also ordered the FDNY to pay $129 million in retroactive salary and benefits to unsuccessful black and Hispanic recruits. The results of all this quota-setting and bean-counting were predictable. FDNY insiders say that the department struggles to fill the minority quotas despite degraded hiring standards. Standards for women have grown so lax… that one female recruit failed entrance exams six times and was hired anyway. Nine felons — each a beneficiary of Garafulis’s quotas — graduated in a class of probationary firefighters from the city’s fire academy last November.
And via Darleen, another ‘progressive’ experiment in crime prevention:
After a violent weekend of suspected gang-related shootings, Tuesday the Sacramento City Council took action to reduce the bloodshed. It approved a controversial programme called Advance Peace, which offers cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful… The programme targets key gang agitators, offering them cash stipends to graduate school and remain peaceful.
We’ve been here before, of course, and claims made for the effectiveness of similar programmes – using taxpayers’ money to bribe local vermin and assorted sociopaths, with each receiving up to $1000 a month – were, shall we say, somewhat overstated. A scheme in Pittsburgh initially coincided with an increase in the murder rate; one in Chicago has been “overshadowed by escalating homicide numbers,” and a project in Boston is described as “ending disastrously.”
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
Philosophize! ponders degraded academia:
Which may explain the hair-trigger hostility to any challenging of those assumptions, however civil it may be.
Sacramento City Council… approved a controversial programme called Advance Peace, which offers cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful
So basically it’s a protection racket.
So basically it’s a protection racket.
The principle isn’t dissimilar.
I doubt it will surprise readers that such experiments in ‘progressive’ law enforcement tend to have some rather obvious and unfortunate practical consequences, a surprising number of which are somehow not anticipated by their proponents.
As, for instance, during the ill-fated Boston scheme, where taxpayer-funded outreach staff – called “street workers” – were asked to work late at night in order to mingle with the carjackers and gangbangers they were expected to bribe (and who were often asleep during office hours). At which point, the union protested, citing fears for workers’ safety and acknowledging that, instead of loitering on various stoops and street corners and trying to start awkward conversations with thieves, thugs and murderers, “workers now spend many hours in [staff] meetings,” i.e., among more civilised people. Where it’s considerably safer.
As in Chicago, I presume it is a mutual arrangement for services rendered.
I presume it is a mutual arrangement for services rendered.
From what I hear, the distinction between Chicago’s political class and its criminal vermin is slimmer than one might wish.
Somewhat related, this item from the archives,
That’s one of your better ones, David. I’m sending it to my teenage daughter.
That’s one of your better ones, David.
Thanks. I think it captures the narrow, selfish and potentially ruinous nature of Laurie’s lifestyle advice, and of much leftist posturing in general. Likewise, the post linked immediately afterwards does, I think, shed light on the hypocrisy and opportunism that so often goes with it. Had Laurie’s own parents lived by the values Laurie advocates, it’s doubtful, to say the least, that she would be in a position to travel the world bitching about how terribly oppressed she is.
I’m sending it to my teenage daughter.
That should be interesting. 🙂
Does anyone seriously believe that all cultures are equal – either morally or as packages of norms and practices that are likely to lead to success?
You have to pretend you do.
[Federal judge, Nicholas] Garaufis declared the New York Fire Department “a stubborn bastion of white male privilege.”
Oh, the wondrous privilege of waking suddenly at 4 a.m. and running into a burning, collapsing building.
Oh, the wondrous privilege of waking suddenly at 4 a.m. and running into a burning, collapsing building.
It’s as if these people have some disability that prevents them from hearing what falls out of their own mouths.
But hey, think of all those other “stubborn bastions of male privilege,” like scaffolders, oil rig work, and tunnel engineering. And think of all those gender studies graduates who, presumably, are just itching to work for months on end, far from home, on oil rigs and in dirty, sweltering mines.
the wondrous privilege of waking suddenly at 4 a.m. and running into a burning, collapsing building
Judge Garaufis’s stupidity and fecklessness exceeds even this. In firefighting, each member of the team is responsible for the safety of the others, and must rely on those others for rescue should something bad happen. That means trusting those others’ character and capability. Ruling as he did is a direct, life-threatening betrayal of all the firefighters in FDNY.
I really can’t think of a word sufficiently loaded with contempt for any person – in a position of such authority (and personal safety) – who would do such a thing.
‘Liberal’ USians are so painfully stupid and even more painfully ignorant of the wider world. The white bourgeois American values they hate are of course not just white white American values, but the values of civilised societies in all corners of the globe and of all hues.
Chinese, Indian and Japanese people all value marriage, family, education, diligence and self control. Furthermore, they seem to value these virtues more – on average – than Yanks do. Bad news for USA…
Ruling as he did is a direct, life-threatening betrayal of all the firefighters in FDNY.
Very much related:
As you say – and as should be obvious – dramatically lowering standards of competence puts lives at risk, both of fire-fighters and the public; but apparently what matters is that we mustn’t have a fire department that’s mostly male.
Priorities, people.
Dorin-Holder failed to complete the required 1.5 mile run in under 12 minutes… This was after the start and finish lines were moved, shortening the course a quarter-mile.
White privilege! Oh wait.
Modern Dangeld
White privilege! Oh wait.
The icing on the cake, of course, is that Ms Doirin-Holder injured herself, by tripping, during a routine equipment check, after just 10 days on the job, and was released from her duties on medical leave.
Ms Doirin-Holder injured herself, by tripping, during a routine equipment check, after just 10 days on the job, and was released from her duties on medical leave.
*World’s biggest facepalm*
I think it captures the narrow, selfish and potentially ruinous nature of Laurie’s lifestyle advice, and of much leftist posturing in general.
I’m still in two minds about Laurie. Half the time I reckon she doesn’t believe the shit she comes out with, she’s just stumbled upon a way of making money by making the right noises. She’s always coming out in support of “women of colour” or some other minority group she’s chosen to champion, throwing out soundbites which she hopes will resonate with the people whose approval she desperately craves. She sounds like someone who, having been rejected by her own kind (i.e. white, privileged, middle-class Brits) she’s saying whatever she can to get herself accepted by others. Occasionally it goes horribly wrong and she gets panned by those whose arse she’s licking leading to grovelling, craven apologies and clarifications. Her attempts to take the side of whoever is the victim this week are so clumsy I think she knows she is nothing like these people, and probably has more in common with someone like Milo than them. I still reckon there’s a chance she’ll get tired of all the posturing and marry some wealthy bloke, becoming just like her parents.
Half the time I reckon she doesn’t believe the shit she comes out with,
And of course she lies, quite a lot. Laurie reminds me of the mayor in The Nightmare Before Christmas, the one whose head spins round to present whatever face is calculated to suit a given audience.
Culture, as pre-p.c. anthropologists used to note, is an adaptation for survival, varying with the local conditions. For all cultures to be equal, all conditions must be equal, at all times.
Modern society, in groups of such impersonal size, is, however, a very specific set of conditions. Western civ was by far the most successful adaptation to that.
‘…[Federal judge, Nicholas] Garaufis declared the New York Fire Department “a stubborn bastion of white male privilege.” He ordered that two of every five new city firefighters be black and one of every five be Hispanic. …’
One answer to that is arson. At his place.
And the recruiters just need to tell each group of five qualified candidates about the judge’s quota and that if they don’t have the right mix in their group, some of them are going to have to “self-identify” as being of the appropriate race and/or ethnicity. Bonus if the men will change gender to lesbian.
The bribery of gang members is genius – not only do the long-suffering citizens have to continue being shot, they now have to pay an additional premium for the privilege.
I gather that requires expensive surgery.
“We’ve been here before, of course,”
Oh, yes. Many times. As I see others have already pointed out.
Note from the second link:
But history’s just a bunch of dead white guys with no relevance to modern, ethnically diverse, America, right?
“And think of all those gender studies graduates who, presumably, are just itching to work for months on end, far from home, on oil rigs and in dirty, sweltering mines.”
Perhaps “studying” such things should be made part of the course.
Perhaps “studying” such things should be made part of the course.
Imagine. Six gender studies graduates. Surviving for six months. With only a film crew for company. On an oil rig.
Oh yes, I’d watch that show.
Oh yes, I’d watch that show.
The first snowflake who whines that he/she/xe has a “masters in Gender Studies from a prestigious university” and should not have to do something difficult will be assigned the overnight shift, and snivel in the dark.
Or a reality TV series about the world’s first fully intersectional feminist mining company.
From the Bob McManus City Journal link comments:
Yes, you read that right. White men are weak and slow, so it must be racial discrimination, since she seems to believe physical fitness is the only thing that’s tested.
I don’t think you should use the expression “bean counting” when referring to the number of Hispanics in the NYFD.
Re: the Sacramento council initiative, this, by Kipling, seems apt:
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
“Though we know we should defeat you,
we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”
And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.
I still reckon there’s a chance she’ll get tired of all the posturing and marry some wealthy bloke,
He’d have to have very poor eyesight, and poor hearing…
…since she seems to believe physical fitness is the only thing that’s tested.
Neither she, nor her pal Debra Handel, quite grasp the whole physical fitness thing. From the latter:
In answer to the second question, yes, there is a minimum (and maximum) weight for height for both males and females. Further, if one does not pass the physical fitness tests during and at the end of basic training, one will be sent home.
Regarding the later idiocy, I cannot speak for the fireman, but in the US military everyone gets a PT test twice a year, and a component of that is height/weight/body fat. Bolo any component, and you are given a remedial period after which if you bolo again, you get to go home. Regarding those PT standards, they are different for the different services, but if you want double standards, for the Army, a 59 year old man to max has to have a faster time for the 2 mile run and do more pushups, than a 17year old female.
It is almost as if these assorted leftists have no clue about the military or first responders.
Oh yes, I’d watch that show.
You’ll want to dig up the old BBC reality show Surviving the Iron Age. It was one of that spate of “let’s mimic some ancient history thing with modern day people” shows, and in all fairness, the “let’s do a real chariot race” and “let’s train a bunch of squaddies as Roman legionnaires” were quite good.
Surviving the Iron Age, though…
Since the primary qualification for being on a reality show is having nothing more important to do for six to eight weeks of your life, you can imagine the types they got. The premise was the cast was given the basic tools and resources available to an Iron Age village, and had to achieve certain milestones over the course of the series to “survive the iron age”.
There was exactly one able-bodied male of middle years who did all the hard work and had to be taken off the show due to exhaustion after three weeks. Things rapidly disintegrated as the college students refused to get out of bed, the hippie grandma elected to be the village leader (because the ancient Picts were an egalitarian, matriarchal society, as everyone knows) hectored everyone for the tiniest offenses, and the “village druid”, a moon-eyed, mop-haired weedy young man, spent most of his time gazing soulfully out onto the moors and leading bespoke pagan ceremonies, which the Christian cast members refused to attend, further dividing the group.
It was a glorious train wreck. The consulting historians who were to evaluate the village’s progress were completely unable to hide their disgust and the whole thing dissolved into a shambles less than half way through the production. I got the impression there were supposed to be an escalating series of challenges, but they clearly nixed that after the first one since the cast were literally starving.
I treasure my copy. I only wish it had been released on Blu-Ray.
The first snowflake who whines that he/she/xe has a “masters in Gender Studies from a prestigious university” and should not have to do something difficult will be assigned the overnight shift, and snivel in the dark.
Don’t knock the night shift on an oil rig! If you’re sharing a cabin with three other snoring fat bastards, by working nights you can have the room to yourself when you sleep. Although eating pizza and curry for breakfast and a full English or cornflakes for dinner takes a while to get used to.
You’ll want to dig up the old BBC reality show Surviving the Iron Age.
Heh. Thanks. Will rummage.
Or a reality TV series about the world’s first fully intersectional feminist mining company.
Oh heck, just redo PBS’s Frontier House with just women with degrees in Women’s Studies v a traditional family with backwoods experience.
You’ll want to dig up the old BBC reality show Surviving the Iron Age. … I treasure my copy.
OOOoo!! [scribbles note to self to scrounge up a copy]
There was exactly one able-bodied male of middle years who did all the hard work and had to be taken off the show due to exhaustion after three weeks.
Very much related, this is an oldie about a Dutch version of Survivor where they put men on one island, and women on another, comedy ensues.
It was recently posted in response to twitterings about the upcoming all-female remake of Lord of the Flies, a movie that was crying out to be made because of the great commercial success (cough) of the female Ghostbusters.
You’ll want to dig up the old BBC reality show Surviving the Iron Age.
Oh yes! I remember that! They had some poor kid dragged along by his parents called Lanslo, or something! They tried to make some chicken stew, left it overnight in the cauldron, went to eat it the next day (it was all they had) and the production medic stepped in and said “Don’t eat that unless you want to die”. And yeah, I remember the hippy grandma gobbing off at the supposed tribal chief. Even the narrator said a real Iron Age chief would have dealt with her in short order. I need to look for it on YouTube.
I really can’t think of a word sufficiently loaded with contempt for any person – in a position of such authority (and personal safety) – who would do such a thing.
I’m sorry not to be able to recall where and by whom it was made, but I’m reminded of a comment I saw on the interwebs recently: that lawyers are the larval stage of politicians.
Hey, David, The Lord of the Flies is being redone as an all-female film. It will be different because you know all the girls will cooperate and build a viable civilization and not kill Piggy. I am sure I don’t know why your reality show about gender scholars womaning an oil rig reminded me of that.
I need to look for it on YouTube.
I have a digitized copy of a VHS rip because I was never able to track down a Region 1 DVD copy. A bit of research reveals the BBC has never released this show on DVD and apparently refuses to, despite quite a lot of interest XD.
I see claims that the History Channel in the US airs it fairly frequently, though, so you may be able to find it there.
It seems the 2002 train wreck was a remake of a 1978 series entitled Living in the Past, which was by all accounts a great deal more successful.
The book about failed Iron Age is on Amazon, British and American.
While you’re grubbing-out old copies of contrived ‘reality’ TV shows, can I recommend The Island, courtesy of Bear Grylls? I can only vouch for the first series as I haven’t seen any of the others, but it does rather capture the detachment from reality of much of modern society, right down to a young doctor who spends his R’n’R day upending a tree root for ‘art’, then berates the only guy who actually captured food for spending his off-day hunting. They then decide that the way to deal with the idleness of their number is to elect a leader – because democracy cures all with a magic show of hands. Except it doesn’t, but it does alienate that guy who’d caught the croc. It was how I’d imagine the start of a Lord of the Flies remake starring local government officers.
I thought the whole point of social media was to annoy people…
from Everydayfeminism:
“And we don’t want you to face Trump and his kind without the unique resources we provide.”
it does rather capture the detachment from reality of much of modern society
I’m quite a huge fan of Pirate Master and The Quest, both of which do a fine job of demonstrating that reality show contestants can’t handle fantasy any better.
Although admittedly most of the enjoyment from Pirate Master comes from Cameron Daddo’s I am going to kill my agent face.
Thank you Mr Thompson for sending Laurie Penny to our part of the world. We in Australia are much more richer for the experience.
the academic heresy of defending bourgeois values
Of course the leftists are pillorying her. Marxists gonna Marx.
Pandering to lesser cultures — notably, less free cultures — is all part of the Gramsci / Marcuse strategy of recruiting the underclasses (minorities, immigrants, the poor, etc.) for the purpose of overthrowing capitalism. It’s magical thinking from the word Go, but that won’t stop them.
“Fuck capitalist property.”

“Rainbow-haired she-twink. Trans as fuck.” Or, more simply, “My hair says I’m poisonous.”
Thank you Mr Thompson for sending Laurie Penny to our part of the world. We in Australia are much more richer for the experience.
Well, now you understand why we prefer her on the far side of the planet’s molten iron core.
“Fuck capitalist property.”
She seems nice.
She seems nice.
Well, indeed. A keeper. And note the obfuscation, the sly reframing of a person’s property as not being theirs. It’s “capitalist property.” And so stealing that phone or that 4K TV, because it can be stolen, isn’t a violation, because, by Laurelai’s reckoning, it doesn’t belong to anyone.
I wonder if Laurelai’s smartphone and hair dye are likewise up for grabs.
Quoted from https://poipoipoi-2016.tumblr.com/post/164995148187/the-nyt-we-should-import-millions-of-immigrants-a :
Oh definitely. Look at her ‘pinned tweet’ https://twitter.com/stuxnetsource/status/902007205544824832
Three speech bubbles followed by violence.
Look at her ‘pinned tweet’
“Anyone who disagrees with me or makes me feel unhappy is a Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist.”
“Anyone who disagrees with me or makes me feel unhappy should be clubbed unconscious in the street.”
“No, of course I don’t have a mental health problem.”
Salon (!) recommends giving up on identity politics:
As others have seen, maybe Trump is nailed on 2020…..
Daniel, I’d never encountered either of those shows before but, from their Wiki pages, they do seem needlessly complex; is ‘easy to follow’ derogatory in US TV circles? Or is it just a case of ‘never mind the rules, look at the bitchiness’?
“No, of course I don’t have a mental health problem.”
Every other tweet is about punching people.
Every other tweet is about punching people.
Yes, the lovely Lorelai does spend an awful lot of time insisting, quite vehemently, that people should be kicked, bludgeoned and spat upon. And the definition of which people should receive this treatment, and why, and under what circumstances, isn’t terribly clear.
What was I saying about Laurie?
She’s always coming out in support of “women of colour” or some other minority group she’s chosen to champion, throwing out soundbites which she hopes will resonate with the people whose approval she desperately craves.
From Black Ball’s link:
Before I answer, I’d like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land we’re meeting on. I’m really hoping I’m going to say this right! The Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, and pay my respect to their elders past, present and future.
I bet she’d never even heard of these people until she touched down in Sydney. If you read the rest of the transcript, she’s mainly talking about herself, as usual.
What was I saying about Laurie?
She’s basically a cartoon. A tangle of affectations and neurotic tics.
She’s basically a cartoon. A tangle of affectations and neurotic tics.
Do you think a laurelei tingle is the larval stage of a Laurie Penny?
She – twinkle, not tingle. Oh heavens, how does one keep up these days?
She’s basically a cartoon. A tangle of affectations and neurotic tics.
It’s why I’m not 100% sure she’s genuine. If one were to set out on a career saying precisely the right things and ticking the right boxes without any pretence of ensuring they were consistent or even made sense, just to see how far you could push a career spouting baseless bollocks, you’d come up with Laurie Penny.
It’s why I’m not 100% sure she’s genuine.
In my experience, bad faith has been a recurring, defining feature of leftism. It inclines one to dishonesty. Whether it’s the feigned and erratic compassion, or the pantomime of victimhood, or the pretensions of collective guilt, or just indulging envy and spite as if they were somehow pieties. Or Laurie feigning to care about the ways of Australian aborigines – the “traditional owners” of a land that, had a much better culture not been introduced, Laurie would never wish to visit on a book tour. Not least because of the lack of any written language.
[ Edited. ]
Wasn’t sure where to put this…..
Is there a category for un-self-aware ingrates?
I suspect Laurie is a bit like a priest who joined up full of youthful fervour, and is now trapped. She can’t afford to lose her faith because it’s her livelihood and she doesn’t know how to do anything else.
A Modest Proposal:
We pay key gang agitators cash stipends to kill each other, with onerous penalties for killing innocent bystanders. Even better, we can fund the program by filming it in real time for a “COPS” type TV show. I’m going to trademark “Street Survivor” just in case.
Back to the interestingly named Choeurlyne, and FDNY: can anyone on this thread run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes? That’s 18 kph, more like the speed of a professional runner.
On that Lorelei person, s/he’s a pre-op transexual with form. Google s/him and follow some of the links. S/hehas a bizarre history and has pissed off heaps of folks including fellow leftist luvvies.
is ‘easy to follow’ derogatory in US TV circles? Or is it just a case of ‘never mind the rules, look at the bitchiness’?
The latter. North American audiences want conflict and melodrama. When Big Brother was brought here, the first season failed miserably. When they changed the format from “the audience votes out housemates” to “other housemates vote out housemates”, it took off.
Look at the complicated rules and challenges on US reality shows as ways to stoke conflict among the cast. They serve a secondary purpose of maintaining an interesting mix of castmembers (if too many women are getting cut, they’ll introduce challenges the guys will likely lose, etc.)
can anyone on this thread run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes
That’s not terribly difficult. High school records are under 4 minutes. Girls run about 4:30 at the top end. I seem to recall running a 6 minute mile at the end of a triathlon 20 years years ago and thought myself lame. I’d like to believe even in my mid-50’s I could crank out a 7 minute mile. 12 minutes for 1.5 shouldn’t be that hard for someone, even a woman (*ducks thrown rotten tomato*), in half decent shape.
can anyone on this thread run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes
That’s not terribly difficult.
For logistical math, when I see something to get to being about a mile or something away, I’ll budget about ten, twelve minutes or so for the stroll.
“…they seem to value these virtues more – on average – than Yanks do. Bad news for USA”
–from a comment above
And you think it’s any different in Western Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand? We have the same problem here in Europe.
I’ve also noticed (at least in Sweden) that media types pretend like what happens on the Korean Peninsula only worries, or should worry, the United States and the neighbours of North Korea. As if we in Europe and other parts of the West (sans the US) don’t have to worry about a maniacal Stalinist regime threatening other nations with nukes… “It’s America’s problem” seems to be the view over here. Do we think that what happens around the world only affects the United States?
No it isn’t. 1.5mi = 2.4km, 12min = 1/5hr, 2.4*5= 12kph.
Progressive academia, 2017. Some context here.
And note the comments from musician, activist and self-styled “change agent” Lee M Williams.
I suspect Laurie is a bit like a priest who joined up full of youthful fervour, and is now trapped. She can’t afford to lose her faith because it’s her livelihood and she doesn’t know how to do anything else.
That’s an excellent analogy.
As if we in Europe and other parts of the West (sans the US) don’t have to worry about a maniacal Stalinist regime threatening other nations with nukes…
According to the privately-educated wealthy middle-classes I’m (for now) friends with on Facebook, it’s mainly Trump’s fault.
And note the comments from musician, activist and self-styled “change agent” Lee M Williams.
“Lefties project.”
“Lefties project.”
And note the imperviousness, the air of lecturing the world from a position of self-satisfied ignorance. It’s a conspiracy theory in a posh frock.
Speaking, as we were, upthread, of lefties giving really terrible advice, here’s another example:
So again, the eternal question: stupid or malevolent?
So again, the eternal question: stupid or malevolent?
Embrace the power of “AND”.
Jordan Peterson on the problems of “safe spaces” and those who demand them.
For people who don’t want to grow up.
For people who don’t want to grow up.
Every once in awhile there is just a bit of hissing and spitting regarding the idea that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party could have the slightest inclination towards being left wing.
I’m currently reading a biography of Alec Guinness, just finished reading of John Gielgud, where one of Gielgud’s early favorite directors was a fellow named Theodore Komisarjevsky . . .
From Alec Guinness: The Authorized Biography:
The footnotes cite The Theatre, 1929. While the ongoing focus is actors and theatre of various sorts, along with noting the name order of Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, there isn’t any commentary that amounts to Hitler and Mussolini being the least bit politically vs the other guys . . .